reprobate 发音
英:[ˈreprəbeɪt] 美:[ˈreprəbeɪt]
英: 美:
reprobate 中文意思翻译
reprobate 词性/词形变化,reprobate变形
复数--reprobates;第三人称单数--reprobates;现在分词--reprobating;过去式--reprobated;过去分词--reprobated;比较级--more reprobate;最高级--most reprobate。
reprobate 同义词
perverse | objurgate | rascal | troublemaker | excoriate | cursed | decry | rotten | perverted | miscreant | abandoned | condemn |accursed | blame | wrongdoer | depraved | ne'er-do-well | degenerate | sinner
reprobate 反义词
approbate | elect
reprobate 短语词组
1、reprobate mind definition ─── 批判精神定义
2、reprobate mind in bible term ─── 圣经术语中的弃绝心
3、reprobate definition ─── 再生定义
4、reprobate mind ─── 弃绝心灵
5、approbate and reprobate ─── [法] 只取其有利部分而拒绝其不利部分
6、reprobate mindset ─── 弃绝心态
7、reprobate definition kjv ─── 重组定义kjv
8、reprobate mind bible verse ─── 责备心灵圣经经文
9、reprobate mind according to bible ─── 根据圣经责备心灵
10、reprobate castigate ─── 弃置鞭挞剂
reprobate 相似词语短语
1、reprobative ─── adj.指责的;责备的;非难的
2、reprobator ─── 复印机
3、reprobacy ─── 责备
4、reprobated ─── n.堕落的人,不道德的人;(加尔文教派用语)被上帝摈弃的人,无望受救赎者;adj.堕落的,不道德的;(加尔文教派用语)被上帝摈弃的,无望受救赎的;v.非难;拒绝;斥责
5、reprobater ─── 再结晶器
6、reprobance ─── 责备
7、reprobates ─── n.堕落的人,不道德的人;(加尔文教派用语)被上帝摈弃的人,无望受救赎者;adj.堕落的,不道德的;(加尔文教派用语)被上帝摈弃的,无望受救赎的;v.非难;拒绝;斥责
8、approbate ─── vt.认可;承认;批准
9、probate ─── n.遗嘱检验;经认证的遗嘱;v.遗嘱认证;处以缓刑;adj.遗嘱认证的
reprobate 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、therefore they die in their youth and perish among the reprobate. ─── 他们必早年夭折,丧命如男倡。
2、He ventured to reprobate that common system ─── 他很大胆地摈弃了一般常用的那种方式。
3、depraved criminals; a perverted sense of loyalty; the reprobate conduct of a gambling aristocrat. ─── 堕落的罪犯;堕落了的忠诚;爱赌博的贵族的不道德的行为。
4、They profess that they know God; but by their works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. ─── 他们宣认上帝,却在行为上否认他。他们是可恶的,是叛徒,做不出什么好事来!
5、2.a reckless and unprincipled reprobate. ─── 不计后果且不讲道德的流氓。
6、8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. ─── 从前雅尼和佯庇怎样敌挡摩西,这等人也怎样敌挡真道。他们的心地坏了,在真道上是可废弃的。
7、It's a shame that Yeh-yeh is giving her to that old reprobate for a concubine. It's a real shame!" sighed Chueh-min. ─── 可惜得很
8、Don't reprobate a weak and foolish girl's ignorance ─── 还是不要谴责一个软弱而又愚蠢的姑娘的无知吧!
9、ERV:They profess that they know God;but by their works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. ─── 和合本:他们说是认识 神、行事却和他相背.本是可憎恶的、是悖逆的、在各样善事上是可废弃的。
10、Don't reprobate a weak and foolish girl's ignorance. ─── 不要谴责一个软弱而又愚蠢的姑娘的无知。
11、approbate and reprobate ─── [法] 只取其有利部分而拒绝其不利部分
12、As soon as I have leisure I'll flay you alive and then settle accounts with that young reprobate. ─── "等我闲一闲,先揭了你的皮,再和那不长进的算帐!"
13、And destroy all the spirits of the reprobate and the children of the Watchers, because they have wronged mankind. ─── 要毁灭所有堕落者的和守望者的子女的灵魂,因为他们勾引过人类。
14、Being raised on the mean streets of Nar Shaddaa's vertical cities, Aurra's species is unknown, and her mother was a spice-addled reprobate named Aunuanna. ─── 没人知道奥拉是何种族的,生活在纳沙达垂直城市的险恶街道上已是不堪,更何况她的母亲奥努安娜是个堕落的瘾君子。
15、And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; ─── 他们既然故意不认识神,神就任凭他们存邪僻的心行那些不合理的事
16、And I denounce and reprobate this pretension not the less, if put forth on the side of my most solemn convictions. ─── 即使把这种冒认放在我的最严肃的信念这一边,我也仍要不折不扣地非难它和斥责它。
17、He has always been a bit of a reprobate. ─── 他一向不很规矩
18、Many by admiring the beauty of another man's wife, have become reprobate, for her conversation burneth as fire. ─── 许多人因羡慕别人妻子的美貌,而变坏了;因为她的言语,炽燃有如烈火。
19、We thank God for His Holy Spirit who gives us the strength to remain consecrated to Him, even while we live in a corrupt and reprobate world. ─── 感谢上帝赐下圣灵,因圣灵给我们力量,使我们即使身处败坏、堕落的世界中,仍能过圣洁的生活。
20、Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. ─── 从前雅尼和佯庇怎样敌挡摩西,这等人也怎样敌挡真道。他们的心地坏了,在真道上是可废弃的。
21、reprobate behaviour ─── 堕落的行为
22、1.to desert (one's family, etc.); to abandon; to walk out on; to fall away; to forsake; to reprobate; 2.abandonment; dereliction; desertion; desolation; reprobation ─── 遗弃
23、Even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; ─── 他们既然故意不认识神,神就任凭他们存邪僻的心行那些不合理的事,装满了各样不义,邪恶,贪婪,恶毒(或作阴毒)。
24、It wasn't fair that a reprobate like Rhett Butler should have so much and she, who carried so heavy a load, should have so little. ─── 板篷挡住了大部分冬日的阳光,店里又脏又黑,只是从两侧墙壁高处的两个有蝇屎斑的小窗透进一丝亮光。
25、He has always been a bit of a reprobate. ─── 他一向不很规矩.
26、30 Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the LORD hath rejected them. ─── 人必称他们为被弃的银渣、因为耶和华已经弃掉他们。
27、approbate or reprobate ─── 接受或拒绝
28、This should be a great encouragement to try to do good, since God has among the vilest of the vile, the most reprobate, the most debauched and drunken, an elect people who must be saved. ─── 耶稣说,在这城里我有许多的百姓,这句话是作善工者极大的安慰与鼓励。
29、5 A reprobate line are the children of sinners, and witless offspring are in the homes of the wicked. ─── 罪人的子女,为人所憎恶,他们经常与不虔敬的人相处。
30、Frankness and kindness like Amelia's were likely to touch even such a hardened little reprobate as Becky. ─── 阿密莉亚的真诚和好意连蓓基这样一个铁石心肠的小无赖都感动了。
31、Doctor Portman and Captain Glanders had to support the charges of the whole Clavering society against the young reprobate . ─── 波特曼博士和格兰德上尉不得不支持查特理斯社会对堕落青年的指责。
32、being abominable, and incredulous, and to every good work reprobate. ─── 他们是可憎恶的,悖逆的,在一切善事上是无用的。
33、Wherefore, I reprobate the phrase of parent or mot her country applied to England only, as being false, selfish, narrow and ungenerous. ─── 因此,我强烈遣责把母国这个词只用来指代英国的行径,因为这是错误的、自私的、狭隘的、不大度的。
34、16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. ─── 他们说是认识神、行事却和他相背.本是可憎恶的、是悖逆的、在各样的善事上是可废弃的。
35、And I denounce and reprobate this pretension not the less, if put forth on the side of my most solemn convictions. ─── 即使把这种冒认放在我的最严肃的信念这一边,我也仍要不折不扣地非难它和斥责它。
36、They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. ─── 16他们说是认识神行事却和他相背。本是可憎恶的,是悖逆的,在各样善事上是可废弃的。
37、The saints all passed through many temptations and trials to profit by them, while those who could not resist became reprobate and fell away. ─── 所有的圣人都经历过许多诱惑和试炼,并从中受益;但那些无法抵抗的人,却成了无赖,跌倒失落。
38、No, reprobate! ─── 不,混蛋!
39、were likely to touch even such a hardened little reprobate as Becky. ─── 连蓓基这样一个铁石心肠的小无赖都感动了。
40、He disowned his reprobate son. ─── 他声明与堕落的儿子脱离关系。
41、You cannot approbate and reprobate the same instrument. ─── 你不能既批准而又摈弃同一文件。
42、Frankness and kindness like amelia's were likely to touch ever such a hardened little reprobate as Becky ─── 爱米丽亚待人既诚恳、又好,所以连蓓基这样无情无义、自甘堕落的人也觉得感动。
43、have reprobate tendencies ─── 有堕落的倾向
44、The reprobate and Satan will suffer eternal punishment in hell. ─── 被弃绝的人和撒但会在地狱受到永恒的刑罚。
45、Our household golden, Bjorn, raises his paw in a Teutonic salute so often, I fear he may have picked up Nazi sympathies from a reprobate gang of skinhead German pointers. ─── 我家的金色Bjorn金毛猎犬总会举起爪子做纳粹敬礼状,恐怕它是从一帮流氓光头德国指示犬那里找到的一些同情心。
46、KJV] They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. ─── [新译]他们声称认识神,却在行为上否认他。他们是可憎的、逆的,在各样的善事上,是毫无用处的。
47、Frankness and kindness like Amelia's were likely to touch ever such a hardened little reprobate as Becky. ─── 爱米丽亚待人既诚恳、又好,所以连蓓基这样无情无义、自甘堕落的人也觉得感动。
48、3.[KJV] They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. ─── 他们声称认识神,却在行为上否认他。他们是可憎的、悖逆的,在各样的善事上,是毫无用处的。
49、Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the LORD hath rejected them. ─── 人必称他们为被弃的银渣,因为耶和华已经弃掉他们。
50、even such a hardened little reprobate as Becky. ─── 连蓓基这样一个铁石心肠的小无赖都感动了。
51、It shocked her to realize that anyone as absolutely perfect as Ashley could have any thought in common with such a reprobate as Rhett Butler. ─── 这使她大吃一惊地发现,原来一个像艾希礼这样绝对完美的人,也居然会跟一个像瑞德 - 巴特勒那样的无赖汉抱有共同的看法呢。
52、2Ti 3:8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. ─── 提后3:8从前雅尼和佯庇怎样敌挡摩西,这等人也怎样敌挡真道。他们的心地坏了,在真道上是可废弃的。
53、And they that could not support temptations, became reprobate, and fell away. ─── 那些不坚决反抗诱惑的人,全为天主所 弃,失了灵魂。
54、But that which bringeth forth thorns and briers, is reprobate, and very near unto a curse, whose end is to be burnt. ─── 但若生出荆棘蒺藜来,就必被废弃,必要受诅咒,它的结局就是焚烧。
55、4.You cannot approbate and reprobate the same instrument. ─── 你不能既批准而又摈弃同一文件。
56、You sinful old reprobate! ─── 你这个作恶多端的无赖!
57、Doctor Portman and Captain Glanders had to support the charges of the whole Clavering society against the young reprobate ─── 波特曼博士和格兰德上尉不得不支持查特理斯社会对堕落青年的指责。
58、Wherefore, I reprobate the phrase of parent or mother country applied to England only, as being false, selfish, narrow and ungenerous. ─── 一方建议诉诸武力,另一方建议友好协商,但已经发生的事实表明前者已失败,后者撤回了其影响。
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