thievishness 中文意思翻译
thievishness 词性/词形变化,thievishness变形
动词过去分词: thieved |动词第三人称单数: thieves |动词现在分词: thieving |动词过去式: thieved |
thievishness 相似词语短语
1、childishness ─── n.童心;幼稚
2、tigerishness ─── 虎性
3、shrewishness ─── 泼悍
4、tigrishness ─── 虎性
5、Whiggishness ─── 辉格气,
6、trickishness ─── 诡计多端
7、peevishness ─── n.脾气不好;爱发牢骚
8、sheepishness ─── 羞怯
9、cheerishness ─── 快乐,
thievishness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、For truth proves thievish for a prize so dear. ─── 看见这样珍宝,忠诚也变扒手。
2、I am tired of that cat and its thievish ways. ─── 我讨厌那只猫以及牠那偷偷摸摸的样子。
3、Love is like a thief, who is thievish when coming, but make you disastrous when leaving. ─── 你说要一辈子跟我在一起,可是,你的一辈子太短。
4、thievish look ─── [法] 贼样子
6、64. relating to or having characteristics (eloquence, shrewdness, swiftness, thievishness) attributed to the god Mercury. ─── 具有墨丘利神所具备的善辩、精明、敏捷和鬼祟特点。
7、Thou by thy dial's shady stealth mayst knowTime's thievish progress to eternity. ─── 从日规上阴影的潜移你将认清,时光走向永劫的悄悄的脚步。
8、flightless New Zealand rail of thievish disposition having short wings each with a spur used in fighting ─── 不能飞的新西兰秧鸡,有偷窃习惯,短的翅膀上有刺状物用于格斗
9、Time's thievish progress to eternity. ─── 时光走向永劫的悄悄的脚步。
10、Having the characteristics of eloquence,shrewdness,swiftness,and thievishness attributed to the god Mercury. ─── 机智的具有墨丘利神所具备的善辩、精明、敏捷和鬼祟特点的。
11、16. They have such a wonerful thievish way about them. ─── 他们一个个都是贼眉鼠眼的。
12、Thievish; stealthy; furtive ─── 鬼头鬼脑
13、 双语使用场景
14、There is globalization even in prison.I wanted Nikolai to abide by the thievish foundations. ─── (汗)全球化甚至已经蔓延到了监狱里,而我需要一个犯罪背景根深蒂固的Nikolai。
15、That cat has a thievish look. ─── 那只猫有一副贼一般的样子。
16、1) I am tired of that cat and its thievish ways. ─── 我讨厌那只猫以及它那偷偷摸摸的样子。
17、When the dish was empty and Gerald only midway in his remarks on the thievishness of Yankees who wanted to free darkies and yet offered no penny to pay for their freedom, Ellen rose. ─── 盘子空了,可杰拉尔德才讲了一半呢,他在批评那些要解放黑奴可又不支付出任何代价的北方佬做起事来那么偷偷摸摸时,爱伦站起身来了。
18、thievish living ─── [法] 窃盗的生活
19、Having the characteristics of eloquence, shrewdness, swiftness, and thievishness attributed to the god Mercury. ─── 机智的具有墨丘利神所具备的善辩、精明、敏捷和鬼祟特点的
20、flightless New Zealand rail of thievish disposition having short wings each with a spur used in fighting. ─── 不能飞的新西兰秧鸡,有偷窃习惯,短的翅膀上有刺状物用于格斗。
21、From thievish ears, because it is his own? ─── 为什么它的主公,偏将它广为传布?
22、He like a thievish dog creeps sadly thence; ─── 他像条偷食的贱狗,灰溜溜从那儿爬走;
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