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indorsement 发音

英:[ɪnˈdɔːrsmənt]  美:[ɪnˈdɔːsmənt]

英:  美:

indorsement 中文意思翻译



indorsement 网络释义

n. [金融] 背书;认可;担保(等于endorsement)

indorsement 短语词组

1、indorsement example ─── 背书范例

2、indorsement of address ─── [法] 地址背书

3、bank indorsement ─── [经] 银行背书

4、indorsement blank ─── [法] 无记名背书

5、indorsement of claim ─── 索偿的背书

6、indorsement by mandate ─── [法] 委任背书

7、general indorsement of claim ─── [法] 权利要求的一般背书

8、conditional indorsement ─── [经] 有条件背书

9、accommodation indorsement ─── [经] 通融背书

10、exchange as per indorsement ─── [经] 保证汇兑条款

11、duplicate indorsement ─── [法] 复本背书

12、indorsement in blank ─── 空白背书

13、letter of indorsement ─── [经] 背书信

14、indorsement ucc ─── 背书ucc

15、general indorsement ─── [经] 无记名背书

16、indorsement in full ─── [法] 全衔背书, 完全背书

17、indorsement and delivery ─── [法] 背书与交付

18、indorsement without recourse ─── [法] 不接受偿还请求之背书, 无追索权行背书

19、indorsement, endorsement ─── 内切的, ─── 内切的

indorsement 相似词语短语

1、indorsee ─── n.票据的被背书人(等于endorsee)

2、indorsements ─── n.[金融]背书;认可;担保(等于endorsement)

3、increment ─── n.[数]增量;增加;增额;盈余

4、incasement ─── n.装箱;箱

5、endorsement ─── n.认可,支持;背书;签注(文件)

6、endorsements ─── n.[金融]背书(endorsement的复数);推荐,批单

7、indorsees ─── n.票据的被背书人(等于endorsee)

8、inditement ─── 创作

9、incensement ─── 激怒

indorsement 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"such as acceptance or indorsement or acceptance supra protest, is determined by the law of the place where such contract was made:" ─── 如承兑或背书或有拒绝证书之承兑,在形式方面之规定而言,其有效性由立约地方之法律决定

2、indorsement and delivery ─── [法] 背书与交付

3、Not only is the amount in excess of the maximum sum the bank can loan any individual legally, but it is absolutely without indorsement or security. ─── 问题不仅在于数目超过了银行发放私人贷款的最高限额,而且既无担保,又无抵押。

4、And hear the indorsement of all, and do not object to it. ─── 只听到称心和如意,决不敢有所反对。

5、"A restrictive indorsement gives the indorsee the right to receive payment of the bill and to sue any party thereto that his indorser could have sued," ─── 有限制背书赋予被背书人收取汇票款项及起诉其背书人所能起诉之任何一方之权利;

6、Buchanan was elected, and the indorsement, such as it was, secured.That was the second point gained. ─── 他们轻装上阵,一心工作,他们确实关心事情的结果。

7、"the banker is deemed to have paid the bill in due course, although such indorsement has been forged or made without authority." ─── 纵使背书属伪造或未经授权者,仍得认为该银行已就该汇票作适时付款。

8、exchange as per indorsement ─── [经] 保证汇兑条款

9、indorsement in full ─── 记名签证

10、general indorsement ─── 无记名背书

11、The election came.Mr.Buchanan was elected, and the indorsement, such as it was, secured. ─── 大选来临,布坎南先生当选,似乎得到了人民的支持。

12、duplicate indorsement ─── [法] 复本背书

13、indorsement of address ─── [法] 地址背书

14、"Provided that where an inland bill is indorsed in a foreign country, the indorsement shall, as regards the payer, be interpreted according to the law of the Colony;" ─── 但如本地汇票在外地背书,对付款人而言,背书之解释,应根据本港法律决定;

15、b) An indorsement stating a condition of the right of the indorsee to receive payment does not affect the right of the indorsee to enforce the instrument。 ─── 对于此种限制转让的背书,中国及部分大陆法国家规定:如果是出票人在汇票记载不得转让的,不能转让;

16、"it is not incumbent on the banker to show that the indorsement of the payee or any subsequent indorsement was made by or under the authority of the person whose indorsement it purports to be," ─── 则银行无责任证明收款人之背书或其后任何背书,乃由作出背书之人或经其授权所作出,

17、Why the outgoing President's felicitation on the indorsement? ─── 为什麽卸任总统要对人民的支持巧言美语?

18、"the drawing or indorsement entitles the holder to receive payment of the bill, and to enforce it against any other party thereto." ─── 票据持有人仍有收取付款之权利,并可向该汇票之其他当事人执行其权利。

19、bank indorsement ─── 银行背书

20、indorsement blank ─── [法] 无记名背书

21、And why the hasty after- indorsement of the decision, by the President and others? ─── 为什麽总统和其他人后来又急不可耐地对裁决表示支援呢?。

22、A special indorsement specifies the person to whom, or to whose order, he bill is to be payable. ─── 特别背书书明汇票之收款人,或按其指示付款。

23、A bill payable to order is negotiated by the indorsement of the holder completed by delivery . ─── 按照记名人指示付款之汇票,凭执票人背书后交付而构成流通转让。

24、"he provisions of this Ordinance relating to a payee apply, with the necessary modifications, to an indorsee under a special indorsement." ─── 本条例内有关收款人之规定,经必要之修改后,亦适用于特别背书中之被背书人。

25、irregular indorsement ─── 非正式签注

26、It must be an indorsement of the entire bill. ─── 它须为汇票全额之背书。

27、The form of the indorsement James uses will also affect future attempts to negotiate the instrument. ─── 詹姆斯的背书形式也会影响今后使该票据流通的努力。

28、indorsement by mandate ─── [法] 委任背书

29、bill payable to order is negotiated by the indorsement of the holder completed by delivery. ─── 按照记名人指示付款之汇票,凭执票人背书后交付而构成流通转让。

30、indorsement confirmed ─── 已证实的背书

31、"or any liability of the consignee or indorsee by reason or in consequence of his being such consignee or indorsee, or of his receipt of the goods by reason or in consequence of such consignment or indorsement." ─── 或收货人或提货单受让人由于或基于其身为收货人或提货单受让人之故所须承担之任何责任,或收货人或提货单受让人由于或基于该项托运或背书转让之故所收取货物之任何责任。

32、indorsement of service ─── 送达的背书

33、accommodation indorsement ─── 融通背书

34、"An indorsement in blank specifies no indorsee, and a bill so indorsed ecomes payable to bearer." ─── 无记名背书并不书明被背书人,以此方式背书之汇票,应成为以持票人为收款人之汇票。

35、special indorsement ─── 特别背书

36、The form of the indorsement James uses will also affect future attempts to negotiate the instrument. ─── 詹姆斯的背书形式也会影响今后使该票据流通的努力。

37、"A bill is payable to bearer which is expressed to be so payable, or on which the only or last indorsement is an indorsement in blank." ─── 凡汇票载明付款予持票人者,或票上唯一或最后之背书为无记名背书者,均属以持票人为收款人之汇票。

38、"Except where an indorsement bears date after the maturity of the bill, every negotiation is prima facie deemed to have been effected before the bill was overdue." ─── 除非背书书明之日期乃在汇票到期日之后,否则每项流通转让均表面视作汇票到期日之前进行。

39、The indorsement, however, fell short of a clear popular majority by nearly four hundred thousand votes, and so, perhaps, was not overwhelmingly reliable and satisfactory. ─── 然而,这种支援是在少赢得了近四十万张选票而形成不了压倒多数的情况下获得的,因此,也许算不上是绝对可靠和令人满意的。

40、indorsement in blank ─── 空白背书

41、conditional indorsement ─── 有条件背书

42、"""indorsement"" means an indorsement completed by delivery ;" ─── “背书”指经由交付而完成之背书;

43、The drawing or indorsement entitles the holder to receive payment of the bill, and to enforce it against any other party thereto. ─── 票据持有人仍有收取付款之权利,并可向该汇票之其他当事人执行其权利。

44、procuration indorsement ─── 代签代理背书

45、"in the case of a bill payable to the order of a third person, the existence of the payee and his then capacity to indorse, but not the genuineness or validity of his indorsement." ─── 如属按照第三者指示而付款之汇票,收款人之存在及其背书之能力,但不包括其背书之真实性或效力。

46、"in the case of a bill payable to drawer's order, the then capacity of the drawer to indorse , but not the genuineness or validity of his indorsement;" ─── 如属按照发票人指示付款之汇票,发票人背书之能力,但不包括其背书之真实性或效力;

47、general indorsement of claim ─── [法] 权利要求的一般背书

48、"Every consignee of goods named in a bill of lading, and every indorsee of a bill of lading, to whom the property in the goods therein mentioned passes upon or by reason of such consignment or indorsement," ─── 提货单上所列之每名收货人,以及提货单之每名受让人,由于提货单所述货物物权已转归该人所有之故,或由于该项托运或背书转让之故,

49、indorsement of claim ─── 索偿的背书

50、"A banker is not to be treated for the purposes of this section as having been negligent by reason only of his failure to concern himself with absence of, or irregularity in, indorsement of an instrument." ─── 为执行本条之规定起见,倘银行未有关注票据无背书或有不正当之背书,不得仅以此为理由,视为银行之疏忽。

51、the banker is deemed to have paid the bill in due course, although such indorsement HAS been forged or made without authority. ─── 纵使背书属伪造或未经授权者,仍得认为该银行已就该汇票作适时付款。

52、Endorsement; indorsement ─── 背书

53、indorsement, endorsement ─── 背书,背签

54、letter of indorsement ─── [经] 背书信

55、The outgoing President, in his last annual message, as impressively as possible echoed back upon the people the weight and authority of the indorsement. ─── 卸任总统在他的最后一次年度演说中,尽其可能印象深刻地对大众提到这种支援所蕴含的分量和权威性。

56、indorsement without recourse ─── [法] 不接受偿还请求之背书, 无追索权行背书

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