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08-26 投稿


expressionless 发音


英:  美:

expressionless 中文意思翻译



expressionless 网络释义

adj. 无表情的;呆板的

expressionless 词性/词形变化,expressionless变形

名词: expressionist |副词: expressionistically |形容词: expressionistic |

expressionless 同义词

unreadable | mysterious | apathetic | inexpressive | incomprehensible | unimaginative | glassy | hidden |deadpan | straight-faced | unresponsive | empty | unexpressive | vacant | fishy | inscrutable | vacuous | blank | impassive | stony | unemotional | lifeless | poker-faced | wooden

expressionless 反义词


expressionless 短语词组

1、expressionless baby ─── 无表情的婴儿

2、expressionless lady ─── 无表情女士

3、expressionless mask ─── 无表情面具

4、expressionless face ─── 无表情的脸

5、expressionless def ─── 无表情定义

6、expressionless facies ─── 无表情相

expressionless 相似词语短语

1、expressiveness ─── n.善于表现;表情丰富

2、expressionist ─── n.表现派作家;表现主义艺术家;adj.表现主义的

3、expressionism ─── n.表现主义

4、expressible ─── adj.可表现的;可榨出的

5、expression ─── n.表现,表示,表达;表情,脸色,态度,腔调,声调;式,符号;词句,语句,措辞,说法

6、expressionists ─── n.表现派作家;表现主义艺术家;adj.表现主义的

7、expressionlessly ─── 无表情地

8、expressness ─── 表现力

9、expressions ─── n.[数]表达式;表情;公式;表示式(expression是复数形式)

expressionless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His face remained expressionless as the verdict was read. ─── 当宣读判决时他的脸仍旧漠无表情。

2、Still others turn into statues, standing rigid and expressionless from beginning to end. ─── 还有一些人变成了雕像,自始至终面无表情直挺挺地站着。

3、Her face remained expressionless. ─── 她的脸上仍然没有表情。

4、Military disci pline kept him expressionless, but pale bands began at his knuck les and spread whiteness nearly to his wrists. ─── 良好的军事素养让他保持着面无表情的神态,可是软弱已经在他的指关节处滋生,并渐渐蔓延到了他的手腕附近。

5、Birkin was expressionless, neutralized, possessed by her as if it were his fate, without question ─── 伯金神情麻木地随她拉着手,似乎命运这般安排,不可反抗似的。

6、I heard this story from Nayue during one of my return trips to Ban Village, and I recalled her expressionless face as she retold the experience. ─── 后来我回到班村,听娜约讲述这段故事时她目光木然。

7、They both looked at me then. Charlie frowned. Edward's face was empty, expressionless. ─── 他们俩都转过来看我,查理皱着眉头。爱德华的脸毫无表情。

8、Her face remained expressionless ─── 她的脸上依然没有表情。

9、His voice was utterly and drearily expressionless. ─── 他的声音听上去很沉闷,不带任何感情。

10、Ideals of femininity in adsa were still,quiet,cool females whose empty expressionless faces made them look elegant and mature. ─── 广告中的理想女性是宁静的,安静的,冷静的,她们空洞的、毫无表情的脸使她们看起来幽雅而成熟。

11、Expressionless face of the most suffocating, it will hide all the feelings, very elusive, and in fact, more often than not it is explicit or offensive deeper anger and refused to convey information. ─── 无表情的面孔最令人窒息,它将一切感情隐藏起来,叫人不可捉摸,而实际上它往往比露骨的愤怒或厌恶更深刻地传达出拒绝的信息。

12、The eyes, slow of movement and heavy-lidded, were almost expressionless under the shaggy, in drawn Brown. ─── 转动得很慢而又厚实的眼皮的眼睛,在那些毛茸茸的下陷的眉毛底下几乎毫无表情。

13、Are you not blinded by such expressionless sirens? ─── 这些面无表情的水妖没有弄瞎你的双眼吗?

14、The crowds are at least 12 deep, expressionless and silent. ─── 赛事至少有12个深,面无表情,沉默。

15、The fish doesn't think. The fish is mute, expressionless. ─── 但是这鱼并不想,鱼是不说话的,不表达的.

16、Expressionless face came up to me! ─── 面无表情的走到我面前!

17、In addition, he also frequently encountered a number of expressionless, enigmatic visages. ─── 还有许多毫无表情、似笑非笑的脸,也是他在家里常常看见的。

18、The Senator remained expressionless. ─── 参议员还是不动声色。

19、The scene changed again and here he was at his wife’s funeral, his face expressionless, mouth set in a grim line. ─── 景象又变化了,这个男人出现在他妻子的葬礼上,他的脸一点都看不清楚,嘴唇化做了紧闭着的一条线。

20、Lifeless expressionless stony impassive unanimated blank empty vacant inexpressive ─── 无感觉的,无表情的,无生命的

21、Again I was impassive and expressionless. ─── 我还是面无表情、不露声色。

22、His powerful frame was slack as a rag doll, his finely molded features expressionless. ─── 他的有力体格是如一个碎布娃娃的松弛, 他的形成精美的特征无表情的。

23、He began asking his questions in a low, expressionless voice, as though this were a routine, a sort of catechism, most of whose answers were known to him already. ─── 他开始用没有感情的声音轻轻地提出他的问题,好像是例行公事一般,大多数问题的答案他心中早已有数了。

24、It had no caption, and represented simply the monstrous figure of a Eurasian soldier, three or four metres high, striding forward with expressionless Mongolian face and enormous boots, a submachine gun pointed from his hip. ─── 那海报没有文字说明,只画了个顶天立地的欧亚国士兵,足有三四米高,踩着大军靴子往前走,腰间挎着轻机枪,蒙古脸冷漠没表情。

25、Liu Xing, the expressionless face to the ground several stands debris clean sweep, and then come Terrace, the inside of the doors. ─── 刘星面无表情的把地上好几摊的碎片扫干净,然后走到阳台,把里面的门关上。

26、" The general stared at me with his expressionless blue eyes and his thick-set jaw got even thicker. ─── 将军用他毫无表情的蓝眼睛盯着我,他厚实的下巴显得更加厚实了。

27、Result, learn answer of expressionless length an area: Somebody is sending motor-car child!! ─── 结果,学长面无表情的回答:有人在发动车子!!

28、Their faces remained expressionless as they listened to the bad news. ─── 听到那坏消息时,他们的脸上仍然毫无表情

29、His features hardened into an expressionless mask. ─── 他的容貌凝固成一张毫无表情的面具。

30、Usage: use Revert youth Activation Dissolve Enzyme to wet and dissolve the eye film, tenderly lift and massage for 5 minutes (keep expressionless) and clear it off after 20-30 minutes. ─── 用法:请先用青春还原激活溶酶打湿、溶解眼膜,轻轻提拉按摩5分钟,请不要有任何表情,20-30分钟洗去

31、deadpan humor; his face remained expressionless as the verdict was read. ─── 故意面无表情的幽默;当宣读判决时他的脸仍旧漠无表情。

32、His face had become peculiarly expressionless. ─── 他的脸变得异乎寻常地毫无表情。

33、an expressionless face ─── 无表情的面孔

34、With a blank, expressionless face. ─── 冷若冰霜的以漠然的、毫无表情的面孔的

35、I start to change the way I treat him, like the way I treat everyone---reticent and expressionless. ─── 我对他的态度开始变化,就像我对待每个普通人一样---沉默,面无表情。

36、Laughter and expressionless facial expression is the core of any other facial expression have occurred in between the laughter and expressionless polarization. ─── 笑与无表情是面部表情的核心,任何其他面部表情都发生在笑与无表情两极之间。

37、The man watched him go, and though his face was expressionless as ever, his eyes were like the eyes of a wounded deer. ─── 后面那个人瞅着他这样走去;脸上虽然照旧没有表情,眼睛里却流露着跟一头受伤的鹿一样的神色。

38、2.His recitation was almost expressionless. ─── 他的朗诵几乎毫无感情。

39、The man is MULDER, but his face is blank and expressionless. ─── 那个男的是莫特,但他的的脸上毫无表情。

40、So we see, in languages, the tongue is more pliant to all expressionless and sounds, the joints are suppler to all feats off activity and motions, in youth than afterwards. ─── 教育中的问题不在于孩子有没有能力去做、能不能做好,而是学校、家庭、社会是不是在给他们创造这样的条件、这样的氛围。

41、A lonely porcupine likes to wander to the river alone and stare into the water expressionless. ─── 一只孤独的刺猬常常独自来到河边散步。望着水草里自己的影子,默默的出神。

42、Early autumn night, coolness deeper and deeper, and walking alone in the autumn wind howling on the streets, watching people hurry around, face expressionless! ─── 初秋的夜,凉意越来越深了,独自走在秋风瑟瑟的大街上,看身边的人行色匆匆,面无表情!

43、The man watched him go,and though his face was expressionless as ever,his eyes were like the eyes of a wounded deer. ─── 后面的人看着他走开,虽然脸上毫无表情,眼神像却一头受伤的鹿。

44、Although, I still like wearing headphones, brows locked, expressionless face of a person in the campus shuttle, but I am not alone. ─── 虽然,我仍旧喜欢戴着耳机,锁着眉头,面无表情的一个人在校园里穿梭,但我不再孤独。

45、If you give Partner Robot a shove, its sense of balance is good enough to stop it from falling flat on its expressionless face. ─── 如果你狠狠的推它一下,它也能出色的保持平衡不使它那毫无表情的脸孔摔在地上。

46、I haven't really noticed, perhaps expressionless faces leave more rooms to the imagination? ─── 我没太注意,也许没有表情会传达更丰富的表情吧?

47、The general stared at me with his expressionless blue eyes and his thick-set jaw got even thicker. ─── 将军用他毫无表情的蓝眼睛盯着我,他厚实的下巴显得更加厚实了。

48、Jufer, who was shackled at the ankles and dressed in an orange prison uniform, was expressionless as the verdict was announced.He made no comment to reporters as he was ushered out of the courtroom. ─── 脚带镣铐,身穿桔色狱服的朱佛在法庭宣判时卖弄无表情.在被带出法庭时也没有发表任何评论.

49、Her voice was flat and expressionless. ─── 她的声音平淡而呆板。

50、Tu Wei-yueh had stopped laughing and his face was as calm and expressionless as ever. "Pah!" he suddenly spat out. "You fool! It's all too complicated for your thick head! ─── 屠维岳也不笑了,依然是一点表情也没有的冷静的脸色,又像吐弃了什么似的说道:“咄,你这光棍! 那么简单!

51、A blank, expressionless face. ─── 冷面孔茫然的、毫无表情的脸

52、If you give Partner Robot a shove, its sense of balance is good enough to stop it from falling flat on its expressionless face. ─── 如果你狠狠的推它一下,它也能出色的保持平衡不使它那毫无表情的脸孔摔在地上。

53、His heart was thumping like a drum, but his face, from long habit, was probably expressionless. ─── 他的心跳得像打鼓;然而习惯成自然,他的脸上八成还是漠然的一团。

54、It was glassy, expressionless, immobile ─── 它是呆滞的,不动的,无表情的。

55、Red rips it open, scans the letter. Expressionless. ─── 瑞德撕开信封,开始看信,面无表情。

56、an expressionless face/tone/voice ─── 呆板的面孔/声调/声音

57、His face was expressionless, but Alex felt the unspoken criticism. ─── 他面无表情,但亚历克斯感觉到了他无言的批评。

58、Her husband is not willing to see her expressionless face. ─── 她丈夫不愿见到她那毫无表情的脸。

59、He was expressionless with a dull look in his eyes .His face muscles were jerking .He looked like an idiot . ─── 英俊的小伙子完全变成了另外一个人,他的脸上没有任何表情,目光呆滞,面部肌肉不断地抽搐,活像一个白痴。

60、Still others turn into statues, standing rigid and expressionless from beginning to end. ─── 你会成为不受常规约束,人们期望与众不同的极少数人中的一个。

61、That pain in your eyes leaking out on your normally expressionless face. ─── 从你正常无感情的脸上,有种痛从你眼里泄漏出来。

62、Training courses, some students face expressionless,独坐corner, silent闷声; ─── 培训课上,有的学员面无表情,独坐一隅,闷声不语;

63、An expressionless skull-face turned toward the junior gun nery officer."Congratulations on your promotion.Take your post. ─── 表情呆滞的头骨状面孔转向了初级炮手指挥官:“恭喜你晋级了,马上去你的新岗位就职。”

64、I looked back, my face impassive and expressionless. ─── 我也看她,面无表情、不露声色。

65、The old man turned away, not wanting to look at their faces any longer. He moved a few steps further and gazed for a long time into the hazy, mysterious distance, his swarthy face expressionless. ─── 老沙头歪过脸去,他实在不愿多看他们的脸,他走开去,久久地凝望着沙漠深处,那里更显得朦朦胧胧,清冷而神秘,他的黑苍的脸上毫无表情。

66、Dana watched a nascent glow center itself above Llan's expressionless visage. "Well, we certainly don't now," she said, shrugging out of Max's restraining hold. ─── 戴娜看着兰那张毫无表情的脸上面的那个中间的地方。“是的,现在我们当然没有了。”她说着,挣脱了麦克斯束缚的双手。

67、The teachers, also expressionless with starvation. ─── 这是“胡同”吧?

68、He was a small, dark-haired man in a white jacket, with a diamond-shaped, completely expressionless face which might have been that of a Chinese ─── 他是个小个子,长着黑头发,穿着一件白上衣,脸型像块钻石,完全没有表情,很可能是个中国人的脸。

69、She began speaking in the same expressionless voice as before, with lips barely moving, a mere murmur easily drowned by the din of voices and the rumbling of the trucks. ─── 她像从前那样木然说起来,嘴唇动也不动。 鼎沸的人声,隆隆的车声,登时淹没了她轻声的呢喃。

70、As he stood there, erect and dignified, his clear, healthy face was completely expressionless and his bright eyes were alert and composed ─── 他的白净而精神饱满的脸儿上一点表情也不流露,只有他的一双眼睛却隐隐地闪着很自然而机警的光芒。

71、The girls' faces, flushed by the hot, steamy atmosphere, were as expressionless as the faces of statues ─── 被热气蒸红了的女工们的面孔,石像似的没有任何表情。

72、His face remained expressionless. ─── 他的脸上仍然毫无表情。

73、During the game a participant was shown an expressionless photo of a fellow player's face at the start of each game. ─── 在游戏过程中,参与者在每个小游戏开始时候都会给出一张同伴无表情的脸的照片。

74、The 32-watt bulb above him threw a pale light on his face, which was as expressionless a that of a statue ─── 头顶上是一盏三十二支光的电灯,照见他的脸微微发青,冷静到像一尊石像。

75、Tenny's face remained expressionless. ─── 坦尼的脸部仍是毫无表情。

76、1.stiff; inflexible; dull; mechanical; toneless; expressionless; 2.without flexibility ─── 呆板

77、1.He walked round in a circle, taking tiny, nervous steps. An expressionless smile, frozen on his face, revealed a cemetery of rotten teeth. ─── 译文:他在那儿绕着圈子走,脚步又小又紧张。毫无表情的微笑凝固在脸上,露出他那墓地一样的烂牙。

78、1. 原文:When we had tea, I could not take my eyes from her small delicate hands, the graceful way she moved, and her bright, black eyes expressionless in her clear face. ─── 翻译:当我们喝茶时,我的视线就没有离开过她,那纤巧的双手,优雅的举止,漆黑聪慧的双眸呈现在那清晰的脸庞上,这一切是多么让人沉醉哟。

79、That pain in your eyes leaking out on your normally expressionless face. ─── 从你正常无感情的脸上,有种痛从你眼里泄漏出来。

80、As his mother read it, her face hardened and became more expressionless. ─── 母亲读信时,脸沉了下来,变得更加没有表情。

81、An expressionless smile, frozen on his face, revealed a cemetery of rotten teeth. ─── 毫无表情的微笑凝固在脸上,露出他那墓地一样的烂牙。








Chapter 1712.

In the advanced ward.

At the moment, the girl who is always so free and easy as the wind is lying quietly in bed, bruised and losing all consciousness, and can only rely on the ventilator to maintain her life.

Lu TingXiao sat expressionless in front of the hospital bed, carefully holding the girl a small hand full of small scars, very lightly down the head printed a kiss, seems to be afraid of disturbing her, even if she knows that she may never wake up again.

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