vicissitudes 发音
英: 美:
vicissitudes 中文意思翻译
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n. 变迁;兴衰;枯荣;(人生的)盛衰(vicissitude的复数)
vicissitudes 短语词组
1、vicissitudes of ─── 沧桑
2、vicissitudes of life ─── 悲欢离合
3、vicissitudes 49 ─── 沧桑49
4、vicissitudes ring ─── 沧桑之环
5、vicissitudes wiki ─── 沧桑维基
6、vicissitudes of t t ─── 的变迁
7、vicissitudes define ─── 沧桑定义
vicissitudes 词性/词形变化,vicissitudes变形
名词: viciousness |副词: viciously |
vicissitudes 常用词组
vicissitudes of life ─── 悲欢离合
vicissitudes 相似词语短语
1、spissitude ─── n.密(度);浓(度)
2、vicissitude ─── n.变迁;盛衰;变化无常;变迁兴衰
3、verisimilitudes ─── n.逼真,貌似真实;逼真的事物
4、celsitude ─── 塞尔西特
5、similitudes ─── n.相似;外表;比拟
6、vicinities ─── n.邻近,附近;近处
7、vicissitudinary ─── adj.交替的;饱经沧桑的;多变迁的
8、vicissitudinous ─── adj.变迁的;有变化的;有盛衰的
9、necessitude ─── 必要性
vicissitudes 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Vicissitudes of them do not want their children to repeat their story. ─── 变迁他们不希望自己的孩子重复他们的故事。
2、the vicissitudes of family life ─── 家庭生活的变迁
3、The vicissitudes of my life saw my beloved friends parting one after another. Isn't it similar to the tree shedding its flowers in the wind? ─── 我曾多次承受与挚友离别的伤感,这随风而逝的花朵不正是脆弱生命的真实写照吗?
4、The unrestrained characteristic was due to Chu race's frivolous disposition and QuYuan's tragic vicissitudes. ─── 其狂放的艺术特色是与楚民族"剽轻"的性格特征和屈子悲剧性的人生际遇分不开的。
5、Vicissitudes of life is like a , each line crystallization time and the pain and emotional frustration. ─── 人生恰似一部沧桑的诗稿,每一行都凝聚着岁月的艰辛和情感的无奈。
6、Southern Dongting Lake's serenity, the vicissitudes of old buildings, local residents' simplicity and their self-contented moods construct the unique human environment of Dongting lake. ─── 南洞庭湖的静谧,古建筑的沧桑,本地居民的纯朴和自得其乐的心态等等构成了环洞庭湖独特的人文环境。
7、In nature there are unexpected storms, and in life unpredictable vicissitudes. ─── 天有不测风云,人有祸夕旦福。
8、In the wonderful autumn years, paved the vicissitudes of the years, cemented the red memories. ─── 在美妙的秋夜里,铺满了沧桑的岁月,凝成了火红的回忆。
9、The vicissitudes of life may suddenly make a rich man very poor ─── 在人世的沧桑中, 一个有钱人突然也会变成穷光蛋。
10、He experienced several great social vicissitudes in his life. ─── 他一生中经历了几次大的社会变迁。
11、In the fierce market competition,the implementation force of a hotel enterprise will determine its vicissitudes. ─── 在激烈的市场竞争中,一个酒店企业的执行力强弱,将决定其兴衰成败。
12、As a child, I did not this Sensibility awareness, because I do not have experienced vicissitudes of the human world. ─── 小时候,我对这种说法没有感性的认识,因为我没有体验过人世间的悲欢离合。
13、In fact, Denny said, "they seem to be stubbing their toes on life's vicissitudes, just like we all do. ─── 其实,丹尼说,“他们似乎就和我们一样,在坎坷人生中遭遇挫折。”
14、But the vicissitudes of a century of revelations in physics warn us not to be dogmatic. ─── 但是这一个世纪以来,物理上的发现起起伏伏,我们应该学到教训,不能太武断。
15、Having lived with this questions for some forty years without yet finding the answers, the least one can do is to render an account of some of the vicissitudes met with along the way. ─── 对这些问题研究了大约四十年,人们众说纷纭,仍然没有得出确切的答案,在此只好将多年来的研究成果和观念变化做一些列举和说明。
16、Yes, the vicissitudes. ─── 是的,人世变迁。
17、His faction survived and even thrived amid the many vicissitudes of his career. ─── 在他自己的事业饱经沧桑的过程中,他的派系不但保存下来,甚至还壮大了。
18、vicissitudes of an official career ─── 宦海沉浮
19、They passed through all the vicissitudes of the Polish nation. ─── 他们和波兰共患难,历尽种种沧桑。
20、But I wish first to say why I think that Holmes, whatever the vicissitudes of his American reputation may be, will always remain for Englishmen a heroic figure in jurisprudence. ─── 但是,我希望先说说为什么我认为,霍姆斯,不管他在美国的声誉如何变化,,对于英国人将一直是法律理论中的一个英雄式的任务。
21、One time of vicissitudes, a solemn and stirring story. ─── 一个沧桑的年代,一个悲壮的故事.
22、Amidst international vicissitudes, China has adhered to an independent foreign policy of peace and conducted fruitful diplomatic activities in both bilateral and multilateral contexts. ─── 在国际变化风云中,我国坚持独立自主的和平外交政策,进行了卓有成效的双边和多边外交活动,同世界各国和地区的友好合作关系不断发展。
23、When encountering failing, we should remember that to some extent there are vicissitudes in life, replete with various success, failing, and venture. ─── 2当我们适逢惨败时,我们应该记住在一定程度上人生总是凶险异常,充斥着各色成功与失败,以及冒险。
24、The vicissitudes of insurance industry would influence widely and fatherly. ─── 保险事业之荣枯,经营成败,波及广泛,影响深远。
25、Over the past 60 years, the great China-DPRK friendship, created by the older generations in the fights of blood and fire, has withstood various tests of international vicissitudes. ─── 60年来,两国老一辈革命家在血与火的斗争中亲手缔造的伟大友谊,经受住国际风云变幻的种种考验。
26、The vicissitudes of my life saw my beloved friends parting one after another. ─── 又一次次地失去许多挚爱的朋友,
27、She has experienced the vicissitudes of life. ─── 她一生饱经沧桑。
28、The goals of the vicissitudes of tax system of China gradually change,but its immovability is coercion and expediency. ─── 在中国的税制变迁中,不断变化的目标背后相同的变迁理念是强制和权宜。
29、Gone with the vicissitudes of the years is still bleak, but I was in the long years changed its appearance. ─── 飘逝的岁月依旧着沧桑凄凉,而我却在漫长的岁月里改变了模样。
30、The flowing, or character or strong text, so I seem to have gotten to the bottom of the vicissitudes of history. ─── 那或行云流水、或苍劲有力的文字,让我似乎读懂了历史的沧桑。
31、The Famous Monastery Witnesses Vicissitudes ─── 五台名刹画沧桑
32、If you come here, not only can see the Great Wall which is repaired as usual,ubt also can taste the ancient battlefield vicissitudes original style. ─── 在这里休闲度假,既能看到修复如原的长城,又能领略古长城,古战场沧桑原始的风貌。
33、The two say most people think top scholars have a leg up on life. In fact, Denny said, "they seem to be stubbing their toes on life's vicissitudes, just like we all do." ─── 二人说大多数人认为一流学者的生活优于常人。其实,丹尼说,“他们似乎就和我们一样,在坎坷人生中遭遇挫折。”
34、The genome is a sort of autobiographical record, written in enetish, of all the vicissitudes and inventions that have characterized the history of our species and its ancestors since the dawn of life. ─── 基因组相当于一种用“遗传语言”撰写的“自传性”记录,它所记载的兴衰变迁和发明创造该画了我们这个物种及其祖先从生命起源之初至今的历史。
35、At age 18, venerable for giraffes, Tiki is subject to the vicissitudes of age. ─── 18岁对长颈鹿而言已属高寿,提奇常受到岁月变迁的影响。
36、Tearful vicissitudes, limitless puzzlement, because has met you, will just have a deeper meaning. ─── 含泪的沧桑,无限的困惑,因为遇见了你,才会有更深的意义。
37、To insulate themselves from the vicissitudes of China’s state control, companies go through all manner of legal contortions when they list shares. ─── 为了使它们自己从中国政府控制中隔离出来,公司在出示股票的时候要通过各种形式的法律扭曲。
38、have experienced various vicissitudes of life ─── 历尽沧桑
39、The human has been old, also vicissitudes, ha, Later will all be young people's world. ─── 人老了,也沧桑了,哎,以后都是年轻人的天下了。
40、What a feeling of vicissitudes of history? ─── 一种历史沧桑感啊。
41、He was battling against the vicissitudes of life. ─── 他在每况愈下的生活中奋斗。
42、The fire of youth consumes the vicissitudes of life. ─── 带着青春的火花,然后生活中的繁琐。
43、Bird reduction with the increasing of people activities, deforestation and hunting, however, the vicissitudes are difference in different types of forests. ─── 云南西双版纳地区原始森林面积逐渐减小,人口及人为活动不断增加,鸟种趋于减少,但各林型鸟种变化有异同。
44、Turned to look back to the vicissitudes of that, only to find themselves too far out of the far, far less than in the past has returned. ─── 转过身去回望那一地沧桑,才发现自己走出了太远太远,远的已经回不到从前。
45、Sorrowing the unfortunate of China, hundred year vicissitudes. ─── 哀吾民之不幸兮,百年沧桑。
46、The China civilization experiences successively a vicissitudes of life, which walks all the way for thousands of years and took away the recalls of rise and fall,left too many brilliancy. ─── 中华文明历经沧桑,数千年一路走来,带走了不堪回首的过往,留下了太多的辉煌。
47、Look at the moon touched my long hair, how much time varying vicissitudes! ─── 看月影轻抚我的长发,多少时光变沧桑啊!
48、In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. ─── 在你眼中,一个低贱的杂耍老手随着命运的沉浮,装模作样扮演着受害者与加害者的双重角色。
49、When you experienced many vicissitudes, perhaps, will say you love me once. ─── 也许我们真的不该融入彼此的生活。可是我爱你,承担不起失去。
50、How could these ancient pianos have survived the vicissitudes of life? ─── 世事多变迁,这些钢琴是如何幸存至今的呢?
51、The city has been through many vicissitudes. ─── 这个城市经历了多次兴衰。
52、This paper has made a detailed review on tidal calamities, and delves into the vicissitudes of coastal entireonment and corresponding changes of people's life. ─── 在潮汐和潮灾影响下,沿海乡村生态环境发生了重要的变迁,民众生活也随之产生诸多变化。
53、During sixty years of vicissitudes, he stood together with the Chinese people through adversity and shared their weal and woe. ─── 为了在非敌占区组织工业合作社,又在荒漠之地创办技工学校,他不怕艰辛,不计得失,奉献了满腔热情和全部精力。
54、Human's love has division of the vicissitudes of life. ─── 人的爱情有悲欢离合之分。
55、Despite the vicissitudes of the years in the mother bearing the deep imprint of his face, but in my heart, in my eyes, the young mother will always be beautiful. ─── 尽管岁月的沧桑在母亲的脸上刻上了深深印记,但在我的心中,在我的眼里,母亲永远是年轻漂亮的。
56、China's Electoral System Vicissitudes adopts induced change mode that is dominated by authority center and incremental change type. ─── 中国选举制度变迁采用的是权力中心主导的诱致性变迁模式和渐进型变迁类型。
57、It is said by writer YI Dan, "A lot of people are sighing for the vicissitudes of the city, but in fact, they are lamented the irreversibility of life, a kind of emotional projection of self-mourning. ─── 作家易丹说得精准:“许多人对城市沧桑的感叹,其实是一种对生命不可挽回的感叹,是一种自我追悼的情绪投影。”
58、His life is marked by vicissitudes. ─── 他的一生几经沈浮。
59、As a young boy, I appreciate the comfort and security of a familiar place;a safe haven from the vagaries and vicissitudes of the world. ─── 在年幼的时候,我体会到那个熟悉的地方所带给我的书适合安全感,他是我在这个变幻莫测的世界中的避风港。
60、The course closed in 1978, and during the next 25 years, the vicissitudes of war kept Mr.Abdul away. ─── 1978年球场关闭,此后25年,变幻无常的战事让阿布杜无法回来。
61、Could also pave the thick layer of the vicissitudes of life mapped out in the sun of life is short, can not help but sad ah! ─── 可也就铺就了一层厚厚的沧桑,在阳光下映射出人生的苦短,不由让人悲伤啊!
62、Characterized by, full of, or subject to vicissitudes. ─── 多变迁的,变化的以变化无常为特点的,充满或易于变化的
63、In nature there are unexpected storms, and life has unpredictable vicissitudes. ─── 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。
64、Life sometimes need a kind of caress and expectation to the tranquility,which often will be aware after having experienced various vicissitudes and lived through a lot of years. ─── 人生有些时候需要一份对宁静的关照与守望,这些往往需要经过许多年、历经沧桑后才会明白。
65、The Vicissitudes of Direct Election of Prime Minister in Israel ─── 以色列总理直选制的兴废
66、We will meet whatever vicissitudes fate may send. ─── 不管发生什么样的命运变迁,我们都会迎接挑战的
67、Tsai Chin in love with because of my President, his songs have deep feelings do not in general, and vicissitudes of Tsai Chin's voice is so moved by the people, especially men. ─── 喜欢上蔡琴,是因为我家先生,他对老歌有着不一般的深情,而且,蔡琴嗓子里的沧桑,是那么的让人动容,尤其是男人。
68、Therefore, vicissitudes of vital qi and pathogens are considered to be one of the pathogenesises. ─── 因此,正邪的盛衰被认为是病机之一。
69、The dragon face vicissitudes of life dragon is often in quilt appearing as our this the nation symbol thing, lots and lots of place. ─── 龙颜沧桑龙常常被作为我们这个民族的象征物,出现在许许多多的地方。
70、Sensitive to the vicissitudes of the market ─── 对市场变化敏感
71、Never mind, a love so bumpy, but as a vulnerable, easily the vicissitudes of the so-called alternative-blank. ─── 从来没有想到,这么坎坷的一段爱情,却那样的不堪一击,轻易的被所谓的沧桑替代成空白。
72、Two thousand years ago the stoics were urging people to adopt a positive attitude in the face of life's vicissitudes and they probably weren't the first. ─── 两千年前,斯多葛派哲学家就力劝人们面对世事变化要采取积极的态度,他们或许还不是最早这样做的人。
73、They had come this far through successive acts of faith that had enabled them to transcend the vicissitudes of history. ─── 他们能维持到今,靠的是取信于民,笃行不倦,使他们得以越过历史的盛衰兴败。
74、In Korea, the establishment and the development of an ethnic literary theory has changed with different temporal exigencies and historical vicissitudes faced by Koreans in different periods of time. ─── 在韩国,民族文学论的成立和发展,系随著不同时期韩民族所面对的时代课题和历史任务而具有的不同内涵变迁而来。
75、True to the intensity of her passion for embracing the vicissitudes of the lived experience that Jarkata and Singapore can offer, she was often in betweenness : "Heaven can wait, but I won't ! ─── 她对生命的热忱,使她完全投入雅加达和新加坡两地之间瞬息万变的生活经验。
76、Whatever the vicissitudes of her past life, Jill now seems to have come through. ─── 不管过去经历了什么世事变迁,吉尔现在似乎已经度过难关了。
77、Things the development of high and low cycle of the vicissitudes of the law, so, good stocks are about to play the cycle of great importance to band, financing should also pay attention to cycles. ─── 事物发展都有高低盛衰的周期规律,所以,善玩股者讲究周期,重视波段,融资亦应注重周期。
78、"Hong Sao" Remain Dedicated after Vicissitudes of Years ─── 岁月不改"红嫂"本色
79、Through these vicissitudes, a "debt of honor" fund was kept sacred, and the pennies and dimes put into it slowly added up. ─── 在这些浮沉变化中,一个“义债金”屹然不动,存进去的分币和角币逐渐地积少成多。
80、In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. ─── 一位谦虚的杂耍老手,带苦难命运的受害者和加害者演出。
81、She showed deep sympathy for his vicissitudes of life. ─── 她对他生命的变迁深表同情。
82、battlingagainst the vicissitudes of life ─── 在每况愈下的生活中奋斗.
83、Meanwhile, the financial crisis and the vicissitudes of Chinese politics have dealt a blow to CDB's plan to transform into a truly commercial bank. ─── 与此同时,金融危机和国内政治变动,令国开行转型成为真正的商业银行的计划遭受了打击。
84、Stay flexible and recognize the vicissitudes of the market and of individual businesses. Or, own bonds. ─── 始终对市场的变化保持灵活性。
85、These delicate qualities have survived his vicissitudes. ─── 他虽然饱经不幸,但还是保存着这些出色的品质。
86、He told us the vicissitudes of a lake branch. ─── 他给我们讲述了一个湖汊的变迁史。
87、In addition to the feeling of frustrated boredom, they now began to feel pessimistic about the vicissitudes of life and to itch with the desire for something fresh to give them the excitement they needed. ─── 于是在无事可为的寂寞的微闷而外,又添上了人事无常的悲哀,以及热痒痒地渴想新奇刺激的焦灼。
88、Our commanders should have not only the boldness to overwhelm the enemy but also the ability to remain masters of the situation throughout the changes and vicissitudes of the entire war. ─── 他们不但要有压倒敌人的勇气,而且要有驾驭整个战争变化发展的能力。
89、For thousands of years, the Chinese people have related the vicissitudes of life to changes of the moon as it waxes and wanes;joy and sorrow, parting and reunion. ─── 千百年来,中国人将人生的兴衰荣辱、喜怒哀乐、悲欢离合与月亮的阴晴圆缺联系起来。
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