nautilus 发音
英:['nɔːtɪləs] 美:['nɔtɪləs]
英: 美:
nautilus 中文意思翻译
nautilus 网络释义
n. 鹦鹉螺;鹦鹉螺号
nautilus 短语词组
1、nautilus maldives ─── 鹦鹉螺马尔代夫
2、indefiniteness nautilus ─── 不确定鹦鹉螺
3、chambered nautilus wiki ─── 鹦鹉螺
4、nautilus shell ─── 鹦鹉螺
5、nautilus international ─── 鹦鹉螺国际
6、pearly nautilus n. ─── 鹦鹉螺
7、aspire nautilus aspire ─── 鹦鹉螺
8、nautilus beach and ocean house ─── 鹦鹉螺海滩和海洋之家
9、Nautilus (genus) ─── 鹦鹉螺(属)
10、chambered nautilus ─── 鹦鹉螺
11、chambered nautilus image ─── 室状鹦鹉螺图像
12、paper nautilus ─── [无脊椎动物]船艄, 属软体动物(其雌性具纸状外壳)
13、genus Nautilus ─── [网络] 鹦鹉螺属
nautilus 词性/词形变化,nautilus变形
名词复数: nautiluses |
nautilus 相似词语短语
1、nautili ─── n.鹦鹉螺;鹦鹉螺号(nautilus的变形)
2、nautiloids ─── n.鹦鹉螺目动物(nautiloid的复数)
3、cautious ─── adj.谨慎的;十分小心的
4、nautiluses ─── n.鹦鹉螺;鹦鹉螺号
5、Tantalus ─── n.上锁透明酒柜
6、nautiloid ─── n.鹦鹉螺目软体动物;adj.鹦鹉螺目软体动物的
7、baetylus ─── 巴伊修斯
8、baetulus ─── 贝图卢斯
9、autists ─── n.孤独症;自我中心主义(autism的变形)
nautilus 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Nemo will also tells them about the Nautilus and the revenge that has driven him for all these years. ─── 影片故事情节新颖,场景丰富,由于有很多场景是在海底拍摄,所以能给人以耳目一新的感觉。
2、In 1954, the first atomic-powered vessel, the submarine "Nautilus," was commissioned by the Navy. ─── 1954年,第一艘供给原子动力的船,水下“舡鱼”,由海军委任。
3、Uncle Wang, who lives next door, accidentally saved a nautilus. ─── 隔壁的王大爷居然无意中救了一只鹦鹉螺。
4、A cephalopod mollusk of the genus Nautilus, especially N. pompilius, found in the Indian and Pacific oceans and having a spiral, pearly-lined shell with a series of air-filled chambers. ─── 鹦鹉螺一种鹦鹉螺属头足纲软体动物,尤其是蛛蜂鹦鹉螺,发现于印度洋和太平洋上,具有螺旋形珍珠线的壳,由一系列充满空气的层构成
5、paper nautilus ─── 贝葵
6、Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development ─── 美国独立智库鹦鹉螺安全与可持续发展研究所
7、7. Nautilus is a small sea animal. ─── 鹦鹉螺是种小型海洋动物。
8、1954 Nautilus, the first U.S. nuclear submarine, was launched at Groton in Connecticut. ─── 美国第一艘核潜艇"鹦鹉螺号"在康狄格州柯罗顿市下水。
9、Nautilus has spent about $12m in the past year on exploration, and Dr Scott says one test drilling found deposits 19 metres deep. ─── 鹦鹉螺公司在过去的一年中花费了1200万美元在勘测上,斯科特博士说,有一次钻探发现了19米深的矿物层。
10、Even if the economics stack up, however, Nautilus and Neptune must overcome concerns over environmental damage. ─── 即使经济上的问题堆积如山,鹦鹉螺与海王星公司仍必须克服人们对于环境破坏的关注。
11、The birth of the Nautilus literally added a new dimension to undersea warfare... some admirals to so far as to call it a"quantum jump"comparable to the shift from sail to steam. ─── 原子潜艇"鹦鹉螺"号的诞生不折不扣地使海底战争的范围大为扩大......。有些海军将领们甚至称之为"突破性的进展",其重要性不亚于由帆船到蒸汽机的进步。
12、Motifs include a woman's face, a dancer, a dolphin, a nautilus shell and the sun. ─── 主题包括一张女性脸庞、一个跳舞者、一只海豚、一只鹦鹉螺壳和太阳。
13、SeaPro Nav is fully integrated with Sercel Binning System (SeaPro Bin) and Acoustic Range Measurement and Streamer Control System (Nautilus). ─── SeaPro Nav综合导航系统可与Sercel Binning系统(SeaPro Bin),声学范围测量以及电缆控制系统(Nautilus)完全集成。
15、Remember that scene from20,000 Leagues under the Sea in which the Nautilus is menaced by a giant squid? ─── 记不记得《海底20,000个团队》中纳提拉斯被一只巨大的鱿鱼威胁的情景?
16、In the history of submarines , Fulton's work had been preceded by numerous people, but Nautilus is usually considered the first practical submarine. ─── 在潜艇制造史上,富尔顿的设计为大多数人所称道,而鹦鹉螺号则是他的第一艘有实际作用的潜艇。
17、His submarne ,the Nautilus,is an extraordinary ship. ─── 他的诺特拉斯号是一艘非同寻常的船。
18、Passing information to a Nautilus extension works differently than the scripting case. ─── 向Nautilus扩展传递信息的方法与脚本示例不同。
19、Nautilus Minerals, based in Vancouver, is the more advanced of the pair. ─── 位于温哥华的鹦鹉螺矿业公司是这两家公司里比较超前的一家。
20、pearly nautilus ─── n. 〈动〉鹦鹉螺
21、You can create new documents based on these templates from the Nautilus right-click menu. ─── 你可以在文件管理器的右键菜单中建立基于这些模板的文档。
22、The Nautilus meets withstands shock, vibration, salt, fog, drip, fungus, acoustic noise, and EMI. ─── 鹦鹉螺还能抵抗撞击、振动、防盐防雾、防渗水并能经受噪声和电磁干扰的影响。
23、10. In 1954, the first atomic submarine, the US "Nautilus," was launched at Groton, Connecticut. ─── 1954年:美国第一部原子潜艇"鹦鹉螺"号于康乃迪克州哥顿市启航。收藏指正
24、As some examples,it analyzes the structure characteristic and work principle with Ameircan Alvin,Japonic SHINKAI6500 and Gallo Nautilus vehicle used to obtain buoyancy by jettisoning weight and equipments. ─── 分析了美国“阿尔文”号、日本“SHINKAI6500”号和法国“鹦鹉螺”号潜水器抛弃重物和设备获得浮力实现上浮的工作原理和结构特点。
25、Ammonites' closest living relative is probably not the modern Nautilus (which they outwardly resemble), but rather the subclass Coleoidea (octopus, squid, and cuttlefish). ─── 现今石菊的最近亲可能不是现代鹦鹉螺(其外观十分相似),而是鞘亚纲动物(章鱼、鱿鱼和墨鱼)。
26、The nautilus is one of the most famous examples of a fractal in nature. The perfect pattern is called a Fibonacci spiral. ─── 鹦鹉螺是自然界最著名的分形的代表,其完美的结构被称为斐波那契螺旋。
27、type genus of the family Argonautidae: paper nautilus. ─── 的模式属;船蛸,(一种软体动物,其雌性具纸状外壳)。
28、In 1954, the first atomic submarine, the US "Nautilus," was launched at Groton, Connecticut. ─── 1954年:美国第一部原子潜艇"鹦鹉螺"号于康乃迪克州哥顿市启航。
29、3. octopuses; squids; cuttlefish; pearly nautilus. ─── 章鱼;鱿鱼;乌贼;鹦鹉螺。收藏指正
30、To walk inside it is to walk inside an intricate, half-translucent nautilus. ─── 走进它,就走进了一只精致的半透明鹦鹉螺。
31、2.The number of seeds in a sunflower, the petals of any flower, the arrangement of pine cones, the growth of a nautilus shell, etc...all follow the same pattern of these series. ─── 以一颗向日葵里的种子数目,任何花的花瓣,松树球果的排列,鹦鹉螺壳的生长等等...都遵照这些级数的同样模式。
32、Nautilus's deep-water exploration relies on a modified deep-sea remotely operated vehicle (ROV) of the kind normally used in the oil and telecoms industries. ─── 鹦鹉螺公司的深水开发依赖于一种由普通用在石油和电信工业上的深水远程操作工具改进而来的机器。
33、He has been researching underwater geology since the 1980s, and in the 1990s he co-discovered the deposit that Nautilus is exploring. ─── 史蒂芬?斯科特自1980年代就开始研究水下地质学,在1990年代,他与别人共同发现了鹦鹉螺公司正在开发的这个矿藏。
34、Captain Nemo had a fantastic submarine Called the Nautilus in which he explored the deep sea. ─── 尼莫船长有一艘名叫纳提路斯号的潜艇,他趁着这艘潜艇去探索海底世界。
35、Club-Hotel Nautilus : Great Deals Available Now! ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.
36、The food aboard the Nautilus is all sea food. ─── 在鹦鹉螺号上的食物全部是海货。
37、Green Nautilus in City ─── 城市绿螺
38、His submarine,the Nautilus,is an extraordinary ship. ─── 诺特拉斯是一艘非同一般的潜艇。
39、The downside of disabling nautilus from drawing to the root window is that you will no longer have icons on the desktop, or be able to right-click on the desktop. ─── 禁止nautilus绘制根窗口的结果,你将不在拥有桌面上的图标或者是右键点击。
40、The ammonite creature probably occupied the last segment of the body chamber, as does the modern nautilus, and slowly secreted new chambers as the body grew. ─── 橙色是欢欣和愉快的颜色 , 它能激发思想 , 在生活上发挥创意。亦可强化免疫系统和消化系统 , 释放体内的毒素 。
41、In Huang's skilled hands, a dragon, a canoe and even a nautilus have all been made into kites that actually fly. ─── 只要经过黄景桢的巧手,不管是威武的龙头,还是充满达悟风情的独木舟,甚至是原本在海底美丽的鹦鹉螺,都成了可以在天空迎风飞翔的风筝。
42、Nautilus enhances ship safety during surfaced and submerged operations in crowded waters. ─── 在拥挤的海面和水中航行时,鹦鹉螺显示器增强了船的安全性。
43、The paper nautilus. ─── 纸鹦鹉螺
44、The Nautilus enhances ship safety during surfaced and submerged operations in crowded waters. ─── 在拥挤的海面和水中航行时,鹦鹉螺显示器增强了船的安全性。
45、octopuses; squids; cuttlefish; pearly nautilus. ─── 章鱼;鱿鱼;乌贼;鹦鹉螺。
46、Nautilus went public on Canada's TSX exchange in May, raising $22.7m; ─── 鹦鹉螺公司于今年五月在加拿大TSX政权交易所上市,现在其市值已经升至2270万美元;
47、Chambered Nautilus ─── n. 鹦鹉螺(鹦鹉螺亚纲,鹦鹉螺科)
48、Motifs include a woman's face, a dancer, a dolphin, a nautilus shell and the sun. ─── 作品的主题包括一张女性脸庞、一个跳舞者、一只海豚、一只鹦鹉螺壳和太阳。
49、Motifs include a woman’s face, a dancer, a dolphin, a nautilus shell and the sun. ─── 作品的主题包括一张女性脸庞、一个跳舞者、一只海豚、一只鹦鹉螺壳和太阳。
50、1263 Body by Nautilus, Brain by Mattel. ─── 0637女为悦己者容,男为悦己者穷。
51、The siphuncle would draw water out of the connecting chambers and bleed in gasses thus keeping the creature buoyant in exactly the same manner as the modern Nautilus. ─── 黄色是开朗和激励的颜色,它能令你有智慧去作出决定。它有生机,有能量,对恐惧和不稳定有好的帮助。
52、Nautilus pompilius ─── n. 鹦鹉螺
53、Like the chambered nautilus, my growth seems to be a spiral in which each chamber grows nobler than the last. ─── 就好像鹦鹉螺壳上一圈圈的纹路,我的成长看起来也是螺旋形的,一圈接一圈,越来越漂亮。
54、Patek Philippe 3712, Nautilus power reserve moonphase, like new condition, with large patek box, pap... ─── 参考 3712;成色 1 (新);钢;含包装盒;含说明书;所在地: 美国, CA, Beverly Hills;
55、With this circumstantial evidence, it seems likely that the soft-bodied ammonite probably resembled a squid or octopus in form as opposed to the many-armed nautilus. ─── 红色令你坚定和决心去克服负面想法 , 它能连接你的人生目标 , 在人生旅途上得到帮助。
56、The Nautilus uses an open architecture to support replacement components and newer technologies. ─── 鹦鹉螺采用开放式架构设计,支持采用新型元件和技术升级。
57、The Fossil of Nautilus Proves that the Earth Had ever Experienced the Extinction of Tremendous of Species ─── 鹦鹉螺化石证明地球曾经历大规模物种灭绝
58、But the results, like the nautilus in the photo gallery that accompanies this piece, are worth it. ─── 结果就像画廊里所展出那张“彩色鹦鹉螺”一样,是值得的。
59、The Nautilus Insurance Company was renamed the Ndw York Life Insurance Company. ─── 险公司更名为纽约人寿保险公司。
60、Description: Patek Philippe 5712R - Rose Gold Nautilus, with moonphase and power reserve, complete ... ─── 参考 5712R;成色 1 (新);淡赤金;所在地: 美国, CA, Beverly Hills;
61、Leisure facilities at the hotel include a well-equipped gym with Nautilus equipment. ─── 酒店设施包括洗衣房、停车位、餐厅、美容院、酒吧和多功能室。
62、The eye of a nautilus mollusk. The lens-less pupil works rather like the aperture of a pinhole camera. ─── 鹦鹉螺之眼。这种没有透镜结构的瞳孔更像是针孔相机的孔。
63、Glassy Nautilus ─── n. 龙骨螺(异足类,龙骨螺科)
64、Undetermined nautilus ─── n. 鹦鹉螺,未定名 (鹦鹉螺目,鹦鹉螺科)
65、The nautilus is one of the most famous examples of a fractal in nature. The perfect pattern is called a Fibonacci spiral. ─── 鹦鹉螺是自然界最著名的分形的代表,其完美的结构被称为斐波那契螺旋。
66、Design and Installation of "Nautilus" Shaped Steel Roof for SSRF Project ─── 上海光源工程"鹦鹉螺"状钢屋盖的设计与安装
67、The file extension can identify the type of a file. Nautilus file manager uses this information when to determine what to do when you open a file. ─── 您桌面上的一个图标,您可用来打开文件、文件夹或应用程序。
68、The food aboard the Nautilus is all seafood. ─── 船上的食物都来自海洋。
69、The snail's eye, a more sophisticated version of that of the nautilus mollusk, works rather like the aperture of a pinhole camera. ─── 是一种比鹦鹉螺类软体动物更复杂的眼睛,工作原理像是针孔相机。
70、"In pursuit of perfect world" is not only a representation of Yebe Nautilus Culture,but also a requirement of Yebe Stairs,Process Calibratiorinnovation. ─── “追求完美天地”是雅步鹦鹉螺文化的体现,更是雅步楼梯过程创造的要求。
71、For users of the GNOME desktop, the Nautilus program is probably one of the more frequently used applications. ─── 对于GNOME桌面用户来说,Nautilus编程可能是更比较常用的应用程序之一。
72、000 Leagues Under the Sea. Jules Verne. Captain Nemo's exploration of the oceans and battle for their control. Verne's Nautilus predates real submarines. ─── 尼摩船长在大洋中的历险和为了他们的控制权而发生的战斗。凡尔纳的鹦鹉螺号早于真正的潜水艇。
73、The birth of the Nautilus literally added a new dimension to undersea warfare...some admirals to so far as to call it a" quantum jump" comparable to the shift from sail to steam. ─── 有些海军将领们甚至称之为“突破性的进展”,其重要性不亚于由帆船到蒸汽机的进步。
74、Patek Philippe Nautilus ref 3800 automatico quadrante ceramica bianca e diamanti vetro zaffiro compl... ─── 参考 3800;成色 1 (新);钢;自动上弦;含包装盒;含说明书;所在地: 意大利, alassio;
75、brown paper nautilus ─── n. 锦葵船蛸
76、A cephalopod mollusk of the genus Nautilus,especially N. pompilius,found in the Indian and Pacific oceans and having a spiral,pearly-lined shell with a series of air-filled chambers. ─── 鹦鹉螺一种鹦鹉螺属头足纲软体动物,尤其是蛛蜂鹦鹉螺,发现于印度洋和太平洋上,具有螺旋形珍珠线的壳,由一系列充满空气的层构成。
77、The Nautilus Insurance Company wasor the benefit of the “Sick and destitute of New Orleans, and Mobile, AL. This marked the beginning of the Company's philanthropic tradition. ─── 黄热病肆虐美国南部各州。纽约人寿向纽奥良和阿拉巴马州莫比尔的穷人及病患捐款。这标志著公司慈善事业的开端。
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