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09-11 投稿


gobbling 发音

英:[ˈɡɒblɪŋ]  美:[ˈɡɑːblɪŋ]

英:  美:

gobbling 中文意思翻译



gobbling 词性/词形变化,gobbling变形

动词过去分词: gobbled |动词第三人称单数: gobbles |动词现在分词: gobbling |动词过去式: gobbled |

gobbling 短语词组

1、gobbling wild turkey pictures ─── 狼吞虎咽的野生火鸡图片

2、gobbling up resources ─── 吞噬资源

3、gobbling ooze ─── 狼吞虎咽的软泥

4、gobbling goblin ─── 狼吞虎咽的地精

5、gobbling down ─── 狼吞虎咽;大口大口地吃

6、gobbling gobs ─── 狼吞虎咽

7、gobbling turkeys ─── 狼吞虎咽的火鸡

8、gobbling meme ─── 吞噬模因

9、gobbling picture ─── 狼吞虎咽的画面

10、gobbling up ─── 狼吞虎咽;贪婪地抓住

11、gobbling tom ─── 狼吞虎咽的汤姆

12、gobbling grapes ─── 狼吞虎咽的葡萄

gobbling 相似词语短语

1、knobbling ─── n.制铁坯;锤石

2、gabbling ─── v.急促而含糊不清地说(gabble的现在分词)

3、wobbling ─── v.(使)晃动,摇晃;蹒跚;踌躇(wobble的现在分词)

4、cobbling ─── 圆石铺砌;[纺]织物重染

5、grabbling ─── vi.搜索;爬;匍匐;vt.抓住

6、bobbling ─── n.上下跳动;失误;穿饵钓线钓鳗法;v.晃动;(球)漏接(bobble的ing形式)

7、nobbling ─── v.阻止(赛马)取胜;买通;阻挠;引起注意;诈骗(nobble的现在分词)

8、hobbling ─── vi.蹒跚;跛行;vt.使跛行;n.跛行步态

9、gobbing ─── n.充填;鼓泡物料;v.吐唾沫(gob的现在分词)

gobbling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、How to progress through the game: Players run, glide, climb and fight your way through five levels as Yoshi, gobbling up enemies as they go. ─── 如何在游戏中进级:玩家通过耀西的五个水平跑,滑,爬和飞?!跑动时吞吃敌人。

2、The invaders set fire to the imperial palace after gobbling up all its valuable things ─── 侵略者抢走了所有的值钱的东西后放火毁了那座王宫。

3、The impression is of having plenty of wheel travel for gobbling the larger stuff and big-car, full-frame isolation when encountering expansion joints and smaller road imperfections. ─── 给人的印象是有大量的轮旅行啃噬较大的材料和大轿车,全帧隔离伸缩缝时,遇到小的道路不完善的地方。

4、Just look at all the banks we found that have gotten taxpayer bailout funds and are gobbling up the competition. ─── 看看那些我们发现得到纳税人救市资金和吞食竞争对手的所有银行。

5、The wolf-effect theory holds that wolves kept elk numbers at a level that prevented them from gobbling up every tree or willow that poked its head aboveground. ─── 灰狼效应理论认为,狼群把麋鹿数量维持在一个程度以下,让麋鹿不至于啃食所有从地面探出头来的树苗。

6、4. He was gobbling mincemeat, meat bone, bread and cheese, all at once. ─── 他就把碎肉、肉骨头、面包和乳酪一古脑儿往嘴里塞。

7、Hatching for 5 days, add ink to each of the groups, observe and compare the different gobbling ability of cell with each other groups by high-scale microscope. ─── 孵育5天后向各组中加入墨汁,在高倍镜下观察比较各组间细胞吞噬能力的不同;

8、When camels are really hungry and there is no food around, they won't think twice about gobbling up people's tents, sandals, or blankets. ─── 当骆驼真的感到饥饿,并且附近没有食物的时候,它们会毫不犹豫的狼吞虎咽的吃人们的帐篷,凉鞋或毛毯。

9、Some have even been known to make their way onto the dinner table when their humans are not paying attention, gobbling down everything from filet mignon to sticks of butter! ─── 家长通常会让孩子们去遛狗,这时候可卡的长耳朵就是最吸引孩子目光的地方,经常会遭到蹂躏。

10、A new cohort of 'bots that make energy by gobbling organic matter could be the beginning of truly autonomous machines. ─── 一种靠“吞食”有机物“发电”的新型机器人可能成为真正的自给型机器人的序幕。

11、These features indicate that it was a predator capable of gobbling reptiles and other large sea life, filling a niche eventually taken over by large sharks. ─── 这些特征表明它是能够吞噬爬虫类动物和其他大型海洋生物的食肉动物。它所在的生态链的环节最终被大鲨鱼所取代。

12、The other was to set the reservation systems free to become (as the airlines see it) profit-gobbling monsters that devour their parents. ─── 其二使预订系统免费(如航空公司认为的)使其成为攫取利润的怪兽,正要吞噬它的衣食父母。

13、But we really didn't know what's doing the gobbling. ─── 但以前人们一直不知道是什么在起作用。

14、From Canada to Indonesia to Kazakhstan, Chinese firms are gobbling up oil, gas, coal and metals, or paying for the right to explore for them, or buying up firms that produce them. ─── 从加拿大,印尼到哈萨克斯坦,中国企业大量囤积石油,天然气,煤炭和金属,或支付这些资源的开采权利,或购买生产这些资源的公司。

15、Such outflows are signatures of the processes surrounding a star that is still gobbling up material as part of its formation. ─── 这种溢流是恒星运动的标志,它表明恒星正在吞噬诸如其外层组织的一些物质。

16、The biofuel industry is gobbling up an increasing share of the corn and sugar crops. ─── 生物燃油行业消耗了大量的谷物和糖料。

17、With the ethanol industry gobbling up a growing share of China's corn harvest, authorities have stomped on the brakes to slow what one official report calls "blind" investment in distilleries. ─── 由于乙醇生产在中国玉米收获中占据越来越大的份额,政府对在官方报告中描述为盲目投资的乙醇业踩刹车。

18、"May they live the rest of their lives in blissful gobbling and may all Americans enjoy a holiday full of love and peace. ─── "它们的余生将充满幸福,并且所有美国人都会享受一个充满爱与和平的节日.

19、Quasars are voracious consumers, greedily gobbling up the material around them at an enormous rate. ─── 类星体像是饥肠辘辘的食客,以无与伦比的速率,贪婪地吞掉它们周边的物质。

20、Their supposedly clean, green fuel has been gobbling up some of the choicest food crops, including corn, rape, and soya. ─── 他们宣称清洁、绿色的能源已经吞噬了一些最好的粮食作物,包括玉米、油菜和大豆。

21、According to the book, gobbling food makes a person overeat because it takes the brain 20 minutes to register what the stomach contains. ─── 书中说,由于人的大脑需要约20分钟才能获得饱腹感,狼吞虎咽容易导致过度进食。使用筷子则使人小口吃饭,更加有利于细嚼慢咽,帮助食物消化。

22、In case you haven't figured it out yet, war has a way of gobbling up resources. ─── 你可能还没有发现,战争能极快的消耗资源。

23、Geothermal power is at work in Boise, Idaho, on the western slope of the Rocky Mountains.Around town, furnaces are gobbling up fuel to heat buildings and keep occupants warm. ─── 和太阳能或者风力不同的是,地热随时都可以取用。

24、Around town, furnaces are gobbling up fuel to heat buildings and keep occupants warm.But 55 downtown buildings share a hidden secret: cheap heat from deep beneath the earth. ─── 但是,波塞市区的55栋建筑物,其中包括一家新的旅馆,都有一个共同的秘密,那就是:它们的暖气来自地下,而且费用低廉。

25、Lola:I think it's that lion,I saw him brush his teeth with my toothbrush and now he's gobbling it all up. ─── 劳拉:我觉得是狮子,我看见他用我的牙刷刷牙然后就把它嚼得吃了。

26、Before the crisis, the most dynamic players, like Mr.Deripaska, became ambassadors for Russia's economic expansion, gobbling up assets overseas. ─── 在本次危机爆发前,德里帕斯卡等俄罗斯最有活力的富豪已经成了俄罗斯经济扩张的代表人物,他们到全球各地大肆收购资产。

27、That China is gobbling up energy resources, especially oil, is nothing new. ─── 中国正在大量买进能源资源,特别是石油资源,这并不是新鲜事。

28、Lately, cats are gobbling up rabbits almost as quickly as Hare Today's chest-high grinders can reduce them to a crunchy mince. ─── 最近,猫咪们吞吃兔肉的速度几乎和“今日兔子”农场齐胸高搅肉机的碎肉速度一样快。

29、Kill the fish at the top and you may get an explosion of smaller ones below, gobbling up much more food than would be eaten by a few big fish of the same total weight. ─── 消灭了食物链顶端的鱼,在低端的小一些的鱼就会暴增,将吞食掉比与它们总重量相同的少量大鱼所吃的更多的食物。

30、Under the bed there are bugs and beasts,nibbling crumbs for their midnight feasts, gobbling,squabbling,all night through, and much too busy to think about you. ─── 床底下有好多的妖魔鬼怪,正在享用面包屑做的午夜大餐,它们狼吞虎咽、吵吵闹闹,整夜没个完,忙得顾不上去看你一眼。

31、"I have been stationed here for more than a year and I have seen bears gobbling up our food," the report quoted an unnamed soldier as saying. ─── 一名士兵说:“我在这个军营里已经待了一年多了,在这期间我曾多次亲眼目睹马来熊们抢我们的食物的情景。

32、Some have been spotted in the outer reaches of Miami, where they have been gobbling up local pets. ─── 其中一些生活在迈阿密的地区的外围,当地的宠物正在成为它们的“盘中餐”。

33、NBT deoxidization ability and acid phosphatase activity of each ChS groups boosted up obviously (P

34、If China were a good investment, he argues, the country would invest at home and not be gobbling up resources around the world. ─── 他争辩到,如果中国很有实力,他们应该把钱花在国内而不是在世界各地寻找资源。

35、Or gobbling up the fruit for bonus points! ─── 或者狼吞虎咽的吃掉奖励的水果加分!

36、Yet others go the full Monty, as Japan's Daiichi Sankyo did by gobbling up India's Ranbaxy Laboratories. ─── 还有一些公司来得更彻底,如日本的第一制药吞并了印度的Ranbaxy实验室。

37、Have you ever seen such people who hurried to get on the bus with a hamburger and drink, browsing a pile of documents and gobbling his food? ─── 你见过这样的人吗:急匆匆的赶上公共汽车,手里拿着汉堡和饮料,一边看着一叠文件,一边狼吞虎咽得吃着东西。(形容这人很忙)

38、But don't start gobbling down vitamin D supplements just yet. The excitement about their health potential is still far ahead of the science. ─── 但是,现在请不要吞下这些维生素D补充制剂,因为它们的保健效果还远未被科学证实。

39、While they were busy gobbling up the roof, a horrid-looking witch had come out the front door to see what the ruckus was about. ─── 当他们忙着大啖屋顶时,一个长得很可怕的巫婆走到门外来看屋顶的吵闹声是怎么回事。

40、He heard Teresa clanging pots in the kitchen and the kids making gobbling sounds. ─── 他听见黛丽莎在厨房里叮叮????地弄响着锅儿盆儿。孩子们则发出火鸡样的咯咯声。

41、We are gobbling up the last resources. ─── 我们正在贪婪地吃光最后的资源。

42、' Now this made Jove angry, so he sent among them a big Stork that soon set to work gobbling them all up.Then the Frogs repented when too late. ─── 朱庇特很生气,于是送给它们一只鹳,这只鹳立刻将一沼泽青蛙吃得干干净净,这时青蛙后悔已经来不及了。

43、They "gobble", and Gore's gobbling soon turnssintos"garble" ─── 它们咯咯叫,但戈尔的咯咯叫声(gobble)很快就变成了“garble”,意思是“表达不清,说糊涂话”。

44、Try to relax before eating, to avoid gobbling down everything in site when you do eat - the dreaded mindless eating. ─── 吃饭前试着让自己放松,可以避免在吃饭的场所狼吞虎咽-一种让人看起来害怕且显得不顾一切的吃法。

45、Gobbling up the apple in his hand with the whole body lying on the bed in the ward, he felt quite satisfied and moved by his sister coming to see him because he accidentally broke his leg. ─── 他意外地摔伤了腿,姐姐来医院看他了。他躺在病房的床上,大口吃着苹果,感到真是很满足,也颇为感动。”

46、If the trade gap widens because consumers are gobbling up foreign imports, that suggests robust demand in the economy. ─── 如果贸易逆差的扩大是因为消费者大量购买国外进口产品,这表明经济中的需求格外强劲。

47、Just look at all the banks we found that have gotten taxpayer bailout funds and are gobbling up the competition. ─── 瞧瞧那些我们知道的所有的拿到纳税人救市资金,正在吞食竞争对手的所有银行。

48、Those nights when he's subtly directing traffic, gobbling up almost any shot that caroms off the rim, bothering all types of shots from the weakside, scoring at just the right time. ─── 在那些比赛中,奥多姆统筹比赛,在篮圈附近疯狂地把任何投篮弹出篮筐的球收入怀中,干扰著在弱侧的任何类型的投篮,在最恰当的时机得分。

49、And investment in power-generation capacity, a recovering construction industry, and buoyant car sales may have China gobbling up its copper reserves, bulls say. ─── 由于人们都是基于不完整的信息来对中国的铜库存和消费情况进行估测的,因此市场传言的影响无法得到有效抑制。


1、shmily,是“See How Much I Love You”的缩写,这句话的意思就是指:知道我有多么爱你!这句话多是在表达爱意时使用。

2、Gmomotdly,是“Give me one more opportunity to do love you ”的缩写,这句话的意思是指:给我一次再爱你的机会。

3、Dove,是“do you love me”的缩写,这句话的意思是指:你爱我吗?


Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai, a child does not like reading. One day, the teacher is not in the house, quietly sneak out to play.

He came to a small river mountain, see an old woman, in the stone grinding an iron pestle. Li Bai was very puzzled, asked: \"the old lady, what do you Tiechu?\"

The old woman said: \"I was grinding.\" Li Bai surprised to ask: \"oh! Tiechu so thick, how can a needle?\" The wife said with a smile: \"as long as every day more grinding mill Tiechu always thinner, even not a needle grinding?\"

Clever Li Bai after listen to, think of themselves, ashamed heart, turned around and ran back to the house. From then on, he kept in mind \"Little strokes fell great oaks. Zhen\" truth, hard study.





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