heliacal 发音
英: 美:
heliacal 中文意思翻译
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adj. 太阳的;与太阳同时升落的;接近太阳的
heliacal 相似词语短语
1、parheliacal ─── 乳突
2、elegiacal ─── adj.挽歌的;哀悼的
3、heliacally ─── 向日葵
4、helical ─── adj.螺旋形的
5、cloacal ─── adj.阴沟的;泄殖腔的;厕所的;下水道的
6、helically ─── adv.成螺旋形地
7、celiac ─── adj.腹的;[解剖]腹腔的
8、theriacal ─── 喉
9、heliast ─── 声音
heliacal 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、relating to or especially immediately preceding or following the heliacal rising of Canicula (the Dog Star) ─── 关于天狼星,尤指在天狼星升起前或随天狼星升起
2、heliacal rising [ setting ](of a star) ─── (某一颗星)与太阳同时升起[降落]
3、heliacal setting ─── 偕日落
4、heliacal cycle ─── 太阳周
5、relating to or especially immediately preceding or following the heliacal rising of Canicula (the Dog Star ). ─── 关于天狼星,尤指在天狼星升起前或随天狼星升起。
6、This annual event is called a heliacal rising. ─── 这个一年一度的活动被称为“偕日升”。
7、heliacal rising ─── 偕日升
8、The heliacal or sothic year is determined by the heliacal rising of sothis (the Egyptian name for the dog star). ─── 偕日年或天狼星年是通过天狼星(大犬星的埃及名字)的偕日上升来确定的。
9、They continually adjusted it to the heliacal rising of Sirius, ensuring that they never got too far off in their seasons. ─── 他们不断地调整它以适应天狼星的偕日升,确保他们在自己的季节里不会偏离太远。
10、There are, conversely, indications that some heliacal risings and settings were noted by the ancient Chinese. ─── 相反,有资料证明,古代中国人对某些偕日升降的星辰有记录。
11、This star was the most important of the stars to the ancient Egyptians, and the heliacal rising of this star came at the time of inundation and the start of the Egyptian New Year. ─── 这颗星对古埃及人来讲是最重要的星,而且这颗星与太阳一同升起的时间就是洪水和埃及新年开始的时间。
12、This administrative calendar existed alongside the earlier agricultural and religious calendar that depended on the heliacal rising of Sirius. ─── 这个行政日历与早期依赖于天狼星偕日升的农业和宗教日历并存。
科技名词定义中文名称:螺杆泵英文名称:screw pump;helical rotary pump定义1:具有两个或两个以上啮合螺杆, 可以在壳体中转动以实现吸、排的液压泵。应用学科:机械工程(一级学科);传动(二级学科);液压传动(**学科)
螺旋线(Helical curve) (此为圆锥螺旋线) 建立环境:PRO/E;圆柱坐标(cylindrical) r=t theta=10+t*(20*360) z=t*3 */10—在圆柱坐标中起始位置与极轴夹角,20—螺旋圈数,3—螺旋线总高!/* 笛卡儿坐标下的螺旋线 (圆柱螺旋线) x = 4 * cos ( t *(5*360)
) y = 4 * sin ( t *(5*360)) z = 10*t */4—圆柱螺旋线半径,5—圈数,10—螺旋线总高!/*
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