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08-27 投稿


investigator 发音

英:[ɪn'vestɪgeɪtə(r)]  美:[ɪn'vɛstɪɡetɚ]

英:  美:

investigator 中文意思翻译



investigator 词性/词形变化,investigator变形

形容词: investigatorial |

investigator 短语词组

1、accident investigator ─── 事故调查人员, ─── 事故调查员

2、coordinating investigator ─── 协调研究者

3、investigator triangulation ─── 研究者三角测定

4、principal investigator ─── 首席调查员

5、investigator jobs in alabama ─── 阿拉巴马州的调查员工作

6、security investigator ─── 安全调查员

7、Investigator Strait ─── 调查者号海峡

8、a police officer and an investigator ─── 一名警官和 ─── 一名调查员

9、criminal investigator ─── [法] 刑事侦查员

10、Investigator Shoal ─── 侦查员Shoal

11、incident investigator ─── 事件调查员

12、principal investigator name ─── 主要研究人员姓名

13、investigator jobs memphis ─── 孟菲斯调查员

14、investigator results tos ─── 研究者结果tos

15、investigator icon ─── 调查员图标

16、investigator's brochure ─── 调查员的小册子

17、crime scene investigator ─── 犯罪现场调查员

18、private investigator n. ─── 私家侦探

19、preliminary investigator ─── [法] 侦查员

investigator 相似词语短语

1、investigate ─── v.调查;研究

2、investigators ─── n.研究者,调查者(investigator的复数形式);[法]审查者(investigator的复数形式)

3、instigator ─── n.煽动者;教唆者

4、investigation ─── n.调查;调查研究

5、investigated ─── v.研究(investigate的过去分词);调查;adj.研究的;调查的

6、investigatory ─── adj.调查的,审查的;研究的,好研究的

7、coinvestigators ─── 共同投资者

8、investigates ─── 调查

9、coinvestigator ─── 共同投资者

investigator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Heart and respiration monitors provide the investigator with the number of heartbeats or breaths taken when a new stimulus is presented. ─── 当新的刺激出现时,心脏和呼吸监测仪为研究者提供其心跳或呼吸的次数。

2、Any judge, procurator or investigator who violates the provisions in the preceding paragraph shall be investigated for legal responsibility. ─── 审判人员、检察人员、侦查人员违反前款规定的,应当依法追究法律责任。

3、Ensure sponsor and investigator obligations are being met and are in compliance with SFDA and ICH-GCP;- Perform pre-st...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海切尔西医药科技咨询有限公司工作地点:上海市浦东新区发布时间:2009-7-8

4、As indiscerptible phenomena with human being, conflict always attracts the investigator’s attention. ─── 冲突作为人类不可分割的现象,一直吸引着研究者的注意。

5、You are the investigator without knowledge, the magistrate without jurisdiction, and all in all, the fool of the farce. ─── 你是没有知识的探索者,没有管辖权的官吏,总而言之,你是滑稽戏中的小丑。

6、Few secrets can escape an investigator, who has opportunity and license to undertake such a quest, and skill to follow it up. ─── 像他这样一个得到机会和特许来从事这种探索,而且又有技巧将其进行下去的调查人,很少有秘密能逃过他的眼睛。

7、"Timing is everything," said lead investigator Lawton of New Mexico State University at Las Cruces. ─── "速度就是一切",新墨西哥州立大学主要研究员劳顿说过。

8、Investigator Ricardo Mancillas Castillo said he had not encountered a threat against Internet users in his four years based in Nuevo Laredo. ─── 研究员里卡多·米恩萨拉斯·卡斯蒂略(RicardoMancillasCastillo)说,四年里在新拉雷多(NuevoLaredo)还没有遇到过针对网民的威胁。

9、Mark Westhusin, who was lead investigator on the project. ─── "威斯土森博士说道,他是这一科研项目的领头人。

10、Its principal investigator is George Rieke of the University of Arizona. ─── 它的主要研究者是亚利桑那大学的乔治雷基。

11、"Initial MECA analyses suggested Earthlike soil. Further analysis has revealed un-Earthlike aspects of the soil chemistry," said Phoenix principal investigator Peter Smith. ─── 凤凰号主研究员彼得*史密斯说:“MECA初次分析结果表明与地球土壤相似,进一步分析显露出土壤化学的不同方面。”

12、The investigator sent by the people's court shall show the certificate of identity to the investigated. ─── 人民法院派出人员进行调查时,应当向被调查人出示证件。

13、In fact, dividing one day’s TV program setting to various periods of time has been already approved by TV program complier, audience rating investigator and advertiser. ─── 事实上,把一天的电视节目的设置划分为各个时段已经成为电视节目编排者、收视率调查者和广告投放者共同认可的一种行为。

14、Senior Investigator, The US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institutes of Health, Triangle Research Park, North Carolina. ─── 博士,美国国立卫生研究院环境卫生科学研究所高级研究员。

15、An organization ombudsman is an independent, objective investigator of a customer's complaint against the organization. ─── Enbridge的专员调查办公室是专门为客户投诉进行独立,客观的调查的机构。

16、Once an investigator and prosecutor overcome all the forgoing pitfalls, a tax case is extremely difficult to defend for the following reasons. ─── 一旦调查官和检察官克服了上文中的困难,一个税务案件就很难辩护,这是由于以下原因:

17、UN investigator has called for the removal of Kenya's police commissioner and attorney general over a wave of alleged extrajudicial killings. ─── 一名联合国调查人员在许多所谓的法外处决上(已经)呼吁清除肯尼亚的警察署长和总检察长.

18、He was a special investigator for the FBI. ─── 他是联邦调查局的特别调查员。

19、She has been an investigator of the Italian Telethon Foundation since 1996. ─── 从1996年起,卡他尼欧也是义大利电视马拉松基金会的研究员。

20、Detective stories usually star a lone investigator who has some striking characteristics and eccentricities. ─── 侦探小说通常以一名孤独的侦探为中心,他有着一些与众不同的特点和怪癖。

21、It was not for some months that a White Russian investigator, Nicholas Sokolov, found a place in the forest which showed signs of wheels, fires, hooves. ─── 可当一名白俄调查员尼古拉斯·索科罗夫发现林中有一处有车轮、火烧和马蹄痕迹时,时间已过去了几个月。

22、Procedural testification cart not only ensure defendant's rights of defendant and confirmation, but also prevent the investigator's procedural i illegal behaviors. ─── 侦查人员的程序性作证不仅可以使被告人的辩护权和质证权得到切实有效的行使,亦有助于遏制侦查人员的程序性违法行为。

23、"It's thrilling to see this treasure trove of stars," said William Borucki, science principal investigator for Kepler at NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, Calif. ─── 加利福尼亚州莫菲特菲尔德市,NASA埃姆斯研究中心开普勒(项目)科学组首席研究员威廉.布鲁克说:“看见这么多恒星宝藏令人激动得发抖。

24、Units of legal affairs: procurator, amanuensis, forensic physician, inspector, bailiff, investigator, rectification personnel, and guard. ─── 四法务单位:检察官、书记官、法医师、检验员、法警、调查人员、矫正人员及驻卫警。

25、He is an investigator sent by the provincial government. We must treat him well. ─── 他是省里派来的调研员,一定要好好招待。

26、He has been a co-founder of CMU's Entertainment Technology Center (ETC), a National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator, and a Lilly Foundation Teaching Fellow. ─── 他曾担任过迪斯尼动画工程师,并单独或与他人合作著有五本专著和超过70篇期刊和会刊文章。

27、That investigator discovers he too may be in love with Mary, so he gives Ted some false information to keep him away from her. ─── 于是两个男人为了心爱的女人而展开针锋相对的争夺,最后当特德决定退出时,玛丽出现在他的面前,只说了一句话:“我想了半天,还是跟你在一起。

28、Thirteen years later he realizes he is still in love with Mary, so he hires a private investigator to track her down. ─── 当特德亲自找到玛丽时,玛丽被特德的一片诚心所打动。

29、What they found provided their investigator with a solid lead. ─── 他们找到的东西给他们的委托调查者提供了确实的线索。

30、An investigator into the drug overdose death of Marilyn Monroe 43 years ago Friday still is not convinced she killed herself. ─── 43年前,玛丽莲·梦露因服用过量安眠药而离开人世。上周五(8月5日),一位调查人员经过调查仍然不相信玛丽莲·梦露是自杀的。

31、Hotaru Amami is a private investigator, also manages her own office. ─── 天海萤是经营天海侦探社的女侦探。

32、OBJECTIVETo prepare the pulsatile contro ll ed release tablets (PCRT) of diclofenac sodium (DS) as a drug model and investig ate the influence factors in vitro release. ─── 以双氯灭痛为模型药物,研制脉冲控释片并考察其体外释放的影响因素。

33、Arianna Betti (Principal Investigator). ─── 主持人正坐中央,面对听众席。

34、Lead investigator,Dr. Mark Wagner,an associate professor of psychology at Wagner College in Staten Island,New York,presented the findings last month at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society in New Orleans. ─── 主持这项研究的是马克·瓦格纳博士是纽约斯塔滕岛瓦格纳学院心理学系的副教授。今年六月份他在于新奥尔良召开的美国心理学会年会上公布了这项研究结果。

35、INVESTIGATOR 2:|Who shot Angel Tezo, Sergeant Egan? ─── |谁对泰佐开枪的,伊甘警官?

36、These should provide the reference for the investig ation of intelligentize weld control system. ─── 为焊接智能控制系统的研究提供参考依据。

37、As lead investigator of the Dutch study, Dr. Prins was not ready to go quite that far. ─── 作为这项研究的首席研究员,普润思医生还不准备这么做。

38、Scene change to Jodie's group. Conversation. Driver change from Jodie to new investigator. ─── 场景切换至朱迪那一组,对话,驾驶员从朱迪换成了新的调查员。

39、A federal investigator said Tuesday that a Boeing factory worker had been arrested for vandalizing one of them, and damage done to another helicopter was still being looked at. ─── 一名联邦调查员20日称,已有一名该工厂工人涉嫌破坏其中一架直升机被拘捕,而另一直升机遭破坏案尚在调查中。

40、This three-dimension pattern is identified with by most investigator, but there's also afew suspicion and dispute which mostly centralize on the independence and objectivity. ─── 原因分类的三维模式被大多数研究者所认同,但是也存在一些怀疑和争议。 这些怀疑和争议大多集中在这三个维度的独立性和客观性上。

41、James Fowler of the University of California, San Diego, was the other lead investigator. ─── 加利福尼亚圣地亚哥大学的詹姆士福勒是另外一名调查领导。

42、The US investigator says: "There may well be instances that do not cross criminal or legal lines but are outrageous to the general public. " ─── 美国调查人员表示:“有些案例很可能并未触犯刑法,但对于普通民众而言,是令人无法容忍的。”

43、Nicholas Christakis of Harvard Medical School was a lead investigator in the study. ─── 尼古拉斯克里斯塔基斯是哈佛医学院的是一个领头研究眼。

44、"It's the largest project that's ever been done by the space telescope," noted Caltech team member Nick Scoville, principal investigator for COSMOS. ─── “这是有史以来由这架太空望远镜完成的最大工程。”

45、In addition to continuing his research in the area of diagnostic imaging, Dr Sadleir is also the principle investigator on the CT Colonography Tutor project. ─── 书童码汉字输入法:获国家发明专利。

46、United Nations special investigator on human rights has said Israel's the blockade of the Gazz Strip is a massive voliation of international Humanitarian Law. ─── 一位联合国关于人权的特殊调查员宣称,以色列封锁加沙地带严重违背国际人道主义法。

47、The Taixing Glycerine Factory bought its diethylene glycol from the same manufacturer as Mr.Wang, the former tailor, the government investigator said. ─── 中国政府调查人员说,在太兴甘油制造厂从同一家工厂收购二甘醇也即是王先生制造工厂的前身。

48、Fiddling with the little brushes, fine powders and sticky tape can test the patience of the most fastidious crime-scene investigator. ─── 即使对最细致的犯罪现场侦探来讲,长期与小毛刷、细粉以及胶带打交道都是对耐心的考验。

49、Encapsulation has been investig ated to protect probiotics in the product's environment and improve their survival. ─── 一些研究表明,通过包囊的方式可以保护菌体,提高它们的生存能力。

50、Chi (Aaron Kwok), a new investigator of the ICAC, was met with frequent failures, but he remained optimistic. ─── 廉政调查员志(郭富城)虽屡遇挫败,但对工作仍满腔热诚。

51、An investigator may not suspend investigation of a case before a decision is made on his withdrawal. ─── 对侦查人员的回避作出决定前,侦查人员不能停止对案件的侦查。

52、The experience which is deserved to be mentioned is to be an Market Investigator. ─── 在我的工作经验中最难以忘怀的是担任入户调查的工作。

53、He joined the team as an Assistant Investigator but, shortly afterwards, he was promoted to Investigator, and long before he left the team he became Senior Investigator. ─── 入组时他任职助理调查主任,不久即获擢升为调查主任,离组前早已升为高级调查主任!

54、Hotaru Amami, who defeats swindlers target women with a sharp consideration and a mature body, is a female private investigator. ─── 天海萤是名女侦探,她以敏锐的观察力和成熟的身体作武器,击退以女性为欺诈目标的男人。

55、To most of our generation,love affair is a dilemma of chaser and prey but not a game between investigator and manager. ─── “想做法师哪怕是最蹩脚最愚蠢的法师只要是法师就行了”-----斯布雷斯

56、I contacted the investigator twice via email, asking him if he was able to make any progress on my case, but I didn't hear anything back. ─── 我两次通过邮件联系了该调查员,询问他是否能够推进我的案件发展。但是我没收到任何反馈。

57、What a plurality of hypotheses does for the scientific investigator, a plurality of stated aims may do for the instructor. ─── 众多的假设能给科学研究工作者多少帮助,众多的目的也能给教师多少帮助。

58、Scalding ,temperature and packag ing ,the three major factors influencing the quality and self-life of fresh -cut taros were investig ated preliminarily on this test. ─── 对影响鲜切芋艿品质及货架期的主要因素热烫、贮藏温度和包装方式进行了初步研究。

59、She is principal investigator with Jay Boisseau on the GridPort project. ─── 她与Jay Boisseau都是GridPort项目的首席研究员。

60、Jian Ho, M.D., Ph.D., medical director at PUL, will oversee the lab while PPD will lead project management and investigator services and work with clients on study setup. ─── 协和洛奇总经理何健博士将负责领导实验室,PPD负责项目管理、审核服务以及与客户一起组织研究工作。

61、He went to the hospital as not a investigator, but a client this time. ─── 他这次不是去调查,而是去看病。

62、On the basis of aforementioned investig ation,a series of measures on how to control the quality of instant noodle using HACCP were established. ─── 在此基础上建立了如何进行HACCP质量控制的一系列措施。

63、The success of this activity depends upon the skill and expertise of the investigator. ─── 处置的成功有赖调查人员的专业和技巧。

64、The investigator they sent to Massachusetts discovered that not only was productivity higher at the Waltham factory but that production costs were less. ─── 他们派往麻州的调查员回报说,华桑工厂不但生产力更高,而且生产成本也更低廉。

65、The original of this photograph was given to an investigator who sent it to his society for authentication together with the original negative. ─── 原来这个照片是给谁发出的调查员到他的社会身份与原始阴性。

66、they'll send an investigator out to look into the matter. ─── 他们就会派调查员去调查

67、KLATSKY is a senior consultant in cardiology and an adjunct investigator at the division of research at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Oakland, Calif. ─── 克拉斯基毕业于哈佛医学院,他曾担任哈佛医学院心脏科的主任(1978~1994),并领导冠状动脉医疗小组(1968~1990)。

68、Once an investigator and prosecutor overcome all the forgoing pitfalls,a tax case is extremely difficult to defend for the following reasons. ─── 一旦调查官和检察官克服了上文中的困难,一个税务案件就很难辩护,这是由于以下原因:

69、ARTHUR L.KLATSKY is a senior consultant in cardiology and an adjunct investigator at the division of research at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Oakland, Calif. ─── 克拉斯基是美国加州奥克兰市凯瑟帕曼内特医学中心心脏科的资深顾问,也是研究部的兼任研究员。

70、VB: Investigator can pass a few independence safety to the flaw that will discover sells certain company and profiteer. ─── VB: 一些独立安全研究者可以通过将发现的漏洞卖给某些公司而赚大钱。

71、In 2020, Suk is a special investigator dispatched to the border between China and a unified Korea. ─── 在2020年,特别调查组队长尹淑,受命调查国防警察局长被绑架一案。

72、You have the qualification to be a top investigator or researcher as you doggedly dig out the facts of whatever matter you are pursuing. ─── 你有资格成为一流的调查者或研究员,这是因为无论在追寻什么事物,你都会不屈不挠地发掘出事情的真相。

73、Extraction of humic substances from sediments is often the first task that confronts the investigator. ─── 从沉积物中萃取腐植物是研究工作者遇到的第一个问题。

74、Hotaru Amami is a female investigator who has wisdom of law and a beautiful figure. ─── 天海萤是一名利用法律知识和诱人身段作武器的女侦探。

75、Barry Hubert of the University of Hawaii is the lead investigator for the study. ─── 夏威夷大学的Barry Hubert是这项研究的领导者。

76、Any medical investigator would accept the pattern already uncovered as evidence of falsification. ─── 任何医务调查员都会把已经发现的这种情形当作伪造的证据。

77、Internal Affairs Investigator: There's no smoking in this building, detective. ─── 内务调查员:这里不准吸烟,探员。

78、The infant may be responding to aspects of the stimulus different than those identified by the investigator. ─── 婴儿对刺激产生反应的方面可能与研究者发现的那些不同。

79、Between 1986 and 2000, Beutler was a professor and HHMI investigator at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. ─── 1986年至2000年,Beutler担任得克萨斯大学西南医学中心的教授和HHMI研究员。

80、To keep your work, you should prove yourself a resourceful investigator. ─── 你若要保住工作,就该证明自己是个足智多谋的调查员。

81、An investigator, especially a detective. ─── 密探一个调查者,尤指侦探

82、I was promoted to be the Principal Investigator of The project that I am currently working on, in December 1983. ─── 1983年12月,我晋升为目前所干的项目审查主管。

83、So the new form of testification should be put forward at first, and then investigator can testify in the court. ─── 因此,要解决侦查人员的出庭作证问题,应首先提出新的作证形态。

84、This, he said, would have transformed him into an investigator for the government. ─── 他说,这会使得他变成政府的探子。

85、The procedural testification, relative to the substantive testification, system provides the theory support and explanation to the investigator testifies in the court. ─── 与实体性作证相对应的作证制度,程序性作证为侦查人员出庭作证提供了理论支持和阐释。

86、Timothy Hellman , an investigator for the San Francisco medical examiner, said the specific cause of death had not yet been determined. ─── 旧金山法医研究员蒂莫西*海尔曼说,死亡的明确原因,还没有确定。

87、Last month, an investigator representing Langford told jail officials to search the jailhouse drains if they wanted to find the diamond. ─── 上个月,负责朗格弗德案子的一名调查员告诉狱警,如果他们想找到这颗钻石,就得搜查监狱的下水道。

88、You are analytical, receptive, exhaustive, an observer, patient, detail-oriented, careful, an elaborator of arguments, prudent, and an investigator. ─── 您是善于分析的、善于接受的、彻底的,以观察员身份耐心的、细节导向型的、认真的、争吵的化解人、谨慎的、一名调查者。

89、An investigator needs a lot of encouragement; only then will he progress. ─── 慕道友需要很多的鼓励才会进步。

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