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08-23 投稿


eulogizing 发音

英:[ˈjuːlədʒaɪzɪŋ]  美:[ˈjuːlədʒaɪzɪŋ]

英:  美:

eulogizing 中文意思翻译



eulogizing 短语词组

1、eulogizing a father ─── 歌颂父亲

2、eulogizing a son ─── 歌颂儿子

3、eulogizing a home ─── 歌颂家园

4、eulogizing def ─── 讴歌def

5、eulogizing means ─── 歌颂手段

6、eulogizing synonym ─── 歌颂同义词

eulogizing 词性/词形变化,eulogizing变形

名词: eulogist |动词过去分词: eulogized |动词现在分词: eulogizing |动词第三人称单数: eulogizes |动词过去式: eulogized |

eulogizing 相似词语短语

1、eulogising ─── vt.(英)颂扬;赞扬(等于eulogize)

2、epilogizing ─── 结束语

3、epiloguizing ─── 结语

4、analogizing ─── vt.类推;以类推来说明;vi.类推;作类比推理

5、ideologizing ─── v.作思想分析;以意识形态解释

6、elegizing ─── vi.作哀歌;vt.以挽歌哀悼,作挽歌祭吊

7、neologizing ─── vi.创造新语;使用新语;倡导新教义

8、geologizing ─── vi.研究地质,调查地质;vt.对…作地质调查

9、theologizing ─── v.用神学来思辨;进行神学研究或讨论

eulogizing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Novalis, known as "Macabre Poet", attempts to comprehend the meaning life by eulogizing night and death, hence showing his persistent belief in life with a hidden extending self. ─── “死亡诗人”诺瓦利斯的创作通过歌颂“黑夜”与“死亡”去感悟生命,表达对生命的执着,其间隐藏着一个力图扩张的自我。

2、And the developed art of Tang Dynasty produced a lot of horse singing, horse eulogizing and horse painting praise poems. ─── 并且唐代诗歌艺术的发达,产生了很多咏马、颂马、赞美鞍马绘画的诗篇。

3、However, respect for history means giving it its proper place as a science, respecting its dialectical development, and not eulogizing the past at the expense of the present or praising every drop of feudal poison. ─── 但是这种尊重,是给历史以一定的科学的地位,是尊重历史的辩证法的发展,而不是颂古非今,不是赞扬任何封建的毒素。

4、By eulogizing the jasmine flower, the song celebrates the sweetness and beauty of romantic love. ─── 这首歌通过对茉莉花的赞美,表述了浪漫爱情的甜美和美妙。

5、I come to bury triumphant strains Wei, and not to eulogizing him. ─── 我来埋葬凯薇,不是来赞颂他。

6、an inscription eulogizing the subject of a portrait ─── 像赞

7、Eulogizing great achievement, celebration. ─── 讴歌光辉业绩,礼赞伟大成就。

8、With one precious zither and perform the melodious melody for one pair of swan goose full of blessedness, eulogizing that no matter how much wind and rain experiences, they always rely on one another and will not separate forever. ─── 手执一张瑶琴弹奏起悠扬的旋律,送给那一对幸福的鸿雁,歌颂它们不管经历多少的风雨,总是相依相伴,永不分离。

9、In the last several months, there have been a number of voices, both official and unofficial, eulogizing al Qaeda. ─── 在过去的几个月里,出现了不少来自官方和非官方的鼓吹基地组织的声音。

10、eulogizing friendship ─── 吟咏友情

11、New Confucianists of Mainland with Mr.Jiangqing being one of its representatives, are eulogizing Gongyang Doctrine and managing to explore its thought resources. ─── 以蒋庆先生为代表的"大陆新儒家"继以公羊学为颂扬对象,尽力发掘公羊学的思想资源。

12、14) Always eulogizing My divine glories, resolutely endeavoring with unfailing determination and humbly offering obeisances; desires for an eternal relationship worship Me in loving devotion. ─── 他们永远赞颂“我”神性的光辉,满怀不动摇的信心,坚决努力地修行,谦卑诚敬地顶礼,渴望得到永恒的关爱,奉献挚爱地膜拜“我”。

13、People who know me and my relationship with my father would be surprised to find me eulogizing him now. ─── 了解我以及了解我和我父亲关系的人,对于我现在撰文来赞颂我的父亲,可能会感到奇怪。

14、And eulogizing the local people of Yimeng Mountains kind and industrious; ─── 讴歌沂蒙山人的勤劳善良;

15、Instead, we sat in church, eulogizing Rosa Parks, reminiscing about past victories, entombed in nostalgia. ─── 反而,我们坐在教堂里,颂扬罗莎.帕克斯,缅怀过去的胜利,投身于怀旧中。

16、It let the movement many one qualities be worth besides the result eulogizing, believed that was the most touching thing, it existed forever in our movement history, the depth irons in our thought. ─── 它让运动除了成绩外多了一种品质值得歌颂,相信那才是最感人的东西,它长存于我们运动史,深烙在我们思想中。

17、Human Love-The Subject of Man's Permanent Eulogizing--On the Consciousness of Mythological Archetype of Zhang Jie's Novels ─── 人性与爱:人类永恒讴歌的主题--简论张洁小说中的神话原型意识

18、Hey,any chance you guys can stop eulogizing and cut me down from here? ─── 嘿,你们能不能停止颂扬我,把我放下来?

19、Eulogizing Books Books are my beloved teachers.Without them, I would probably have ended up in abje. ─── 读到一首赞美书的英语小文章,很好的,推荐给大家。

20、These works together have portrayed a group of women personages with rebellious spirit and distinctive peculiar personalities deserving eulogizing and admiration. ─── 塑造了一系列具有反抗精神、个性鲜明独特、可歌可敬的女性形象。

21、5.This is a book eulogizing the spirits of hardship, indomitable effort, and self reliance; it is a race teaching material for juvenile education of patriotism. ─── 它是一部讴歌艰苦奋斗、顽强拼搏、自强不息精神,对青少年进行爱国主义教育的不可多得的好教材。

22、Besides, some inscriptions were for eulogizing an honest and clean government of officials or for bringing honor... ─── 然而历经年深月久的自然损毁和人为破坏,它们或散落田间,或傲然崖上,只剩星点痕迹供人追寻。

23、In Han Dynasty, the character of "Zan" had one more the meaning of eulogizing, which was the main factor changed the Eulogy. ─── 汉代“赞”义增加,有“赞美”之义,这是赞文发生转变的重要因素。

24、eulogizing over the vintage wine ─── 称誉佳酿.

25、Happiness, is an unfolded book, consisting of poems eulogizing the ordinary lanes under the sky above cities. ─── 幸福就是一本摊开的诗篇,关于在城市的天空下,那些寻常巷陌的诗。

26、He also wrote many articles, eulogizing the revolution and attacking the enemies. ─── 他还写了大量文章,歌颂革命,抨击敌人。

27、The theory of "the expostulation of eulogizing and satirizing" have a great effect upon the the subsequent practice of writing poetry and the poetic criticism. ─── “美刺讽喻说”对中国后来的诗歌创作、诗歌评论的影响都很深远。

28、Eulogizing Nature and Yearning for Freedom--Comparison of Shelley and Xuzhimo's Poems about Nature ─── 赞美自然,渴望自由--雪莱和徐志摩大自然诗歌的比较

29、In the last several months, there have been a number of voices, both official and unofficial, eulogizing al Qaeda. ─── 在过去的几个月里,出现了不少来自官方和非官方的鼓吹基地组织的声音。

30、Holding a tea party for entertaining our friends and eulogizing tea culture ─── 以茶会友,弘扬茶文化

31、This short poem, with its harmonious imager and the exquisite rhythm, is a vivid portrait of a passionate young man, divinizing and eulogizing a platonic love, that is, a pure spiritual love. ─── 诗作意境融彻、律优美,淋漓尽致的刻画了一个陷入单恋的男子如痴如醉的形象,并高度赞美和歌颂了柏拉图式的爱情,即纯洁的精神恋爱。

32、No matter how chaotic and despairs the world is, there was something beside you still eulogizing for hopes. ─── 有些不起眼的东西仍然默默歌颂着--希望。

33、Up to now, spring people is commemorating equestrian secretary, eulogizing his beautiful story when people public servant. ─── 至今,阳春人民纪念着马书记,传颂着他当人民公仆的动人故事。

34、Welcome every friend who pays a visit to leaving one words eulogizing a woman! ─── 请每位造访的朋友都留下一句赞美女人的话吧!

35、ci poems eulogizing flowers ─── 咏花词

36、At that moment, the big, bright sky A rising star, angel eulogizing high in the sky. believe in the people of miles to worship the Son of God. ─── 那一刻,天上升起一颗又亮又大的新星,天使们在天空高唱赞歌,信奉上帝的人们不远万里来膜拜圣子。

37、purpose of the picture lies in eulogizing the practice among people of selflessly offering help. ─── 这幅画的目的在于赞扬人们之间无私地互相帮助的行为。

38、When Boya played a piece of music eulogizing the high mountains,the woodcutter said,"wonderful! ─── 雄伟而庄重,好像高耸入云的泰山一样!”

39、This was an everybody familiar-sounding can the detailed old song, the song melody was exquisite, was eulogizing motherland Shan Qing with the simple language the duck beautiful country. ─── 这是一首大家都耳熟能详的老歌了,歌曲旋律优美,用朴实的语言歌颂着祖国的山青水绿的大好河山。

40、Deeply affected by the Imperial Government and neo-Confucianism, these writers preferred pure and refined articles eulogizing the flourishing ages of harmony, prosperity and peace. ─── 台阁作家崇尚冲融演迤的风格,其兴起与皇权膨胀、道学独尊有直接的关系。

41、I come to bury triumphant strains Wei , and not to eulogizing him ─── 我来埋葬凯薇,不是来赞颂他。

42、This short poem,with its harmonious imager and the exquisite rhythm,is a vivid portrait of a passionate young man,divinizing and eulogizing a platonic love,that is,a pure spiritual love. ─── 诗作意境融彻、韵律优美,淋漓尽致的刻画了一个陷入单恋的男子如痴如醉的形象,并高度赞美和歌颂了柏拉图式的爱情,即纯洁的精神恋爱。

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