impregnable 发音
英:[ɪmˈpreɡnəb(ə)l] 美:[ɪmˈpreɡnəb(ə)l]
英: 美:
impregnable 中文意思翻译
impregnable 网络释义
adj. 无法攻取的;不受影响的;要塞坚固的;可以受孕的
impregnable 短语词组
1、impregnable cone shell wow ─── 坚不可摧的锥壳哇
2、impregnable definition ─── 坚不可摧的定义
3、impregnable ef ─── 坚不可摧的ef
4、impregnable bib ─── 坚不可摧的围嘴
5、impregnable silence ─── 坚不可摧的沉默
6、impregnable defense ─── 坚不可摧的防御
7、impregnable define ─── 坚不可摧的定义
8、impregnable sketchysex ─── 坚不可摧的素描
9、impregnable eso ─── 坚不可摧的股票期权
10、impregnable daniel hausser ─── 坚不可摧的丹尼尔·豪瑟
11、impregnable defined ─── 坚不可摧
12、impregnable font ─── 坚不可摧的字体
13、impregnable fortress ─── 铜墙铁壁金汤
impregnable 相似词语短语
1、impregnatable ─── 可浸渍的
2、impregnate ─── vt.使怀孕;灌输;浸透;adj.充满的;怀孕的
3、pregnable ─── adj.可受孕的;易受攻击的;弱的;可攻克的
4、impregnableness ─── 坚不可摧
5、impugnable ─── adj.可责难的;易遭怀疑的
6、imprisonable ─── adj.应判徒刑的;可判徒刑的
7、impleadable ─── adj.控诉的;控告的
8、impeccable ─── adj.无瑕疵的,没有缺点的,完美的;不会犯罪过的
9、impregnably ─── 不可动摇地
impregnable 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Nothing but an impregnable simplicity of nature, strengthened by Christian faith, could have kept him from it. ─── 只是由于她坚贞不移的纯朴本性,加上宗教信仰的力量,才使他抵住了这种诱惑。
2、An enterprise is impregnable in the market economy full of fierce competition only when it has its own creative products to gain and dominate the market. ─── 企业要在竞争激烈的市场经济中立于不败之地,必须要有独创性的产品赢得市场、占领市场。
3、an impregnable argument. ─── 无懈可击的辩论
4、At a woman whole body heart throw in to go to in an affection of time, that her heart is impregnable. ─── 在一个女人全身心的投入到一段感情中去的时候,那她的心是牢不可破的。
5、Only in this way, the academic periodicals of good quality may stand in an impregnable position in the periodical market of fierce competition. ─── 只有这样,有质量的学术期刊才有可能在竞争激烈的期刊市场中立于不败之地。
6、O, how shall summer's honey breath hold out Against the wreckful siege of battering days, When rocks impregnable are not so stout, Nor gates of steel so strong, but Time decays? ─── 哦,夏天温馨的呼息怎能支持 残暴的日子刻刻猛烈的轰炸, 当岩石,无论多么么险固,或钢扉, 无论多坚强,都要被时光熔化?
7、"Ashamed of drinking!" The tippler brought his speech to an end, and shut himself up in an impregnable silence. ─── “惭愧自己喝酒!”酒鬼不再说话,陷入了深深的沉默。
8、So long as the employees also side with the family, the brothers can call on a virtually impregnable 46% of the vote. ─── 只要员工股也和其家族站在一边,兄弟俩可以拿到实际上坚不可摧的46%的股份。
9、I am achieving tall purity not to have angst condition hard, impregnable fortress, achillean. ─── 我正努力达到高纯度无焦虑状态,铜墙铁壁,刀枪不入。”
10、They will establish impregnable fortresses. ─── 他们将建造坚不可摧的城堡。
11、Gao Kau found his new hope when he met a blind teenager who made his goalkeeping impregnable. ─── 一天,巧遇一群少年踢球,守门员竟是个瞎子,以耳代目把球挡回!
12、Bullet fired into the outside it is very difficult, channel width can beqiang ding sports facilities arson attack prevention, is impregnable fortress, impregnable. ─── 外面枪弹很难射进,墙顶通道宽可跑车,放火防攻设施齐全,可谓铜墙铁壁,固若金汤。
13、"The lines around Kennesaw Mountain are impregnable. ─── "肯尼萨山周围的防线坚不可摧嘛。
14、Has had the perfect product and the service channel, we can stand firm in the market, in mixes the cards in the process is in an impregnable position. ─── 具备了过硬的产品和服务渠道,我们就能够在市场上站稳脚跟,在洗牌的过程中立于不败之地。
15、No monarch in his impregnable fortress is more secure than the cony in his rocky burrow. ─── 在巩固城堡中的王并不会比在岩石洞穴中的沙番更安全。
16、The castle shows two faces: It is a princely residence to the lakeside but an impregnable fortress to the mountains. ─── 城堡有双向功用,既是面向湖畔的高贵居所,也是面向山脉的险要军事要塞。
17、If a building's design made it appear impregnable, the institution was necessarily sound, and the meaning of the heavy wall as an architectural symbol dwelt in the prevailing attitude toward money, rather than in any aesthetic theory. ─── 如果一栋建筑物的设计让人觉得它坚不可摧,那么这家银行必定门庭若市,作为建筑特征的厚墙体现的是人们对金钱的普遍观念,而非任何美学原理。
18、Now, with nearly impregnable control over both houses and President Barack Obama in the White House, the Democrats are again girding for battle. ─── 现在,民主党几乎牢牢掌握了众议院和奥巴马总统所在的白宫,他们准备再次开战。
19、Drogba has lost a bridgehead against the impregnable fortress of Cluj defensive approach appears to be not more than Chelsea do. ─── 失去了德罗巴的桥头堡,对付克鲁日铜墙铁壁的防守切尔西确实显得办法不多。
20、So he shut himself up in his castle, whose impregnable strength was such as defied a siege. ─── 所以他把自己关在他的城堡里,那城堡盖得牢不可破,经得起围攻。
21、an impregnable fortress. ─── 固若金汤的堡垒
22、The team built up an impregnable 5-1 lead. ─── 这个队以5:1的绝对优势领先。
23、All the strength unite together form a more powerful force,Impregnable! ─── 所有的力量团结起来,形成更为强大的力量,牢不可破!
24、Clemenza and Tessio shifted uneasily in their chairs, infantry leaders who hear their,general rave about storming an impregnable hill no matter what the cost. ─── 克莱门扎和忒希奥两人如坐针毡,不安地动着身子。 他俩的神态活像步兵将领听到他们的统帅胡言乱语,要不顾一切地向着坚不可摧的山头猛冲猛打。
25、The impregnable rear guard line, now already had become last year the bean waste; ─── 去年固若金汤的后防线,现在已经成了豆腐渣;
26、Their impregnable arguments are hard to rebut. ─── 他们牢不可破的论点很难被驳倒。
27、Nothing but an impregnable simplicity of nature, strengthened by Christian faith, could have kept him from it. ─── 只是由于她坚贞不移的纯朴本性,加上宗教信仰的力量,才使他抵住了这种诱惑。
28、He lived in excessive luxury, in a palace he believed impregnable, caring little or nothing for the two and three quarter million people who occupied Primordium. ─── 他的生活穷奢极欲,住在一座他自认为坚不可摧的宫殿中,对普利摩顿三百多万民众的死活毫不关心。
29、Steve Bould was the reliable, unflustered partner to Adams and helped make the most famous back four in English football history the impregnable fortress it was. ─── 作为亚当斯的搭档,博德是一个可靠和不会惊慌的队员,他是英格兰足球历史上最著名的四后卫防线--不可攻破的堡垒--的一员。
30、impregnable defenses ─── 攻不破的防御工事
31、They were all impregnable, as the Party intended that they should be. ─── 她们全都是坚不可摧,完全按党的要求干。
32、His position is impregnable as long as the sun shines. ─── 他的地位是永远不会动摇的。
33、Equipped with an army, thanks to the efforts of his indefatigable wife, Ferdin and marched on the apparently impregnable city of Ronda, which is perched on a mountain beside a 600-foot gorge. ─── 由于妻子坚持不懈的努力,费迪南拥有了一支军队,他向外部坚固的龙达城出发了。 该城坐落在山上,一旁是600英尺深的峡谷。
34、Real Madrid's impregnable defense is likely to show once again in the match against Racing Santander. ─── 皇马固若金汤的防守很可能将再次展现在对阵桑坦德的比赛中。
35、MWsth. Material (as a fortress) or intangible (as virtue) is impregnable when it is strong enough or sufficiently guarded to repel all attacks or assaults ─── 用于有形体的(如一座堡垒)或无形的(如美德)事物,表示它足够强大或得到充分保护,能击退任何进攻或攻击
36、The force of our party is deep take root at people in, this ability is true impregnable fortress. ─── 我们党的力量深深扎根于人民群众之中 ,这才是真正的铜墙铁壁。
37、You think your friendship as impregnable as the Great Wall of steel, you have to do a red and friends secretly glad. ─── 你曾认为你们的友谊如钢铁长城般坚不可摧,你也为有这样一位红粉知己而暗自庆幸。
38、Immune to attack;impregnable. ─── 固若金汤攻不破的;固若金汤的
39、Unity is strength./ Unity of will is an impregnable fortress. ─── 众志成城。
40、Raised at her father's impregnable home, Graceland, she had much in common with the world's most famous pop star, cloistered away in Neverland. ─── 在父亲堡垒般的家园--Graceland长大的她,与这位隐居在Nerverland的世界上最红的流行歌手有那么多的相似之处。
41、Wants to be in an impregnable position in the market competition, the enterprise must renew the cost control idea, its key must look at the enterprise cost expense depression. ─── 想在市场竞争中立于不败之地,企业必须更新成本控制观念,其关键要看企业成本费用的降低。
42、impregnable: able to withstand attack. ─── 坚定不移:能够抵挡攻击。
43、an impregnable castle ─── 攻不破的堡垒
44、They are virtually impregnable to attack from any other party. ─── 其他党派简直无法攻倒他们。
45、Jack: With me killed, you'd arrive at the cove, find it a stronghold, nigh impregnable... able to withstand blockade for years. ─── 我要是死了,你进到那个海湾,却发觉那是个无坚不摧的军事要塞,够你轰个十年八年的。
46、an impregnable fortress ─── 坚不可摧的要塞.
47、You think your friendship as impregnable as the Great Wall of steel, you have to do a red and friends secretly glad. ─── 你曾认为你们的友谊如钢铁长城般坚不可摧,你也为有这样一位红粉知己而暗自庆幸。
48、These include supposedly impregnable “super-senior” and AAA-rated tranches of CDOs that a short time ago were prized by the world's banks, insurance companies and mutual funds. ─── 不久前某些抵押债权凭证还被各大银行、保险公司和共同基金誉为“顶级”,给予AAA评级,认为它们永远不会垮掉。
49、Jack: With me killed, you'd arrive at the cove, find it a stronghold, nigh impregnable. . . able to withstand blockade for years. ─── 我要是死了,你进到那个海湾,却发觉那是个无坚不摧的军事要塞,够你轰个十年八年的。
50、an impregnable belief ─── 坚定不移的信念
51、Under the innovation atmosphere, the innovation only then has the nourishment, the enterprise only then has the core competitiveness, can be in an impregnable position. ─── 在创新的氛围下,创新才有养料,企业才有核心竞争力,才能立于不败之地。
52、He will dwell on the heights, His refuge will be the impregnable rock; His bread will be given him, His water will be sure. ─── 他必居高处。他的保障是磐石的坚垒。他的粮必不缺乏,(原文作赐给)他的水必不断绝。
53、The Sword Gate used to be an impregnable pass. ─── 剑门雄关。
54、Malta, the impregnable, surrenders without a shot being fired;the most ill-considered measures are crowned with success. ─── 无法攻破的马耳他岛竟不战而降,最轻率的军事命令却取得了胜利。
55、Immune to attack; impregnable. ─── 固若金汤攻不破的; 固若金汤的
56、Manhattan might be poorly prepared to repel enemy attack, but Middlebury, Vt., would be impregnable. ─── 曼哈顿可能会不堪一击,但是佛蒙特州的米得巴利将会是不可战胜的。
57、"Believe whatever it may be. I believe in this impregnable carapace of mine more than a magic fruit." ─── “无论事情变得怎样都要坚守信念。对我而言比起那个魔法果子,我更坚信我那个坚硬个壳子.”
58、They be virtually impregnable to attack from any other party ─── 其他党派简直无法攻倒他们
59、Ashamed of drinking!" The tippler brought his speech to an end, and shut himself up in an impregnable silence. ─── 惭愧自己喝酒!”酒鬼不再说话,陷入了深深的沉默。
60、On this problem, she was impregnable . ─── 在这个问题上,她是坚不可摧的。
61、They could lay bare in the utmost detail everything that you had done or said or thought;but the inner heart, whose workings were mysterious even to yourself, remained impregnable. ─── 他们可以把你所做的,或者说的,或者想的都事无巨细地暴露无遗,但是你的内心仍是攻不破的,你的内心的活动甚至对你自己来说也是神秘的。
62、Strengthening the Construction of the Chinese Communist Party to Build Up an Impregnable Fortress of Anti - corruption ─── 加强党建工作,筑起反腐保廉的铜墙铁壁
63、No matter what happens, he never changes his mind, his impregnable dominance, his inviolable dignity, and his anger at Moby-Dick. ─── 全书为亚哈对白鲸的不共戴天之仇所掌握,在这誓不两立的冲突中,表现出人的坚强的意志,始终锲而不舍地与宇宙的罪恶-白鲸相博斗。
64、"Harry - we've just got to grit our teeth and do it," said Ron on Friday morning, in a tone that suggested they were planning the storming of an impregnable fortress. ─── “哈利,我们得咬紧牙关试一试了。”罗恩星期五上午用一种他们似乎要进攻一座固若金汤的城堡的语气说。
65、"Ashamed of drinking! " The tippler brought his speech to an end, and shut himself up in an impregnable silence. ─── “惭愧自己喝酒!”酒鬼不再说话,陷入了深深的沉默。
66、I know the feelings of your mother, so I stubbornly guarding and impregnable. ─── 我知道你对妈妈的感情,所以我也固执又坚不可摧的守护着。
67、O, how shall summers honey breath hold outAgainst the wreckful siege of battering days,When rocks impregnable are not so stout,Nor gates of steel so strong, but Time decays? ─── 哦,夏天温馨的呼息怎能支持残暴的日子刻刻猛烈的轰炸,当岩石,无论多么么险固,或钢扉,无论多坚强,都要被时光熔化?
68、an impregnable fortress; fortifications that made the frontier inviolable. ─── 一个坚固的城堡;防御工事使得边境不可侵犯。
69、the bolt once drawn, he thought himself impregnable; ─── 既然已经闩上门,便不会有人能动他;
70、The lawyer won his case with an impregnable argument. ─── 律师以无可辩驳的论据打赢了那场官司。
71、The lawyer won his case with an impregnable argument. ─── 律师以无可辩驳的论据打赢了那场官司。
72、Textile insulating cloth or tape otherwise impregn ─── 用其他材料浸、涂的绝缘布或带
73、indestructible; impregnable; indomitable ─── 坚不可摧
74、This was impregnable, and admitted of neither objection nor restriction. ─── 他是死板的,他不容许反对,也无可通融。
75、1346. Before World War II, the French regarded their Maginot Line as an impregnable bulwark against a German invasion. ─── 第二次世界大战前,法国认为其马其诺防线是防止德军入侵无法攻破的壁垒。
76、the enterprise in the business management application to be in an impregnable position in the intense market competition? ─── 如何才能使企业在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地?
77、The second half, Higgins's performance is impregnable, by 5:3 takes the competition finally, enters four. ─── 下半场,希金斯的表现无懈可击,最终以5比3拿下比赛,进入四强。
78、an impregnable argument ─── 无可辩驳的论据
79、When rocks impregnable are not so stout, ─── 当坚固如磐石也难抗拒,
80、The thorn boma round it was the strongestand most impregnable that the Mosula could construct. ─── 在为数千对新人服务的过程中,我们得到的评价是:“找华腾缘办婚礼,认真、诚信、周到、圆满。”
81、Hidden within their impregnable stronghold of Ironforge Mountain, they rarely ventured beyond the wintry peaks of Dun Morogh. ─── 他们躲在铸铁山下面难以攻克的城堡之中,很少到丹莫拉夫雪山以外的地方去冒险。
82、Therefore, the family installs the company, if wants to be in an impregnable position in the intense market competition must seek some new breakthroughs. ─── 所以,家装公司要想在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地必须寻求一些新的突破。
83、Only in this way can you be in an impregnable position for good. ─── 也只有这样,你才能永远立于不败之地。
84、an impregnable fortress; fortifications that made the frontier inviolable ─── 一个坚固的城堡;防御工事使得边境不可侵犯
85、Before World War II, the French regarded their Maginot Line as an impregnable bulwark against a German invasion. ─── 二战前,法国人认为他们的马其诺防线是不可攻破的堡垒,足以防御德国人的入侵。
86、impregnable virtue ─── 坚贞不屈的情操
87、Not a lot was made of it at the time, but the once impregnable Iron Curtain had been breached. ─── 口子开得并不大,但曾几何时固若金汤的铁幕被撕裂了。
88、The old Dutch fort with its thick high walls looks virtually impregnable. ─── 该座荷兰老城堡城墙又高又厚,看上去固若金汤。
89、Because the United States to take the Keynesian state intervention policy after World War II increase in national strength, the world's more powerful position impregnable. ─── 由于美国采取凯恩斯主义的国家干预政策,二战以后国力大增,世界第一强国的地位更加牢不可破。
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