balking 发音
英:[ˈbɔːkɪŋ] 美:[ˈbɔkɪŋ]
英: 美:
balking 中文意思翻译
balking 短语词组
1、balking dead ─── 畏缩死亡
2、balking defined ─── 止步定义
3、balking line n. ─── 田径赛中的起跑线;运动员脚踏上线(犯规线)
4、balking bob ─── 蹒跚的鲍勃
5、balking beast ─── 畏缩的野兽
6、balking define ─── 阻碍定义
balking 词性/词形变化,balking变形
形容词最高级: balkiest |名词: balkiness |形容词比较级: balkier |
balking 相似词语短语
1、bilking ─── vt.欺骗,诈骗;使受挫折;赖帐;n.诈骗;骗子;赖帐
2、baling ─── n.打包(堆垛);包装
3、balding ─── adj.变秃的;v.变秃(bald的ing形式);n.(Balding)人名;(英)鲍尔丁
4、calking ─── n.填隙;塞缝;v.填…以防漏水(calk的ing形式)
5、baking ─── v.(在烤炉里)烘烤;烘焙;(将某物)烤硬;(变得)灼热;(非正式)(在太阳下)晒(bake的现在分词);n.烘焙,烘烤;adj.灼热的
6、bulking ─── n.膨胀;挖掘物体积大于其挖掘穴
7、balling ─── v.把……捏成团;攥紧(拳头);做成球状;(移植树木时)将根与泥用麻布包捆成团;与(某人)性交;(花)未开先败(ball的现在分词);n.(Balling)(美、荷)巴兰(人名)
8、baulking ─── n.错误;失败;障碍(等于balk);vt.阻止;错过;推诿(等于balk);vi.犹豫;(马等)突然止步不前(等于balk)
9、basking ─── 晒太阳;姥鲨
balking 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、1. The high price is a balk to me. ─── 对我来说,价格太高是一个障碍。
2、They are balking at paying the higher prices and are scouring the Internet more to find cheaper fares. ─── 他们拒绝支付更高的价格,在互联网上搜索更便宜的票价。
3、Republicans and many conservative Democrats are balking on the cost of the reform, which could reach one trillion dollars over the next several years. ─── 共和党人和许多民主党保守派人士以改革成本为由,阻挠这一计划。在未来的几年中,改革可能造成多达一万亿美元的开支。
4、Still,doctors often balk at providing medical interpreters because thatoftenmeans they pay more in interpreter's fees than they are reimbursedfor thepatient's office visit. ─── 不过,医生往往不愿为病人提供医疗口译人员,因为这常常意味着他们给译员支付的费用要超过为病人看病获得的利润。
5、Now, the Kremlin may balk at unleashing higher energy prices on the citizenry. ─── 但如今,克里姆林宫或许不会那么痛快地给上调居民电价放行了。
6、one of the spaces between the cushion and the balk line on a billiard table ─── 开球区,台球桌的橡皮边和阻碍线之间的空间之一
7、never balk at ─── 对 ...在所不惜
8、Anecdotal evidence suggests that, in some quarters at least, exporters are starting to balk and seeking to raise their own prices. ─── 坊间证据显示,至少在某些领域,出口商已经开始犹豫不前,希望提高自己产品的价格。
9、Chinese government balking at Hummer sale? ─── 我国政府不愿意悍马出售?
10、The Greens themselves might balk, perhaps preferring a “Jamaica” coalition with the CDU and FDP instead. ─── 但绿党自身可能犹豫不前,或许更期望与基民盟和自民党结成黄绿联盟。
11、Banks are balking at rewriting mortgages, despite incentives to do so. ─── 银行正在逃避重写抵押贷款,尽管他们有动机这么做。
12、It cost a lot of money to make it, because of its small size, the customers are unwilling to buy it(balk at the price). ─── 制造商:这式样的制造成本相当高,而且因为体积小,顾客看到这样高的价钱就裹足不前。
13、His parents balk at the cost of the guitar he want. ─── 他想要那个吉他,但他父母看到吉他的价格却踌躇不决。
14、To stop short and turn restively from side to side; balk. ─── 徘徊不前停止不前且踌躇不前;畏缩不前
15、result, Treasury holders are balking at lending, and the market is freezing up. ─── 结果是,美国国债持有者拒绝出借手中债券,市场进而冻结。
16、Keywords magma;igneous rock intrusion;coal balk;carbonite; ─── 岩浆;火成岩侵入体;煤包;天然焦;
17、Your boss may balk, but a new study shows that getting some midday shut-eye could be heart-healthy. ─── 尽管你的老板可能对此不满,但是最新研究确实表明,午间小憩有益心脏健康。
18、Research on the Design Theory of Balk Nanomaterials ─── 块状纳米材料的设计理论研究
19、His parents balk at the cost of the guitar he wants . ─── 他想要那个吉他,但他父母看到吉他的价格却踌躇不决
20、Israel is hinting it would trade hundreds of Hamas prisoners for Corporal Shalit but is balking at some of the names Hamas wants freed. ─── 以色列暗示它将会用数百名哈马斯囚徒来换取沙利特的平安归来,但是避开了哈马斯所期释放的若干人。
21、If you are Napoleon, I am your Josephine, refuses to balk for you! ─── 你是拿破仑,我你约瑟芬,为你在所不惜!
22、balk net ─── 一种插网
23、If you are Kennedy, I am your Jia Gui Lin, is you is day and night beautiful; If you are Napoleon, I am your Josephine, refuses to balk for you! ─── 如果你是甘乃迪,我就是你贾贵琳,为你日夜美丽;如果你是拿破仑,我就是你约瑟芬,为你在所不惜!
24、With a wife to divorce, Pavarotti not balk at paying the high costs of divorce. ─── 为了跟发妻离婚,帕瓦罗蒂不惜付出高额的离婚费。
25、What happens when factory workers begin to demand a more Western living standard, and miners balk at descending into industrial death traps? ─── 当一个工厂工人开始向往更加优质的生活水准,而矿工的工作环境依然得不到改善的时候会发生什么?
26、But there's a reason the mandate was weakened: fear that too many people would balk at the cost of insurance even with the subsidies provided to lower-income individuals and families. ─── 但是,弱化该规定也存在一个理由:即便是向低收入的个人和家庭提供补助,也担心会有太多的人在保险费用前畏缩不前。
27、but the same parents often don't balk at allowing their kids relatively free Internet access. ─── 但同样这些父母却允许自己的孩子上网而缺乏约束。
28、balk (baulk) ─── 大方木
29、Balk: Any deceptive movement that disconcerts an opponent before or during the serve; also called a "feint". ─── 假动作:在发球前或发球中,用虚假动作干扰对方,也称"虚晃"。
30、To emancipate all mankind, we will balk at no sacrifice, even that of our lives. ─── 为了全人类的解放, 即使牺牲生命也在所不惜。
31、We get strong indications that his agent would balk at that request. ─── 我们得到的强烈暗示是他的经纪人会回避那个要求。
32、Professor Xu Benli, of the Shanghai University of Sport, says successful sportspeople should not balk at turning over half of their earnings. ─── 上海体育学院徐本力教授表示,功成名就的运动员不应拒绝上缴一半的收入。
33、Already many of the stakeholders, particularly the powerful United Auto Workers union and the bond holders, are balking at the concessions they would be required to make. ─── 对于大多数的利益相关者,如强大的美国汽车工人联合会和债券持有人,都不愿做出让步。
34、In cost reduction, the consensus of team members and the assistance of extension agencies were needed to promote balk purchasing, joint utilization and joint processing and operation of a team. ─── 在降低成本上,共同采购、共同利用及共同作业,有赖班员的共识与需求及辅导单位的推动。
35、Eventually burgeoning debt will limit the room for fiscal manoeuvre, and politicians may balk at renewed stimulus long before then. ─── 到最后,急剧增长的债务会限制财政操作空间,不久政治家们会回避新的刺激计划。
36、The Palestinians, who closely follow this haggle, had been balking. ─── 巴勒斯坦方面密切关注着美以之间的讨价还价,但是却一直畏缩不前。
37、But the bill also faces opposition from some environmentalists, who are balking at the compromises the sponsors made to gain political support. ─── 但是这个提案也受到了一些环保人士的反对,他们犹豫,是否应该为了获得政治支持而出妥协。
38、make a balk of good ground ─── 失去好机会
39、If you are Napoleon, I am your Josephine, refuses to balk for you! ─── 如果你是拿破仑星座生日,我就是你约瑟芬,为你在所不惜!
40、Right now, Republicans are balking at the idea of requiring that large employers offer health insurance to their workers; ─── 共和党人现在还在犹豫,是否要求各大型企业的雇主为他们的员工提供医疗健康保险。
41、To emancipate all mankind, we will balk at no sacrifice. even that of our lives. ─── 为了全人类的解放, 即使牺牲生命也在所不惜。
42、If i go to hell so then others can go to heaven, i will never balk at that sacrifice. ─── 如果我下地狱就可以使别人升天堂,我将再所不辞(惜)。
43、German Banks are balking at writing off Greek debt. ─── 德国各家银行在勾销希腊债务方面畏缩不前。
44、Do what? The vocation is time for balking a bed. ─── 做什么?这个假期就是用来赖床的。
45、Thankfully, many of the Chinese copies that eventually reach European markets typically fare poorly as consumers balk at their horrid questionable safety, quality and dismal reliability. ─── 值得庆幸的是,许多中国的副本,最终达到欧洲市场价格通常很差,因为消费者不惜其可怕怀疑安全,质量和暗淡可靠性。
46、He balk his assign duties. ─── 他中止了被分配的工作。
47、He picked up a stone and let fly at the balking dog ─── 他捡起一块石头朝那狂吠的狗扔去。
48、do not balk ─── 不惜, 不避
49、Balk: An illegal, often deceptive move by the pitcher, penalized by a ball being called, or letting base runners advance one base. ─── 假投:一种犯规,一般指投手的假投动作,处罚为一个坏球,或让跑垒员自动上一垒。
50、balk at making a speech ─── 临演说时踌躇
51、But to the surprise of power companies, communities started balking at restarting reactors that were idled for routine inspections. ─── 但令电力公司感到惊讶的是,许多社区不愿重启因例行检查而停止运转的反应堆。
52、If investors balk at buying commercial paper, then banks will have to find money elsewhere to pay debts maturing in coming months. ─── 如果投资者不愿意购买商业票据,银行就得另寻资金兑付未来几个月即将到期的债券。
53、Mrs Clinton might stumble and fall.The American electorate might balk at the idea of handing both the White House and Capitol Hill to a single party and go for a Republican president. ─── 希拉里也许会失足马下,美国的选民也许会反对让一个党派同时控制白宫和国会,因而支持共和党人当选总统。
54、I'm pretty sure God wouldn't balk at giving money (or anything else). ─── 我十分确信上帝会毫不犹豫的布施金钱(或其它的东西)。
55、It was a great balk to him that he did not comply with my request. ─── 你不顺从我的要求,使他大失所望。
56、But the auto makers are balking at surcharges steelmakers are attempting to impose. ─── 但汽车厂家不愿接受钢铁企业的加价。
57、What balk would dare offer such terms? ─── 哪家银行敢提出这样的条件?
58、the Balk(h)ash, Lake ─── 巴尔喀什湖
59、It's all dead easy if Rosy don't balk when the flag drops. ─── 在要行动时如果罗西不坏事那绝对不是难事。
60、Study on the Control Technique of Weeds in the Ditch, Balk and Road among Fields ─── 农田沟·埂·路边杂草防除技术研究
61、balk one's plans ─── 使某人计划受挫
62、balk in the middle of one's speech ─── 在演说中途 [话说到一半] 突然停止
63、"You know, 20 years ago it was not this way at all," says Jen Balk, a Hamline sophomore. "It was all the men going to school and getting the good jobs, and there was such a barrier. ─── 哈姆莱恩一个二年级学生詹·鲍克说:“你知道,20年前根本不是这样的,那时都是男人去上学,得到好的工作,那时是这样的男女界线。
64、Paper also analyze the factors of Longwan outward-orientedeconomy"s development, indicate the avail factors and the balk factors. ─── 同时文章对龙湾外向型经济的发展的因素进行了分析,指出了其有利因素与障碍因素。
65、to stop short and turn restively from side to side; balk ─── 停止不前且踌躇不前;畏缩不前
66、And as usual, those in the audience who balk at showboating can simply close their eyes. ─── 和往常一样,这些坐在包厢里的观众只需闭上他们的眼睛享受即可。
67、Balking at the top of a three-story evacuation slide can lead to a push, sending you cart-wheeling down and resulting in broken ankles. ─── 如果你堵住了三层楼高的撤离滑道顶部,就会被人推倒,然后翻滚下去,导致脚踝骨折。
68、It provides $622 billion in cuts to Medicare and Medicaid to back that up, cuts some Democrats are balking at. ─── 为了支持这一点,白宫提出在医疗保险制度(Medicare)和医疗补助计划(Medicaid)方面削减6,220亿美元,一些民主党人表示反对。
69、Although the congressional leadership has indicated its willingness to get onboard with the plan, rank-and-file lawmakers from both parties are balking at what's been called the largest bailout in U. ─── 尽管国会领袖已经表示意愿采取此计划,但是两党的基层议员们都在努力阻止这笔被称为美国历史上最庞大的救助计划。
70、Firstly, the paper studies the Machine Interference Problem Models with balking, reneging and single vacation policy of single server. ─── 首先,论文研究了带止步、中途退出以及单个修理工进行单重休假的机器维修模型。
71、But without sustained pressure from foreign competition, India's exporters will lack the incentive to respond by moving upmarket, and its government will continue to balk at much-needed liberalisation and structural reform. ─── 不过,如果没有外国竞争带来的持续压力,印度出口商会缺乏向高端转向的应对动机,印度政府也会继续执拗不前,不去进行急需的开放和结构改革。
72、My house jump across the deep ravine, but all the others balk ─── 我的马跃过深谷,但其余的马都突然停止不动
73、When managers are told that increased or improved controls are needed, some confuse having an effectively controlled process with using a directive, non-participatory management style.And they balk. ─── 当管理者被告知需要提高控制水平时,往往意味着采用直接的、集权式的管理方式,并且不肯改变。
74、But there must be a price that even San Franciscans would balk at paying to reduce their waste. ─── 不过,当减少废品浪费的价钱高到了一定程度以后,就连圣弗朗西斯科也是会开始犹豫的。
75、But while many of Japan's older voters favor jettisoning the LDP, they may balk at its more ambitious changes. ─── 不过,虽然日本许多中、老年选民倾向于抛弃自民党,但他们却对更加雄心勃勃的变革持保留态度。
76、balk sb's plans ─── 使某人的计划受挫.
77、They often still balk at being stigmatized as weird. ─── 实际上,他们依然害怕别人指责自己“怪里怪气”。
78、And Hamas leaders, though desperate for a ceasefire, will balk at any deal that reeks of capitulation. ─── 哈马斯领导人尽管极需停火,但他们会阻止任何可能让他们背上投降恶名的交易。
79、If demand rises as forecast, the expansion can be delivered to budget, and if shippers do not balk at higher tolls, the canal will be even better business for the government. ─── 如果需求如同预期那样上升,扩建就能被列入预算,如果发货人不计较较高的通行费用,运河甚至将成为政府的更好的生意。
80、Your supervisor may balk, but if you work for a small company, you may be able to negotiate this. ─── 你的上司可能不会同意这样做,但是如果你是在一家小公司工作的话,你就可以和上级协商此事情。
81、The sculptural eaves, beautiful mural painting under the roof and the engraved girder and balk are surprising perfect. ─── 与其他众多古民居相比,碧滟楼气势恢弘,屋顶层层叠叠,外檐装饰华丽,引梁、唇、板都饰以精美的画雕,屋内的墙壁上都装饰有精美的壁画,体现着较高的建筑艺术水平。
82、To resist stubbornly and obstinately; balk. ─── 坚决反对;拒绝继续
83、His parents balk at the cost of the guitar he want ─── 他想要那个吉他, 但他父母看到吉他的价格却踌躇不决
84、He shored up the wall with a thick balk of wood. ─── 他用一根粗大的木头把墙撑住。
85、balk a person of his prey ─── 妨碍某人使他捕不到猎物
86、Even a single man bad been able to balk him. ─── 一个人就把他难倒了。
87、foundation balk ─── 基础梁
88、Finally, the paper studies the Machine Interference Problem Models with balking, reneging, warm spares and N policy. ─── 最后,研究了带止步、中途退出、多个温贮备部件和修理工N策略休假模型。
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