magnanimous 发音
英:[mæɡˈnænɪməs] 美:[mæɡˈnænɪməs]
英: 美:
magnanimous 中文意思翻译
magnanimous 词性/词形变化,magnanimous变形
副词: magnanimously |名词: magnanimousness |
magnanimous 短语词组
1、magnanimous mogcrown ─── 宽宏大量
2、magnanimous tuning crystal gw2 ─── 宽大调谐晶体gw2
3、magnanimous potentate ─── 宽宏大量的君主
4、magnanimous b ─── 宽宏大量的b
5、magnanimous antonym ─── 宽大反义词
6、magnanimous synonym ─── 宽宏大量同义词
7、magnanimous in victory gracious in defeat ─── 大度胜利, ─── 大度失败
magnanimous 相似词语短语
1、multanimous ─── 多塔尼莫
2、nonunanimous ─── 不一致意见
3、magnanimities ─── n.宽宏大量;慷慨
4、anonymous ─── adj.匿名的,无名的;无个性特征的
5、magnanimously ─── adv.大度宽宏地,度量大地;高尚地
6、agamous ─── adj.[生物]无性的;[植]隐花的;无性生殖的
7、magnanimousness ─── 宽宏大量
8、unanimous ─── adj.全体一致的;意见一致的;无异议的
9、magnanimity ─── n.宽宏大量;慷慨
magnanimous 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、I was prepared to be magnanimous, prepared to feel compassion for him. ─── 我准备好了要宽宏大量,也准备好了同情他。
2、regard with kindly tolerance; be magnanimous and tolerant; be magnanimous ─── 大度包容
3、You are already being quite magnanimous setting aside savings for her, although health insurance is costly and if you wish to be generous, you might want to help her with that instead. ─── 你能为她另外存钱已经是十分的宽宏大量了,尽管健康保险的花费是昂贵的,但是如果你希望自己能大度,你也许想帮她把买这个保险。
4、How magnanimous and merciful Maitreya Buddha and Putai Hoshang (Cloth-bag Monk) are! ─── 59你看弥勒佛、布袋和尚、他的肚量有多大、多慈悲!
5、hope you will be magnanimous enough to excuse any incorrect behaviour on my part. ─── 地方,望您海量包涵。
6、The greatest men are generous and magnanimous! ─── 伟人是慷慨的!
7、He cried harshly: “Yes, ask her hand again, be magnanimous, and all that sort of thing? ─── 他用刺耳的嗓音叫嚷起来:“是啊,又要向她求婚,做个宽宏大量的人,如此等等?
8、Magnanimous Data Accessing Technology in Web Application ─── Web应用中的海量数据访问缓存技术
9、a magnanimous gesture ─── 大度的姿态
10、Ex.: As a matter of fact, most of conflicts are no big deal at all. If everyone can adopt a magnanimous attitude, it could be easily resolved. ─── 例:很多矛盾其实没有什么,如果大家都能高姿态,矛盾很容易就解决了。
11、"Well," said Morcerf, "I may as well be magnanimous, and tear myself away to forward your wishes ─── “好吧,”马尔塞夫说道,“我就是牺牲自己好了。
12、Love did not know who was being so magnanimous, but jumped on to the boat, greatly relieved that she would reach a safe place. ─── 爱不知道是谁这么大度,但还是跳上了船,她将会被送到一个安全的地方。
13、For he was great of heart, magnanimous, courtly, courageous; ─── 他心怀博大,宽宏大量,彬彬有礼,勇敢坚强;
14、Ex.:As a matter of fact, most of conflicts are no big deal at all. If everyone can adopt a magnanimous attitude, it could be easily resolved. ─── 例:很多矛盾其实没有什么,如果大家都能高姿态,矛盾很容易就解决了。
15、It was very magnanimous of you to overlook his rude behavior. ─── 你很宽宏大量,不计较她的粗鲁行为。
16、Magnanimous to the enemy to say "Thank you" , believe that we will accompany you farther go higher. ─── 坦荡的向敌人说一声“谢谢”,相信有你们的陪伴我们会走得更高更远。
17、"Go," I said in my most magnanimous voice. "We'll be fine." ─── “去吧,”我慷慨地说,“我们会很好的。”
18、Web-surfing” is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. ─── 上网”不是请客吃饭,不是做文章,不是绘画绣花,不能那样雅致,那样从容不迫,文质彬彬,那样温良恭俭让。
19、Earnest and magnanimous, she is reminding of man's occasional silliness. ─── 冷峻严肃,宽宏大量,她就是要让你晓得你也会犯傻犯糊涂。
20、based on it runs for zoology wisdom which human being, nature and society can permeate in harmony with magnanimous surmounting of genders, races, classes and nations. ─── 在于她大度地超越性别、种族、种类、国家,追求人与自然、社会高度和谐一致的生态智慧。
21、Your compatibility score with Leo is 40%. Leos are magnanimous and loving but can also be overbearing and intrusive. ─── 你和狮子座的相性为40%。狮子们宽宏大量,博爱,但却傲慢不羁...我个人的感觉是,直言不讳哦,说难听点就是口无遮拦了...别打我啊
22、1.broad and level; 2.bighearted; magnanimous ─── 坦荡
23、He was magnanimous in defeat and praised his opponent's skill. ─── 他对失败表现得很洒脱,并且赞扬了对手的才能。
24、He displays regional culture color by heavy deep feeling and magnanimous writing style.He provide another possibility of imagining China by possessing consciously folk language location. ─── 他通过对民间话语据点的自觉占据和拥有,为我们提供了想象中国的别一种可能。
25、Also has peony graceful magnanimous. ─── 又有花王雍容之大度。
26、But the terrain and the surface features are extremely complex natural view, which involve the spatial geometry data, the texture data and so on.It goes without saying that the data is magnanimous. ─── 但是,地形和地物是结构非常复杂的自然景象,其涉及到的空间几何数据、纹理数据等可以说是海量的。
27、Magnanimous means "showing or suggesting nobility of feeling and generosity of mind" (Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary).Why magnanimous is important? ─── 假如出厂的产品真有毛病,相关政府机构会及时发现。
28、Demanding that others be wise and industrious is repellent, but teaching by example is magnanimous. ─── 天理、良心,要求别人是在骂人,若要求自己则是讲道。
29、The Billings were a modern-day, magnanimous sort of Brady Bunch -- each had two children from previous marriages. ─── 比林斯夫妇是现代版的布雷迪家庭——两个人在前一段婚姻中都生育过两个孩子。
30、In your life,be sure to make yourself more magnanimous,for a person like that won't be puzzled with insoluble problems and can be optimistic. ─── 在生活中,一定要让自己豁达些,因为豁达的自己才不至于钻入牛角尖,也才能乐观进取。
31、He is magnanimous to everyone. ─── 他以一颗宽洪的心对待每一个人!
32、You come, and your mind is as magnanimous and selfless, the hills of pines, Enze your long suffering, in the terrace, which does not strain your carefully nurtured? ─── 你走来了,你的襟怀是那样的坦荡无私,山间的苍松,长年受着你的恩泽,梯田里的禾苗,哪株没有你的悉心哺育?
33、self-exile of getting lost in the middle of nowhere after quaffing at night is cosseted, decadent, egotistical or magnanimous? ─── 今宵酒醒何处的自我放逐是耽溺颓废还是自负与豁达?
34、The hot tear was often in his magnanimous ruddy-brown eye . ─── 他那双豪爽的红褐色眼睛里,不是也常常热泪盈眶么?
35、He is always magnanimous, so many people would like to make friends with him. ─── 他一向宽大为怀,很多人都愿意和他交朋友。
36、Everybody could find my self-confidence, sonsy manner, elegance, sweet smile and magnanimous grace, all these come from everybody's wisdom and loveliness. ─── 大家从我的公益沙龙里所看到的我的自信、阳光、典雅、甜蜜、大气来自于所有人的智慧与魅力。
37、"If he can be magnanimous and modest, he can be patient and bide his time, then we can reach some kind of settlement and reconciliation. ─── 假如他可以表现出宽宏大量,谦虚谨慎,可以耐心等待,那么,泰国就有可能获得某种和解。
38、38. accepts other people criticism magnanimous. ─── 38.大度地接受他人的批评。
39、For Liang Shu-ming, whoever nods in recognition of his being correct is "magnanimous" and whoever fails to do so isn't. ─── 在梁漱溟看来,点头承认他是正确的,这就叫有“雅量”; 不承认他是正确的,那就叫没有“雅量”。
40、An Efficient Spatial Visual Retrieval Algorithm on Magnanimous Remote Sensing Raster Image Data Base ─── 一种高效的海量遥感栅格数据库的空间可视化检索算法
41、Sato privately expressed "deep gratitude" to Nixon for this " magnanimous" decision to return Okinawa. ─── 佐藤对尼克松归还冲绳的“宽宏大量的”决定曾私下表示“深为感激”。
42、magnanimous smile to the friendship. ─── 坦荡的向友谊微笑。
43、The most valuable thing in our life is that we should adopt an optimistic, sanguine, magnanimous attitude towards life. ─── 人生百年,可贵的是乐观向上,开朗坦荡的看待一切。
44、China is magnanimous and is not upset by trifles like that. ─── 中国度量是够大的,这点小风波吹不倒我们。
45、The emperor he played was magnanimous. ─── 他扮演的古代皇帝气度恢宏。
46、However, generally speaking, Beijing people have the characteristics of the northern region, i.e. they are relatively magnanimous, tolerant, and straightforward. ─── 不过,总的来说,北京人有北方的特点,比较大气。
47、Female, dignified and magnanimous, friendly character. ─── 大三或大四女生,仪表端庄,亲切友好。
48、characterized by nobility and forbearance in thought or behavior; magnanimous ─── 在思想或行为上以高贵和克制为特征的;宽宏大量的
49、Magnanimous Bearings Revealing the Beauty of the Grand House ─── 二、气度阔然,大宅之美
50、He suggested that people should hold a good psychology, not worry, to be magnanimous and strive to be quiet but not avaricious. ─── 事实上王栋是反对“恶欲”的。他要人们时刻保持良好的心态,少忧戚,多坦荡。努力做到“淡而不厌”。
51、In addition, it depicts Ren's character as upright, open-minded, aloof, generous and magnanimous. ─── 同时也附带揭示出任华的性格特点:耿直、磊落、傲岸、豪达。
52、A leader who was magnanimous in victory, ie when he won. ─── 在胜利时宽宏大度的领袖。
53、But, I am sure that he is capable of good things, gentle things, even magnanimous things ─── 但是,我相信他,能够作好事、仁爱的事、甚至豪侠的事。
54、An Efficient Method for the Retrieval of Objects by Topological Relations on Magnanimous Remote Sensing Raster Image DataBase ─── 一种遥感栅格数据库检索高效的拓扑查询方法
55、Well aware of life's shades of grey, he was unusually generous spirited towards critics and opponents and consistently magnanimous in defeat. ─── 他很清楚生活的艰辛,面对着批评和对手往往能表现出非凡的肚量,遭遇失败也不怀恨在心。
56、” Spurgeon was magnanimous enough to see that even though he had to disassociate himself from his own denomination, he would do it if the truth so demanded. ─── 司布真伟大之处在于他看到,即使他自己要与他自己的宗派脱离关系,只要真理这样要求,他就会这样做。
57、a magnanimous person, gesture, gift ─── 大方的人、 姿态、 礼物
58、The hot tear was often in his magnanimous ruddy-brown eye ─── 他那双豪爽的红褐色眼睛里,不是也常常热泪盈眶么?
59、Is the doctrine thinking that separation approaches , self can be magnanimous right away had a firm grasp of being able to hold what? ─── 当分离来临,自己就可以大度的说拿得起放得下吗?
60、He is very open-minded and magnanimous. ─── 他非常豁达大度。
61、Universal Love II: Mozi said: The purpose of the magnanimous is to be found in procuring benefits for the world and eliminating its calamities. ─── 1兼爱中:子墨子言曰:仁人之所以为事者,必兴天下之利,除去天下之害,以此为事者也。
62、As a man, you should be tolerant and magnanimous. ─── 一个男人家,应该宽容大度些!
63、Everybody think you a magnanimous, notionate, doughty, talented,strong-minded and beautiful maiden. ─── 大家觉得您很雍容、很倔强、很刚烈、很有才气,很有主见,也很有魅力。
64、Magnanimous to the enemy to say "Thank you", believe that we will accompany you farther go higher. ─── 坦荡的向敌人说一声“谢谢”,相信有你们的陪伴我们会走得更高更远。
65、As an artist and teacher, Professor Lee is a great role model to students with a magnanimous manner and lifelong dedication to his craft. ─── 做为艺术家与教师,李义弘教授的大度言行与创作态度,深深影响了年轻学子,使他们终身受益。
66、It is intended no matter discard, return be an accident to lose, want to once was had truely only, in a few moment, of magnanimous is abandoning also a kind of state? ─── 不论是有意的丢弃,还是意外的失去,只要曾经真实的拥有,在一些时候,大度的舍弃不也是一种境界吗?
67、exercise great restraint and exert one's utmost effort; magnanimous ─── 仁至义尽
68、you must be magnanimous and tolerant; ─── 你必须有雅量并对人容忍;
69、And the premise and foundation to implement this teaching method is showing respect to learners, that is, respecting them, treating them equally, understanding them and being magnanimous to them. ─── 因此,情感教育的实施,必须以对教育对象的尊重意识为前提和基础。尊重意味着在德育活动中,以敬重、平等、理解、宽容的态度对待德育对象。
70、Makings are lofty, the gentle good woman, good s intention, the tolerant magnanimous woman, the woman which likes romantically pursuing really loves. ─── 一个气质高雅,温柔善良的女人,一个善解人意,宽容大度的女人,一个喜欢浪漫追求真爱的女人!
71、CF men, tolerant and magnanimous, have hearts full of inclusiveness for women, know how to respect women, and can distinguish between right and wrong and the responsibility while loving women. ─── CF的男人,宽容大度,面对女人有一颗包容的心,懂得尊重女性,在呵护宠爱女人的过程中分清是非和责任。
72、On hearing this magnanimous declaration on the part of the old Antiquary, Miss Wardour changed colour more than once, and could hardly trust her own ears ─── 听着这位年迈的古董家这一席慷慨声明,沃德小姐的脸色红一阵白一阵,几乎无法相信自己的耳朵。
73、Ever so magnanimous of you under the circumstances! ─── 在这种情形之下你真大方!
74、Roger Federer was magnanimous in defeat on Friday after his hopes of a gold medal in the Olympic singles were extinguished by American James Blake. ─── 上周五,罗杰-费德勒优雅谢幕,他的奥运会网球男子单打金牌梦被美国选手詹姆斯-布雷克就此击破。
75、my feeling rushs down chicly, because you have the magnanimous feelings like big hill,be. ─── 亲爱的,真的不想离开你,其实,我经常想起你,你是一个让人又恨又恨不起来,爱又爱得要命的人。
76、He is a leader who is magnanimous in victory. ─── 他是个在胜利时宽宏大度的领袖。
77、Magnanimous with the failure of the fighting, we will in the near future, the joy of success. ─── 坦荡的与失败战斗,我们就能在不久的将来获得成功的喜悦。
78、What is magnanimous is not the Dao but the man.A niggard can't do it. ─── 大气的不是刀,是人,这样的能收入袋子,小气是做不来的。
79、magnanimous smile to the enemy, because they did not have the incentive, you will not have so much power. ─── 坦荡的向敌人微笑,因为没有他们的激励,你也不会有如此多的动力。
80、It is a big living room into : District will be able to see receive visitors is a main space, smooth bright, no artificial, everything looked so magnanimous atmosphere. ─── 人们一进大客厅:就能看到会客区是一个主体空间,畅通明亮,无矫揉造作,一切都显得那般坦荡大气。
81、A Writer Who Is Mentally Magnanimous--An Interpretation of Wang Meng ─── 一位有思想气度的作家--对王蒙的一种解读方式
82、Middle the service informationization, will provide the service intelligence solution, will unearth from the magnanimous information to manages with the policy-making useful information. ─── 在业务信息化当中,会提供业务智能解决方案,从海量信息当中挖掘出对经营和决策有用的信息。
83、For Liang Shu-ming, whoever nods in recognition of his being correct is "magnanimous" and whoever fails to do so isn't ─── 在梁漱溟看来,点头承认他是正确的,这就叫有“雅量”;不承认他是正确的,那就叫没有“雅量”。
84、Since the old days, Chinese are particular about "temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous", therefore always care for the other party's situation. ─── 中国自古以来讲究“温良恭俭让”,所以总是照顾到对方的情况。
85、Looking back, Bryant never tried to turn his jersey change into some magnanimous gesture. He switched numbers, and that was that. ─── 但谈到科比,他从来没为自己换球衣号码的事情作嘘张声势,换号码就换号码吧。
86、He is a magnanimous person. ─── 他是个宽宏大量的人。
87、a greathearted general; a magnanimous conqueror. ─── 一个无畏的将军;慷慨的胜利者。
88、The first time I was late, Miss O'Neill excused me with the warning that she would not be so magnanimous the next time. ─── 我第一次迟到时,奥尼尔小姐原谅了我,但她警告说下一次她就不会这么宽宏大量了。
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