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08-23 投稿


clump 发音

英:[klʌmp]  美:[klʌmp]

英:  美:

clump 中文意思翻译




clump 网络释义

n. 丛;笨重的脚步声;土块vi. 形成一丛;以沉重的步子行走vt. 使成一丛;使凝结成块

clump 词性/词形变化,clump变形

动词现在分词: clumping |形容词: clumpy |动词第三人称单数: clumps |动词过去分词: clumped |动词过去式: clumped |

clump 短语词组

1、clump planting ─── 穴播

2、clump means ─── 丛指

3、clump cells ─── [医] 团块细胞(虹膜括约肌内)

4、clump definition ─── 束定义

5、bacterial clump ─── 细菌菌落

6、clump crossword ─── 拼字游戏

7、clump kidney ─── [医]块状肾,凝块肾,凝块未发育肾

8、clump of skin ─── 一团皮肤

9、chewed up clump ─── 啃坏的团块

10、chromosome clump ─── [医]染色体块团

11、clump meaning ─── 丛义

12、clump theory ─── 傻瓜理论

13、clump and seal ─── 结块密封

14、clump of poop ─── 一团粪便

clump 相似词语短语

1、clumpy ─── adj.多块的;成块的;树木丛生的

2、crump ─── n.炸弹;嘎吱声;vi.发嘎吱嘎吱声;猛烈爆炸;vt.嘎吱作响地嚼;adj.脆的;易碎的;n.(Crump)人名;(英、德)克伦普

3、Slump ─── v.下降,衰落;倒下;n.衰退;暴跌;消沉;低迷期;n.(Slump)(美、荷)史罗姆鄱(人名)

4、chump ─── n.笨蛋;大肉片,大块排骨;大木片

5、clumps ─── 块

6、lump ─── n.块,块状;肿块;瘤;很多;笨人;vt.混在一起;使成块状;忍耐;笨重地移动;vi.结块;adj.成团的;总共的;adv.很;非常

7、clomp ─── vi.重踏着走,重而响地走

8、clamp ─── v.夹紧,固定住;用夹锁锁住(车);保持(电信号)电压极限在规定水平;n.夹钳,螺丝钳;车轮夹锁(用于锁住违章停放的车辆);贮藏于稻草(或地底)下的一堆马铃薯(或其它块根蔬菜);青贮饲料堆的三面结构

9、flump ─── v.砰地落下;砰地扔下;n.(下落时)砰的一声

clump 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Presently they were in among a clump of ragged leafless shrubs, useless either for concealment or as protection from the wind ─── 他们走着走着就走到掉光了叶子的枯丛中间,这个枯丛既不能躲人又不能防风。

2、“That one”, he says, waving at a clump of corrugated-iron sheds and belching chimneys, “is owned by a man from Shanghai. ─── “那个”,他说,挥向一大片波状钢小棚子和正在冒烟的烟囱“是一个上海人的”。

3、When the pursuers come near, they see crows everywhere but no sign of Fancha and in the clump of weeds only a decayed tree stump. Blaming each other for taking a tree stump for Fancha, the pursuers then leave the scene. ─── 人们追到凡察藏身的草丛,只见荒野中到处是乌鸦,草丛中只有一根枯树桩,不见凡察的踪迹,大家互相埋怨错把树桩看成了人,随后离去。

4、The critical moment, the local concerned cadre is braving life-threatening, from carries on the back clump of village to rescue more than 80 villagers. ─── 关键时刻,当地有关干部冒着生命危险,从驮丛屯救出80多名村民。

5、A Kind of Practical Clump Plate ─── 一款实用的压板

6、Little gray clump of hair, and she was eating by herself. ─── 她已经有灰色的头发,她正在吃饭。

7、leafy plant having a few stems in a clump with 1 white and dull purple flower in each upper leaf axil; Alaska to northern California and Wyoming. ─── 多叶,每丛兰花有数个茎,每个叶腋上部有一朵花,花白色与暗紫色相间。

8、But, we could pick up a clump of it as if it were solid. ─── 但我们可以将一团混合物象固体一样拾起来。

9、Galaxies tend to clump together in clusters. ─── 星系往往聚集形成星团。

10、A pvs contains a bit for every leaf ( convex clump of polygons ) in the bsp tree - if that leaf is potentially visible from the current leaf the bit was set. ─── PVS含有每一个叶子节点是否可见的信息,如果那个叶子从当前叶子是可见的,那么PVS中相对应的那一个bit被置位。

11、This clump of blossomed hibiscus has covered the ruined entrance of my house, and attracted me to make a large size oil painting, which was taken abroad and was auctioned several times. ─── 先生话语中所描述的生活环境是他在50年代之后就一直居住的北京什刹海畔的会贤堂大杂院,这也是吴先生一生中住得最久的一处住址。

12、But, we could pick up a clump of it as if it were solid. ─── 但我们可以将一团混合物象固体一样拾起来。

13、Just now I saw a mantis basking on the flower clump. ─── 刚才我看到一只螳螂在花丛上晒太阳。

14、A dense clump, especially of trees or bushes. ─── 丛生植物、丛树密集的树丛或灌木丛

15、Tom proudly marched into a thick clump of sumach bushes and said, "Here you are!" ─── 汤姆得意地大步走进一丛茂密的绿树中说:“给你!”

16、Units do not clump together when told to complete a 180 degree turn. ─── 命令180度转身以后,部队不会挤在一起了。

17、This clump of paper birch trunks was backlit by a blaze of reds and yellows. ─── 这一丛纸桦树树干的背光是一片红黄相间的火焰。

18、Diabetics are prone to an increased production of thromboxane, a substance that encourages platelets to clump together. ─── 可使糖尿病人血栓烷量增加,血栓烷是一种能促使血小板聚积的物质。

19、They stopped under a clump of bananas, the fruit of which, as healthy as bread and as succulent as cream, was amply partaken of and appreciated ─── 他们在一丛香蕉树荫下小憩片刻香蕉。跟面包一样对人有好处,旅客们非常欣赏,他们还说香蕉跟奶酪一样有营养呢。

20、He is a mild, bald, timid man with a shining head, and a scrubby clump of black hair sticking out at the back. ─── 他是个温和,胆小的人;他秃头顶,脑袋亮亮的,一撮乱蓬蓬的黑发在后面翘了起来。

21、Spectacular plant having large prostrate leaves barred in reddish-purple and flowers with a clump of long yellow stamens in a coral-red cup of fleshy bracts,South Africa. ─── 一种非常壮观的植物,具有大的俯伏的叶子,颜色呈微红至紫色,在珊瑚色杯状多肉的苞片里有一簇长的黄色的雄蕊,生长在南非。

22、She has two big warts on her chin from which there sprouts a clump of little hairs;she is growing a mustache. ─── 她的下巴上生着两个大疣子,疣子上长出一撮毛来,于是她便干脆留起了小胡子。

23、A peasant, poling a tiny boat, hastened to shore and clutched a clump of reeds growing in the shallows.The waves tossed him and his little craft up and down like a see-saw. ─── 一条乡下“赤膊船”赶快拢岸,船上人揪住了泥岸上的树根,船和人都好像在那里打秋千。

24、"APT102 is an especially interesting drug because it gets rid of a compound called ADP, which tumor cells release and which stimulates platelets to clump. ─── APT102是一种十分有趣的药物,它可以减少一种叫做ADP的物质,这种物质是由肿瘤细胞释放出来的,并可以促进血小板的生成。

25、They came to an opening behind a clump of bushes and in the midst of a pile of rocks, by which a man could scarcely pass. ─── 他们走到了一丛灌木后面,在一堆石块中间,有一个仅可容身的入口。

26、To clump together. That set up the gravitation ─── 地心吸力,万有引力

27、She said that she did not wish him to drive her further, and they stopped lust under the clump of trees. ─── 她说她不想再要他往前送了,于是他们就在那一片小树林里停了下来。

28、Study on Intuoduction and Cultivation Techniques of Clump Bamboos ─── 丛生竹引种繁殖及栽培技术研究

29、On the farther shore, overhung by a clump of elder bushes, we discern the stone abutment of the bridge. ─── 在河的彼岸,我们可以看得见在接骨木排垂下的石质桥墩。

30、Why the varicocele happens in more left, the dissection of this and the clump of tendril shape vein that essence of life alls alone concerns close. ─── 为什么精索静脉曲张多发生在左侧,这与精索的蔓状静脉丛的解剖关系密切。

31、He ran after her was almost overtaking her when she was turned, at her own request, into a clump of reeds by Mother Earth . ─── 潘追逐着西瑞克斯,他几乎赶上了她。在西瑞克斯的请求下,大地之母把她变成了一丛芦苇。

32、Study on Seedling Cultivation of Clump Bamboo of Separated Individual from Parents ─── 丛生竹分株留蔸育苗技术研究

33、If a density clump occurs in a plasma, an electric field can cause the ions and electrons to separate, generating another electric field. ─── 如果在等离子体中出现了密度块区,电场就能引起离子和电子分离,产生另一个电

34、Leaves both basal and cauline, petioles not forming a clump; flowers few, borne in a monochasium; petals very shortly clawed. ─── 叶都为基生和茎生,叶柄不形成一片丛;花少数,生于单歧聚伞花序;花瓣非常短的瓣爪。(38

35、They found that salamander regeneration begins when a clump of cells called a blastema forms at the tip of a lost limb. ─── 他们发现,蝾螈再生是从一团被称为芽基的细胞在断肢顶端形成的时候开始的。

36、Which month hospital receives brachial clump nerve best? ─── 哪个月医院接臂丛神经最好了?

37、The plant height,stem diameter,millable cane per clump,the number of clump and the brix of each sampled cane were measured at the harvest time. ─── 取样的每个植株,收获前分别测定株高、茎粗、有效茎数、丛重和锤度.

38、They stooped in a long curve down into the golden glow, concentrating, cawing, wheeling, like back flakes on a slow vortex, over a tree clump that made a dark boss among the pasture. ─── 它们作弧线状俯冲进金色的余辉,围着一块乌黑的树桩盘旋,如同缓慢的旋风卷起黑色薄片。

39、A clump of bushes, put thick snow on, is like a heap of giant mushroom in cold winter. ─── 冬天,阿尔泰山一片银装素裹,一堆堆灌木丛严严实实地裹上了冬装,像一个个硕大无比的白蘑菇。

40、Gu establish, clump establish the lawn at curtilage, park, Chi Pan, lakeside or row establish Yu Daopang all quite beautiful. ─── 孤植.丛植于庭园.公园之草坪.池畔.湖滨或列植于道旁均颇美观。

41、A clump, mass, or lump, as of clay. ─── 土块一块、一堆或一团,如土块

42、When he turned to stare, it was only a clump of broken stone once more, half-shrouded in moss and encroaching earth. ─── 当他转身凝视的时候,他所看到的,只不过是一堆碎石,柱子的一半,裹着苔藓和泥土。

43、If the galaxies are of comparable mass, the result is a smooth clump of stars with properties that strongly resemble an elliptical. ─── 如果两星系的质量相当,合并的结果就是一个平滑的星团,性质与椭圆星系非常接近。

44、They presently emerged into the clump of sumach bushes, looked warily out, found the coast clear, and were soon lunching and smoking in the skiff. ─── 不久他俩出来后钻进了绿树林,警惕地观察四周,发现岸边没人,就开始上船吃起饭,抽起烟来。

45、Bacterial Clump Distribution and Drug Resistance Rate of 154 Children With Bacterial Dysentery ─── 154例小儿细菌性痢疾菌型分布及耐药性变化

46、Also the scholar thinks: Itch becoming aware basically is by cuticular derma of the boundary sensory experience with place of shallow-layer skin clump conduct. ─── 也有学者认为:痒觉主要是由表皮真皮交界处的感觉器官和浅层皮肤丛所感受传导的。

47、SunrockCove Added pathing room around Goblin Laboratory and removed the clump of trees in front of the Goblin Laboratory to enhance game play. ─── 在地精实验室附近移除部分树木,并且添加小路。

48、Do you hear the clump of boots? ─── 你听到靴子的咯咯声吗?

49、Exasperated, he leaped the stream, and strode towards beech clump ─── 他满腔恼怒,跳过小河,大踏步向毛榉林子走去。

50、clump together; as of bacteria, red blood cells, etc.. ─── 土块粘在一起;细菌和血液混合在一起。

51、Carl Clump, the boss of Retail Decisions, a fraud-detection firm based near London with clients including Wal-Mart, Sears and Bloomingdale's, offers an example. ─── 伦敦附近一家名为零售决策(RetailDecisions)的欺诈监测公司,公司客户包括沃尔马、Sears、Bloomingdale's。该公司的老板卡尔.科兰普(CarlClump)给出一个例子。

52、Do you see yonder clump of trees (ie that clump of trees over there)? ─── 你看见那边的一丛树林了吗?

53、In a clump of pinnacle and the limitless redsoil on, the hoodoo has extremely rich precious national, thehistorical culture resources and the humanities radiant ray. ─── 在丛丛石峰和漫无边际的红土地上,石林拥有极其丰富宝贵的民族、历史文化资源及人文的璀璨光芒。

54、Einstein worked out how the right sort of microscopic particles could clump up in ways that would be visible at human scales, which is basically how superconductors work. ─── 他发现了全同微观粒子如何以人们可观测到的方式进行凝聚,这可以用来解释超导体的工作原理。

55、Light traveling through the matter clump is warped and distorted, a phenomenon called gravitational lensing. ─── 当光线穿过这些物质团块的时候就会发生弯曲或扭转,这种现象被称为“引力透镜效应”。

56、It was as if he had hacked with his thick boots at a clump of bluebells. ─── 仿佛他用自己的厚靴子无情地践踏了一丛野风信子。

57、Outside the brush house in the tuna clump, a covey of little birds chattered and flurried with their wings. ─── 在茅屋外面的霸王树丛中,一群小鸟一面嘁嘁喳喳地叫着,一面拍打着翅膀。

58、Soon she was at the end of the driveway and out on the main road, but she did not stop until she had rounded a curve that put a large clump of trees between her and the house. ─── 她很快便到了车道尽头,走上了大路,可是她并不停步,直到拐了个弯,那里有一大丛树遮掩着她,使家里人再也不能看见了。

59、A clump of scrubby trees, such as alone grew on the peninsula, did not so much conceal the cottage from view, as seem to denote that here was some object which would fain have been, or at least ought to be, concealed. ─── 半岛上只长着一丛孤零零的矮树,非但没有遮住茅屋,反倒像是在指示出这里有一个目标,而那个目标原本不情愿或至少是应该被挡得看不见的。

60、To cause(red blood cells or bacteria) to clump together. ─── 使凝集使(红血球或细菌)凝集

61、He waited a minute or two until he was sure that the poet was gone for good, then ran up on to a mound hidden in a clump of trees lying back from the pond. ─── 他又略候了一二分钟,断定范博文确是一去不复返了,他这才跑上了池子后面的一个树木环绕像亭子一样的土堆,叫道:

62、A stream meandered gently through a clump of trees. ─── 一条小溪从树丛中蜿蜒穿过。

63、He was about to put his idea into action, when he was startled by a rustle in the clump of cypresses behind them. He started nervously, arid his boldness suddenly evaporated. ─── 他差不多想来一个动作了,但不幸他们背后的扁柏丛中忽地起了一阵屑屑索索的声音,范博文全身一震,那野心便又逃走了。

64、a clump of luxuriant verdure ─── 一丛葱郁茂盛的草木

65、"Cut up," says Clump with a grin; "I would not have her cut up for two hundred a year." ─── 克伦浦嘻皮笑脸的说:“死!我宁可少拿200镑一年,也不愿意她死。”

66、Because the parties clump together in big coalitions that haggle with national governments and the European Commission, ordinary folk do not know how to vote if they want to influence EU laws. ─── 因为各种党派勾结成为大集团,然后和国家政府及欧盟委员会讨价还价,而草根民众想要改变欧盟法律时却不知该如何投票。

67、5. leafy plant having a few stems in a clump with 1 white and dull purple flower in each upper leaf axil; Alaska to northern California and Wyoming. ─── 多叶,每丛兰花有数个茎,每个叶腋上部有一朵花,花白色与暗紫色相间。收藏指正

68、When they had rounded the curve of the dusty road that hid them from Tara, Brent drew his horse to a stop under a clump of dogwood. ─── 他们在尘土飞扬的大道上拐过那个看不见塔拉农场的弯以后,布伦特勒住马,在一丛山茱萸下站住了。

69、situated in a clump of trees ─── 位于树丛中

70、individual numbers per clump ─── 丛立竹数

71、His car crashed into a clump of trees and overturned. ─── 他的汽车撞上树丛,翻倒在地。

72、They come upon a clump or something, and they sort of circle it to see whether it's more digesting. ─── 他们碰到一个土块或是什么东西,就会,把它围起来看看这东西是不是更容易消化。

73、He is a mild, bald, timid man with a shining head, and a scrubby clump of black hair sticking out at the back ─── 他是个温和,胆小的人;他秃头顶,脑袋亮亮的,一撮乱蓬蓬的黑发在后面翘了起来。

74、The results showed that the subclones derived from Xianyou 79-83 possessed thinner stalk diameter, shorter plant height, more number of stalk per clump and approximate brix in comparison with donor variety. ─── 仙游79-83组培亚无性系的性状平均表现为茎变细,茎数/丛增加,株高减少,锤度与供体的无显著差异.

75、The henhouse that sees a platoon is sleek only inside grange sets off one another in greenery safflower clump, tens of thousands of, ; ─── 农庄内只见一排排井然有序的鸡舍掩映在绿树红花丛中,数以万计,外表绚丽的孔雀、野鸡、红腹锦鸡;成片的果树在阳光下闪着刺眼的绿色,果香扑鼻;

76、She passed the clump of cedars and the low brick wall which marked the family burying ground, trying not to think of the new grave lying by the three short mounds of her little brothers. ─── 她走过香柏林和一道矮矮的砖墙,是家族墓地的标志,但她尽量设法不去想她三个弟弟的小小坟旁边新添的那座坟墓。

77、"One kind, the antitoxins, neutralizes poisons produced by certain bacteria. another type of antibody, the agglutinins, causes some bacteria to clump together in the blood. " ─── 其中一种为抗毒素,可中和某些细菌产生的毒素。另外一种类型抗体,凝集素,使一些细菌在血液中凝块。

78、initial culm number per clump ─── 丛初植立竹数

79、There is nothing odd in countries having different population patterns: you would expect that. But it is odd that countries should clump together into two broad clusters. That needs explaining. ─── 不同国家有不同的人口模式并不奇怪:你会预料到这一点。然而这些国家扎堆形成两个明显的集群就奇怪了。那就需要解释。

80、On a leaf nearby, a clump of tiny white balls have been glued on with red cement. ─── 在它旁边的一个树叶上,一簇小白球被红色的胶水粘着。

81、spectacular plant having large prostrate leaves barred in reddish-purple and flowers with a clump of long yellow stamens in a coral-red cup of fleshy bracts; South Africa. ─── 一种非常壮观的植物;具有大的俯伏的叶子,颜色呈微红至紫色;在珊瑚色杯状多肉的苞片里有一簇长的黄色的雄蕊;生长在南非。

82、To conduct experiments on embryonic stem cells, scientists extract the clump from its blastocyst( destroying the rest of the embryo in the process), and then keep the stem cells separately in Petri dishes. ─── 在对胚胎干细胞进行实验的过程中,科学家们首先从胚泡中提取出凝块(此过程中破坏了胚胎的剩余部分)然后将干细胞单独存放在皮氏培养皿中。

83、Fast moving particles, however, cannot clump together on such small scales and, in fact, suppress the clumping of other matter. ─── 可是快速移动的粒子不能以这种小比例范围丛生一起,事实抑制了其它物质丛生。

84、Yi Ke enters vertebral vein clump via the vein between costal region, produce the move of skeleton or central nervous system. ─── 亦可经肋间静脉进入脊椎静脉丛,发生骨骼或中枢神经系统的转移。

85、We say the "staleness" of a clump is the amount of time that elapses from when Bessie starts moving until she eats a clump.Bessie wants to minimize the total staleness of all the clumps she eats. ─── 她是以匀速前进的(单位时间单位距离)当她遇到草地时就吃草。

86、One or two of these cuddle little guys decimates an entire clump of Terran Marines. ─── 只要一两个这些小东西就能拉一大扎机枪兵去垫背。

87、There is also only so much human attention, and it tends to clump. ─── 人类能关注的东西本身就有限,而这些东西往往却都杂七杂八混成一团。

88、To clump together; undergo agglutination. ─── 凝集聚在一起;进行粘结

89、For example, you can clump together features that naturally belong together, for example, doing software schedules makes billable time easier, so maybe we should either do both or neither. ─── 举例来说,你可以把本来应该放在一起的功能集合起来,比如进行软体排程会让可报帐时数更容易完成,所以或许我们应该两个都做或是两个都不做。

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