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08-27 投稿



Romany 发音

['rɔməni; 'rəu]

英:  美:

Romany 中文意思翻译



Romany 网络释义

n. 吉普赛语;吉普赛人adj. 吉普赛人的;吉普赛语的;吉普赛人之风俗习惯的

Romany 词性/词形变化,Romany变形


Romany 相似词语短语

1、Romany ─── n.吉普赛语;吉普赛人;adj.吉普赛人的;吉普赛语的;吉普赛人之风俗习惯的

2、romanza ─── n.小调,浪漫曲;n.(Romanza)人名;(英)罗曼扎

3、roman ─── n.罗马人;古罗马语;adj.罗马的;罗马人的

4、so many ─── 那么多的

5、romaunt ─── n.传奇故事;传奇诗

6、romance ─── n.传奇;浪漫史;风流韵事;冒险故事;vi.虚构;渲染;写传奇;n.(Romance)人名;(西)罗曼塞

7、romaine ─── n.长叶莴苣(等于romainelettuce);n.(Romaine)人名;(英、法)罗曼;(意)罗马伊内

8、company ─── 公司

9、romans ─── n.《罗马书》(《圣经·新约》中的一卷)

Romany 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、British philologist,traveler,and writer of books based on his journeys,including Romany Rye(1857). ─── 博洛,乔治·亨利1803-1881英国语言学家、旅行家及作家,著有吉普赛男人(1857年)等游记。

2、deep Romany ─── 纯粹的吉普赛语

3、Last Hole on the Flute examines the life, work and traveling of Romany musicians in the far south of the Balkans. ─── 长笛上的最后一个洞眼关注了吉普赛音乐家在遥远的南巴尔干地区的生活,工作和旅行。

4、ROLEX DATE JUST ref. 16200 , cinturino acciaio, cassa in acciaio, quadrante blu con numeri romani, ... ─── 参考 16200;成色 1 (新);购买日期 2002;钢;自动上弦;含包装盒;含说明书;所在地: 意大利;

5、The Romani people have been known by many names, including Gypsies (or Gipsies), Tsigani, Tzigane, Cigano, Zigeuner, and others. ─── [在过去的几年中,吉普赛问题受到了许多无政府组织、国家和国际社会的关注。

6、The Gypsies speak a language called Romany which has many common words with Indian languages. ─── 吉普赛人说一种吉普赛语,与印度语言有很多共同的单词。

7、The old adjective "Romany" or the newer "Romani" can be used as a noun, which is better (and preferred by this newspaper), but still tricky. ─── 旧的形容词“Romany”或新出现的“Romani”可以当名词使用,这样比较好(本报也比较倾向于这种用法),但也同样很棘手。

8、Nelson ...Coach Romany Malco ... ─── 格雷格T尼尔森 Craig T.

9、Strangely in an age that prizes gender-neutral language, that is the literal plural of "Rom" , a Romany word meaning man or husband. ─── 让人觉得奇怪的是,在这个珍视中性语言的年代,“Roma”是“Rom”的复数形式,而“Rom”在吉普赛语中是男人或丈夫的意思。

10、The spoken Romani language is varied, but all dialects contain some common words in use by all Roma. ─── 吉普赛口语十分多样,但所有的方言都包含一些被所有吉普赛人使用的单词。

11、British philologist,traveler,and writer of books based on his journeys,including Romany Rye(1857. ─── 博洛,乔治·亨利1803-1881英国语言学家、旅行家及作家,著有吉普赛男人(1857年)等游记

12、Romany rye ─── 与吉普赛人保持密切关系者, ph. 与吉普赛人保持密切关系者

13、With the dignity of the Romany people and Romania's national identity at stake, a lot is riding on the outcome of this semantic clash. ─── 随着罗马尼亚的吉卜赛人的尊严受到威胁的国家认同,很多是骑在这个语义冲突的结果。

14、The autobiographical Lavengro is considered his masterwork and its sequel, Romany Rye, is also considered among his best work. ─── 在他的自传拉文格罗被认为是杰作及其续集,吉普赛黑麦,也是他最好的工作中加以考虑。

15、The Romany Rye ─── n. 《罗曼·罗依》,乔治·博罗(George Borrow)著

16、Quadrante bianco con numeri romani e... ─── 含说明书;所在地: 义大利, Bologna;

17、The Gypsies speak a language called Romany which has many common words with Indian languages. ─── 吉普赛人说一种吉普赛语,与印度语言有很多共同的单词。

18、Cultural or linguistic definitions also fail: how many Roma speak Romani, for instance? ─── 文化和语言的界定也会失败,举个例子,有多少罗马人说着罗马尼语?

19、Many Gypsy groups have preserved elements of their traditional culture, including an itinerant existence, tribal organization, and the Romany language. ─── 许多吉普赛群体仍保留了一些他们传统文化的成分,包括流动的生存方式,部落或组织结构,还有他们使用的罗姆语。

20、The International Romany Union is probably the most representative of the outfits that speak for Gypsies, but that is not saying a lot. ─── 最可能的是七世纪时一些流浪的手工 业工人和艺人从印度向西方流移。

21、della Frigia e della Panfilia, dell’Egitto e delle parti della Libia Cirenaica, e avventizi Romani, ─── 弗吕家、旁非利亚、埃及,并靠近古利奈的利比亚一带地方的人,客居罗马的犹太人和归信犹太教的人,

22、There is no universal written Romani language in use by all Roma. ─── 吉普赛语中没有通用的文字供所有吉普赛人使用。

23、A small,lost horse seems to have been taken in by Romani Ranch,south of town... ─── 一匹迷失的小马似乎正为时钟镇南部的罗玛妮牧场所饲养。

24、British philologist, traveler, and writer of books based on his journeys, including Romany Rye(1857). ─── 博洛,乔治 亨利1803-1881英国语言学家、旅行家及作家,著有吉普赛男人(1857年)等游记

25、After an arduous journey through lands little known, I arrived in Colli Romani . ─── 我拿了些513开始进行酿造,这将在一个小时内完成。

26、" (Rom, Roma, Romani, and Romaniya should not be confused with the country of Romania, or the city of Rome. ─── 在反对种族主义、民族主义,强调文化多元化的大背景下,人们找到了解决方案。

27、feri', si ex re sit populi Romani, holding forth his neck. ─── 假如这是有益于罗马人民的”。一边说着一边伸颈就死。

28、There have been several great migrations, or diaspora, in Romani history. ─── [在吉普赛历史上有几次大的迁徙。

29、Bassus romani ─── n. 罗曼氏闭腔茧蜂

30、Rom is what Gypsies call themselves in their language (Romany). ─── 大约一千年前,他们渐渐地从印度北部向西迁移。

31、By 1000 AD they started spreading westward and settled in Turkey for a time, incorporating many Turkish words into their Romany language. ─── 到了公元1000年,他们开始向西前进,在土耳其待了一段时间,在他们的吉普赛语中夹杂了很多土耳其语单词。

32、Misrepresentations of the Romani people in the popular press, books, films and television have contributed to negative stereotypes and characterisations. ─── 有关吉普赛人的误传存在于流行报纸、图书、电影及电视中,它们应对消极的形象和特征负责。

33、The heroine.She is a Romani girl born and raised in America. ─── 剧中女主角,出生于美国的吉普塞人。

34、Strangely in an age that prizes gender-neutral language, that is the literal plural of "Rom", a Romany word meaning man or husband. ─── 奇怪的是,在这个珍视中性语言的年代,“Roma”是“Rom”的复数形式,而“Rom”在吉普赛语中是男人或丈夫的意思。

35、(vetere ac iam pridem recepta populi Romani consuetudine, ut haberet instrumenta servitutis et reges. ─── 利用他们的国王作为我们统治的工具,这乃是罗马人自古相承的办法。

36、Gypsies speak a language called Romany which has many common words with Indian languages. ─── 吉普赛人说一种吉普赛语,与印度语言有很多共同的单词。

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