fizzled 发音
英:[ˈfɪzld] 美:[ˈfɪzld]
英: 美:
fizzled 中文意思翻译
fizzled 词性/词形变化,fizzled变形
动词过去式: fizzled |动词第三人称单数: fizzles |动词现在分词: fizzling |动词过去分词: fizzled |
fizzled 短语词组
1、fizzled means ─── 失败的手段
2、fizzled wow ─── 失败了哇
3、fizzled and popped ─── 灰飞烟灭
4、fizzled synonym ─── 失败的同义词
5、fizzled down ─── 失败了
6、fizzled meaning ─── 落空的意思
7、fizzled def ─── 凝固的def
8、fizzled out ─── 终于失败
9、fizzled firecracker ─── 烟火
10、fizzled define ─── 失败的定义
fizzled 相似词语短语
1、fizzles ─── vi.失败;发嘶嘶声;萎靡;n.失败;嘶嘶声
2、drizzled ─── vt.(毛毛雨似地)洒;(在食物上)浇(液态调料);vi.下毛毛雨;n.细雨,毛毛雨;(浇在食物上的)液态调料细流
3、mizzled ─── n.细雨;蒙蒙雨;vi.逃亡;下蒙蒙雨
4、sizzled ─── v.(油煎食物时)发嘶嘶声;n.嘶嘶声;热情(非正式)
5、fuzzled ─── 模糊的
6、fizzle ─── vi.失败;发嘶嘶声;萎靡;n.失败;嘶嘶声
7、zizzled ─── 拉链
8、fizzed ─── n.发嘶嘶声;有泡沫的饮料;vi.作嘶嘶声;n.(Fiz)人名;(西)菲斯
9、frizzled ─── adj.卷曲的;v.使卷曲(frizzle的过去式和过去分词)
fizzled 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、1. After a promising start, the project soon fizzled out. ─── 这项计画开始时很有希望,但不久就失败了.
2、Yasuo Fukuda, like his predecessor, Shinzo Abe, had seen his popularity ratings slump, as his party rivals sharpened their knives and his policies fizzled. ─── 福田的对手党派摩拳擦掌,而其本党的政策实施又是一败涂地,这使得福田步其前任安倍之后尘,民众支持率骤降。
3、Otherwise, there had been nothing but disappointment and early exits from big tournaments. Two years ago, the Spaniards were dynamic in the opening round in Germany, then fizzled against France. ─── 除此之外,西班牙在重大比赛中留下的都是失望和提前打道回府的遗憾。两年前在德国世界杯上,西班牙队一开始势头强盛,但却在八分之一决赛中惨败给法国队。
4、The tooth was fizzled out by sweet sootiness, can be done to the hospital blanch an operation, how many money to want? ─── 牙齿被香烟熏黄了,可以到医院去做漂白手术吗,要多少钱呀?
5、A promising position for the Chelsea striker fizzled out, however, as he ran into a forest of legs. ─── 他有希望打破僵局,但是他孤身一人进入对手的防守腹地只能空手而归。
6、The plan fizzled out due to lack of funds. ─── 由于资金不足,计划告吹。
7、Other groups' efforts to hold marches and protests have fizzled; ─── 其他团体尽力组织的游行和示威也失败了。
8、In Madrid, the party mood fizzled out in seconds, when they lost out in the third round. ─── 在马德里,当他们在第三轮中被淘汰时,狂欢的情绪在瞬间消失殆尽。
9、Thousands of prospects have fizzled out because the path that lay in front of them was too difficult. ─── 成千上万的天才球员无法再期望下成才是因为在他们面前的道路太过艰苦了。
10、Services that let users call long-distance free of charge in return for listening to ads have similarly fizzled. ─── 让用户免费打长途电话来换取收听广告的服务也同样失败了。
11、Medicine eats much, the skin appears dark fizzled out. How to improve? Want the most detailed. ─── 药吃多了,皮肤都显得暗黄了.怎么改善?要最详细的.
12、All his enthusiasm soon fizzled out. ─── 他的全部热情不久就烟消云散了。
13、During the past three hours - he had thought up many-wonderful plans, but now they had all fizzled out ─── 过去的三小时内,他使了多少心计,不料全盘落空了。
14、Senator Obama would have fizzled out and quit by now if he did not have an excellent motivation. ─── 鸦雀无声。“给我一个答案。你如何让公司员工干活更卖力?”“给他们加薪水!”
15、A year later the venture has fizzled. ─── 一年后,其投资泡汤了。
16、Incident: Only susan of 28 years old is having not short smoke however age, her tooth must be fizzled out again by sootiness black. ─── 事件:只有28岁的苏珊却有着不短的烟龄,她的牙齿被烟熏得又黄又黑。
17、The play fizzled outat the end. ─── 那出戏的结局不精采。
18、railway strike fizzled out on its second day as drivers returned to work. ─── 由于司机复工,铁路罢工第二天就草草收场了。
19、Two years ago, the Spaniards were dynamic in the opening round in Germany, then fizzled against France. ─── 两年前在德国世界杯上,西班牙队一开始势头强盛,但却在八分之一决赛中惨败给法国队。
20、eg:Henry's scheme seems to have fizzled out. ─── 看来享利的计划已告失败。
21、Plans to transfer the most toxic assets from the banks have fizzled in many places. ─── 把银行最危险的资产转移的计划在许多地方已经失败了。
22、Sit-ins continued on the following day, but with the summer break looming they quickly fizzled. ─── 示威活动仍持续到次日,但随着气温的逐渐升高,学生的行动很快宣告结束。
23、By the time that everyone figures out what is on the card, the joke has fizzled. ─── 当大家推测的时候什麽在卡片,笑话失败了。
24、One only needs to walk down the grocery store aisle to find that yesterday’s fad has fizzled out like Lindsay Lohan’s singing career. ─── 一个只需要沿着杂货店过道地发现,昨天的热潮已经失败了像林赛罗翰的歌唱生涯。
25、But interest fizzled because of a lack of support in Microsoft Corp's popular operating systems, Windows 95 and Windows NT. ─── 但由于缺乏流行的微软公司的Windows 95和Windows nt操作系统对它的支持,没有引起兴趣。
26、The party fizzled out before midnight. ─── 参加聚会的人在午夜前作鸟兽散。
27、Last week, as Cokemen surveyed their empire, on which the sun never sets, their blood almost audibly fizzled with pride. ─── 上周,当可口可乐人审视着他们的日不落帝国的时候,他们的血液几乎因骄傲而沸腾。
28、The conspiracy fizzled when cabinet ministers (belatedly) said they (grudgingly) supported the prime minister. ─── 当内阁宣称勉强支持首相时,这一谋划也告以失败。
29、Thought to be the next big wave, MEMS-based optical switching devices fizzled when the telecommunications market imploded. ─── 随著电讯市场萎缩,曾经被认为是下一波热门产品的MEMS光学交换设备也跟著消失。
30、The experiment fizzled out because of an unexpected hitch. ─── 实验由于意外的故障而失败了。
31、The fuss fizzled out before exploding the fire cracker. ─── 鞭炮还没点燃,引线就灭了。
32、The plans for the picnic fizzled out. ─── 野餐的计划失败了。
33、The in-form midfielder's shot did not lack power but it fizzled over the crossbar, albeit by no more than a few inches. ─── 尽管这位状态正佳的中场球员的射门并不缺少力量,不过球却稍稍高出了横梁几英寸。
34、It was all downhill from there, though, as any momentum that was created from the end of Seattle's 11-game losing streak Tuesday fizzled quick -- as in first-inning quick. ─── 在那之后,就绝对是个超低潮。不知道什麽样的动力下,终于让西雅图从11连败后止败。但那只是一瞬间。前一场比赛,星期二的胜利,在今天第一局就有了不妙的感觉。
35、plan fizzled out for lack of money. ─── 计划由于缺钱最终告吹。
36、His anger fizzled out. ─── 他的怒火慢慢熄灭了。
37、Now that the world has moved far beyond any of the scenarios that the CDO issuers modelled, investors' quantitative grasp of the payouts has fizzled into blank uncertainty. ─── 如今,现实已经远远超出CDO的发行人在其模型中所假设的情境范围,而投资者对偿付的数量化领会不幸地演变为对银行体系的信任危机。
38、With what looks to have been a successful nuclear test (the previous one fizzled) the stakes have again been raised. ─── 现在核试验好像成功了(上一次失败了),赌注又往上加码了,要想赢得更多。
39、44-year-old Ni Zhen night before in the tongue kiss 21-year-old female college student Zhang Mao, Zhou Huimin and 19-yearlove affair fizzled out. ─── 44岁的倪震日前在夜店舌吻21岁女大学生张茆,和周慧敏19年恋情告吹。
40、The firework did not work properly, but just fizzled out ─── 爆竹没能爆响,而只是嘶嘶作响一阵后熄灭了。
41、Prosecution of the case fizzled out for lack of conclusive evidence. ─── 这件案子因证据不足,也就不了了之了。
42、M. fizzled out. ─── M.亦告吹。
43、Meanwhile, LeBron James' much-ballyhooed debut on the Finals stage fizzled like a flat soda. ─── 于此同时,被大肆宣扬的(万众瞩目的)勒布朗詹姆斯的总决赛处子秀就像没了汽的苏打水一样。
44、The captain turned to his wizards. "You take us there, " he ordered. They began to cast, but their spells fizzled as well. ─── 队长转向他带来的巫师们,“把我们带到那,”他命令道。那些巫师开始施法,但是他们的魔法也都失败了。
45、But when those prices have fallen, growth has fizzled. ─── 但一旦价格回落,这种涨势则不堪一击。
46、The plan fizzled out for lack of money. ─── 这项计划终因缺乏资金而流产了。
47、After a promising start,the project soon fizzled out. ─── 这项计划开始时很有希望,但不久就失败了。
48、craze fizzled and was replaced by a low-key pub and bar scene. ─── 夜总会的狂热烟消云散,取而代之的是一种低调的酒馆业景象。
49、The tooth that smoking smokes fizzled out, with what can take out! ─── 抽烟抽的牙黄了,用什么能去掉!
50、Or would he be especially assertive and try to show the Bulls what they missed out on when their trade talks with the Lakers fizzled? ─── 或者他特别想证明给公牛看,在他们和湖人的谈判破裂后,他们到底错过了什么?
51、Owing to lack of support the scheme fizzled out. ─── 由于没人支持,这一计划终成泡影。
52、The captain turned to his wizards. “You take us there,” he ordered. They began to cast, but their spells fizzled as well. ─── 队长转向他带来的巫师们,“把我们带到那,”他命令道。那些巫师开始施法,但是他们的魔法也都失败了。
53、The captain turned to his wizards. "You take us there," he ordered. They began to cast, but their spells fizzled as well. ─── 队长转向他带来的巫师们,“把我们带到那,”他命令道。那些巫师开始施法,但是他们的魔法也都失败了。
54、Our relationship fizzled into nothing. ─── 我们的关系无果而终了。
55、"The season has sort of fizzled out," added Pearson. "It has been a difficult week for the players and staff. ─── 纽卡斯尔以1比1对沃特福德的平局结束了又一个风雨飘摇的赛季。皮尔森认为队员们在最后一场的表现值得鼓励。
56、The ward was like a patient suffering from acute appendicitis, but was back in the pink of health immediately after the "operation". The result: the expected close fight fizzled out and it ceased to be a hot spot. ─── 这个单选区就像患上急性盲肠炎的病人,手术过后,马上化险为夷,使到行动党能够把战线拉短,而且转移热点。
57、7.After a promising start, the project soon fizzled out. ─── 这项计画开始时很有希望, 但不久就失败了.
58、When the Egyptian movement inspired by the April 6th 2008 protests tried to organise a follow-up “day of anger” on the same date this year, the effort fizzled. ─── 当埃及人的运动受到2008年4月6日抗议的启发,准备今年同一天组织一场后续的“愤怒之日”,运动失败了。
59、"Now two years later we see that this energy has sort of fizzled and petered out, " Hoffman said. ─── 两年之后的现在,我们发现这种激情已经逐渐减退并消失。
60、After a promising start, the project soon fizzled out. ─── 这项计划开始时很有希望,但不久就失败了。
61、The damp firecrackers fizzled out. ─── 这些受潮的爆竹嘶嘶地响过之后就灭掉了。
62、We love too Bluff,To the extent that We can not Fizzled out at End. ─── 如果是游戏,那么我们需要的只是规则。如果是瞬间,那么我们留下的只有纪念。
流( flow的过去式和过去分词 );垂;流出;(谈话、文体等)流畅
v. 飞,飞翔(fly 的过去式)
n. (Flew)(英、美)弗卢(人名)
Planes flew overhead constantly.
fly ash粉煤灰;飞灰
on the fly在飞行中;忙忙碌碌
fly in降落;乘飞机旅行
fly away飞走;飞行;起飞
fly high有雄心大志;情绪高涨;野心勃勃
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