worldliness 发音
英:[ˈwɜːldlinəs] 美:[ˈwɜːrldlinəs]
英: 美:
worldliness 中文意思翻译
worldliness 同义词
worldly wisdom | secularism | knowledge | acquisitiveness | mundaneness | materialism | greed |realism | experience | sophistication | consumerism | mundanity
worldliness 词性/词形变化,worldliness变形
形容词比较级: worldlier |形容词最高级: worldliest |名词: worldliness |
worldliness 短语词组
1、worldliness book ─── 世俗书
2、worldliness mean ─── 世俗意味着
3、worldliness pdf ─── 世界pdf
4、worldliness sin ─── 世俗罪
5、worldliness image ─── 世俗形象
6、this-worldliness n. ─── 今世, 现世性
7、worldliness renaissance ─── 世俗复兴
8、other-worldliness n. ─── 来世;冥间;理想世界;空想
9、worldliness verse ─── 世俗诗
10、worldliness def ─── 世俗定义
worldliness 反义词
worldliness 相似词语短语
1、woolliness ─── n.羊毛性;棉性
2、worldline ─── 世界线
3、world-lines ─── [天]世界线
4、wordiness ─── n.多嘴;冗长
5、old-worldliness ─── 旧世俗
6、worldliest ─── adj.世俗的;世间的;尘世的(worldly的变形)
7、unworldliness ─── n.超脱性;超凡脱俗的行为
8、lordliness ─── n.贵族气派,贵族式;高傲,威严
9、worldlings ─── n.俗人,世故的人
worldliness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In the third period, there were a lot of changes in the zhongkui"s image, among which worldliness and entertainment were the most obvious features. ─── 在发展期中,讨论了钟馗形象的一系列明显的变化,他逐渐地趋向世俗化、娱乐化,并开始脱离傩仪而出现在世俗生活文艺活动中。
2、Of course one can But not if one has the slightest trace of worldliness. ─── 当然可以,但不能有轻微的俗气迹象。
3、Eager to seek a sacred place that is isolated from worldliness, I have no idea where it is. ─── 欲觅一方净土,摆脱世俗,又不知桃源在何处。
4、"The cultural economy" should be a "humanized knowledge economy", namely, a knowledge economy in which worldliness and divinity pursue a win-win situation. ─── “文化经济”应该是一种“人文化的知识经济”,即一种在世性与神性追求双赢的知识经济。
5、This album will combine the Spanish feel of South American music with the 'other worldliness' of the High Andes and Inca sites. ─── 这张专辑将糅合南非音乐的西班牙感觉和安第斯山脉和印加区域的“其他俗心”。
6、It gives streams of living water to each one who believes in Him fully.It surrounds us all, but through slowness and worldliness we are unable to grasp it and enjoy it. ─── 这生命活泉是环绕著我们,但常因我们的迟钝,以及俗事的干扰,使得我们没有察觉到它的存在,来享用它的甘甜美好。
7、Then, for further treating of the point, the paper expatiates on their false standards of friendship and love, and their cunning ways of pursuing worldliness. ─── 接着,为了进一步论证该观点,文章又详细论述了基督徒对待友谊与爱情错误的标准,为追求世俗利益而不择手段。
8、Worldliness; Appreciating the Natural Principles Anywhere--On the Approaches to Zhan Ruoshui'Moral Cultivation ─── 随处体认天理--论湛若水道德修养的途径
9、One cannot have this so long as there is the slightest trace of worldliness. ─── 只要有丝毫眷恋世俗的迹象,就不可能做到。
10、Then, in her 20s, she set about acquiring the tragic worldliness that the timbre of her voice conveyed. ─── 而后来,二十多岁时,她的声音音色又开始表达出一种悲哀的世俗。
11、Spots of worldliness here and there cannot be a part of true religion. ─── 这里一点那里一点的世俗化,决不是真宗教的一部分。
12、The musician sat spellbound at Sri Ramakrishna's ecstasy; then he said with folded hands, "Won't you please rid me of my worldliness?" ─── 音乐家出神地看着室利罗摩克里希纳着迷的状态;接着双手合十地说:“看在我的面上,你会除去我的俗气吗?”
13、Pedagogy: People's Academic Science--the Worldliness and the Divinity of Education ─── 教育学:人民学术--教育的世俗与神圣
14、LORD, if Thou send me wealth like broad rivers, do not let the galley with oars come up in the shape of worldliness or pride. ─── 主啊,若祢加添我财富,莫让世俗的虚荣感爬进我心;
15、There is no more mistaken path to happiness than worldliness, revelry, high life. ─── 通往幸福最错误的途径,莫过于名利,享乐和奢华生活。
16、But for all of its worldliness, this is a lovingly homemade album. ─── 总之,《光亮》是一张精致的原创专辑。
17、That's why I can't let almost anything go from myself.Not to mention family, friendship, love, and also gain and loss, fame and worldliness. ─── 这就是为什么我放不下几乎所有的事,更不用说家庭,朋友,爱,以及得与失,名利与世俗。
18、Are you seeking day by day to live above worldliness, the pride of life, and the ensnaring vice of avarice? ─── 你是否日复一日寻求超越世俗、骄傲和贪婪的生活?
19、Infidelity, popery, drink, impurity, oppression, worldliness, error;these are all to be "put out. ─── 举凡不忠实、骄恣蛮横、醉酒荒宴、欺善怕恶,与世俗为友,这些不敬虔的事,都要消除殆尽。
20、Blessed be Thy name for this.May I daily prove by my life that I am saved from selfishness, and worldliness, and every form of evil. ─── 愿我每天都可以靠祢,远离各样的罪恶、世俗、及自私。
21、And when one renounces the world one is caught in worldliness. ─── 而当一个人摒弃了世界,他就困在了世俗里。
22、Innocence: n. Lack of worldliness or sophistication. ─── 单纯,天真无邪不谙事故,不问世事;天真无邪。
23、Evolution of Literature towards Worldliness ─── 文学世俗化嬗变论
24、The mind can disentangle itself from worldliness if, through Her grace, She makes it turn toward Herself. ─── 如果得到神圣母亲的恩典,头脑就可以把自己从俗气中解脱出来,使它朝向了神圣母亲。
25、With the children of Worldliness, your first wife, plead from a goodly distance. ─── 你第一位妻子俗气的孩子会为优美的遥远未来辩护。
26、Take from my heart all guile and worldliness, ─── 除去我心中的欺狡与尘俗,
27、"The disease of worldliness is like typhoid. ─── “俗气的疾病如同伤寒。
28、Of your two wives, Dispassion and Worldliness, ─── 你有两位妻子:清心和俗气,
29、An Analysis of Worldliness and Transcendence in ZHANG Ai-ling's Prose ─── 评张爱玲散文的世俗性与超越性
30、Lack of worldliness or sophistication; naivet? ─── 单纯,天真无邪不谙事故,不问世事;天真无邪
31、Dietrich Bonhoeffer called it “this worldliness,” and said, “It is only by living completely in this world that one learns to live by faith. ─── 迪特里希朋霍费尔称之为“这一世” ,并说: “这是唯一的生活完全在这个世界上,一个学习生活的信念。
32、With the children of Worldliness, your first wife, plead from a goodly distance, ─── 你第一位妻子俗气的孩子会为优美的遥远未来辩护,
33、Perhaps this is the "other worldliness" it, do not want to for some trivial things in life to worry about, I chose out of sight of the net. ─── 可能这就是“超脱尘世”吧,不想为一些生活上琐碎的事而烦恼,我选择眼不见为净。
34、The authorship of some of Giorgione's famous works is still disputed: the two styles are somewhat a fusion of Titian's worldliness with Giorgione's painted poetry. ─── 某些吉奥乔尼名作的作者身份,到目前仍有争论:提香的尘世感与吉奥乔尼诗作般的绘画特质,这两种风格有点融合在一起。
35、I find that Jadu Mallick is drowned in worldliness. ─── 我发现杰都麦里克被俗气淹没了。
36、Satan, sin, self, darkness, and worldliness predominate among all people on earth. ─── 撒但、罪、己、黑暗和属地事物,辖制了全地的人。
37、Lack of worldliness or sophistication;naivet? ─── 单纯,天真无邪不谙事故,不问世事;天真无邪
38、MASTER (to the devotees): "Both worldliness and liberation depend on God's will. ─── 师父(对奉献者)说:“俗气和解脱都有赖于神的意愿。
39、The Spirit of Worldliness in Tian-tai Buddhism ─── 天台佛学的入世精神
40、The complexity of the horse whinny seemed to have the right appeal in terms of expression and other worldliness. ─── 就情感表达以及想象世界(的生物)而言,马嘶的复杂性似乎有恰到好处的感染力。
41、Worldliness of Poems of Mystical Excursion of the Tang Dynasty and It's reasons ─── 唐代游仙诗的世俗化及其成因
42、His mother likes fashion but is not short of worldliness, and his father is a clerk of an insurance company, and always dreams of being a millionaire right now but holds responsibility for his family. ─── 妈妈喜欢时尚又不乏小市民习气,爸爸是保险公司职员,时常梦想一夜暴富但对家庭富有责任心。
43、China was effectively closed for the next three decades, but Shanghai's worldliness was never fully extinguished. ─── 中国在接下来的三十年完全封闭了,但是上海的国际化从未完全消失。
44、Coquetry ,a word which is full of worldliness, is holding on the palm of wisdom of Shanghai youth, being raised up and high. ─── 撒娇,一个俗气得一塌糊涂的词。被上海的青年智慧们托在手心,高高举起。全中国的诗人开始细细品味。
45、and the third the desire for prosperity and worldliness. ─── 第三,追逐世俗的富贵奢华。
46、He was the embodiment of the Master's ideal of life in the world, unstained by worldliness. ─── 他是师父理想生活在这个世界的表现,并没有受到俗气的污染。
47、Therefore, the struggle between gods and man happens.It presents different kinds of emotions such as worldliness desire, passion desire, hate and memory, with music to express love. ─── 表演过程中结合了歌舞及多元化表演形式,以表达出多方面的情绪及情感孟物欲、情欲、憎恨及回忆,用音乐说爱。
48、We repent of our worldliness. ─── 我们为着我们的世俗化而悔改。
49、your two wives, Dispassion and Worldliness. ─── 你有两位妻子:清静和俗气;
50、Upon the kite-strings Thou hast rubbed the manja-paste of worldliness, ─── 风筝线上面的你与世俗的黏土团磨擦着,
51、The paper analyzes the Czech event and the Cambodian War, criticizes politics, strong power and humble worldliness. ─── 通过剖析捷克事变、埔寨战争批判了政治、权和媚俗;通过剖析托马斯和特丽莎、兰茨和萨宾娜的爱情生活说明“误解小词典”是人与人交往中永恒的障碍。
52、The worldliness, relentlessness, and passion of Easy Rawlins have been sorely missed from the world of fiction. ─── 蔡先生是名副其实的美食家,他的美食美文自成一家。
53、” Why should souls who are quickened with Jesus, wear the grave-clothes of worldliness and unbelief? ─── 没有这样的经历我们就不应当满足。
54、The ups and downs, the tendency of the worldliness of the fairy theme for a thousand years have some correlation with the development of rational spirit in China's history of thoughts. ─── 游仙题材近千年的起伏及世俗化趋势与我国思想史上理性精神的发展脉络有着某种对应关系。
55、In the 1870s Moore began to write and had probably written a comedy titled Worldliness by 1874. ─── 1868年莫尔的父亲当选下院议员,隔年举家迁往伦敦,直至1873年为止这段时间莫尔都居住在此。
56、He was the embodiment of the Master's ideal of life in the world, unstained by worldliness. ─── 他是师父理想生活在这个世界的表现,并没有受到俗气的污染。
57、Lacking in sophistication or worldliness; artless. ─── 纯真的,无邪的缺乏老练或世俗的;无心计的
58、A woman endowed with spiritual attributes leads a man to God, but a woman who is the embodiment of delusion makes him forget God and drowns him in the ocean of worldliness. ─── 一位拥有灵性属性的女人会把一个男人引向神,但属于错觉化身的女人会让他忘记了神,把他拖进俗气的海洋里。”
59、There is no track in the sky, and no recluse outside (the Buddha's dispensation). Mankind delights in worldliness, but the Buddhas are free from worldliness. ─── 虚空中没有行道,正法之外无圣沙门。凡夫乐于延长轮回的束缚,诸佛皆已解脱这些束缚。
60、But it was in the company of his younger devotees, pure souls yet unstained by the touch of worldliness, that Sri Ramakrishna took greatest joy. ─── 在年轻奉献者的陪同下,纯洁的灵魂仍然没有被俗气所污染,室利罗摩克里希纳也感到十分高兴。
61、Then let it be like a rushing mighty wind to your soul to sweep out the clouds of your worldliness, and clear away the mists of sin. ─── 让这爱成为一股极大无比的旋风,袭捲你的冷淡、势利之情,吹走你心头私欲弥漫的薄雾。
62、Jong had spoken and written openly about his irritation at times with the lack of worldliness of his North Korean teammates. ─── 郑大世几番公开说明或者写下他对他的朝鲜队友如何不通世事的苦恼。
63、Similarly, man should be stamped with God before entering the world.Then he will not become attached to worldliness. ─── 同样地,人在来到世界之间就应当有神的印记,这样他就不会变得依恋俗气。”
64、Warmth without sloppiness; sharpness and snap without cruelty; worldliness without vulgarity. ─── 谈传媒操守与责任,要求。
65、The secret is in the word always. We can't flick our minds from worldliness to godliness and expect godliness to be suddenly in focus. ─── 秘诀在于「常常」。我们不能期望把思想从世俗的事转往神的事,便马上变得敬虔起来。
66、Lacking worldliness and sophistication; artless. ─── 缺乏俗气和世故的;自然的
67、Discussion of Said's Theory of Worldliness of Texts ─── 赛义德的文本现世性理论探讨
68、Feelings disobedient to worldliness in poems about immortals by Descendants of Song and Ming ─── 宋明遗民仙咏的忤世之情研究
int. 太好啦
Oh, goody, I like games.
中文释义:adj. 漂亮的;优秀的;相当多的
With the children of Worldliness, your first wife, plead from a goodly distance.
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