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Vesuvius 网络释义

n. 维苏威火山(意大利西南部)

Vesuvius 短语词组

1、vesuvius score ─── 维苏威评分

2、vesuvius volcano ─── 维苏威火山

3、Mount Vesuvius ─── [网络] 维苏威火山;活火山维苏威火山;维苏威山

4、vesuvius salem ma ─── 肌肉蟹

5、vesuvius cleveland ─── 维苏威克利夫兰

6、vesuvius pa ─── 宾夕法尼亚州维苏威火山

7、vesuvius pompeii nights ─── 维苏威庞贝之夜

8、Mt. Vesuvius ─── [网络] 维苏威火山;维稣威火山

9、vesuvius red ─── 维苏威红

10、mt vesuvius ─── 维苏威火山

Vesuvius 相似词语短语

1、Jesuits ─── n.耶稣会;耶稣会士(Jesuit的复数)

2、Vesuvio ─── n.维苏威火山

3、vesuvian ─── n.(从前的)点雪茄的火柴;维苏威石;adj.维苏威火山的;突然爆发的

4、Vesuvius ─── n.维苏威火山(意大利西南部)

5、exuvium ─── n.蜕;皮屑

6、Vesalius ─── 维萨里(比利时医生,解剖学家)

7、vesuvians ─── n.(从前的)点雪茄的火柴;维苏威石;adj.维苏威火山的;突然爆发的

8、eluvium ─── n.残积层

9、vespids ─── n.胡蜂;黄蜂

Vesuvius 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After centuries of lying dormant, with life prospering on its slopes, Vesuvius suddenly erupted. ─── 它休眠了数百年,山城也充满生机,却又突然爆发。

2、Located at the northwestern foot of Vesuvius, it was destroyed, together with Pompeii and Stabiae, by the eruption of AD 79. ─── 西元79年维苏威火山爆发,该城与庞贝城、斯塔比伊城同时被毁。

3、A few days later, Vesuvius was in violent eruption. ─── 几天以后,维苏威火山猛烈爆发了。

4、Related news: "Vesuvius Magma Chamber Rising; May Mean Milder Eruption" [September 10, 2008]. ─── 相关新闻:“ 维苏威火山岩浆房上升,或许将会有较缓和的喷发”,2008年9月10日

5、Her house lay at the foot of Vesuvius, and there was no way out except by boat. ─── 她的家位于维苏威山脚下,除了乘船没有出路。

6、vesuvius is a volcano ─── 维苏威山是一座火山。

7、Neapolitans still entrust their well-being to San Gennaro, whose blood is said to liquefy three times a year in a ceremony performed at the cathedral, and whose special task is to ward off volcanic eruptions from Mt Vesuvius. ─── 那不勒斯人仍旧把他们的健康幸福托付给圣吉纳罗,据说他的血在大教堂举行的仪式中每年要液化三次,而他的特别任务是防止维苏威火山的爆发。

8、It was damaged by an earthquake in AD 63 and completely destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79. ─── 西元63年遭地震破坏,79年维苏威火山大爆发,该城完全被毁。

9、And with each downtick, Mount Vesuvius growled louder on the other side of the desk. ─── 而每一次股价收低,空方的维苏威火山都喷发得愈加猛烈。

10、But without any warning, Mount Vesuvius roared to life. ─── 然而,在没有任何预兆的情况下,维苏威火山咆哮着苏醒了。

11、2.We watched it rising from a mountain --- at such distance we couldn’t tell which one, but we afterwards learnt that it was Mount Vesuvius. ─── 我们看着它从山上升腾起来--- 如此远的距离使我们分辨不出是哪座山,但后来我们得知是维苏威火山。

12、An ancient city of south-central Italy on the Bay of Naples. A popular resort during Roman times, it was completely destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius( a.d.79). Important ruins have been unearthed since the early1700's. ─── 赫库兰尼姆意大利中南部的一座古城,位于那不勒斯湾畔。罗马时代为颇受欢迎的旅游胜地,公元79年被维苏威火山喷发完全摧毁。从18世纪早期以来,该城重要遗迹被挖掘出来

13、In the Shadow of Vesuvius ─── 苏维埃火山的阴影

14、Her house lay at the foot of vesuvius ,and there was no way out except by boat . ─── 因为她的家就维苏威火山脚下,并且除了乘船,没有其他出路。

15、Mount Vesuvius ─── n. 维苏威火山(意大利),该火山地处意大利南部那不勒斯湾东海岸,海拔1,281米(4,200英尺)。是欧洲大陆唯一的活火山

16、Vesuvius Volcano ─── 维苏威火山

17、was the volcanoes Vesuvius and Etna that she meant. ─── 她指的是维苏威火山和埃特纳火山。

18、The overgrown ruins of Pompeii stretch into the horizon, providing a glimpse into the flourishing urban life of its citizens before the devastating eruption of Mount Vesuvius. ─── 杂草丛生的庞贝古城废墟一直延伸到地平线,隐隐可以感受到在维苏威火山(意大利西南部)毁灭性爆发前,庞贝市民繁荣兴旺的都市生活。

19、started uncovering the lost towns that were buried under the ashes of Mount Vesuvius. ─── 开始挖掘掩埋在维苏威火山下的城市。

20、It is said that during one of the grand eruptions of Vesuvius it discharged massy rocks weighing many tons a thousand feet into the air ─── 据说有一次,维苏威火山大爆发时,好多吨重的大岩石全给轰到千英尺高空。

21、The grassy slopes of great Vesuvius rise to the heavens behind the city, and the sunlight shimmers in the waters of the bay a thousand yards from the city walls. ─── 城市的背后,巍峨的维苏威火山上,绿草覆盖的山坡直通天堂。城墙千尺之外,海湾的海水闪着夏日斜晖。

22、He was accidentally killed by going too close to Vesuvius. ─── 他是因走得太靠近维苏威火山而意外丧生的。

23、It is said that during one of the grand eruptions of Vesuvius it discharged massy rocks weighing many tons a thousand feet into the air. ─── 据说有一次,维苏威火山大爆发时,好多吨重的大岩石全给轰到千英尺高空。

24、D.79 Mount Vesuvius erupted, annihilating the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum and killing thousands who did not evacuate in time. ─── 目前维苏威火山仍在活动,在它西边不到10公里处就是义大利的城市那不勒斯;西西里岛上经常爆发的埃特纳火山附近,也有数个城市。

25、The entire Pompeii city was destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D.. ─── 整个庞贝城在公元79年 维苏威火山的一次喷发中 被摧毁.

26、Which city was originally awarded the 1908 Summer Games, but had to relinquish it to London after the costly destruction caused by the 1906 eruption of Mt. Vesuvius? ─── 哪个城市获得1908夏季奥运会举办权,但由于1906年维苏威火山爆发毁灭性破坏而不得不放弃并由伦敦举办。

27、Pompeii, a hustling and bustling city in ancient Rome, was deeply buried by the volcanic ash when the Vesuvius Volcano erupted. ─── 庞贝古城,这个古罗马曾经繁华的象征,被深深的掩埋在维苏威火山灰中。

28、The entire Pompeii city was destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D. ─── 整个庞贝城在公元79年维苏威火山的一次喷发中被摧毁。

29、Mount Vesuvius is an active volcano. ─── 维苏威山是一个活火山。

30、Near the city was a volcano called Vesuvius. ─── 离该城不远处有一座叫维苏威的火山。

31、Vesuvius didn't look so friendly that day, '79 a.C., when history stopped ─── 此相片有备注。将滑鼠放置在相片上方即可查看备注。

32、, there was a great eruption of Mount Vesuvius, a volcano in southern Italy.The lava, stones, and ashes thrown up by the volcano completely buried the two nearby cities. ─── 这是一座差不多有两千年历史的古城,你也可以观赏和仔细研究,它几乎比任何其他古城都保存得更为完好。

33、He showed them colored plates of Naples, and spoke of excursions to Mount Vesuvius, and the eruptions of fire from it. ─── 他谈到那不勒斯,谈到维苏威的迁动,还拿些火山爆发的画来给她们看。

34、an ancient city of south-central Italy on the Bay of Naples. A popular resort during Roman times,it was completely destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius( a.d.79). Important ruins have been unearthed since the early1700's ─── 赫库兰尼姆,意大利中南部的一座古城,位于那不勒斯湾畔。罗马时代为颇受欢迎的旅游胜地,公元79年被维苏威火山喷发完全摧毁。从18世纪早期以来,该城重要遗迹被挖掘出来

35、But tragedy was on its way. Beneath Vesuvius' vine-covered slopes a mighty force was about to break loose. ─── 在维苏威火山青藤覆盖的山坡下一股巨大的力量就要挣脱束缚,彻底爆发。

36、Some Canadian views hang on the walls-green forest and blue water scenery-and in the midst of them blazes a night eruption of vesuvius ─── 墙上挂着一些加拿大的风景画--苍翠的树林湛蓝的海景--在这些风景画中间,有一幅维苏戚火山爆发的夜景。

37、In two letters, Pliny described in detail the earthquakes before the eruption, the giant cloud of ash that shot into the air, a tsunami, and the effect on the people living around Vesuvius. ─── 小普里尼在两封信件中,详细描述火山爆发前的地震、喷向空中的巨大灰烬云朵、海啸,以及对维苏威火山周围居民造成的影响。

38、ancient city southeast of Naples that was buried by a volcanic eruption from Vesuvius. ─── 位于那不勒斯东南的一座古城,在维苏威火山的一次喷发中被摧毁。

39、It's many years since Mount Vesuvius last erupted. ─── 维苏威火山上一次喷发至今已有很多年了。

40、A reddish-brown skeleton, belonging to a victim of the infamous Mount Vesuvius eruption, lies partially uncovered in the ancient city of Herculaneum. ─── 图为一具红棕色骨骸半露着躺在赫库兰尼姆古城中,骨骸属于一名在臭名昭著的维苏威火山大爆发中死去的受害者。

41、1、What does Vesuvius most probably refer toaccording to the first paragraph? ─── 1。根据第一段维苏威火山谈到什么?火山。

42、In two letters to the historian Tacitus, the nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius . ─── 在给塔希托的两封信中,老普林尼的侄子写了有关威苏威火山大喷发的唯一的证言。

43、Vesuvius isn't the only active volcano threatening this densely-populated area. ─── 维苏威火山并不是威胁这个人口稠密地区的唯一活火山。

44、The last time Vesuvius awoke was in 1944. ─── 维苏威火山最近一次苏醒是在1944年。

45、Pompeii, a Unesco World Heritage Site, was destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius back in 79 AD. ─── 庞贝城,联合国教科文组织世界遗址,毁于公元前79年的一次维苏威火山喷发。

46、The town of Pompeii lay hidden and forgotten until 1631 when Vesuvius erupted again and workers discovered some Roman coins. ─── 庞贝城深藏于地下被人们遗忘了,直到1631年维苏威火山再次爆发,工人发现了一些罗马时代的硬币。

47、Production Engineer - Machining for Vesuvius Zyarock ─── 公务工程师·质量工程师·技术部产品设计

48、The Paris Opera's eruption of Vesuvius was legendary, employing real stones and the titles of the titles of the opera alone convey everything. ─── 巴黎歌剧院中维苏威火山的喷发就是一个传奇般的情景,剧中用了真实的火山石。就歌剧的名称已传达了一切。

49、At the heart of this human tragedy is Mount Vesuvius. ─── 本片透过目击者的眼光,呈现庞贝城的最后二十四小时。

50、From his windows which overlooked the Bay of Naples, with the noble shape of Vesuvius changing colour with the changing light, Mayhew saw a hundred places that recalled the Romans and the Greeks. ─── 他站在窗前就能俯视那不勒斯湾。 每当日移光变,维苏威火山的雄姿也随之变换色泽。 此时,他凭窗远望,看到上百处残踪遗迹,因而联想起罗马和希腊的盛衰。

51、The villa was named for the bronze statuette of a dancing faun (a mythological creature), the reproduction of which is seen here in the impluvium.Mount Vesuvius can be seen in the background. ─── 别墅命名于一座青铜雕像,是一个跳着舞的农神(神话人物)。

52、Atthat time, the ancient Roman cities of Herculaneumand Pompeiinestled at the foot of Vesuvius. ─── 当时,古罗马的赫库兰尼姆和庞贝城座落在维苏威的山脚下。

53、A. D.79 Mount Vesuvius in Italy, which and been dormant for centuries, erupted and Pompeii, a prosperous Italian city, was buried. ─── 休眠了数百年的意大利维苏威火山爆发,繁华城市庞培被埋。

54、The Mount Vesuvius has been sleeping since 1944 under the watchful eyes of volcanologists, who regularly measure its temperature. Their observatory lies 608m high. ─── 维苏威火山在1.2万年中不时喷发,火山口总是缭绕着缕缕上升的烟雾,散发热量足以点燃一张纸。山脚下遍布着果园和葡萄园,而火山上的坡则显得荒凉和险恶。

55、2. It's many years since Mount Vesuvius last erupted. ─── 维苏威火山上一次爆发至今已有很多年了.

56、In two letters to the historian Tacitus, the nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius. ─── 在给塔希托的两封信中,老普林尼的侄子写了有关威苏威火山大喷发的唯一的证言。

57、The reward is a chance to discover something that the volcano Vesuvius buried with its lava two thousand years ago. ─── 收益是有一个发现两千年前维苏威火山用其熔岩埋葬的一些东西的机会。

58、For Herculaneum , during the last 12 hours , Vesuvius hurled in the sky a column of pumice and ash. as times as high as 20 miles. ─── 对赫克雷尼亚来说,维苏威火山连续12小时将浮石和火山灰射向天空,有时达到20英里高,并在落下时,产生了巨爆。

59、Not once had Vesuvius stopped hurling pumice stones and ash into the air, and the streets of Pompeii were filling quickly. ─── 维苏威火山往空中喷发的浮石和火山灰一刻未停,很快就塞满了庞贝的街道。

60、The cloud over Vesuvius continued to rise, black as night, higher and higher. ─── 笼罩在维苏威山上的乌云继续上升,黑如夜晚,越来越高。

61、In 1908, because the Vesuvius erupted, the Olympic Games was transfered to be held in London. ─── 在1908年,由于维苏威火山爆发,奥运会被转移到在伦敦举行。

62、Mt. Vesuvius is constantly sending forth steam into the air. ─── 维苏威火山不断向空中冒出气体。

63、1. Behind the city of Pompeii stood the4000-feet Mount Vesuvius. ─── 庞培城的后面矗立着4000英尺高的维苏维火山。

64、2. Vesuvius is an active volcano. ─── 维苏威山是一座活火山。

65、Through cooperating with world famous companies like VESUVIUS and POSCO, continuous improvement in quality control, management and marketing are being achieved. ─── 公司与维苏威、浦项制铁等世界一流公司的合作,提升了公司质量管理水平和经营理念。

66、You can see the volcano,Vesuvius,in the background. ─── 您能看到在它后面的维苏威火山.

67、Ben: Oh no, mount, Vesuvius is erupting! Honey you grab the kids, I'll start the chariot and...Glug, glug, glug, this is great, I gotta get an A. ─── 本:糟了,宝贝儿,你快抱住孩子,我要开车了。流吧,流吧,哦,太棒了,我一定能得个A。

68、Pompeii - The Last Day recreates the greatest natural disaster of the ancient world - the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, almost 2000 years ago in AD79. ─── 庞贝古城-最后一天重现了古代最惨烈的自然灾难。那是公元七十九年,也就是差不多二千年前,维苏威火山大爆发。

69、There is a very famous volcano in Italy which is called Vesuvius. ─── 意大利有一座非常有名的火山,叫做维苏威火山。

70、B vesuvius salt ─── 钾芒硝

71、The plan was to have the 1908 Games in Rome, but in 1906 Italys notorious volcano Mount Vesuvius erupted, causing so much damage that the Games were moved to London. ─── 1908年奥运会原本定在罗马举办,但是1906年意大利著名的维苏威火山的爆发给当地经济带来重创,以至于罗马不得放弃奥运主办权,而改由伦敦承办。

72、Vesuvius erupts once in a while . ─── 维苏威火山偶尔爆发。

73、In the afternoon of August 24 AD 79 Mount Vesuvius on the island of Sicily erupted sending out a huge cloud of glowing ash and barraging the surrounding country with showers of rock. ─── 公元79年8月24日下午,西西里岛上的维苏威火山爆发了,喷出一大片炽热的灰云。岩石像暴雨般地落到周围的地区。

74、Along with Herculaneum, this Roman city near modern Naples was destroyed and completely buried during a catastrophic eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius spanning two days on 24 August year 79. ─── 与赫库兰尼姆城一样,这座靠近那不勒斯的罗马城市也在维苏威火山灾难性的爆发中毁于一旦并长埋于地下,维苏威火山于公元79年8月24日爆发,持续了2天。

75、Mount Vesuvius hasn't erupted for a good many years. ─── 维苏威火山多年未曾喷发了。

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