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08-26 投稿


emblazoned 发音

英:[ɪmˈbleɪznd]  美:[ɪmˈbleɪznd]

英:  美:

emblazoned 中文意思翻译




emblazoned 词性/词形变化,emblazoned变形

动词过去分词: emblazoned |动词第三人称单数: emblazons |动词现在分词: emblazoning |名词: emblazoner |动词过去式: emblazoned |

emblazoned 短语词组

1、emblazoned with five stars ─── 饰有五星图案

2、emblazoned definition ─── 装饰性定义

3、emblazoned on my mind ─── 铭刻在我的脑海里

4、emblazed or emblazoned ─── 装饰或 ─── 装饰的

5、emblazoned across ─── 刻有

6、emblazoned define ─── 装饰性定义

7、emblazoned cape ─── 印花斗篷

8、emblazoned on ─── 装饰于

9、emblazoned with ─── 把纹章刻在用纹章装饰

10、emblazoned hat ─── 装饰帽

11、emblazoned armor ─── 纹饰盔甲

12、emblazoned boots ─── 刺绣靴子

emblazoned 相似词语短语

1、emblazons ─── vt.颂扬;用纹章装饰

2、emblazonries ─── n.纹章描画法;纹饰;炫耀的展示

3、emblazed ─── v.使发亮,照亮;颂扬

4、emblazonry ─── n.纹章描画法;纹饰;炫耀的展示

5、emblazoner ─── 纹章工

6、emblazoners ─── 纹章

7、emblazonment ─── n.纹章装饰

8、blazoned ─── v.生动展示;(耸人听闻地)报道,宣布;(用正确的纹章术语)描述(纹章);装饰;n.对纹章(图案等)所作的确切描述;纹章

9、emblazon ─── vt.颂扬;用纹章装饰

emblazoned 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They are commodities: regardless of the brand emblazoned on the plastic shell, the innards are essentially the same. ─── 它们只是一种商品,虽然在塑料外壳上印着各式的商标,但机箱内的部件基本都是相同的。

2、The shield that the king carried into battle was emblazoned with his family coat of arms. ─── 国王参战时所携带的盾上饰有皇家军队服装上的图案。

3、The republic's new flag was emblazoned with the ancient symbol of the Greek Macedonian dynasty. ─── 这面共和国的新旗帜上纹有希腊马其顿王朝的古老标志。

4、1 A galloping horse alighting on a wallow with its rear hoof is a design one often sees at Chinese scenic spots, hotels or emblazoned on souvenirs.This is the emblem for China's tourism industry. ─── 后脚踏在飞燕上的一匹飞奔的骏马是我们在中国的景点、旅馆或纪念品的徽章上常看到的一种标志。

5、Outlets could emblazon a fresh look and shape as the plan unfolds, which, coupled with new models are, no doubt, giving a big boost to Dongfeng Citroen's growth in 2009. ─── 新品牌形象的到来和新车型的加速导入预示着东风雪铁龙将在09年迎来品牌提升的高潮。

6、Together they confirm Wall Street's reputation as a lads' clubhouse with a "No Girls Allowed" sign emblazoned over the door. ─── 这些案件共同印证了华尔街“男人俱乐部”的名声,俱乐部门上还挂着“女士免进”的牌子。

7、The government emblazoned her significant contribution to all the country. ─── 政府将她的丰功伟业向全国传扬。

8、it's emblazoned with the Chudley Cannons logo: two black C's and a speeding cannonball. ─── 上面印着查德理火炮队的标志:两个黑色的字母“C”和一枚疾飞的炮弹。

9、I can see you clearly. vividly emblazon in my mind. ─── 你是那么的清晰.如此生动的刻印在我的脑海里.

10、Even Astro Boy is back, in film revivals and emblazoned on children's lunchboxes ─── 甚至《铁臂阿童木》也回来了,出现在银屏上,出现在孩子们的午餐盒图案中。

11、Mike: Oh, please!Stop exaggerating and get me the pet carrier from the cellar.You can't miss it;it's that pink horror in the corner emblazon ed with Hello Kitty stickers. ─── 摆脱,不要虚张声势,帮我到地下室拿下宠物篮子.你应该找得到,在角落里,有HK胶带装饰的粉色篮子.

12、Vividly emblazoned in my mind ─── 生动地映照于我的脑海

13、Both were dressed in T-shirts emblazoned with a large golden bird; the emblem, no doubt, of some deafening, tuneless rock band. ─── 两人都穿着印有金色大鸟的T恤衫,而那毫无疑问地象征着某个震耳欲聋的、不成调子的摇滚乐团。

14、If we live carelessly, the lynx-eyed world will soon see it, and with its hundred tongues, it will spread the story, exaggerated and emblazoned by the zeal of slander. ─── 有许多人观看并希望我们跌倒,就让那成为我们能小心行在上帝面前的特殊推动力。

15、Worse still, the Manchester United striker partnered up with a close friend for his etching, after both had a cheeky tandem word game emblazoned across their backsides. ─── 更糟糕的是,这位曼联前锋为了他的蚀刻版画和一个亲密的朋友合作了,在他们都共同有了一个胖乎乎的臀部纹身文字游戏后。

16、The king's shield was emblazoned with his family coat of arms. ─── 国王的盾牌装饰有他家族的盾徽。

17、He dressed as indifferent as ever,in cheap suits and boots emblazoned with the flag of Texas. ─── 小布什的穿着还像以前一样很普通--廉价的西装和印有得州旗帜的靴子。

18、His mostly alien crew piloted captured TIE fighters emblazoned with the red stylized wampa skull sigil of his forces. ─── 他的手下大都是异族人,驾驶着截获来的钛战机。那些钛战机上都画有红色式样的万帕头骨图案,这是伦的海盗标志。

19、Plastic surgery, the implantation of biochips, piercings -- all emblazon the belief that our bodies are our unique property. ─── 整容手术也好,身体穿刺装饰也好,在人体内植入生物芯片也好,都强化了这个信念:身体是我们独一无二的财产.

20、An assemblyman that attends to be chosen unexpectedly knows Hemingway has reputation very much, want to ask Hemingway to write an emblazon article for him, help him draw a few vote more; ─── 有一个参加竟选的议员知道海明威很有声望,想请海明威替他写一篇颂扬文章,帮他多拉一些选票;

21、But there's nothing chocolaty about Valentine's Day's most iconic candy: those demanding, chalky little hearts emblazoned "BE MINE," "KISS ME," "CALL ME." ─── 但是关于情人节,没有什么比巧克力更标志性的糖果了:这些精心制作、白色的小小心型装点着字样“和我在一起,”“吻我,”“给我打电话”。

22、The same exhortation was emblazoned in huge letters on a giant red and white ball that revolved slowly in the middle of the main sales floor. ─── 在重要的销售区域中央,类似字眼还被制作成巨大的字母,镶嵌在缓慢旋转的红白色球体上。

23、She chose a gleaming new snowboard made by the Colorado company Never Summer, emblazoned with colorful, psychedelic paintings of butterflies. ─── 她选择了由科罗拉多的 Never Summer 公司生产的一块闪闪发光的滑雪板,上面刻有色彩缤纷的、魔幻的蝴蝶图案。

24、The wooden base is emblazoned with each competing nation's emblems. ─── 六国赛奖杯有一个木质基座,上有各队的队标。

25、The flag was emblazoned with the family ARMS on it. ─── 这面旗上绣有家族纹章。

26、Vividly emblazoned not in your mind. ─── 我不是你心中鲜明的纹章.

27、emblazon a cross on a banner. ─── 在旗帜上饰上醒目的十字。

28、They all look full of vigour in sweat-shirts emblazoned with the name of our school. ─── 他们穿着印有我校校名字样的运动衫, 看上去个个精力充沛。

29、United are seeking a new name to emblazon across their chests because their four-year, $100 million deal with AIG expires at the end of next season and will not be renewed. ─── 曼联正在寻找自己的球衣赞助商,因为他们与AIG价值1亿美元的4年赞助合同将在下赛季末到期,而且不会再续约。

30、The escutcheon was emblazoned with an emblem ─── 船尾部饰有盾纹图案。

31、Then they printed their own currency, emblazoned with the line 'Organized Unemployed,' to facilitate trade. ─── 随后,他们印发了自己的代币,上面标着“失业者联盟”的纹章,用于交易目的。

32、She was dressed in mechanic's coveralls, back and rolled up sleeves emblazoned with motorcycle brand-name patches. ─── 她穿着修理工的工作服,背后以及卷起来的袖子上面贴满了各种摩托的名牌。

33、Most west scholar is used " integrated " one word gives affirmation and emblazon. ─── 大多数西方学者都采用“综合”一词予以肯定和颂扬。

34、Posters were emblazoned on the walls of the department store. ─── 百货商店的墙壁上贴满了五彩缤纷的广告画。

35、in nothing but a pair of tight, black briefs emblazoned with the Emporio Armani eagle logo, which now looms over London's Oxford Street retail hub. ─── 海报上的贝克汉姆只穿了一条饰有安普里奥-阿玛尼品牌鹰标的黑色贴身短内裤。对此,他感到“自豪但也有点儿尴尬”。

36、Such one is everybody emblazon originally, the thing of benefit society touched grumous commercial breath however now, those who change is extremely low, among them a few problems of place contain are worth us really thoughtful. ─── 这样一件本来是人人颂扬,造福社会的事现在却沾上了浓厚的商业气息,变的庸俗不堪,其中所蕴藏的一些问题的确值得我们深思。

37、I can see you cleray vividly emblazoned in my mind ─── 我能清楚地看见,你生动地装饰着我的心灵

38、has reached the catwalks of Rome, where a top haute couture designer showed off a kaftan emblazoned with his face and another dedicated a gown of "hope" to his wife Michelle. ─── 的热潮都刮到了罗马时装周上。一位高级时装设计师展示了一件印有奥巴马头像的土耳其长衫,另外一位设计师则专为奥巴马夫人米歇尔打造了一件带有“希望”寓意的礼服。

39、A twin-branched Sith tattoo was emblazoned on Qel-Droma's forehead to mark his status. ─── 一个双分支的刺青烙印在乌立克头上,代表他的地位。

40、Emblazon a doorway with a coat of arms. ─── 用一件军装装饰门口

41、Nowadays, "Management city " this one formulation and make a way (it is an issue that makes a way only not simply actually) be a lot of person place praise highly, place emblazon of zealous, place. ─── 时下,“经营城市”这一提法和叫法(其实不单只是个叫法的问题)正为许多人所推崇、所热衷、所颂扬。

42、As night falls on the town of Mayong in south China's Guangdong Province, container trucks emblazoned with the logo "Nine Dragons Paper", a local household name, take to the streets. ─── 完成学业后,她在工厂做过工业会计,并在深圳信托下属的一个合资企业里担任财务工作,之后在一家香港贸易公司做包装纸的业务。

43、Toward the end of the song, a man brandishing an American flag appeared from stage left, wearing a shirt emblazoned with the phrase "Don't f--- with Ozzy. ─── 这是我努力的方向,不过我觉得我的定力还不够,如果你给我一把带摇杆的吉他,我一定会疯掉,因为我一定会想要使用摇杆!

44、Imagining I looking in your eyes I can see you clearly Vividly Emblazoned in my mind ─── 想象着我看着你的眼睛,你的样子在我的脑中如此鲜活清晰

45、Some trucks in the convoys were emblazoned with slogans such as "Smash the separatists" and "Bring peace to the city". ─── 车队中有些打出了标语,如“粉碎分裂势力”、“给城市带来和平”。

46、Playboy is one of the most recognized brands in the world, with its rabbit head logo emblazoned on everything from clothing and accessories to video games. ─── 花花公子是世界上最知名的品牌之一,因为他的兔子头标识出现在从服装到视频游戏附件几乎所有的东西上面。

47、1 A galloping gorse alighting on a swallow with its rare hoof is a design one often sees at Chinese scenic spots, hotels or emblazoned on souvenirs. ─── 一匹飞奔的马,其后蹄踩着一只燕子,这一标志常见于风景点、宾馆或被雕刻在纪念品上。

48、And at the exit, Angela Carter's words, “We live in gothic times”, are emblazoned on the wall. ─── 卡特的名言“我们生活在哥特式时代”也赫然在目。

49、The sign now earns hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for the chamber, with its image emblazoned on souvenir hats, shirts, mugs and other bric-a-brac. ─── 现在,这个标志每年为委员会赚取成百上千万美元,它的图案出现在纪念帽、衫、子以及其他一些小装饰品上。

50、Each student received a red backpack filled with books and a matching jacket emblazoned with the words “2008 International Elite Club. ─── 每一个学生都拿到了一个红色的背包,里面装着书本和合身的马甲,上面印着“2008国际精英俱乐部”字样。

51、The team's logo was emblazoned on the baseball caps. ─── 球队标识醒目地印在棒球帽上。

52、The team's logo was emblazoned on the baseball caps. ─── 球队标识醒目地印在棒球帽上。

53、Plus, any vehicle emblazoned with sponsor Texas Instruments' logo on the side is likely to be a geek's dream ride. ─── 而且,任何旁边饰有赞助商德州仪器的商标的车子都很可能成为极客们的梦想坐骑。

54、One such offering: a life-size cutout of his body with outstretched arms emblazoned with the words "I love you this much. ─── 其中一个的内容是:胳膊上纹着“我如此爱你”且状如其本人的剪贴画。

55、Vividly emblazoned in my mind. ─── 你是我心中鲜明的纹章。

56、Wearing white surcoats with a black cross emblazoned on them, encased in heavy mail or plate armour, wielding lances and large maces, these knights love a good melee. ─── 他们身穿重型链甲或板甲,手持骑枪和大型狼牙棒,极其热衷近身肉搏厮杀。

57、Both were dressed in T-shirts emblazoned with a large golden bird;the emblem, no doubt, of some deafening, tuneless rock band. ─── 他们俩穿的衬衫上都纹着一只金色的大鸟,这无疑又是哪个闹人的走调摇滚乐团的标志。

58、On top of that come tickets, space to entertain and impress clients, and the marketing value of having the bank's name emblazoned around a stadium. ─── 最重要的是来自门票,这是一块取悦并打动客户的蛋糕,在体育场周围满是银行的名字也有不俗的市场价值。

59、One of her most popular designs is a T-shirt emblazoned with a phrase: "Rather cry in a BMW than laugh in a Santana. " ─── 她最受欢迎的设计之一是一件T恤,上面印着一句话“宁愿坐在宝马里哭,也不愿坐在桑塔纳里笑。”

60、Before crossing the street, he would have likely had to wait for a line of Japanese cars to pass and perhaps even the bus emblazoned with a larger-than-life Winnie the Pooh. ─── 在过马路之前,他很有可能要等着一长排日本汽车开过,甚至是画着非常显眼的小熊维尼图案的公共汽车。

61、Okorie often carries huge sacks of rice emblazoned with the US Stars and Stripes to his market stall, and while he knows little of that country, his eyes light up when he says, “I love America!” ─── Okorie先生经常在他的货摊上搬运印有美国星条旗的大米袋,他对这个国家知之甚少,但是当他说“我爱美国”的时候,两眼都放着光!

62、Vividly emblazoned in your mind. ─── 我是你心中鲜明的纹章.

63、In fact, court robes emblazoned with eight roundels enclosing golden dragons in flight among coloured clouds were not exclusively worn by empresses in the Qing Dynasty. ─── 事实上,八团彩云金龙纹并非清代后妃服饰所专有的纹饰。

64、Here, Warren opens what may be one of the most famous mailboxes in the world, with its "13345" emblazoned on the side. ─── 在这里,沃伦打开,这可能是世界上最有名的邮箱之一,它的“13345”,侧面印。

65、I can see you clearly vividly emblazoned in my mind ─── 我可以在脑海中看到一个生气勃勃、光彩夺目的你

66、Or tilting Furniture, emblazon'd Shields,; ─── 用纹章装饰;blazon装饰;

67、Members of the youth group Nashi wore capes emblazoned with the slogan "Russia Forward. ─── 名为“纳什”的年轻人组织的成员头戴饰有“俄罗斯前进”口号的帽子。

68、Before us, the camel riders kicked up the desert dust and cantered past, bearing huge green banners emblazoned with cursive Arabic script. ─── 我们面前是一个骑骆驼的人。他踢起一小块沙漠的上的尘土,然后慢慢从我们身边跑过,手里拿着一个巨大的横幅,上面有一些弯曲的文字。

69、She chose a gleaming new snowboard made by the Colorado company Never Summer, emblazoned with colorful, psychedelic paintings of butterflies. ─── 她选择一闪烁从不被科罗拉多公司做夏天的新的雪上滑板,以蝴蝶的五彩缤纷又引起幻觉画用纹章装饰。

70、She sighed as she straightened pulling out a standard shaped mug with handle;colour - light blue;design - three letters emblazoned in gold, S U E. ─── 她叹了口气,拿出一个高脚有柄的杯,淡蓝色的设计,用金镶了三个字母SUE。

71、I'd give my all for your love tonight vividly emblazoned in my mind, ─── 尔后,你却又,如此,遥不可及,就在今夜,我期许

72、T-shirts emblazoned with the three Chinese characters for "Obama" sold briskly before the election and factories have already started producing a range of Obama merchandise. ─── 报纸援引这家鞋厂工人的话说,鞋厂老板“认为奥巴马的名字有很高的商标价值。”

73、Today's shops heave with Jubilee cakes, disposable decorations and flag-emblazoned baubles, letting consumers buy patriotism out of a box. ─── 今时今日的商店装满了登基庆典蛋糕,一次性的装饰品和印着国旗的彩球,消费者可以直接盒装购买爱国主义。

74、It shows a shield with greyhounds rampant emblazoned with a chevron, 2 five-pointed stars and a short sword. ─── 上面画了一面配有V型章的盾牌,由两只后退直立的灰狗装饰,镶有两颗五角星和一把短剑。

75、All the big newspaper happen to coincide to emblazon the government's positive advices. ─── 各大报纸不约而同地颂扬政府积极性的建议。

76、Today, many pilgrims, some wearing baseball hats emblazoned with the names of Jacinta and Francisco, cheered after Cardinal Sodano delivered his message. ─── 今天,很多朝圣者,一些戴着纹有杰西塔和弗朗西斯科名字的棒球帽,在Sodano枢机主教留下信息之后欢呼。

77、The new Adidas kit will have a gold trim and red piping with the club's Carlsberg sponsor emblazoned in gold across the chest. ─── 新款的阿迪达斯的球衣边缘和与利物浦合作的赞助商的商标将会被金色点缀。

78、Even Astro Boy is back, in film revivals and emblazoned on children's lunchboxes. ─── 就连原子小金刚都复出了:它的电影重映,画像印在小孩的便当盒上。

79、There was probably no irony intended in the choice of memento: a plate emblazoned with a picture of the Great Wall. ─── 当局可能并非有心选择这个具有讽刺意味的赠品:饰有长城图案的纪念盘。

80、You can't miss it;it's that pink horror in the corner emblazon ed with Hello Kitty stickers. ─── 别弄错,是角落那个粘有HELLPKITTY贴的粉红色笼子。

81、Top Japanese fashion designers decamped to Europe, while those back home emblazoned T shirts with phrases in broken English. ─── 顶级的日本时尚设计师逃去了欧洲,而同时许多回国的艺术家设计出许多印有破碎英文的T恤作为潮流。

82、1. Look, our athletes are marching into the arena! They all look full of vigour in sweat-shirts emblazoned with the name of our school. ─── 看,我校的运动员进场来了!他们穿着印有我校校名字样的运动衫,看上去个个精力充沛。

83、Many were emblazoned with the Lehman Brothers name. ─── 上面大多有雷曼兄弟的纹章。

84、This mobile gaming platform comes fully equipped for battle and is emblazoned with custom World of Warcraft artwork, inside and out. ─── 这款可移动的游戏平台完全是为游戏而生,它的里里外外都装饰有魔兽世界的图案。

85、The great leader's exploits were emblazoned in song and story. ─── 伟大领袖的业绩被人们作诗谱曲加以吟颂。

86、Keep track of every day the date emblazoned in yr morning. ─── 为每个神奇的早晨,每一天留下记录。

87、Instructing him to return his vehicle's license plate , emblazoned with the word "ATHEIST", on the grounds that it was "objectionable". ─── 信中要求他交回写着“无神论者”几个字的车牌,其原因是这几个字“招人烦”。

88、For if a lover's face survives emblazoned on your heart, the world is still your home. ─── 无论走到哪里,只要爱人的面容仍铭记于心,世界便总是你的家。

89、Shoppers looked at souvenirs emblazoned with images of Mr. Obama Thursday at a shop in Union Station in Washington, D.C. ─── 上周四在华盛顿的一家商店,顾客正在挑选印有奥巴马肖像的纪念品。

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