remoteness 发音
英:[rɪˈmoʊtnəs] 美:[rɪˈməʊtnəs]
英: 美:
remoteness 中文意思翻译
remoteness 词性/词形变化,remoteness变形
形容词: remote-control |
remoteness 短语词组
1、remoteness loss ─── 远距离损失
2、remoteness of damage ─── [法] 间接损失, 间接损害
3、remoteness from ─── 远离
4、remoteness pdf ─── 远程pdf
5、remoteness define ─── 远程定义
6、remoteness means ─── 偏远意味着
7、remoteness law ─── 远近律
8、remoteness of cause ─── [法] 远因
9、remoteness of location ─── 位置偏远
10、remoteness of the rental date ─── 租赁日期遥远
11、remoteness of evidence ─── [法] 间接证据
12、remoteness syn ─── 远程同步
remoteness 相似词语短语
1、muteness ─── n.无言;哑
2、removedness ─── 移去
3、remissness ─── n.不小心;疏忽
4、remorseless ─── adj.冷酷的;不知过错的;坚持不懈的;不屈不挠的
5、moreness ─── 更多性
6、emotiveness ─── 情感性
7、petiteness ─── 娇小
8、repleteness ─── 充盈
9、resoluteness ─── n.坚定
remoteness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He was usually preposterous vet somehow achieved a certain dignity by his remoteness and agelessness. ─── 他自己虽常常很荒谬,然而他以他表现出来的冷漠和无情赢得了一定的尊重。
2、The results showed that the soybean protein fiber possessed non-smooth,groove,bubble-shape foreign substance and remoteness hole in longitudinal direction; ─── 研究表明,大豆蛋白纤维纵向形态不光滑,表面有沟槽,夹杂星点泡状物,有细微孔隙;经20%和36%盐酸处理后,大豆蛋白纤维明显变细;
3、As a secret training base for a new plane, it was an excellent site, its remoteness effectively masking its activity. ─── 作为一个新飞机的秘密训练基地,这是一个优秀的网站,其偏远有效地屏蔽其活动。
4、The alternative uses of multiple stitches can present the intaglio and relief and closeness and remoteness with rich content and 3-D feelings. ─── 多种针法的交替使用,不仅能把阴阳远近表现出来,而且表现内容丰富,富有立体感。
5、According to the current law, as referring to the remoteness of the bankruptcy risk of SPV, Trust may be the right organization form, while the company may in much trouble and need be released. ─── 按照现行立法,在特殊目的机构(SPV)破产风险隔离中,信托制组织形式较能满足风险隔离,公司制SPV则稍显窘迫,需要法律给于宽限。
6、As a place to live, it left much to be desired.As a secret training base for a new plane, it was an excellent site, its remoteness effectively masking its activity. ─── 作为居住地,还不是很理想,但作为一种新型飞机的机密训练基地,却是个最佳选择,因为它的偏远正好使其活动有效的躲过人们的视线。
7、The "true sale" of the loans by the sponsor to the SPV provides "bankruptcy remoteness," insulating the trust from the sponsor. ─── 贷款由发起人向“特殊目的机构”的真实出售提供了一种“破产隔离”机制,将信托机构与发起人隔离开来。
8、There was no barrier between his eyes and hers now, no baffling remoteness . ─── 现在他们的两双眼睛之间毫无隔阂,毫无疏远困惑的迹象了。
9、As a secret training base for a revolutionary new plane, it was an excellent site, its remoteness effectively masking its activity. ─── 作为完全新型飞机的秘密训练基地是非常理想的。它地处边陲,人们不易了解其中的活动。
10、10. He was usually preposterous vet somehow achieved a certain dignity by his remoteness and agelessness. ─── 他自己虽常常很荒谬,然而他以他表现出来的冷漠和无情赢得了一定的尊重。
11、her impassive remoteness; ─── 她冷漠的疏远;
12、That's a sad part of the remoteness of the monarchy. ─── 那表现出了君主统治远隔性的悲哀部分。
13、These fossils are hard-won, though, given the precipitous topography and the remoteness of many of the localities. ─── 话说回来,这些化石实在得来不易,许多发掘地点不仅地势险峻,又很偏远;
14、network remoteness ─── 网络远程
15、Aided by the remoteness of its location, Machu Picchu escaped destruction. ─── 由于地处偏远,马丘·比丘逃过了浩劫。
16、Yakutsk's remoteness is also extraordinary. ─── 雅库茨克的遥远也很不一般。
17、Making the benefits of the service maximum in the activity of "guaranteeing quality in the remoteness" ─── 在"细微之处见质量"活动中实现服务效益最大化
18、Despite its remoteness, the museum attracted 79305 visitors in 1997. ─── 该博物馆虽然地点偏僻,但年内仍吸引游人79305人次。
19、Classification of Remot Sensing Image Based on Object Oriented and Class Rules ─── 基于面向对象和规则的遥感影像分类研究
20、remoteness of evidence ─── [法] 间接证据
21、However, the intermediary market reality, the new commercial housing because of remoteness and high prices, were not seen as housing reform Housing. ─── 但是,从中介市场的实际情况看,新建商品房由于地点偏远,价格偏高,成交并不如房改房涌跃。
22、Because of its remoteness and inaccessibility, Patagonia has always been, like Timbuktu or Shangri-la, a place of myths and legends. ─── 巴塔哥尼亚的遥远和难以到达,使它始终像廷巴克图和香格里拉那样,是一个充满神秘和传奇的地方。
23、Build the equipment remoteness maintenance system with authorization control and security communication on the grid and solve th... ─── 用网格技术建立具有授权控制和安全通信能力的装备远程保障系统,解决了装备远程保障中的信息安全问题。
24、And such a set of specs should produce the technology to address remoteness, values and violence. ─── 这些远见应当制造出能够解决偏远问题,价值观问题和暴力问题的科技。
25、With its cool climate, abundant geothermal energy and secure remoteness, Iceland appears to be a prime location for data archives. ─── 凉爽的气候、丰富的地热能源、与世隔绝的地理位置,使得冰岛成为数据存档的好地方。
26、In fact, the pattern contains the seeds of more than just hiding remoteness. ─── 事实上,该模式的作用远不止隐藏远程性。
27、Clew, after high-energy scar, the hemal endodermis cell of remoteness place can produce apparent morphology change, this is far the main feature that amounts to effect. ─── 提示,高能创伤后,远隔部位的血管内皮细胞可发生明显的形态学变化,这是远达效应的基本特征。
28、Who can say in remoteness of time ,in what difference of earthly shape love first come to us as a stranger in the jungle ? ─── 某个朋友在地震期间的关心让我很意外,当然也感动。。。曾以为会是永远的陌生人,所以真的没想到。。。不过也仅此谢谢和感动而已。。。
29、As one of UGIS software tools, the software structure, main functions and technical features of Geos-cience Remot sensing Application Management System (GRAMS) developed by the authors are presented. ─── 接着,以GRAMS软件为例,论述了UGIS软件工具的总体结构、主要功能和技术特点;
30、With the rapid progress of IT, digital-operatio n room, non-invasive intelligent orthopaedic guidance and robot-assisted remot e telesurgery will became essential components of the future CAOS. ─── 伴随快速发展的信息技术,数字化手术室、智能化微创导航手术系统、医用机器人辅助的远程医疗将有可能成为未来CAOS技术的主要组成部分。
31、Despite its remoteness, this magnificent city is a wonderfully popular tourist site. ─── 尽管地处偏远,这座雄伟的城市仍是一处非常热门的景点。
32、Remoteness of the rental date, there is looting and other possible hidden safety problems exist. ─── 地处偏僻的日租房,有可能存在抢劫等安全隐患。
33、the geographical remoteness of the island ─── 这座岛地理位置偏远
34、Below the dark bell tower, surrounded by mountain peaks and forests, the remoteness of the mountains and dark mountain mists, the night emitted infinite mystery and loneliness. ─── 在一幢黑暗的钟塔下,群峰森绕,山深雾黑,暗夜透著无限的神秘与落寞。
35、Nature came into existence in the remoteness of time and space before the appearance of man,and man himself is a kind of existence of nature. ─── 自然产生于人类出现之前的遥远时空,而人本身也是一种自然存在物,人是永远也“征服”不了自然的。
36、And such abstractness means remoteness, and throws us back, once more, upon teaching and learning as mere means of getting ready for an end disconnected from the means. ─── 这种抽象性又意味着遥远而不切实际,这样又使我们返回到把教和学仅仅作为准备达到和它无关的目的的一种手段。
37、His remoteness made her feel unloved. ─── 他的冷漠使她觉得他不爱她。
38、The city's remoteness from West Germany does not disturb them; Berliners have always called themselves "island dwellers." But it deeply worries Allied commanders. ─── 远离西德的土地并不影响西柏林人的自信,西柏林人总是把自己称作岛上的居民。但是这却使同盟国的指挥官们非常忧虑。
39、He is acrobatic troupe's pillar, relies on a thrilling upper air wire walking, but reputation remoteness.... ─── 他是杂技团的台柱子,凭借一出惊险的高空走钢丝而声名远扬。...
40、As a secret training base for a revolutionary new plane, it was an excellent site, its remoteness effectively masking its activity. ─── 作为完全新型飞机的秘密训练基地是非常理想的。它地处边陲,人们不易了解其中的活动。
41、It has a compelling pitch.With its cool climate, abundant geothermal energy and secure remoteness, Iceland appears to be a prime location for data archives. ─── 它的理由基于冰岛的优势:气候凉爽、地热能源丰富并偏远安全,是数据储存的理想地点。
42、1.Opinion columns bemoan the fanaticism of its youth, the remoteness of its rulers and the power of its clerics. ─── 专栏评论则为沙特阿拉伯青年的狂热,统治者的冷漠,和宗教组织的掌权而哀叹。
43、This censer has very beautiful lines that can create an atmosphere of deepness and remoteness typical of a Buddhist temple. ─── 此炉简洁优美的线条,更能营造出佛堂高深悠远的意景。
44、5. Pearl either saw and responded to her mother's feelings, or herself felt the remoteness and intangibility that had fallen around the minister. ─── 珠儿对她母亲的感情或者是看出了,或者是感应到了,要不就是她自己也觉得牧师已经笼罩在遥不可及之中了。
45、The remoteness of Australia and two international crises accounted for the low number of participants; fewer than 3,500 athletes from 67 countries attended the Games. ─── 澳大利亚地理位置遥远,再加上两次世界危机使这次运动会的参加人数很少:只有来自67个国家的3500名运动员参加了这一运动会。
46、The radio was the perfect cure for the paralyzing remoteness of the Delta. ─── 在三角洲上我第一次边开车边听广播的那一天,也便是我最后一次用录音机的日子。
47、Not old hot springs in the mountains because of remoteness, not many tourists, still retain the original form, and the quiet atmosphere. ─── 不老温泉由于地处偏僻山中,游客并不多,所以至今仍保有原始的形态,以及宁谧的气氛。
48、I cringed at his remoteness. ─── 我对他的冷漠感到畏缩。
49、The results showed that the soybean protein fiber possessed non-smooth, groove, hobble-shape foreign substance and remoteness hole in longitudinal direction; ─── 研究表明,大豆蛋白纤维纵向形态不光滑,表面有沟槽,夹杂星点泡状物,有细微孔隙;
50、When we looked around, this remoteness has also crowded stadium, I wear leather shoes, an act. ─── 放眼望去,这个地处偏僻的球场却也人声鼎沸,就我一穿皮鞋的装模作样。
51、As a local heritage, as remoteness, lack of publicity, the people of the world know little about, and even many Ziyang people do not know where, why of. ─── 而作为地方文物,因为地处偏僻,宣传不够,世人知之甚少,连不少资阳人亦不知其于何处、为何物。
52、Who can say in what remoteness of time, in what difference of earthly shape, love first comes to us as a stranger in the jungle? ─── 无论在多么远古的时代,无论爱是以怎样世俗的形态出现,初次光临时,总是宛如在丛林中所见到的陌生人一样,是哪个谁谁也说不清的事。
53、As to the remoteness of the bankruptcy risk of sponsor when transferring the assets, there are no criterions on “true sale” and recharacterization, except for the revocable transaction. ─── 对于资产转移时发起人破产风险的隔离,“真实销售”、重新定性等问题法律规定欠缺,只有可撤销交易尚可操作。
54、remoteness of cause ─── [法] 远因
55、And it also can not fulfill bankruptcy remoteness completely because A SAMP will not continue running when the stockjobber goes into bankruptcy. ─── 券商破产会直接影响专项计划的持续运作,导致破产隔离不彻底。
56、The area has seen many productive peaks and destructive purges in its time, although both have historically been somewhat lessened by the remoteness of the mountains. ─── 五台山主要是以佛教圣地而名扬天下的。
57、Instead, geographical remoteness, inadequate local municipal building, the land premium will be far below the center of the city. ─── 相反,地域偏远,市政建设不够完善的地方,则地价就会远远低于市中心的地价。
58、Analysis of the Interruption of the Chain of Causation in Remoteness of Damages after Collision ─── 对船舶碰撞后的扩大损失中因果链中断的分析
59、African epics are the quintessence of African cultures.Owing to the variety of languages and the remoteness and separation of zones, African epics are little known to the outside world. ─── 摘要非洲史诗是非洲文化的精华,由于非洲语言的多样性,地域间的相对独立性,外界对非洲史诗的了解较少。
60、His remoteness made her feel unloved. ─── 他的冷漠使她觉得他不爱她。
61、Remoteness enhances mystery. ─── 轻易不露面可增加神秘性。
62、Men who did not know when their visit had terminated, though I went about my business again, answering them from greater and greater remoteness. ─── 有些客人,不知道他们的访问早该结束了,我已经在料理我自己的事务,回答他们的话就愈来愈怠慢了。
63、Such a relationship can face quite unpleasant circumstances, most commonly in the form of increasing emotional coldness and remoteness between you. ─── 这样的关系会面临很不愉快的情况,很可能会带来感情上的冷漠和两人之间的疏离。
64、the bankruptcy remoteness of spy, which is of significance to the rating of securitization transaction, is required in different degree in accordance with various categories of SPV. ─── 摘要资产证券化特殊目的机构(SPV)的信用评级,关键在于确定其实现破产隔离的程度如何,对不同组织形式的SPV,其破产隔离实现程度是不一样的。
65、Factors that have helped gorillas include the remoteness of some of the habitat, which also offered plenty of food, and the successful long-term management of the country’s protected areas. ─── 使得大猩猩能繁衍生息的因素包括:它们的栖息地远离人类活动,栖息地食物充足,以及刚果共和国对保护地进行了成功的长期管理。
66、The far-off hammering of woodpeckers and the muffled drumming of wood pheasants in the remoteness of the forest, ─── 还能听到远处隐隐传来樵夫的锤子声,树林深处的野鸡的喃喃声
67、a hunt for greater solitude and further remoteness along the length of Britain, with a detour to the Sinai desert, which she describes with a disarming sense of being thought mad. ─── 为了追寻更荒僻的幽静及更杳远的隐蔽,她足迹踏遍英伦大陆,也曾绕道至西柰沙漠[注]。这一切,她都近似疯狂的随意讲述着。
68、As a place to live, itleftmuch to be desired. As a secret training base for a new plane, it was an excellent site, its remoteness effectively masking its activity. ─── 作为居住之处,这里有许多不足之处。但作为新型飞机的秘密训练基地,却是非常理的。它地处边陲,人们不易了解其中的活动。
69、The first one (written in roman) is the "Seriousness Grade": it refers to things such as remoteness, length of the climb, difficulty of descent, objective hazards, sustained character of the route. ─── 第一个数字(罗马数字)表示”严重性”,它代表偏远度、攀登长度、下降难度、危险程度、路线持续性。”
70、11,As a secret training base for a revolutionary new plain, it was an excellent cite, its remoteness efectively masking its activity. ─── 作为新型飞机的训练基地,这是一个非常理想的地方;因为它地处边陲,人们不容易了解其中的活动。
71、Dream is the how remoteness,although it is beautiful! ─── 尽管很美丽,但梦想却是很遥远.
72、Its remoteness constrains enforcement actions against potential illegal fishing activities. ─── 由于位置偏远,妨碍当局管制非法捕鱼活动。
73、The potential for a tourist industry exists, but the remoteness of the location and a lack of adequate facilities hinder development. ─── 旅游业的潜力很大,但是海岛所处的位置很偏,且没有足够便利的交通工具。
74、There are both distinctions and relations between foreseeability and remoteness, causation, foreseeability in torts. ─── 该原则与遥远性、因果关系及侵权中的可预见性等相关概念既有区别又有联系。
75、In fact, the writing was forgotten by the Imazighen but remained generally used only in Imazighen Tuareg thanks to their geographical remoteness and the beautiful sahara ... ─── 实际上,文字被柏柏尔人遗忘,但其中的图阿雷格人仍然保持了日常的使用。这得益于他们偏避的地理位置和美丽的撒哈拉。。。
76、All that goes to show that all live creatures and sensitive humans alike are prone to the feeling of depth, remoteness , severity and bleakness. ─── 足见有感觉的动物、有情趣的人类,对于秋,总是一样的能特别引起深沉、幽远、严厉、萧索的感触来的。
77、His remoteness was punctuated by flights of garrulousness about outer space and geopolitical trends, childish pranks, and unpredictable eruptions of anger. ─── 他的远离被关于外太空的饶舌飞行和忿怒的地理政治的趋势,天真的恶作剧和不可预知爆发加标点符号了。
78、bankrupt remoteness ─── 破产隔离
79、As a secret training base for a new plane, it was an excellent site, its remoteness effectively masking its activity. ─── 作为新型飞机的秘密训练基地,这个地方是很理想的:它地处穷乡僻壤,特别便于有效地隐蔽其活动。
80、8. As a secret training base for a new plane, it was an excellent site, its remoteness effectively masking its activity. ─── 作为新型飞机的秘密训练基地,这个地方是很理想的:它地处穷乡僻壤,特别便于有效地隐蔽其活动。
81、6. its allure was its remoteness . ─── 她的不即不离便是她的魅力。
82、The larger holdings are devoted to livestock and due to their remoteness and low rainfall, carrying capacity is also low, with many areas carrying only about a beast to 20 ha or so. ─── 较大的农场因偏远且降雨量少而从事畜牧业,载畜能力也低,很多地方20公顷左右的面积仅载约一头牲畜。
83、The remoteness of this beautiful temple only makes it more appealing. ─── 这座美丽的庙宇地处偏远,恰恰使它更具吸引力。
84、Whenever that look appeared in her wild, bright, deeply black eyes, it invested her with a strange remoteness and intangibility; ─── 每逢她那狂野、明亮、漆黑的眼暗中出现那种神情时,她便蒙上一层远不可及的神秘色彩,仿佛正在空中翱翔,随时都可能消失,就象不知来自何处、去往何方的闪光似的。
85、remoteness of damage ─── [法] 间接损失, 间接损害
87、And using a memory to storage the post arm"s form, we can changes the curreat ann"sform to remoteness the past arm tbrm gradually (this is means postview). ─── 同时,我们有存储器记忆过去时刻臂形,控制当前时刻臂形渐渐远离过去时刻臂形(后顾)。
88、2.In micrographics, a measure of the remoteness of the copy from the original material, the first microfilm representation being the first generation microfilm. ─── 在缩微照相技术中,度量副本离原始资料远近的程度。第一次缩微后的胶片为第一代缩微胶片。
89、It longs for remoteness and extensiveness of the upper air in a mode from to bottm ─── 从下而上的模式里向往高空的远阔
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