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09-10 投稿



herbage 发音

英:[ˈɜːrbɪdʒˌˈhɜːrbɪdʒ]  美:[ˈhɜːbɪdʒ]

英:  美:

herbage 中文意思翻译




herbage 网络释义

n. 草;草本;草的柔软部分;[畜牧] 放牧权n. (Herbage)人名;(英)赫贝奇;(法)埃尔巴热

herbage 短语词组

1、herbage defined ─── 牧草定义

2、herbage mass ─── 牧草团

3、herbage cover ─── 草皮覆被

4、herbage growth ─── 牧草生长

5、herbage variety ─── 牧草品种

6、herbage mean ─── 牧草平均值

7、herbage seed production ─── 牧草种子生产

8、herbage disposal ─── 牧草处理

9、herbage define ─── 牧草定义

10、herbage intake ─── 采草量

11、herbage seed ─── 牧草种子

12、herbage allowance ─── 牧草津贴

13、herbage crop ─── 牧草作物

14、herbage def ─── 牧草def

herbage 相似词语短语

1、carbage ─── 车厢地面垃圾

2、herbals ─── n.植物标本集;草本植物(herbal的复数形式)

3、herbal ─── adj.草药的;草本的;n.植物志;草本书

4、herbary ─── 药草园;草本植物园;草本园

5、heritage ─── n.遗产;传统;继承物;继承权;n.(Heritage)人名;(英)赫里蒂奇

6、garbage ─── n.垃圾;废物;n.(Garbage)人名;(法)加尔巴热

7、herbaged ─── 牧草

8、Burbage ─── n.(Burbage)人名;(英)伯比奇

9、hermae ─── n.上有赫尔密斯头像的方形石柱(herma的变形)

herbage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ingredients: natural herbage whiten essence、green tea extracts、wild chrysanthemum、aloe、constringe agency ets. ─── 成份:天然本草美白精华、绿茶提取液、野菊花、芦荟、收敛剂等。

2、For taking better advantage of this herbage,the effect of cuting number of times and applying fertilizer level were studied under the weather and planting conditions of Heilongjiang. ─── 为更好地利用这种牧草,本试验研究了高丹草在黑龙江省气候和栽培条件下,刈割次数和施肥水平对高丹草品质的影响效应。

3、Shrubs or trees, evergreen, hermaphroditic, andromonoecious or dioecious, unarmed, often glabrous, some with sharply aromatic herbage. ─── 灌木或乔木,常绿,两性,雄花两性花同株或雌雄异株,无刺,通常无毛,一些具锐的芳香的草本植物。

4、Ingredients: natural herbage whiten essence、pearl powder、liquorice、sandalwood、caulis spatholobi、amino acid ets. ─── 成份:天然本草美白精华、珍珠、甘草、当归、川芎、氨基酸等。

5、The litter was more affected by arbor, shrub and herbage coverage, but less affected by topography factor. ─── 枯落物受乔灌草盖度影响较大,受地形类因子影响较小;

6、8. It caused devastation by burrowing and by devouring the herbage which might have maintained millions of sheep and cattle. ─── 它们在地下打洞,吞食掉本来可以牧放数百万只羊和牲口的牧草,造成了破坏。

7、To mowand cure grass and herbage for hay. ─── 割草及牧草并翻晒成干草。

8、Comparative test of Degradation Rate of Different Herbage in the Rumen of Goats ─── 不同种类牧草在山羊瘤胃内的降解率比较试验

9、In order to realize herbage production industrialization, it is necessary to build administative organization, to cultivate talents and draft standard for herbage research as soon as possible. ─── 南方种草要形成产业,必须尽快建立完善管理机构和科研机构,要有大量从事草业的人才,促使行业科学规范化,推进种草产业化。

10、Arbor has the largest emission factor of CO2, bush takes the second place, and herbage has the lowest emission factor. ─── 乔木释放的CO2排放因子最大,灌木次之,草本最小。

11、Effects of a Control Release Fertilizer on the Yield and Quality of Herbage in Artificial Grassland ─── 控释肥对人工草地的牧草产量和品质的影响

12、a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock. ─── 一块有草或草本植物覆盖的适合饲养家畜的地方。

13、Fertilizer modify the composition of herbage. ─── 化肥可改变牧草的组成。

14、Zhang YJ, Y Togamura, K Otsuki. Using the n-alkane technique to estimate the herbage intake of steers grazing Zoysia japonica grassland. Journal of Animal Science, 2005, 83(suppl.1):286.(SCI). ─── 张英俊林立军张秀峰.草地在我国西部生态和生产中的地位、作用及其生产特点.东北林业大学学报,2005,33(增刊):128-130(获中国科协2005年学术年会优秀论文一等奖)

15、The herbage had the highest species richness in park green belts, shrub species secondly, the arbor was a little lower than shrub. ─── 公园绿地植物物种丰富度以草本植物最高,其次是灌木植物,乔木植物总体稍低于灌木;

16、Influence on some kinds of seed treatment germ and puilulation of herbage seed ─── 几种种子处理方法对牧草种子带菌及发芽的影响

17、With me along some Strip of Herbage strown ─── 我带着细长的干草

18、Primary Ingredients: Mint cooling factors, herbage essence, collagen, hyaloplasm acid, Lubrajel, elastic silicon oil, aloe gel juice and etc.. ─── 主要成份:薄荷清爽因子、草本精华、胶原蛋白、透明质酸、芦芭胶、弹性硅油、芦荟凝胶汁等。

19、To feed on growing grasses and herbage. ─── 啃食牧草,放牧以正在生长的牧草为食

20、The equation can be looked as the tool for evaluating and predicting herbage yield in alpine meadow because of its good forecast effect. ─── 其拟合及试报效果很好,可作高寒草甸牧草产量的评估或预测预报工具。

21、Determining an Optimum Cutting Time of Herbage by Leaf Area Index ─── 依据叶面积指数确定牧草适刈期

22、walking herbage reaper for mountainous region ─── 手扶式牧草收割机

23、The key to the main herbage landscape plants from Guangzhou ─── 广州地区主要草本园林植物检索表

24、In those plants, there were 133 arbor species, 103 shrub species, 375 herbage species, 11 herbaceous-liana species and 10 ligneous-liana species. ─── 按生活型类型划分有乔木133种,灌木103种,草本375种,草质藤本11种,木质藤本10种。

25、It shows that if the rainfall increased in the autumn, the storage of the soil water was higher next spring, moreover the better the soil moisture, and the earlier the regreening, and the higher herbage yield of the natural grassland. ─── 分析表明:秋季降水越多,环湖区土壤水分贮存量越多,翌年土壤墒情越好、牧草返青越早且牧草产量越高。

26、The sheep battened upon the herbage. ─── 羊靠吃草本植物长肥。

27、The role of herbage variety Secale cereale L. Cv wintergrazer - 70 in establishing the agricultural system of pasture land ─── 冬牧70黑麦在建立草地农业系统中的作用

28、Ingredients: natural herbage whiten essence、natural foliage essence、moisturizing factors 、arbutin、liquorice、radix sophorae flavescentis ets. ─── 成份:天然本草美白精华、天然植物精华、润泽因子、熊果苷精华、甘草、苦参等。

29、Main Ingredients: Herbage liquid essences, active whitening factors, natural moisturizing factors, vitamin C and etc. ─── 主要成份:草本精华液、美白活性因子、天然保湿因子、维他命C等。

30、The TWINSPAN classification and DCA ordination were employed for the quantitative analysis of the shrub layer and herbage layer under different stands. ─── 利用双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析(DCA)对昆嵛山不同林分类型下的灌木层和草本层进行了数量生态学分析.

31、Fertilizers modify the composition of herbage. ─── 肥料可改变牧草的组成。

32、Devastation burrow devour herbage It caused devastation by burrowing and by devouring the herbage which might have maintained millions of sheep and cattle. ─── 它们在地下打洞,吃掉本可以饲养数百万头牛羊的牧草,给澳洲大陆造成了毁灭性的破环。

33、it caused devastation by burrowing and by devouring herbage which might have maintained millions of sheep and cattle. ─── 这种兔子挖洞掘穴,吃掉本可以饲养数百万头牛羊的牧草,从而给澳大利亚造成了毁灭性破坏。

34、It is rich in herbage resources in the temperate regions in China, and there are many species of C4 plants. ─── 我国温带地区的草本植物资源丰富,其中有不少的C4植物。

35、Verily what is on earth we shall make but as dust and dry soil (without growth or herbage). ─── 我必毁灭大地上的一切事物,而使大地变为荒凉的。

36、Screening of Introduction of a Fine Variety Herbage in Karst Topography Areas ─── 喀斯特山区退耕地草被植物引种筛选

37、Let my teaching drop like the rain; Let my speech distill like the dew, Like raindrops upon tender grass, And like abundant showers upon herbage. ─── 2愿我的教训滴沥如雨;愿我的言语滴落如露,如同细雨落在嫩草上,如同甘霖降在菜蔬中。

38、Wang Y F,Wang S P.Influence of different stocking rates on aboveground present biomass and herbage quality in Inner Mongolia steppes[J].Acta Prataculturae Sinica,1999,8(1):15-20. ─── [19]王艳芬,汪诗平.不同放牧率对内蒙古典型草原牧草地上现存量和净初级生产力及品质的影响[J].草业学报,1999,8(1):15-20.

39、4. From a coarse herbage we passed on to a carpet of fine green verdure. ─── 我看到一些牛羊在青翠的牧场上吃草。

40、The Preliminary Invesdgation on Pollution of BHC,DDT and B(a)P in Grassland Herbage of NeiMenggu ─── BHC、DDT和B(a)P在内蒙古草地牧草中污染现状的初步调查

41、Ingredients: natural herbage whiten essence、peach kernel、tianqi、arbutin、lovage、cortex phellodendri、sophorae flavescentis、honeysuckle ets. ─── 成份:天然本草美白精华、红花、田七、熊果苷、川芎、黄柏、苦参、金银花等。

42、The correlation was found between soil moisture and herbage coverage was significant. ─── 土壤湿度与草本植物盖度呈极显著正相关。

43、To select northern energy plants,we collected 17 species of wild herbage plants and 3 species of moody plants in greenhouse in Tianjin area,plant oil content was analyzed. ─── 为了筛选北方能源植物,在天津地区采集了17种野生草本植物,以及3种温室木本植株,采用索氏抽提法,分析了其植物体的含油量。

44、The Preliminary Investigation on Contents and Distributionof Fluoride(F) and Selenium(Se)in Grassland Herbage of NeiMenggu ─── 内蒙古草地牧草中氟(F)、硒(Se)含量及分布的调查研究

45、They are found in enormous numbers on gooseberry bushes, grass, and low herbage in the summer and autumn. ─── 恙螨:夏秋季可在灌木丛、草丛和低矮的草本植物中发现恙螨。

46、Occurrence Rules Observation of Pseudaletia separa-ta on artificial herbage ─── 人工牧草粘虫发生为害特点的初步观察

47、Prairie grassland accounts for thirty percent of the total area.Level and boundless,Aneurolepidium,needlegrass and wheatgrass mainly grow there.It has a high quality herbage,making it good pastureland. ─── 又称高平原草原,约占呼伦贝尔草原总面积的30%,地势平坦,一望无垠。主要草种有硷草、针茅、冰草,牧草质量高,是牛羊最理想的放牧地。

48、Keywords Xerothermic valley region;Herbage;Ecological effects;Xerothermic soil;Vertisol;Self-repairing; ─── 干热河谷;乡土草本植物;退化土壤修复;生态效应;燥红土;变性土;自修复;

49、a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock ─── 一块有草或草本植物覆盖的适合饲养家畜的地方

50、A third area of the earth neither accepted the rainwater to keep it, nor did it absorb it to produce herbage. ─── 第三块土地既不接受雨水以便保存它,也不吸收它来生产草木。

51、and by devouring the herbage which might have maintained millions of sheep and cattle. ─── 它们在地下打洞,吃掉本可以饲养数百万头牛羊的牧草。

52、And the herbage of the mountains is gathered, ─── 山上的菜蔬也被收敛。

53、Arsenazo-DCS Resin Phase Spectrophotometry for Determination of Trace Rare Earth in Herbage ─── DCS-偶氮胂树脂相分光光度法测定牧草中的微量稀土

54、The runoff amount of herbage vegetation was 1248m3/km2 per year, while shrub and arbor vegetation were 843 m3/km2 and 2079 m3/km2, respectively. ─── 乔木、灌木、草本植被类型对水土流失的影响不同:草本的年均径流量为1248m3/km2,灌木为 843 m3/km2,乔木为 2079 m3/km2;

55、most of the species are herbage, and the always belong to the family of Compositae, Leguminosae, Gramineae, Rosaceae. ─── (3)风景名胜区内大多数群落处于演替初期,群落内物种间关系大多为负相关,但不显著,物种间竞争不激烈;

56、And do they not see that We do drive rain to parched soil (bare of herbage), and produce therewith crops, providing food for their cattle and themselves? ─── 他们还不知道吗?我把雨水赶到无草的地方,而借它生出他们的牲畜和他们自己所食的庄稼。

57、dynamics of herbage supply - livestock requirement ─── 供需动态

58、For they soon wither like grass And fade away like green herbage. ─── 2因为他们如草快要枯萎,又如青菜快要枯干。

59、In addition, the economic benefit and the feasibility of production with herbage energy plants were discussed. ─── 另外还对发展草本能源植物的经济效益及生产的可行性进行了探讨。

60、4. It caused devastation by burrowing and by devouring the herbage which might have maintained millions of sheep and cattle. ─── 它们在地下打洞,吃掉本可以饲养数百万头牛羊的牧草,给澳洲大陆造成了毁灭性的破坏。

61、Prospect of Poultry Industry and Husbandry Industry Seen from"Intergrowth between Paddies and Ducks"and "Raising Geese by Planting Herbage" ─── 从"稻鸭共作"和"种草养鹅"看家禽业与农牧业生态发展的前景

62、soil urease activity of rhizosphere is apparently different in different kinds of Leguminosae herbage. ─── 不同种类豆科牧草,根际土壤脲酶活性存在明显差异。

63、On the Develop Ting Trend of Herbage Iid Ustory Mechanical Engineering in our Country ─── 我国草业机械工程发展趋势的研究

64、1. Nitrogen manuring is essential to get a good yield of cut herbage . ─── 为了获得刈割牧草良好的产量,使用氮肥是极为重要的。

65、Ingredients: natural herbage whiten essence、snow lotus extract、paeony、peach kernel、arbutin、vitamin E、fuling、ets. ─── 成份:天然本草美白精华、雪莲提取液、白芍、红花、熊果苷、维他命E、茯灵等。

66、To mow and cure grass and herbage for hay. ─── 割草及牧草并翻晒成干草

67、Shanghai Sinoway Herbage Cosmetics Co., Ltd. ─── 上海相宜本草化妆品有限公司。

68、narrow-leaved green herbage: grown as lawns; used as pasture for grazing animals; cut and dried as hay. ─── 叶子细长的绿色牧草;用作草坪;用作牧场饲养动物;刈割后晒成干草。

69、narrow-leaved green herbage: grown as lawns; used as pasture for grazing animals; cut and dried as hay ─── 叶子细长的绿色牧草;用作草坪;用作牧场饲养动物;刈割后晒成干草

70、Ground ginseng is a kind of herbage plant with its shape like cordyceps and is considered as a treasure from Shibaoshan Mountain. ─── 地参是野生草本植物,其形似虫草,堪称石宝山山珍。

71、It caused devastation by burrowing and by devouring the herbage which might have maintained millions of sheep and cattle. ─── 它们在地下打洞,吞食掉本来可以牧放数百万只羊和牲口的牧草,造成了破坏。

72、Master design and benefit analysis of a small walking herbage reaper for mountainous region ─── 手扶式山地牧草收割机总体设计与效益分析

73、Graze: vi. To feed on growing grasses and herbage ─── 啃食牧草,以正在生长的牧草为食

74、Ingredients: natural herbage whiten essence、pearl powder、wild chrysanthemum、sanguisorba、ginseng、honeysuckle ets. ─── 成份:天然本草美白精华、珍珠粉、丹参,地榆,人参、金银花等。

75、It caused devastation by burrowing and devouring the herbage which might have maintained millions of sheep and cattle. ─── 他们在地上打洞,吞噬本可以饲养数百万牛羊的牧草,给澳洲大陆带来了毁灭性灾害。

76、On the contrary, BGP had negative correlation with herbage Ca, P and Ca/P. ─── 与牧草钙、磷和钙磷比呈负相关,尤其与牧草钙的相关系数达-0.657(P

77、Study on technology of herbage cultivation in northern farming area in Jilin ─── 吉林省农区优良牧草引种与栽培技术研究

78、The Artemisia frigida and Carex duriusscula were changed into perferred herbage,and the perferred index of Potentilla acaulis was significant increased when the stocking rate was heavy or overgrazing. ─── 且星毛委陵菜成为主要的食物资源,占全部食物的80%以上。这说明放牧率的增大和绵羊选择性的采食是草场植物种类组成发生变化的主要原因之一。

79、In the arid sauna and sauna of desertification habits with dense arbor and bare herbage and shrub, the species and quantity of free ticks of ground were both scarce. ─── 在乔木密集,草本植物和灌木稀少的干旱的盐碱和盐碱沙化生态环境中,地面游离蜱的种类和数量均十分稀少。

80、Ingredients: natural herbage whiten essence、ganoderma lucidum、wild chrysanthemum、vitamin E、keratose dissolver ets. ─── 成份:天然本草美白精华、灵芝、野菊花、维他命E、溶角质素等。

81、The use ratio of herbage was higher in the early grazed paddocks than that in the later grazed ones, but the productivity of the vegetation showed an opposite trend. ─── 家畜对早放牧小区的牧草利用率高于晚放牧的小区,草地生产力则表现出相反的趋势。对于可利用牧草营养,早放牧的小区可提供较多的粗蛋白。

82、It overran a whole continent. It caused devastation by burrowing and by devouring the herbage which might have maintained millions of sheep and cattle. ─── 它们覆盖了整个大陆,并且胡乱挖洞,吞噬掉可以饲养几百万牛羊的嫩草,造成了极大的破坏。

83、Several problems of developing the technical industry of fine leguminous herbage powder ─── 关于发展优质豆科草粉新技术产业的若干问题

84、To enrich plant materials for vegetation building, this paper also put forward the idea of exploiting the dominant herbage and companion grass of natural pasture. ─── 同时,提出开发利用相应立地条件下天然草地的优势种和主要伴生种,以丰富扩大植被建设所需的植物材料。

85、Dong Baodi,Lui Xiaojing,Dong Wenqi.Preliminary study on the introduction and cultivation of Rumex K-1 herbage[J].Pratacultural Science,2000,17 (1):21-22. ─── [2]董宝娣,刘小京,董文琦.鲁梅克斯K-1牧草引种栽培试验研究初报[J].草业科学,2000,17(1):21-22.

86、This region is clothed with luxuriant herbage in summer. ─── 在夏天,这地区覆盖著绿茸茸的牧草。

87、To select northern energy plants, we collected 17 species of wild herbage plants and 3 species of moody plants in greenhouse in Tianjin area, plant oil content was analyzed. ─── 摘要为了筛选北方能源植物,在天津地区采集了17种野生草本植物,以及3种温室木本植株,采用索氏抽提法,分析了其植物体的含油量。

88、Ingredients: natural herbage whiten essence、whitening factors 、giquorice、 bitter almond、amino acid ets. ─── 成份:天然本草美白精华、美白因子、银杏叶、苦杏仁、氨基酸等。

89、In this sporopollen group, arbor pollen grains are dominant, amounting to 94.5% of the total, shrub and herbage pollen grains amount to 3?2%, and pteridophyta spores to 2?3%. ─── 乔木和木本花粉总数占94.5%,灌木和草本植物花粉总数占3 2%,蕨类植物孢子总数占2 3%。

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