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08-24 投稿


polemical 发音

[ pə'lɛmɪkl]

英:  美:

polemical 中文意思翻译



polemical 网络释义

adj. 好辩的;好争论的;挑起论战的

polemical 短语词组

1、polemical art ─── 辩论艺术

2、polemical synonym ─── 争论同义词

3、polemical judo ─── 论辩柔道

4、polemical defined ─── 论战定义

5、polemical definition ─── 争论性定义

polemical 词性/词形变化,polemical变形

副词: polemically |

polemical 相似词语短语

1、polemics ─── n.辩论术;论证法(polemic的复数)

2、epidemical ─── adj.传染病的;流行性的

3、apolitical ─── adj.不关心政治的;无政治意义的

4、proleptical ─── 先入为主的

5、political ─── adj.政治的;党派的

6、polemicise ─── 论战

7、pollical ─── adj.拇指的

8、polemically ─── adv.争论地;好争论地

9、polemic ─── n.争论,辩论文章;辩论者;辩论术,争辩学;adj.争辩的,辩论的

polemical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The growth of communist economies was the subject of innumerable alarmist books and polemical articles in the 1950s. ─── 二十世纪五十年代,对计划经济增长的讨论是数不胜数的危言耸听的书籍以及辩论性的文章的主题。

2、The book has, as Hughes admits, a certain unevenness of tone: some chapters are clearly introductory, others are polemical. ─── 如休斯本人所坦承的,这本书的笔调是不均衡的:有的章节明显是导读性的,而有的章节则是论辩性的。

3、style is more observational than polemical. ─── 是观察式的,不是辩论式的。

4、"It would be ambiguous to hide or minimize what we believe," he said."It's not meant to be divisive or polemical. ─── “隐藏或者贬低我们的信仰会让事情变得含糊不清,”他说道,“但这不意味着将挑起纷争,导致不和。”

5、The letter was probably written for polemical impact. ─── 这封信可能是为了造成争论性影响而写的。

6、Arguments cannot be solely polemical, but must derive from a clear, well-supported evaluation of the texts, lecture materials, videos or films. ─── 论证不能仅仅是辩驳,必须建立对课文、讲课资料、录像或影片的清楚且论据充分的评价基础上。

7、Brazil's presidential candidates held a final televised debate in which they cautiously steered clear of polemical issues and directed their attacks at the president rather than each other. ─── 巴西的几位总统候选人举行最后的电视辩论,候选人在辩论中小心地避谈争议性的话题,并将炮火集中在现任总统身上,而非彼此攻击。

8、polemical treatise ─── 论战文集辩论集

9、The letter was probably written for polemical impact. The purpose of the letter was to result in argument. ─── 这封信可能是为了造成争论性影响而写的。

10、In his latest book, the professor of philosophy at London's Birkbeck College deploys all his polemical powers to show that there has been no let-up in the erosion of hard-won civil liberties. ─── 在其最新著作中,这位伦敦大学伯克贝克学院的哲学教授倾其辩论之能,表明艰苦赢得的公民自由所受侵蚀并未减少。

11、While displaying the antagonism and the incisiveness, the polemical texts reveal the one-sidedness and the extremeness. ─── 在显示出针对性与尖锐性的同时,战型文本也暴露出有所偏颇甚至极端偏激的不足。

12、The Polemical Texts: One of the Text Explanation of Modern Chinese Poetics Discourse ─── 战型文本:现代汉语诗学话语的重要文本形态

13、The letter was probably written for polemical impact. It is scarcely credible. ─── 这封信可能是为了起到引发争论的效果,内容并不可信。

14、The letter was probably written for polemical impact. It is scarcely credible. ─── 这封信可能是为了起到引发争论的效果,内容并不可信。

15、Some are deliberately polemical, and quite a few disagree with each other. ─── 一些友情链结的文献有意地挑起论争,并且相当多的文献相互观点差异极大。

16、2 The growth of communist economies was the subject of innumerable alarmist books and polemical articles in the 1950s. ─── 社会主义经济的发展是20世纪五十年代无数所谓警世诫言的文章书刊的主要内容。

17、Friedman used his polemical powers to win the commission over to his belief in an all-volunteer army. ─── 弗里德曼用自己的嘴皮子说服委员会接受了自愿兵役制度。

18、But the German side, namely the finance minister, has been very heavily polemical. ─── 但是德国方面,也就是德国的财政部长,过于强词夺理。”

19、This gossip had a long life and was also widely repeated in polemical writings against the Christians. ─── 这谣言藉著别有用心的反基督徒的论证者反覆炒作,不断流传坊间。

20、"It would be ambiguous to hide or minimize what we believe, " he said. "It's not meant to be divisive or polemical. " ─── “隐藏或者贬低我们的信仰会让事情变得含糊不清,”他说道,“但这不意味着将挑起纷争,导致不和。”

21、Like Immanuel Kant and Arthur Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard led a seriously constricted personal life, channeling his energies into thought-fueled daily walks and a voluminous outpouring of polemical prose. ─── 与伊曼纽斯?康德和阿瑟?叔本华一样,克尔凯戈尔过着一种极为严谨的个人生活,而把全副精力投入到每天进行散步时的沉思和篇幅浩瀚的论战性文章的写作中。

22、There are many debates of all kinds medium at incountry that relate electricity vocation innovation exemplary polemical. ─── 有关电力行业改革模式的争论,在国内各种媒体上都不鲜见。

23、It is easy to be polemical about communism. ─── 事关共产主义,争论极易挑起。

24、I know that I am being polemical in the way I define the term ‘Art’. ─── 当我使用“艺术”两字的时候,我深知这是在“辩证”。

25、Michael Moore, the polemical documentarian right-wingers love to hate, offers his own answers in his new film, "Capitalism: A Love Story" . ─── 热衷辩论的右翼纪录片导演迈克尔·摩尔热衷憎恨,在其新电影“资本主义:爱情故事”中给出了自己的答案。

26、Of course, Calvin defended an Augustinian doctrine of God's sovereignty and predestination when exegetical and polemical occasion required. ─── 当然,在释经与争论的场合中,加尔文是为奥古斯丁的神的主权和预定的教义辩护的。

27、Duchamps was part of a Dada movement which was out in a way, to make fun of the pretensions of fine art, and Duchamp was polemical in attacking the celebrated artist's eye and the artist's hand. ─── 杜尚是达达运动的一员,这个运动从某种方式说是处于局外的,他们拿美术的装腔作势开玩笑,杜尚很喜欢挑事儿,攻击有名声的艺术家的眼光啊、手法啊。

28、ABSTRACT: This article represents a broad and occasionally polemical meditation on the nature and significance of creative cities. ─── 摘要:本文代表对创意城市的性质和重要性所进行的一种宽泛而偶然的辩证性思考。

29、(How do we interpret 1Timothy 2:14-15?) Universal;polemical; ─── 如何解释提摩太前书2:14-15?

30、a polemical attack ─── 论战

31、Theirs was a polemical program, calling on all youth to fight for greater artistic freedom against the older, well-established powers. ─── 他“决心攫住生活,把它和艺术结合起来”。他要使德国艺术再度辉煌,走出一条全新的道路。

32、As the pace of life in today's wold gows eve faste, we seem foeve on the go. With so much to do and so little time to do it in, how ae we to cope? D. Smith sets aout untangling the polem and comes up with an answe. ─── 随着当今世界生活节奏日益加快,我们似乎一直在不停奔忙。事情那么多,时间却那么少,我们该怎么办?史密斯博士着手解决这一问题,并提出了解决方法。

33、polemical debates between China and the Soviet Union ─── 中苏论战

34、It is a polemical text since it portrays highly revered Buddhist Arahant saints as being foolish and having incorrect understanding of the Buddhist teachings. ─── 传统的汉文通常为竖排,亦即由上至下书写,一行写完再向左方发展,较为美观大方。

35、The essay has been the vehicle of literary and social criticism in some countries, while in others it became semipolitical, earnestly nationalistic, and often polemical, playful, or bitter. ─── 随笔在某些国家是文学和社会评论的媒介,在其他国家则为半政治、十足国家主义感的文体,且常带有争论性、嬉笑或讥讽性。

36、Daniels is at his best when he's cool and direct, rather than combative and polemical. ─── 丹尼尔斯冷静、坦率时表现最好,而好斗、爱辩时则不然。

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