discolors 发音
英: 美:
discolors 中文意思翻译
discolors 同义词
discolour | tinge | color | misrepresent | distort | tarnish | taint | darken | scorch |fade | spot | dull | weather | colour | blanch | bleach | dye | stain | varnish | bruise
discolors 短语词组
1、discolors crossword ─── 变色纵横字谜
2、discolors as fabrics ─── 织物变色
discolors 反义词
discolors 词性/词形变化,discolors变形
动词现在分词: discoloring |动词过去分词: discolored |动词过去式: discolored |动词第三人称单数: discolors |
discolors 相似词语短语
1、discolor ─── v.变色,褪色;(使)变色,褪色;损坏……的色彩
2、discolored ─── adj.脱色的;污染的;v.使褪色;脱色(discolor的过去分词)
3、decolors ─── vt.使脱色;漂白
4、miscolor ─── 杂色
5、discolour ─── v.变色;褪色;损坏……的颜色(等于discolor)
6、discology ─── n.唱片学
7、discovers ─── vt.发现;发觉;vi.发现
8、discoers ─── 迪斯科舞者
9、discolours ─── v.变色;褪色;损坏……的颜色(等于discolor)
discolors 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In the paper, ulracsonic extraction method was used to extract ursolic acid from Potentilla discolor with 95% alcohol. ─── 本实验以95%乙醇为溶剂,采用超声波提取法对翻白草进行了提取,并用双波长薄层扫描法测定其含量。
2、Keywords phospholipid;extraction;discolor;alkylate; ─── 磷脂;萃取;脱色;烷基化;
3、Microtropis discolor ─── n. 异色假卫矛
4、Acer discolor ─── n. 异色槭
5、If the cymbal discolors soon after cleaning (air oxidization), the protective coating has faded. ─── 如果镲片在清洁后很快出现氧化变色,说明镲片自身的保护层已经消失。
6、Scutellaria discolor ─── 紫背黄芩
7、Clinopodium discolor ─── n. 异色风轮菜
8、This means that the blood accumulates at the lowest point of the body, provoking a swelling of the dead tissue; the upper located part of the body discolors, leaving the dead body's lividity. ─── 这意味着,血液向身体的最低处聚积,激起死亡组织的膨胀。身体较上的部分开始失色,变成土色。
9、Sapium discolor ─── n. 山乌桕
10、Objective: To investigate the Potentilla Discolor Bunge (PDB) on treat effect in experimental diabetic mouse. ─── 摘要目的:观察翻白草对实验性糖尿病大鼠治疗作用。
11、Pinange discolor ─── n. 变色山槟榔
12、Nepeta discolor ─── n. 异色荆芥
13、Brandisia discolor ─── n. 异色来江藤
14、sorbus discolor ─── 白果花楸, n. 北京花楸
15、Ludisia discolor ─── n. 血叶兰
16、Agapetes discolor ─── n. 异色树萝卜
17、Any product with a mineral oil-based will discolor the acrylic surface and, due to their need to be waterproof, are not designed for easy cleanup and sanitizing. ─── 任何带有矿物油的产品都将使丙烯酸表面脱色。而且晒黑床是防水的因此在设计上很不容易清洗和消毒。
18、Keywords discolor teeth;porcelain veneer;composite veneer; ─── 关键词变色牙;烤瓷贴面;复合树脂贴面;
19、human understanding is like a false mirror, which, receiving rays irregularly, distorts and discolors the nature of things by mingling its own nature with it. ─── 人的理解由于参杂了自身特点,犹如一面失真的镜子,无规则地接收射线,使事物的本质扭曲变色。
20、Keywords Agaricus bisporus;browning;discolor reaction;protect color; ─── 双孢菇;褐变;变色反应;护色;
21、Tissue Culture of Rhododendron decorum Franch., Rhododendron calophytum Franch. And Rhododendron discolor Franch. ─── 大白杜鹃、美容杜鹃和喇叭杜鹃的组织培养。
22、trichonosis discolor ─── [医] 灰发
23、Rhododendron discolor ─── n. 喇叭杜鹃
24、"The human understanding is like a false mirror, which, receiving rays irregularly, distorts and discolors the nature of things by mingling its own nature with it" (Francis Bacon). ─── “人的理解如同一面假镜子,无规律地接收光线,将自己的本质和事物的本质混合起来,从而歪曲和玷污了事物的本质” (富兰西斯·培根)。
25、And the content of ursolic acid in Potentilla discolor was determined with double thin layer scanning method. ─── 结果表明,翻白草中熊果酸的平均含量为0。
26、discolor ludisia herb ─── 石上藕
27、a soft gray malleable metallic element that resembles tin but discolors on exposure to air; it is highly toxic and is used in rodent and insect poisons; occurs in zinc blende and some iron ores ─── 一种软且可延展的灰色金属元素,类似锡,但暴露于空气中会退色,有剧毒,用于制啮齿动物和昆虫毒药,见于闪锌矿和一些铁矿石中
28、The human understanding is like a false mirror, which, receiving rays irregularly, distorts and discolors the nature of things by mingling its own nature with it. ─── 人类的理解就像一个错误的镜子,不正常的接收一些光线,扭曲,去色食物的本质,通过混合它自己的特征。
29、This paper introduced the texture and property of phosphatide, reviewed the methods of refine process and detection from rape oil residue, the discolor and reshaping of phospholipid. ─── 介绍了磷脂的结构与性质,简述了从菜籽油脚中提取和检测磷脂的方法,以及磷脂的脱色和改性。
30、6. The human understanding is like a false mirror, which, receiving rays irregularly, distorts and discolors the nature of things by mingling its own nature with it. ─── 人类的智慧就如同一面虚幻的魔镜,通过与大自然的交融在一起,人类能不定期的,从各个程度,各色各样的吸收大自然的事情
31、Discolor cinquefoil Herb ─── 翻白草
32、Normally, it takes three to four months to reach a stable Survival rate for grafting of Diospyros discolor. ─── 摘要毛柿嫁接成活过程历时较长,嫁接后约34个月存活率才达到稳定状态。
33、Furthermore, the protective layer will also stop the moisture being absorbed by the bottom of stone, whereby protect the stone against the problem of watermark, discolor and rust, etc. ─── 此外,防护层还能阻止从石材底部吸收上来的水份,防止石材出现水斑、变色、白华、铁锈等现象。
34、Keywords Potentilla discolor Bunge;Polysaccharide;Orthogonal design;Extraction; ─── 翻白草;多糖;正交设计;提取;
35、to discolor,disintegrate,wear,or otherwise affect adversely by exposure ─── 暴露使褪色、解体、消耗或负面受影响
36、Spatholobus discolor ─── n. 变色密花豆
37、Argostemma discolor ─── n. 异色雪花
38、Keywords TR high-efficient decolorizing agent;Polyaluminium chloride;Sugarcane juice;Phenols;Color value;Discolor;Dephenolize; ─── 关键词TR高效脱色清净剂;聚合氯化铝;糖汁;酚类物;色值;脱色;脱酚;
39、Avatha discolor ─── n. 宇夜蛾
40、Ligusticum discolor ─── n. 异色藁本
41、Objective:This paper defines the form of calcium oxalate crystal in Potentilla discolor Bunge. ─── 目的明确翻白草中草酸钙晶体的形态特征。
42、This paper introduced the texture and property of phosphatide,reviewed the methods of refine process and detection from rape oil residue,the discolor and reshaping of phospholipid. ─── 介绍了磷脂的结构与性质,简述了从菜籽油脚中提取和检测磷脂的方法,以及磷脂的脱色和改性。
43、Deutzia discolor ─── n. 异色溲疏
44、Keywords Potentilla discolor Bunge.;Calcium oxalate crystal;Lump crystal; ─── 翻白草;草酸钙晶体;块晶;鉴别;
45、Keywords potentilla discolor bge;nutrient component;pharmaceutical component; ─── 翻白草;营养成分;药用成分;
46、No. Any product with a mineral oil-based will discolor the acrylic surface and, due to their need to be waterproof, are not designed for easy cleanup and sanitizing. ─── 不行。任何带有矿物油的产品都将使丙烯酸表面脱色。而且晒黑床是防水的因此在设计上很不容易清洗和消毒。
47、Heterochaete discolor ─── n. 异色刺皮耳
48、It also is becoming hot enough to discolor with oxidation which can be seen on the full size pic. ─── 它也正成为热点,足以变色氧化可以视为对全尺寸照片。
49、Pertya discolor ─── n. 两色帚菊
50、Mexican types discolor quickly and require immediate consumption. ─── 墨西哥类型变色迅速,并要求立即食用.
51、When algae bloom, they can discolor the water as they form dense areas near the surface. ─── 当藻类开花,它们在近水面形成稠密地区,从而使水变色。
52、Sapium discolor is always used in gardens to embody the change of seasons since its leaves can become red in autumn. ─── 山乌桕树叶秋天变红,用于园林造景,更能体现季节的变化。
53、Potentilla discolor Bge. ─── [医] 翻白草
54、Stomorhina discolor ─── n. 异色口鼻蝇
55、Rhodiola discolor ─── 异色红景天
56、discolor nonel ─── 变色导爆管
57、Sapium discolor 's morphological character, seed-collecting and seedling-raising, cultural technique are presented. ─── 介绍了山乌桕的形态特征,采种育苗和造林技术。
58、Sabia discolor ─── n. 灰背清风藤
59、Micraspis discolor and Harmonia axyridis all clustered with other aphidophagous coccinellids.This indicated that the change of diet of these coccinellids is just a temporary dietary shift. ─── 稻红瓢虫和异色瓢虫与其它的食蚜类瓢虫聚在一起,显示它们食性的改变为食性的暂时转移。
60、Objective To investigate the hypoglycemic effects of extract of Potentilla discolor Bunge on experimental diabetes in rats. ─── 目的探讨翻白草对实验性糖尿病大鼠的降血糖作用。
61、Admitting the name “panda” is a “foreign” name will not discolor the most treasured animal at all. ─── 确认它是“舶来品”,并无损于我国国宝的固有光辉;
62、Phyllostomus discolor ─── n. 苍白矛吻蝠
63、Tetragnathidae, Araneidae, Oxyopidae, Clubionidae and Verania discolor occupy the leaf layer; ─── 群落的垂直结构可分为两个主要层。
64、Rhynchotechum discolor ─── n. 异色线柱苣苔
65、discolor teeth ─── 有色牙
66、Be sure to rinse thoroughly because sanitizers discolor the meat and may cause off-flavors. ─── 然后要确保对它们进行彻底冲洗,因为清洁剂会使肉褪色并减少肉味。
67、Not discolor from perspiration; ─── 无痕补发技术,全新轻薄;
68、Certhia discolor ─── n. 褐喉旋木雀
69、The dwarfing degree of SH interstocks could affect the discolor index and the contents of chlorophyll, amylum, and soluble sugar. ─── SH系中间砧的矮化程度影响红富士苹果叶片的变色指数以及叶绿素、可溶性糖、淀粉的含量。
70、Keywords rice residue protein;acid hydrolysis;active carbon;discolor; ─── 米渣;酸水解;活性炭;脱色;
71、Stellaria discolor ─── n. 翻白繁缕
72、cissus discolor ─── 白粉藤
73、Astragalus discolor ─── n. 灰叶黄耆
74、Sapium discolor [mountain tallow] ─── 山乌?
75、rhoeo discolor ─── 紫背万年青
76、Calanthe discolor ─── n. 虾脊兰
77、Conclusion: The lump crystal is one of the characteristics of Potentilla discolor Bunge. ─── 结论“块晶”是翻白草的鉴别特征之一。
78、The human understanding is like a false mirror,which,receiving rays irregularly,distorts and discolors the nature of thingsw by mingling its own nature with it. ─── 人的理解如同一面假镜子,无规律地接疏光线,将自己的本质和事物的本质混合起来,从而歪曲和玷污了事物的本质.
79、2.a soft gray malleable metallic element that resembles tin but discolors on exposure to air;it is highly toxic and is used in rodent and insect poisons;occurs in zinc blende and some iron ores. ─── 一种软且可延展的灰色金属元素,类似锡,但暴露于空气中会退色,有剧毒,用于制啮齿动物和昆虫毒药,见于闪锌矿和一些铁矿石中。
80、"Some people like that sort of thing, but the artificiality gives it a downmarket feel, something unlikely to improve as the paint on the stucco begins to discolor and chip. ─── “不排除也有人会喜欢,但是人造的东西总会给人很低档的感觉,就像灰泥墙上开始褪色剥落的涂料,要出新恐怕不大可能。”
81、Packaging and printing ink film: transfer, discolor, fade and its solution ─── 包装印刷图文墨膜的迁移、变色、褪色及其解决方案
82、Analysis for Usual Questions Existing in the Performance of Discolor Nonel ─── 变色导爆管性能常见问题分析
83、unlike titanates they neither discolor body producers in the presence of phenols (with the exception of nitrophenols), nor do they interact with hindered amines (HALS). ─── 与钛酸酯不同,锆酸酯既不会使体系在有酚存在时变色(氮酚除外),它们也不会与受阻胺作用(HALS)。
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