denouement 发音
英:[ˌdeɪnuːˈmɑːŋ] 美:[ˌdeɪˈnuːmɒ̃]
英: 美:
denouement 中文意思翻译
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n. 结局;终场
denouement 反义词
denouement 词性/词形变化,denouement变形
denouement 同义词
expressive | explicit | denotive
denouement 短语词组
1、denouement means ─── 结局手段
2、denouement of ─── 结束语
3、denouement definition ─── 词尾定义
4、denouement yue ─── 结局乐
5、denouement poem ─── 结局诗
6、denouement meaning ─── 结局意义
7、denouement in literature ─── 文学的结局
8、denouement crossword ─── 纵横字谜结尾
denouement 相似词语短语
1、renouncement ─── n.否认;拒绝;放弃
2、dénouement ─── 去噪,去噪
3、denotement ─── n.指示
4、dénouements ─── 结果
5、denudement ─── 剥蚀
6、denouements ─── n.结局;终场
7、denouncement ─── n.告发;痛骂;公开抨击
8、devotement ─── n.献身;奉献;专心;虔诚
9、engouement ─── 工程
denouement 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、"We just had to fill in the spaces she laid out," Lee has said, but there is more to it than that, including a change in emphasis and tone in the denouement that is critical. ─── “我们必须把她安排的空隙填满。”李安说。事实是不仅于此,通篇的重点及结局的格调也完全被改编得具有批判意义。
2、Such an irregular denouement piques heated discussions among critics and readers as well. ─── 这一詹姆斯式弃绝行为引起了读者和评论界的广泛探讨。
3、I know the story of the play well, still I was deeply moved by the denouement of the play. ─── 我熟悉这出戏的故事情节,但是戏的结局仍然使我深受感动。
4、Such was the messy denouement of ten days of largely fruitless UN-guided negotiations, in which China did nothing to push things along. ─── 这场联合国主导的谈判历时十天,基本无果,就形成这样的混乱结局。在此过程中,中国未做任何有助益之事。
5、It was getting late, our prescribed period of wakefulness was drawing to a close, and yet the denouement was far off. ─── 那时天已很晚了,我们所给定的睡前时间快要用完了,然而故事的结局却还远得很。
6、This time the denouement would be one of the biggest bubbles in history, probably in scale and certainly in number of people involved. ─── 这一次将以历史上最大的泡沫收场——规模可能最大,涉及的人口总数肯定最多。
7、In fact the denouement happened in October 1976, when an elite unit of the People's Liberation Army arrested him, Madame Mao, and the two others who made up the “Gang of Four”, Yao Wenyuan and Wang Hongwen. ─── 直到1976年10月,军方的资深将领逮捕了他,江青(毛夫人),姚文元和王洪文等四人帮成员,张的政治生命就此完结。
8、Such a dramatic denouement left many questions about the year of 2008.We are watching daily news stories produced by directors of the powerful national broadcaster CCTV. ─── 在中国,通过强大的CCTV,我们每天都在看这样的“导演”出来的新闻。
9、“I don't 清楚,” he replied.“But like the denouement of a complex plot, the final resolution of the scandal will get time to discover. ─── “我不清楚,”他回答,“但就像唯一情节复杂的小说的结尾相同,这件丑闻的最终解决办法要花很长时间才能找到。”
10、He also revealed something which no one else had yet mentioned to Koller and which was to lead to a certain denouement during the next few frantic days. ─── 同时他还透露了一件还没有旁人告诉过科勒的事情。 这件事在以后几天疯狂的日子中还产生了一个戏剧尾声般的场面。
11、and the Denouement all from the indictment for the murder to the end. ─── 解从控告凶手直到结尾。
12、[France] denouement ─── 结局| 收场
13、Cowperwood was in no way pleased by this rough denouement. ─── 这样草草收场,柯帕乌绝不会高兴的。
14、The action and conflict reach a climax when the villains are caught, but there is a lengthy denouement as the film continues because the major puzzles have yet to be solved. ─── 当反派被擒的时候情节和冲突达到了高潮,但是由于主要的谜团没有被揭开故事必须继续下去而使影片的结尾显得拖沓而冗长。
15、But the denouement offers the audience a logical conclusion. ─── 但结局为观众提供了一个合乎逻辑的结论。
16、But in real life young men who hoped for this denouement were apt to be disappointed ─── 但是在现实生活中,满心期望这种结局的年轻人,往往会大失所望。
17、the denouement of the plot of a play ─── 剧本情节的结局
18、Yet there are many dramatists who, after a good Complication, fail in the Denouement. ─── 现在,在是否具有相同的结和解而不是情节的基础上,说这出悲剧与那出悲剧相同是可能的。
19、an exciting/unexpected denouement ─── 激动人心的/意想不到的结局
20、It was getting late, our prescribed period of wakefulness was drawing to a close, and yet the denouement was far off. ─── 那时天已很晚了,我们所给定的睡前时间快要用完了,然而故事的结局却还远得很。
21、Ultimately, the differences become too much to bear, resulting in a tragic conclusion that adds an even more somber denouement to Roeg's already grim vision. ─── 你好,我揭发了无良淘宝奸商程家星的无耻行径,如果你也上当过,请帮我把帖子顶起来,让更多网友看到,避免以后再有网友上当受骗。
22、* In a surprising denouement, she becomes a nun. ─── 结局出人意表, 她当修女了.
23、three is the denouement. ─── 第三幕是收场。
24、I dont know, he replied. But like the denouement of a complex plot, the final resolution of this scandal will take time to discover. ─── 我不知道,他回答,但就像一个情节复杂的小说的结尾一样,这件丑闻的最终解决办法要花很长时间才能找到。
25、's followed by the final dramatic element—the denouement or the resolution, when all the loose ends have to be tied up in a logical way. ─── 接下来是最后一个戏剧元素——结局或决议,这时所有开放的情节都必须按符合逻辑的方式联系起来。
26、The noise of the piazza rose over me as if I were descending to some awful denouement. ─── 走廊里响起一片嘈杂声,人们以为我遭遇了某种悲惨而可怕的结局。
27、Every tragedy is in part Complication and in part Denouement; the incidents before the opening scene, and often certain also of those within the play, forming the Complication; and the rest the Denouement. ─── 每一部悲剧都由结和解构成;故事开始之前,常常也包括剧中的一些事件构成了结;其余的构成了解。
28、ending, denouement ─── 结局
29、Like much of the plot, this denouement is not clear in the film, from which Mr.Kubrick cut most of the expository material. ─── 如同大部分情节一样,这一结局在影片中表现得很含糊,因为库布里克先生删减了大部分解说性的内容。
30、and the rest the Denouement. ─── 其余的构成了解。
31、China is nowhere near a denouement of the kind faced by Japan in 1990. It remains a developing country and still has catch-up potential. ─── 中国距上世纪90年代日本所面临的那种结局还很远,它仍然是个发展中国家,还有迎头赶上的潜力。
32、She then settled down to a quiet routine of existence, waiting what denouement to her life she could not guess. ─── 这样,对于内外两重难关总算都应付过去,她就过起一种安静的日常生活来,静等着她一生的大结局。
33、The film, meanwhile, a necessary digest of the 800-page book, leaves us faintly annoyed that the true denouement of the cycle is now two movies distant. ─── 然而至于电影,却成为了这部800页之厚原著的必备摘要版,留给我们的却是小小的恐慌:再有两部电影,就真的是结局出现咯。
34、it is a tragic love story of operatic dimension because the denouement is known; ─── 是一个结局已知的戏剧性的爱情悲剧;
35、He was not sorry for the denouement of his visit: he only wished it had come sooner, and spared him a certain waste of emotion. ─── 他并不因这次造访的结局感到懊悔:他只希望收场来得快些,免得他浪费感情。
36、Oscar: I know the story of the play well, still I was deeply moved by the denouement of the play. ─── 奥斯卡:我熟悉这出戏的故事情节,但是戏的结局仍然使我深受感动。
37、In a surprising denouement, she becomes a nun. ─── 结局出人意表,她当修女了。
38、denouement n. ─── 结局;
39、The denouement or resolution is the moment when the conflict ends and the outcome of the action is clear. ─── 结局或收尾是矛盾的得以解决并交代事情的结果的时刻。
40、This time the denouement would be one of the biggest bubbles in history, probably in scale and certainly in number of people involved. ─── 这次将以史上最大的泡沫而结束,可能波及到很大的规模和数量的人。
41、point of denouement ─── 抢道起点
42、and 3)the ground war and its denouement. ─── (3)地面战争结束。
43、"I don't know, " he replied. "But like the denouement of a complex plot, the final resolution of this scandal will take time to discover. " ─── “我不知”他回答,“但就像一个情节复杂的小说的结尾一样,这件丑闻的最终解决办法要花很长时间才能找到。”
44、Jennie felt hurt through and through by this denouement, and yet as she sat there she realised that it was foolish to be angry. ─── 珍妮见着这样的大结局,心里自然彻底的痛伤,但她慢慢想过了一回,觉得忿怒是愚蠢的。
45、Every step of their journey takes them closer and closer to one another, until a shocking denouement in which no stone is left unturned and no one can escape unscathed. ─── 故事以一宗残酷的灭门惨案开始,带出各人的过去,逐步揭示出案中所隐藏的事实真相。
46、And it is picking up unexpected new recruits as the campaign approaches its denouement. ─── 与此同时,随着竞选活动日渐接近尾声,一些让人意想不到的新成员也加入到这一阵营的行列中。
47、Like all true farce, the coming denouement would proceed with remorseless logic from its ridiculous premise: that Dooku could ever be overcome by mere Jedi.Any Jedi. ─── 正如所有的闹剧,即将到来的结局将会顺着一个构建在可笑前提上的无情逻辑进行:杜库根本不会被区区绝地打败,不论任何绝地。
48、“I don't know,” he replied.“But like the denouement of a complex plot, the final resolution of this scandal will take time to discover. ─── “我不知道,”他回覆,“但就像一个情节复杂的小说的结尾一样,这件丑闻的最终解决设施要花很长时候才能找到。”
49、Our life gets complicated as a comedy as it goes on ,but the complications get gradually resolved: see that the curtain comes down on a good denouement. ─── 人生如同一场复杂的喜剧,其复杂情况会慢慢解决,但要注意,在落幕之时,有个好结局。
50、1. In a surprising denouement, she becomes a nun. ─── 结局出人意表,她当修女了.
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