diploic 发音
英:[[dɪ'pləʊɪk]] 美:[[dɪ'ploʊɪk]]
英: 美:
diploic 中文意思翻译
diploic 短语词组
1、diploic vein ─── [解剖] 板障静脉
2、diploic acid ─── 二苯 ─── 二酸
3、diploic space ─── 双空间
4、diploic lipoma ─── 脂肪瘤
5、diploic veins ─── [解剖]板障静脉
6、diploic bone ─── 双斜骨
7、diploic branch ─── 板障支
diploic 相似词语短语
1、diploids ─── adj.双倍的;倍数的;双重的;n.[遗]二倍体;倍数染色体
2、diplontic ─── adj.二倍体的
3、diplegic ─── 两侧瘫痪的
4、diplozoic ─── adj.两侧对称的
5、diploidy ─── n.[遗]二倍性
6、diploidic ─── adj.双倍的;倍数的;双重的(diploid的变形)
7、diploetic ─── 双色的
8、diploid ─── adj.双倍的;倍数的;双重的;n.[遗]二倍体;倍数染色体
9、diplopic ─── 复视的
diploic 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、diploic mastoid ─── 板障型乳突
2、No more negative gold in diplo screen ─── 外交画面中无负金币显示
3、Treatment of hypospadias by one-stage urethroplasty using diplo preputial flaps technique: A report of 28 cases ─── 双皮瓣法尿道成形术治疗尿道下裂28例
4、Objective To explore the effect of diplo sideway and multi target stereotactic technique on 5 hydroxytryptamine(5 HT) in patients with compulsion. ─── 目的探讨双侧多靶点立体定向手术对强迫症患者5羟色胺(5HT)代谢的影响。
5、If a non-polar molecule is subjected to an electric field, the electrons and nuclei are displaced and a diplo moment is generated. ─── 如果一个无极分子被置于电场作用之下,则电子和核发生位移,从而产生一偶极矩。
6、Diploic hematoma is an uncommon lesion of the skull and only nine cases have been reported. ─── 摘要小儿颅骨板障处血肿是一种罕见的疾病,到目前为止文献上只报告九个案例。
7、normal diploic space is replaced by fibrous connective tissue with numerous large vascular channels. ─── 正常的板障间隙被纤维结缔组织所替代,并伴有众多的血管沟。
8、Iso - absorption diplo - wavelength method ─── 等吸收双波长法
9、Sinus pericranii is a rare vascular anomaly involving an abnormal communication between the intracranial and extracranial circulations through dilated diploic veins of the skull. ─── 窦是一种罕见的血管畸形,颅内与颅外血液循环借扩张的颅骨板障静脉形成异常交通。
10、diploic vein, temporal, posterior ─── 颞后板障静脉
11、diploic vein, temporal, anterior ─── 颞前板障静脉
12、diploic vein ─── 板障静脉
13、CT demonstrates to better effect the osseous changes with a more accurate estimation of both diploic space widening and paranasal sinus changes. ─── CT在评价板障的增宽和副鼻窦的气化方面更加准确。
14、No more diplo penalty for helping to end wars ─── 取消了促进战争结束的外交惩罚
15、Conclusion:CT can clearly demonstrate the occipital diploic vein pool, which helps for the diagnosis of this disease. ─── 结论:枕骨板障静脉池的CT表现较具特征,掌握其影像特点并结合临床有助于鉴别诊断。
16、diploic canals ─── 板障管
17、Plain radiographs of the skull are useful in demonstrating diploic space thickening and hyperpneumatization of the paranasal sinuses. ─── 头颅平片有助于显示板障的增宽和副鼻窦的过度气化。
18、posterior temporal diploic vein ─── 颞后板障静脉, 颞板障后静脉
19、anterior temporal diploic vein ─── 颞前板障静脉, 颞板障前静脉
20、diploic vein, frontal ─── 额板障静脉
21、temporal diploic veins ─── 颞板障静脉
22、occipital diploic vein ─── 枕板障静脉
23、diploic branch ─── 板障支
24、Image studies revealed an osteolytic lesion in the widened parietal diploic bone with a central cyst formation.Operation was performed and diploic hematoma was found. ─── 经影像学检查显示在变宽的头顶部颅骨板障处有一骨质溶解合并中央囊肿形成的病症。
25、Sinus pericranii is a rare vascular anomaly involving an abnormal communication between the intracranial and extracranial circulations through dilated diploic veins of the skull. ─── 颅骨膜血窦是一种罕见的血管畸形,颅内与颅外血液循环借扩张的颅骨板障静脉形成异常交通。
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