rectification 发音
英:[,rektɪfɪ'keɪʃən] 美:[,rɛktəfə'keʃən]
英: 美:
rectification 中文意思翻译
rectification 网络释义
n. 改正,矫正;[化工] 精馏;[电] 整流;[数] 求长
rectification 词性/词形变化,rectification变形
rectification 短语词组
1、non-adiabatic rectification ─── [化] 非绝热精馏
2、continuous rectification ─── [化] 连续精馏
3、half wave rectification ─── [电] 半波整流
4、adiabatic rectification ─── [机] 绝热情馏
5、anode rectification ─── [电] 阳极整流
6、biphase rectification ─── [电] 双相整流
7、depletion-layer rectification ─── [电] 空虚层整流
8、barrier-layer rectification ─── [电] 障壁层整流
9、linear rectification ─── [电] 线性整流
10、contact rectification ─── [化] 接触精馏
11、half-wave rectification ─── [医] 半波整流
12、degree of voltage rectification ─── [电] 电压整流度
13、degree of current rectification ─── [电] 卜流整流度
14、full-wave rectification ─── [医] 全波整流
15、conductance for rectification ─── [电] 整流电导率
16、grid rectification ─── [电] 栅极整流法
17、batch rectification ─── [机] 分批精馏
18、efficiency of rectification ─── [电] 整流效率
19、diode rectification ─── [电] 二极管整流
rectification 相似词语短语
1、ratification ─── n.批准;承认,认可
2、reification ─── n.具体化;物化
3、beatification ─── n.受福;列福式;(天主教)宣福礼
4、recodification ─── n.重编码
5、fructification ─── n.果实;结实器官;结果实
6、certification ─── n.证明,鉴定;出具课程结业证书,颁发证书
7、rectifications ─── n.纠正(rectification的复数)
8、prettification ─── n.美化;修饰;装饰
9、recertification ─── n.换发新证
rectification 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Launching Rectification Movement was to strengthen the army"s unanimity in politics, ideology and organization. ─── 开展整风运动以加强军队在政治、思想和组织上的高度统一。
2、Otherwise, repeat the rectification until the concrete base is up to the required standard. ─── 否则,矫正水泥板直至达到本要求。
3、To fully complete the rectification of the milk station clean-up task. ─── 不折不扣地完成奶站清理整顿各项任务。
4、Shanghai, and 32 enterprises with Morrison chemical pollutants outfall for rectification. ─── 并对上海合臣化工厂等32家企业的污染物排放口进行整治。
5、Rectification is necessarily based on extrinsic evidence. ─── 基于外在证据,进行修改是必要的。
6、The Yan'an rectification movement was aimed at solving these problems in order to forge Party-wide unity on the basis of ideological agreement. ─── 延安整风就是解决这些问题,在思想一致的基础上,把全党团结起来。
7、Even the ideology of veterans and senior cadres would change without rectification. ─── 就是老兵,老干部,只要你不整风,他的思想也要起变化。
8、February 20, the Ministry held a "national land market order rectification further teleconference. ─── 2月20日,国土资源部召开“全国进一步治理整顿土地市场秩序电视电话会议”。
9、Synchronous rectification circuitry allows the load current to flow through the low RDS(on) of the DMOS output driver during current decay. ─── 同步整流电路允许负载电流在电流衰减过程中通过DMOS输出驱动器的低RDS(on)流动。
10、Rectification of this fault is achieved by the insertion of a wedge. ─── 嵌入一个楔子就能纠正这一误差。
11、In material, he made full use of the latest achievements in Chinese paleography and archeology in the course rectification. ─── 在材料上,把古文字学和考古学的最新成果运用于训诂实践;
12、Key words: comparators; adjustable threshold voltage; synchronous rectification; reverse currents. ─── 关键词:比较器;阈值可变;同步整流器;输出反向电流
13、We can certainly learn more about Marxism in the course of the rectification movement. ─── 在整风中间,我们一定可以更多地学到一些马克思主义。
14、Synchronous rectification produces a ripple frequency twice that of the excitation frequency and thus is easier to remove with a lowpass filter. ─── 同步稳压产生两倍激励频率纹波频率,因此更容易被低通滤波器去除。
15、Decrease the weld number as possible: Choosing the right thickness of steel plate can reduce the rectification amount after welding! ─── 尽可能的减少焊缝数量:适当选择板壁的厚度,可减少焊后变形矫正量。
16、Stationary anode, double focus, and bridge silicon rectification, The X-ray generator is an oil-immersed self-cooled unit. ─── 固定阳极,双焦点,桥式硅整流,油浸自冷组合式。
17、The long-existed drawbacks such as simple &indigent visage of Chinese oil painting field are now under rectification. ─── 他们广泛吸收现代绘画的形式和观念,进行大胆的艺术试验。
18、Since the rectification movement is so important, why have we failed to practise it over the past year and a half? ─── 整风既然这样重要,为什么一年半的时间,我们还没有整起来呢?
19、Rectification of lordosis can be achieved in fresh fractures with the kyphoplasty technique and, even more efficiently, with the lordoplasty procedure. ─── 在新鲜的骨折中,球囊扩张椎体成型术可以改善脊柱前凸,若实施前凸成型术会更有效。
20、Stationary anode, single focus, and bridge silicon rectification, The X-ray generator is an oil-immersed self-cooled unit. ─── 固定阳极,单焦点,桥式硅整流,油浸自冷组合式。
21、Criteria, time-limits and measures for quality rectification of the imported technology and liabilities for risks; ─── 引进技术达标考核检验的标准、期限、措施及风险责任的承担;
22、Completing the "ocher not open" anti-crime and illegal Green 10.25 hectares and also a moat along the southeast comprehensive rectification. ─── 完成“黄土不露天”整治和拆违还绿10.25公顷及东南护城河沿线的综合整治。
23、Even if there are some problems for reasonable approaches,the rectification should be well supervised. ─── 也不能因为整改路径存在问题而回避对火灾隐患整改的监督。
24、Comrade Mao Zedong's call for rectification is, of course, not a shot in the dark; it is precisely directed against our weaknesses. ─── 毛泽东同志号召整风当然不是无的放矢,而正是针对着我们的弱点提出来的,是一针见血的指示。
25、Creation of Half- controlled Bridge Rectification Circuit and Motor-. ─── 三相桥式半控整流。
26、Aren't we in the midst of a Party rectification movement? ─── 不是在整党吗?
27、Short-cut methods are prerequisite for the fast evaluation of alternative design methods in rectification process. ─── 在精馏设计过程中,简捷法是对所提供的方案进行快速估算的先决条件。
28、It shall make suggestions on rectification to the principal of the maritime administrative agency. ─── 应当向海事管理机构负责人提出建议,予以改正。
29、Comrade Peng Dehuai said that anyone who does not take part in the rectification movement will not understand its importance. ─── 彭德怀同志说:没有自身参加整风的人,是不会认识整风的重要的。
30、Today I shall speak about rectification, a matter concerning the entire Party. ─── 今天我讲讲整风问题。这是个全党的问题。
31、The audit team that does not need rectification case, is ready to begin the formal certification audit. ─── 审中审核小组认为不需要整改的个案,则可以开始准备正式的认证审核。
32、Historical Experience in Rectification and Party Consolidation in the Early of the Foundins of P. R.C. ─── 建国初期整风整党的历史经验。
33、Land market rectification can not relax. ─── 土地市场治理整顿不能松懈。
34、With the analysis of the harmonic current and power factor of Rectification set of Mine Hoist,the way of filter design is introduced. ─── 分析国内某矿井提升机整流供电系统网侧谐波电流和功率因数情况,介绍滤波器设计的方法。
35、Anyone who has examined his own work will surely realize the need for the rectification movement. ─── 凡是反省了一下自己工作的人,一定会懂得我们不整风是不行的。
36、One may attune to such counsels for rectification in karmic disputes, or for greater understanding of one's spiritual purpose and life lessons. ─── 你可以为整顿业力纠纷或为了更好地理解你的灵性目的和生命课程而向这个计划调谐。
37、To review and verify the reports on the rectification of related financial institutions. ─── 负责审核有关金融机构整改报告的具体工作。
38、This effect, in analogy to its radiofrequency counterpart , is known as optical rectification. ─── 同它的射频对应物相仿,这种现象称为光学整流。
39、The Director awards an artificial adjusted score if no rectification can be made that will permit normal play of the board (see C2 below). ─── 当一副牌局任何判罚后都不能正常继续进行时(参见本条C2),裁判将判人为调整分。
40、Russia trade environment rectification measures in place, reducing the size of the market trade, foreign trade to become normal. ─── 俄整顿贸易环境的措施到位,压缩市场贸易的规模,使对外贸易走向正常。
41、If we had a full understanding of the importance of the rectification movement, we would try to overcome the difficulties by all possible means. ─── 只要我们充分认识整风的重要,就会想一切办法去克服困难.
42、Do not meet requirements for, shall be ordered to make rectification within a time limit. ─── 对于不符合要求的,责令限期整改。
43、To fail to perform a judge's duty, and make no rectification after criticism. ─── 不履行法官义务,经教育仍不改正的。
44、The application of plant membrane filter in brine rectification was introduced. ─── 介绍了种植膜过滤设备在盐水精制过程中的使用情况。
45、Reasons of fast fuse action break many times and changeover moves of 11000 kVA integration rectification power units were introduced. ─── 分析了11000kVA一体化整流电源装置多次发生的快速熔断器元件碎裂现象的原因。
46、At the same time, the province will carry out inspection of food safety and food safety special rectification activities. ─── 同时,将进一步在全省开展食品安全大检查和食品安全专项整治活动。
47、And to carry out the necessary rectification works in order to prevent the problem of building neglect, as well as put in place support measures. ─── 宇和窗户,以及进行所需的维修工程,防止楼宇日久失修,并推出配套支援措施。
48、Propping transverse loading pushing ap-proach was applied in the deviation rectification course. ─── 在纠倾过程中采用了顶升纠倾横向加载推进法。
49、Good maintenance reduces the need for and frequency of costly rectification works, thus translating into long-term cost savings for the owners. ─── 大厦保养良好,进行昂贵维修工程的需要也会相应减少。长远来说,业主可节省开支。
50、Anyone who has studied the Party's history will fully realize the importance of the rectification movement. ─── 凡是研究了一下党史的人,一定会深感整风的重要性。
51、No rectification or redress is due to a player who acts on the basis of his own misunderstanding. ─── 牌手因本身误解作出的叫牌,无权提出修正或改正。
52、Charging projects through checking up and rectification shall be published and put under the supervision of the masses. ─── 对清理整顿后的收费项目,要向社会公布,接受群众监督。
53、Units of legal affairs: procurator, amanuensis, forensic physician, inspector, bailiff, investigator, rectification personnel, and guard. ─── 四法务单位:检察官、书记官、法医师、检验员、法警、调查人员、矫正人员及驻卫警。
54、Based on the principle of multivariate statistical analysis, the theoretical model of data rectification was developed. ─── 基于多元统计分析基本原理,建立了数据校正的基本模型;
55、Because many people labelled as rightists not only clearly weren't, but it's also clearly written that they didn't receive rectification. ─── 因为有很多人被打成右派不仅不了了之,而且是明着写的不予改正。
56、Epipolar rectification in trinocular vision images[J]. ─── 引用该论文 李秀智,张广军.
57、A kind of low flyback power converter employing synchronous rectification technique is designed and a typical example is introduced. ─── 介绍了一种变压器副边有抽头的有源箝位正反激电路,详细分析了它的工作原理。
58、Separation of n-heptane from benzene by extractive rectification with salted liquid was studied.Salted dimethylformamide(DMF)was chosen as extractant. ─── 以含盐二甲基甲酰胺溶剂为萃取剂,利用加盐萃取精馏方法对苯-正庚烷的分离进行研究。
59、The methanol rectification process was introduced and the process of adding alkali or not was compared. ─── 对甲醇精馏过程进行了阐述,并对过程加碱与不加碱作以比较说明。
60、Based on these works, a rectification movement was launched. ─── 在这个基础上,又搞了整风运动。
61、If it is a single card below the rank of an honour and not prematurely led, there is no further rectification. ─── 如果是一张单一的非大牌牌张并且没有乱引,则不需进一步修正。
62、Using image software to fill the colors in contour map,the DTM is established,then the zonal rectification of the photographic map can be made. ─── 利用图象软件对等高线图填色 ,生成数字地面模型后 ,再对调绘片进行分带纠正。
63、If they want to practice bourgeois great democracy, I will propose a rectification, that is, ideological remoulding. ─── 你要搞资产阶级大民主,我就提出整风,就是思想改造。
64、As this term of the Party School begins, the rectification movement is commencing throughout the Taihang area. ─── 在这次党校开学的同时,全太行区开始整风运动。
65、Payments received from insurers shall be used for the rectification of the loss or damage. ─── 从承保人处得到的赔偿金应用于修复和弥补上述损失或损害。
66、Catalytic rectification process will play an important role in improving technology level and economic benefits in esterification product industries. ─── 催化精馏技术应用于酯化行业生产,对提高酯化行业的技术水平和经济效益具有积极意义。
67、Those who are suitable for rectification are sent to the city's major hospitals to receive the operation. ─── 凡是适应手术矫治的,送市内各大医院进行手术。
68、This is a fundamental issue that, above all, comrades must come to understand in the rectification movement. ─── 同志们在整风中间,首先要认识这一个根本问题。
69、The enterprise shall report the rectification progress to the said local inspection and quarantine bureau within the prescribed time limit. ─── 出口食品生产企业应当在限期内将整改情况报告受理申请的直属检验检疫局。
70、The "Three Improvements" meant organizational consolidation, ideological education and rectification of style of work. ─── 三整,是指整顿组织、整顿思想、整顿作风。
71、If the registration matters of equity pledge are inaccurate due to its own reason, the Registration Organs shall timely make rectification. ─── 因自身原因导致股权出质登记事项记载错误的,登记机关应当及时予以更正。
72、After the camera rectification intrinsic and extrinsic parameters are obtained based on the relationship between the homograph and absolute conic. ─── 在照相机改变本质和非固有的叁数之后是获得基于同形异义字和绝对的圆锥之间的关系。
73、Influence of aluminum as deoxidizant on measurement in emission spectral analysis and its rectification. ─── 发射光谱分析中脱氧剂铝对测定的影响与修正。
74、A novel CO2laser power supply of composite AC preionization with double voltage and full-wave rectification[J]. ─── 引用该论文 吕惠宾,周岳亮,崔大复,陆斌,陈正豪,顾世杰,谢苑林.
75、The next step is to obtain the negative parts of the signal via the reverse process of the HWR (Half Wave Rectification) stage.Finally the func... ─── ‘一“],并表现出较好的性能,目前这方面的 研究正进一步深入之中。
76、Even after the right to rectification has been forfeited under this Law, the Director may assess a procedural penalty (see Law 90). ─── 即使根据规则处罚权丧失后,裁判也可对其进行程序性判罚(参见第90条)。
77、To fail to perform a public procurator's duty, and make no rectification after criticism. ─── 不履行检察官义务,经教育仍不改正的。
78、In order to enable ordinary recognition software to recognize the digital document images, it is necessary to carry out their geometric rectification. ─── 为了使普通的识别软件能够对数码相机等拍摄的文档图像进行识别,有必要对其进行几何校正。
79、For a time the effect of the cause is delayed until finally rectification is seen forth. ─── 一段时间以来,致因的结果被延迟直到最终被看到纠正。
80、Just as we must take a serious and resolute attitude towards bad tendencies, persons and practices during the Party's rectification movement. ─── 如同在整党中对于错误倾向和坏人坏事
81、Among them, the Yenan rectification is an important period in its developing process. ─── 其中,延安整风就是其发展过程中一个非常重要的时期。
82、We will still need a rectification campaign at the proper time. ─── 在以后一个适当时间,还要进行整风。
83、When the company expands in businesses and geographically, Mr.Wu thought it was time to coordinate its development and internal rectification. ─── 当公司的行业及地域跨度越来越大的时候,吴总觉得公司需要在发展速度和内部整合方面进行合理的协调。
84、Basing on the contrastively analysis to the existing EDC's rectification flow of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical co. ─── 一般认为,减少蒸汽消耗是EDC精制工段的主要节能手段。
85、To be responsible for the rectification and closure of coal mines. ─── 负责指导煤矿整顿关闭工作。
86、For some hotels, Hilton will have to be substantial to meet the rectification of the Hilton brand requirements. ─── 对有些旅馆,希尔顿必须对它们进行大幅度的整改以符合希尔顿的品牌要求。
87、In short, we must make a success of the current rectification movement, so that our Party will become a militant Marxist party. ─── 总之,我们一定要搞好这次整党,把我们党建设成为有战斗力的马克思主义政党,
88、The process of producing a shift of the average value is called rectification. ─── 产生平均值移动的过程叫做整流。
89、A rotating commutator on the dc machine, used as an exciter, was a common means for achieving rectification in the past. ─── 在过去,直流励磁机上的旋转整流子是用作整流的普遍措施。
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