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09-08 投稿


exonerate 发音

英:[ɪɡˈzɑːnəreɪt]  美:[ɪɡˈzɒnəreɪt]

英:  美:

exonerate 中文意思翻译



exonerate 反义词


exonerate 词性/词形变化,exonerate变形


exonerate 短语词组

1、exonerate meaning ─── 免除意思

2、exonerate sb from ─── 免除某人…,使某人 ─── 免受…

3、exonerate definition ─── 免责定义

4、exonerate in a sentence ─── 宣判无罪

5、exonerate crossword clue ─── 免除纵横字谜线索

6、exonerate legal definition ─── 免除法律定义

7、exonerate from ─── 使……免受指控; ─── 使……免罪

8、exonerate define ─── 免除责任

9、exonerate clause ─── 免责条款

10、exonerate means ─── 免责手段

11、exonerate crossword ─── 免除纵横填字游戏的责任

exonerate 同义词

coding DNA

exonerate 相似词语短语

1、exuberate ─── v.繁茂;充满

2、exonerator ─── 免除责任者

3、exonerated ─── vt.使免罪

4、exenterate ─── vt.去除内容物;用外科手术去除

5、exonerative ─── adj.免罪的;释罪的;免除的

6、exoneration ─── n.免除;免罪

7、exonerates ─── vt.使免罪

8、to exonerate ─── 开脱

9、exonerating ─── vt.使免罪

exonerate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This notice shall not exonerate the captain from his duty to navigate with a safe speed at any time. ─── 本通知不免除船长在任何时候采取安全航速的责任。

2、exonerate sb. from blame ─── 免某人的罪责

3、The Planner helps you to manage weekly repeating events and exonerate the Calendar. ─── 任务计划器可以帮助你管理每周都要做的事,从而免除日历。

4、This notice shall not exonerate the captain from his duty to navigate with a safe speed at any time. ─── (三) 往来崇明三岛的客船、高速客船;(四) 经主管机关核准的其他船舶。

5、I mean, you have this preconceived notion that nobody, listen, that nobody can't possibly attain the same high ethical standards as you, so you exonerate them. ─── 我是说,你有一种固执的先入为主的观点,认为身边所有人都理解不到你那些高尚的衡量人类的道德标准,因此你宽恕身边所有的人。

6、You need to completely exonerate Michael's name and legacy from the awful, disgusting claims you made against him. ─── 就在此刻,我会努力找到所有的语言在这封信里充分表达我是多么的痛恨你们这种人,同时也想表达我对杰克森家族痛苦的无限同情。。

7、Defences are available to exonerate journalists and financial or research analysts who may have innocently reported the market misconduct and innocently received a benefit for such conduct. ─── 假如新闻工作者、财经分析人员和研究人员在不知情下报道了市场失当行为,并在不知情下从中获益,他们可以提出免责辩护而获得豁免。

8、It also emerges that documents which Wang claimed would exonerate him and Jones did not exist. ─── 它同时也暴露出,Wang声称能洗清他和琼斯造假嫌疑的文件并不存在。

9、A few hours later, with McCoy being held in Dramian detention, Kirk takes the Enterprise to Dramia II to investigate the charges, and hopefully find evidence to exonerate his friend. ─── 寇克对德拉米娅人快速的司法系统早有耳闻,他担心麦考伊前景不妙,麦考伊却认为那场瘟疫有可能真是自己的过错。

10、exonerate vt. ─── 免除,证明无罪 The report on the accident exonerates the bus driver from any responsibility. 事故的报告认为公共汽车司机是没有任何责任的。

11、exonerate a person from blame ─── 使人免于责难

12、4. Alas, though, exonerate Holmes as we cannot make a great writer out of him. ─── 然而,可惜得很,我们既然无法使霍姆斯成为一个伟大作家就饶了他吧。

13、" Surely , " said Rose , " the poor child's story, faithfully repeated to these men, will be sufficient to exonerate him . " ─── “说真的,”露梓说,“要是把那可怜的孩子的故事如实告诉他们,一定可以使他免罪。”

14、A CFTC study last year appeared to exonerate them. ─── 据推测,清白的参赛者会知道这个录像带会证明他们没有作弊。

15、4.This notice shall not exonerate the captain from his duty to navigate with a safe speed at any time. ─── 四、 本通知不免除船长在任何时候采取安全航速的责任。

16、the legal result can be divided into exonerate and commutation of punishment; ─── 自首制度比较显著的特点是重思想轻行为。

17、to exonerate sb. from blame ─── 宽免某人的罪责

18、Company cannot rely on formal employee's mistake to exonerate itself for liability. ─── (公司不能归咎于员工的错而以为可以免受指控。)

19、In 2009, the social networking site helped exonerate Mr. Bradford after prosecutors charged him with a robbery in Brooklyn. ─── 2009年,布拉德福特先生被指控在布鲁克林参与一起抢劫案,社交网站Facebook为他洗脱了罪名。

20、exonerate by means of a perfunctory investigation or through biased presentation of data. ─── 通过马马虎虎的调查或通过不准确的数据显示就断定某人无罪。

21、There is no reason to exonerate him from the ordinary duties of a citizen. ─── 没有理由免除他做公民应尽的义务。

22、Mitigating factors notwithstanding, the outburst by the teacher shows an undeniable lack of professionalism on her part.Nothing can exonerate her from that. ─── 事实上,该教师的情绪失控,不管如何申辩,确实是代表了一种专业操守上的缺位,任何解释都难辞其咎。

23、exonerate clause ─── 免责条款

24、You must not make use of the name of the LORD your God for worthless purposes, for the LORD will not exonerate anyone who abuses his name that way. ─── 你们一定不可以把神主子你们的神之名用于无意义的意图,神主子将不会赦免任何滥用神之名的人。

25、To exonerate one's conscience ─── 剖白良心

26、"Surely," said Rose,"the poor child's story, faithfully repeated to these men, will be sufficient to exonerate him." ─── “说真的,”露梓说,“要是把那可怜的孩子的故事如实告诉他们,一定可以使他免罪。”

27、11 You must not make use of the name of the LORD your God for worthless purposes, for the LORD will not exonerate anyone who abuses his name that way. ─── 11你们一定不可以把神主子你们的神之名用于无意义的意图,神主子将不会赦免任何滥用神之名的人.

28、CFTC study last year appeared to exonerate them. ─── CFTC去年的一个研究报告赦免了他们。

29、At trial, Hardy (P)( testified she voluntarily stayed in the office to attempt to exonerate herself.The jury returned a verdict for LaBelle (D), and Hardy (P) appealed. ─── 在审讯中,哈代证实了她自愿留在办公室里试图为自己摆脱嫌疑,法院裁定拉贝尔公司和哈代的上诉。

30、exonerate [rehabilitate] and redress ─── 昭雪平反

31、The boom-bust explanation does not exonerate greed, shortsightedness, or misguided government policies. But it does help explain them. ─── 繁荣-萧条循环的解释并不能赦免贪婪、短视和政策不力之罪,但有助于弄清这些罪过产生的因由。

32、It pioneered the use of DNA to pinpoint or to exonerate suspects. ─── 在FBI在确证罪犯过程中最早使用了基因技术。

33、Zhangfzoe: His candid conclusion is that history has been kind to Riefenstahl; far more effort needs to be taken not to exonerate her. ─── 他坦率地认为,历史对瑞芬斯塔尔是宽容的,还需要做出更多的努力,而不是来开释她。

34、Why do you always have reason to exonerate your fair in exams?You have never managed to work hard to get a better score. ─── 怎么你总是有理由为自己考试不及格开脱,从来没有努力考好过一次。

35、Why do you always have reason to exonerate your fair in exams? You have never managed to work hard to get a better score. ─── 怎么你总是有理由为自己考试不及格开脱,从来没有努力考好过一次。

36、In the area of environmental protection, recycling corrugated products easy to exonerate the soil coated Board. ─── 在环保方面,瓦楞产品容易回收再生,免除对涂布纸板的土埋要求。

37、to exonerate; to rehabilitate; to right wrongs; to wipe out a disgrace ─── 昭雪

38、Tess,whose sole wish is to please her idol,acquiesces in his attitude, and, after a first wild outburst at the injustice,does nothing to exonerate herself, ─── 苔丝惟一的愿望就是要取悦她所崇拜的人,从而默许了他的态度。苔丝第一次对这种不公平的遭遇作了猛烈的发泄以后,也就没有再做任何努力,来为自己开脱辩解。

39、but I have still a blank of three years, to fill up, before I can exonerate her from my terrible suspicion. ─── 但我还有三年的空白要填充,搞清楚了这三个年头,我才能使她从可怕的嫌疑中解脱出来。

40、"Surely," said Rose, "the poor child's story, faithfully repeated to these men, will be sufficient to exonerate him." ─── “说真的,”露梓说,“要是把那可怜的孩子的故事如实告诉他们,一定可以使他免罪。”

41、exonerate v. ─── 使免罪;免除;

42、(5) His candid conclusion is that history has been kind to Riefenstahl; far more effort needs to be taken not to exonerate[8] her. ─── 他坦言,历史对瑞芬斯塔尔是仁慈的;要想让她背负骂名实属不易。

43、provided that the master or other person so signing may exonerate himself in respect of such misrepresentation ─── 但在提货单上签名之船长或其他人士则可免除责任。

44、They exonerate people from personal responsibility, and imprison them in circumstances and the victim mentality (“It's not my fault I lost”), the result being a kind of civic death. ─── 他们使大家推卸个人的责任,让人们陷身于客观环境与牺牲者心理(我输了,这不是我的过错)不能自拔,结果则是一种公民道德的沦丧。

45、CFTC study last year appeared to exonerate them. ─── CFTC去年的一个研究报告赦免了他们。

46、Nothing can exonerate her from that. ─── 任何解释都难辞其咎。

47、to exonerate the company from any responsibility ─── 免除该公司的全部责任

48、The Passion has already proved controversial for appearing to exonerate Judas and Pontius Pilate for their roles in the Christ's death. ─── The Passion对于犹大和本丢彼拉多(译者注:下令处死耶稣的罗马总督)的处理已很明显是颇有争议的,该片认为两人在处死基督这件事情中所扮演的角色是无罪的。

49、But the OFHEO people learned that Fannie lobbyists were telling members of Congress that the report was inconsequential and Falcon wouldn't release it because he didn't want to exonerate Fannie. ─── 但后来,督察局的人得知,房利美的说客对国会议员说,报告完全说明不了问题,督察局不准备发表,因为它不想去证明房利美无罪。

50、Presumably, the innocent participants knew such a tape would exonerate them. ─── 或许,这些无辜的参与者知道这个摄像机会帮他证实他的清白。

51、"There's nothing better you can do than to exonerate somebody who's been hanged ... for a crime," Lutz says. ─── 卢兹认为,通过了解历史神秘案件的这一方式,人们除了在好奇之中知道这些案件之外,还学到了历史知识。”

52、The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. ─── 该公司的唯一责任是其客户,这 文件并不能免除当事人的交易行使其所有权利和义务的交易 文件。

53、I do not wish to exonerate the British government: it was was a moral culprit in the opium trade. ─── 我不想开脱英国政府的责任;因为参加了鸦片贸易它还是值得责怪。

54、One commentator in a statenewspaper, the Shanghai Daily, described Mr Fan as a "courageouscoward" for admitting what happened - but added that his courage was notsufficient to exonerate his cowardice. ─── 上海日报的一位评论员将敢于承认事件经过的范美忠描述为“有勇气的懦夫”,同时认为他的大胆言论并无助于减轻他的懦夫的形象。

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