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08-18 投稿


gastropodous 发音


英:  美:

gastropodous 中文意思翻译



gastropodous 相似词语短语

1、Agastrophus ─── 阿格斯特罗斯

2、arthropodous ─── 节肢动物

3、gasteropods ─── 腹足类

4、gasteropodous ─── 胃足的

5、sauropodous ─── 腐臭的

6、macropodous ─── 大气味

7、gastropod ─── n.[无脊椎]腹足类动物

8、gastropods ─── n.[无脊椎]腹足类(gastropod的复数形式)

9、gastropodan ─── 腹足类

gastropodous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、either of the margins of the aperture of a gastropod shell ─── 腹足纲软体动物缺口的两个边缘中的任一个

2、Heavy Metal Accumulation in the Gastropod, Cerithium Scabridum L., From the Kuwait Coast ─── 科威特海岸腹足类中的重金属累积

3、A spiral formation, such as one of the whorls of a gastropod shell. ─── 螺旋形一种螺旋形状,如一个涡螺壳上的螺旋


5、The fossils of algae, ostracoda, foraminifera, gastropod and polychaeta were found in the Tertiary carbonate beds in the west of Chaidamu Basin. ─── 摘要柴达木盆地西部第三系的碳酸盐岩层中发现有藻类、介形虫、有孔虫、腹足类、多毛类等化石。

6、one of the longitudinal ridges on the surface of a gastropod shell ─── 螺层腹足纲软体动物贝壳表面上的纵向背纹之一

7、a small opening or depression similar to a navel,as the hollow at the base of the shell of some gastropod mollusks,one of the openings in the shaft of a feather,or the hilum of a seed ─── 脐,和肚脐相似的小开口或凹陷,如某些腹足纲软体动物壳的底部的洞,羽毛管的开口中的一个,或种子的种脐

8、The inner margin of the opening of a gastropod shell. ─── 唇状部分腹足纲软体动物贝壳开口处的内部边缘。

9、Any of various gastropod mollusks of the family Conidae of tropical and subtropical seas, having a conical, often vividly marked shell and the ability to inflict a poisonous, sometimes fatal sting. ─── 芋螺科动物任一种热带和亚热带海洋芋螺科动物中的腹足类软体动物,具有锥形的,色彩艳丽的外壳且长有剧毒甚至能致命的尖刺

10、Conopeptides (Conotoxin) derived from tropical marine gastropod, cone snail ( Conus ) venoms have been an useful tool agent in neuro investigation and new drug source. ─── 热带药用海洋生物芋螺产生的芋螺毒素 (Conotoxin) ,已成为神经科学研究的有力工具药和新药开发的新来源。

11、Any of numerous marine gastropod mollusks, as of the families Acmaeidae and Patellidae, characteristically having a conical shell and adhering to rocks of tidal areas. ─── 帽贝海生腹足类软体动物的一种,如腹足绵软体动物的帽贝科动物,特征为有锥状壳,在潮汐地区附着在石头上

12、Any of various marine gastropod mollusks of the family Volutidae, having a spiral, often colorfully marked shell. ─── 涡螺它是一种涡螺科海洋腹足纲软体动物,具有带螺纹的、常颜色绚丽的壳

13、The shell of one of these gastropod mollusks, used as an ornament, in making cameos, or as a horn. ─── 螺号指这种腹足纲软体动物的贝壳,在雕刻中用来作装饰品或被用作号角

14、Age characters and significance of the gastropod shell beds of the Jiuxi- keng Formation in the Hepu basin of Guangxi ─── 广西合浦盆地酒席坑组腹足类贝壳层的时代特征及意义

15、naked marine gastropod having a soft body with reduced internal shell and two pairs of ear-like tentacles ─── 光秃秃的海生腹足软体动物,有退化的内壳和两对形似耳朵的触须

16、Appearing to terminate abruptly, as a leaf of a tulip tree or a coiled gastropod shell that lacks a spire. ─── 截平的象鹅掌揪树叶或去尖的螺蛳壳等一样突然切截的

17、Of or relating to a gastropod shell that coils clockwise and has its aperture to the right when facing the observer with the apex upward. ─── 右旋的软体动物的螺形外壳上的螺线顺时针螺旋即顶点向上,面对观察者时,螺线向右旋转

18、Keywords Gastropod;Heavy metal contamination;Land snail;Slug; ─── 腹足纲;重金属污染;蜗牛;蛞蝓;

19、A query and display system based on GIS for marine gastropod imposex and organotin contamination in sea areas along southeast coast of China ─── 基于GIS的中国东南沿岸海域海产腹足类性畸变与有机锡污染查询显示系统

20、a dextral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the right when facing the observer; a dextral flatfish lies with the right eye uppermost. ─── 顶点向上的右旋腹足贝壳在面对观察者时向右打开;右侧比目鱼躺着时右边的眼睛在最上面。

21、A sinistral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the left when facing the observer. ─── 从面对观察者的方向看,具有向上顶点的左旋腹足动物壳在左侧有一个开口。

22、The grotesque gastropod gangsters grew annoyed with Lo, but he kept a screen of protectors nearby whenever possible. ─── 那些奇形怪状的腹足类匪首越来越讨厌洛,但洛总是尽可能在身边留一群保镖。

23、10.a sinistral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the left when facing the observer; ─── 顶点向上的左旋腹足贝壳在面对观察者时向左打开;

24、Any marine gastropod in the order Nudibranchia. ─── 裸鳃目的海生腹足类动物的统称。

25、any of various chiefly tropical marine gastropod mollusks of the family Cymatiidae,having a pointed,spirally twisted,often colorfully marked shell ─── 棱尾螺,一种嵌线螺科的大多产于热带的腹足类海洋软体动物,有螺旋形的、顶部很尖的、色彩斑澜的壳

27、comprising numerous marine gastropod mollusks lacking a shell in the adult state and usually having a body like a slug ─── 有许多海生腹足软体动物组成,其成熟体没有外壳,通常其体形像蛞蝓

28、minute conical gastropod superficially resembling a limpet but living and feeding on freshwater plants. ─── 微小的圆锥状腹足动物,表面象帽贝但生活在淡水中并以淡水植物为食。

29、The outer margin of the opening of a gastropod shell. ─── 孔缘腹足纲的软体动物的贝壳的壳口外缘。

30、the shell of one of these gastropod mollusks,used as an ornament,in making cameos,or as a horn ─── 螺号,指这种腹足纲软体动物的贝壳,在雕刻中用来作装饰品或被用作号角

31、A gastropod of the subclass Pulmonata. ─── 有肺的腹足纲动物

32、 双语使用场景

33、To protect its soft abdomen, each crab carries its house around, usually an abandoned gastropod shell. ─── 寄居蟹的腹部很软弱,需要额外的保护,因此牠们得背著房子四处走,这些房子通常是腹足类(如海螺)离弃的壳。

34、Certain gastropod mollusks, such as abalone, whelk, and conch, are also marketed. ─── 某些腹足纲的软体动物,如鲍、蛾螺和康克螺也是市场商品。

35、Any of various marine gastropod mollusks,chiefly of the genus Urosalpinx,that bore holes into the shells of bivalve mollusks. U. cinera is destructive to oysters. ─── 海洋腹足动物海洋腹足纲软体动物,主要指在双壳类软体动物的贝壳上钻孔的骨螺属。该属的尾角螺对牡蛎十分有害。

36、Any of various tropical marine gastropod mollusks, especially of the genera Strombus and Cassis, having large, often brightly colored spiral shells and edible flesh. ─── 海螺任一种热带海洋的腹足纲软体动物,尤指凤螺属和冠螺属动物,长有大的并且通常是亮色的螺旋形贝壳,肉可食用

37、Any of various marine gastropod mollusks, chiefly of the genus Urosalpinx, that bore holes into the shells of bivalve mollusks. ─── 海洋腹足动物:海洋腹足纲软体动物,主要指在双壳类软体动物的贝壳上钻孔的骨螺 属。该属的 尾角螺 对牡蛎十分有害 v.

38、4.A spiral formation, such as one of the whorls of a gastropod shell. ─── 淡水、海水或陆栖的腹足纲软体动物,通常有外部包裹的螺旋壳。

39、a spiral formation,such as one of the whorls of a gastropod shell ─── 一种螺旋形状,如一个涡螺壳上的螺旋

40、appearing to terminate abruptly,as a leaf of a tulip tree or a coiled gastropod shell that lacks a spire ─── 象鹅掌揪树叶或去尖的螺蛳壳等一样突然切截的

41、comprising numerous marine gastropod mollusks lacking a shell in the adult state and usually having a body like a slug. ─── 有许多海生腹足软体动物组成,其成熟体没有外壳,通常其体形像蛞蝓。

42、a sinistral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the left when facing the observer; a sinistral flatfish lies with the left eye uppermost. ─── 顶点向上的左旋腹足贝壳在面对观察者时向左打开;左侧比目鱼躺着时左边的眼睛在最上面。

43、A dextral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the right when facing the observer,a dextral flatfish lies with the right eye uppermost. ─── 顶点向上的右旋腹足贝壳在面对观察者时向右打开,右侧比目鱼躺着时右边的眼睛在最上面。

44、9.a dextral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the right when facing the observer; ─── 顶点向上的右旋腹足贝壳在面对观察者时向右打开;

45、A ciliated swimming organ that develops in certain larval stages of most marine gastropod mollusks. ─── 游泳盘大多数海洋腹足纲软体动物的某些幼体阶段形成的一种有纤毛的游泳器官

46、edible marine gastropod. ─── 可食用海生腹足动物。

47、marine gastropod mollusk having a very small thin shell ─── 海生腹足软体动物,有一层非常薄的壳

48、A sinistral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the left when facing the observer,a sinistral flatfish lies with the left eye uppermost. ─── 顶点向上的左旋腹足贝壳在面对观察者时向左打开,左侧比目鱼躺着时左边的眼睛在最上面。

49、Gastropod, Foot protein, Esterase isoenzyme, RAPD, Molecular classify. ─── 淡水腹足类,足肌蛋白质,酯酶同工酶,RAPD,分子分类

50、minute conical gastropod superficially resembling a limpet but living and feeding on freshwater plants ─── 微小的圆锥状腹足动物,表面象帽贝但生活在淡水中并以淡水植物为食

51、naked marine gastropod having a soft body with reduced internal shell and two pairs of ear-like tentacles. ─── 光秃秃的海生腹足软体动物,有退化的内壳和两对形似耳朵的触须。



54、A small opening or depression similar to a navel, as the hollow at the base of the shell of some gastropod mollusks, one of the openings in the shaft of a feather, or the hilum of a seed. ─── 脐和肚脐相似的小开口或凹陷,如某些腹足纲软体动物壳的底部的洞,羽毛管的开口中的一个,或种子的种脐


56、marine gastropod mollusk having a very small thin shell. ─── 海生腹足软体动物,有一层非常薄的壳。

57、Any of various marine gastropod mollusks, chiefly of the genus Urosalpinx, that bore holes into the shells of bivalve mollusks. U. cinera is destructive to oysters. ─── 海洋腹足动物海洋腹足纲软体动物,主要指在双壳类软体动物的贝壳上钻孔的骨螺属。该属的尾角螺对牡蛎十分有害

58、A dextral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the right when facing the observer. ─── 从面对观察者的方向看,具有向上顶点的右旋腹足动物壳在右侧有一个开口。

59、Any of various chiefly tropical marine gastropod mollusks of the family Cymatiidae, having a pointed, spirally twisted, often colorfully marked shell. ─── 棱尾螺一种嵌线螺科的大多产于热带的腹足类海洋软体动物,有螺旋形的、顶部很尖的、色彩斑澜的壳

60、Any of various marine gastropod mollusks, chiefly of the genus Urosalpinx, that bore holes into the shells of bivalve mollusks.U. cinera is destructive to oysters. ─── 海洋腹足动物海洋腹足纲软体动物,主要指在双壳类软体动物的贝壳上钻孔的骨螺属。

61、The species found sporadically along Myanmar coastal areas is Melo melo, a gastropod. ─── 此物腹足动物种在缅甸沿海区域MELO偶有发现。

62、Any of numerous marine gastropod mollusks,as of the families Acmaeidae and Patellidae,characteristically having a conical shell and adhering to rocks of tidal areas. ─── 帽贝海生腹足类软体动物的一种,如腹足绵软体动物的帽贝科动物,特征为有锥状壳,在潮汐地区附着在石头上。

63、Took literally minutes of training to get them to do this ,i think i have a talent for gastropod training ? ─── 此相片有备注。将滑鼠放置在相片上方即可查看备注。

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