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09-13 投稿


Gothicize 发音

英:[[ˈɡɒθɪsaɪz]]  美:[[ˈɡɑθɪˌsaɪz]]

英:  美:

Gothicize 中文意思翻译



Gothicize 词性/词形变化,Gothicize变形

Gothicize 相似词语短语

1、Gothicizer ─── 戈提西泽

2、to ethicize ─── 伦理化

3、Gothicise ─── v.使哥特化;使成为哥特式

4、Gothicize ─── vt.使成为哥特式;使外表具中世纪特征

5、Gothicised ─── 戈提

6、mythicize ─── v.视为神话;使成为神话;从神话的意义上解释

7、Gothicizes ─── 哥特人

8、ethicize ─── vt.使……伦理化;使……有道德

9、Gothicized ─── 哥特化

Gothicize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He subsequently dotted England and Ireland with castles, houses, and cottages in Gothic or Italianate style. ─── 后来他在英格兰和爱尔兰各地建了哥德式或义大利风格的城堡、住宅和村舍。

2、For some of these events, the tops of the magnetic loops showed a curious cusp, giving them the pointed appearance of a Gothic arch, rather than presenting the usual rounded peak. ─── 在一些日焰现象中,磁场环圈顶部显现出神奇的尖端,看起来就像是有尖顶的哥德式拱门,而非一般常见的圆顶。

3、Venetian Gothic palazzo, whose canal is the narrow lawn separating it from its cast-iron fence. ─── 一个威尼斯哥特式宫殿,其运河由一条狭窄的草坪用铁栅栏分割开来。

4、There was for example Charles Brockden Brown, with his brief spate of Gothic novels. ─── 例如查尔斯·布罗克登·布朗,在一个短时间内写过不少种怪小说。

5、Black letter: A type style based upon a style of handwriting popular in the fifteenth century. Also called Gothic. ─── 古黑体:一种仿十五世纪时浒的手写字体而设计的印刷字体。亦称哥德体。

6、They are semi-circular or segmental and on a square plan, unlike the Gothic vault which is frequently rectangular. ─── 他们是半圆或弓形的,位于一个方形平面中,不同于通常为矩形的哥特式拱顶。

7、An arch that is foliated in the Gothic style. ─── 一座按哥特式风格饰以叶形装饰的拱门

8、His work is representative of the Sienese Gothic style. ─── 他是锡耶纳的哥特式绘画的代表人物。

9、She put coral paint in the panels of the Strawberry Hill Gothic hall. ─── 她把珊瑚画放在草莓山哥特式走廊墙上的镶板中。

10、In such particulars Poe hardly differs from the mass of sensational writers who used the trappings of the Gothic Novel. ─── 在这种细节上,坡和套用神怪小说手法,哗众取宠的作家没有什么不同。

11、British-born American architect who was a leader of the Gothic revival. His designs include Trinity Church in New York City(1846). ─── 厄普约翰,理查德1802-1878生于英国的美国建筑师,为哥特风格复兴中的一位执牛耳的人物。他的设计包括纽约城的三位一体教堂(1846年)

12、As a result, the end of the Gothic timeline overlaps with both the Italian and the Northern Renaissance timelines. ─── 哥特时期在意大利与北部文艺复兴的到来而最终终止。

13、The Shanghai International Church is a modern Gothic building made of wood and bricks. ─── 上海的国际礼拜堂是一座近代哥德式的砖木结构的建筑。

14、 双语使用场景

15、Of or relating to an architectural style derived from medieval Gothic. ─── 哥特式建筑的源于中世纪哥特式建筑风格的

16、Obverse blade features the inscription in raised gothic letters, "Dem Scheidenden Bezirksadjutant Oberleutnant Buchholz vom Inf. ─── 叶片背面特征刻在提出哥特字母,财务部长。

17、Gothic architecture is most familiar as the architecture of many of the great cathedrals, abbeys and parish churches of Europe. ─── 哥特式建筑是最熟悉的,作为建筑的许多伟大的教堂,修道院和教区教堂的欧洲。

18、GOTHIC_ BUTTRESSES_ DESC; Gothic construction, particularly in its later phase, is characterized by lightness and soaring spaces. ─── 哥特式建筑,尤其是其发展的后期,以轻灵和高耸的尖顶为标志。

19、Its walls are built of coral, and the long, gothic windows are of he clearest amber. ─── 不过屋顶上却铺着黑色的蚌壳,它们随着水的流动可以自动地开合。

20、Gothic: a style of architecture originated in N. ─── 哥特式的:用以指一种在11世纪兴起与法国北部,12至16世纪常见于西欧之建筑风格。

21、The town's Gothic castle was reconstructed in High Gothic style in the late15 th century. ─── 城镇的哥特式城堡在15世纪晚期用新哥特式风格重建起来。

22、Through Fminist Study, we think it must be redefined to be the Gothic novel which the female writes and presents the female consciousness. ─── 从女性文学的角度来看,女性哥特的定义应该修改为:女性作家创作的、表征了女性意识的哥特小说。

23、Probably the most famous Gothic cathedral, Notre-Dame is a superb example of the Rayonnant style. ─── 可能是最著名的哥德式大教堂,也是辐射式风格的杰出范例。

24、Horror, backwardness and mystery feature in Gothic literature while Keats's poetry mainly demonstrates the poet's pursuit for Beauty. ─── 哥特文学的特征是野蛮、恐惧、落后和神秘,而济慈诗歌的主旋律是对美的追求。

25、Interview with the Vampire. Anne Rice. The novel that took the gothic mystique of the vampire into the nights of modern San Francisco. ─── 将有关吸血鬼的哥德式的神秘带进现代旧金山的夜晚的小说。

26、The official name for the Gothic tower in which Big Ben nestles is St Stephen's Tower. ─── 在1962年,由于雪花不断堆积,使得新年钟声比正常时间晚响了10分钟。

27、Jean dislikes Gothic art because it feels too religious. ─── 吉不喜欢哥特风格的作品,因为它们的宗教色彩太浓。

28、A cathedral of the Gothic order. ─── 哥特式建筑风格的教堂

29、Tin cans glittered in the sun.The road led past the first houses to a church.The church was a Gothic monument of shingles painted pigeon blue. ─── 三个月后,他回到了纽约,却发现科特兰德政府居家工程的设计早已被改得面目全非了。

30、The thick black glasses added to the dark gothic look, with her fashion forward black lace dress and warm duffel coat. ─── 厚厚的墨镜,加上她引领潮流的黑色蕾丝裙子和温暖的粗呢外套,增添了黑暗哥特的造型感。

31、They awarded premiums to all the best Gothic designs. ─── 他们给所有最好的哥特式设计予优惠。

32、On Easter Sunday, March 26, 1967, we went to church in the Duke Chapel, a grand Gothic church. ─── 1967年3月26日,这是个复活节礼拜日,我们一起前往一座宏伟的哥特式建筑风格的杜克教堂做礼拜。

33、American artist noted for his paintings based on life in the Midwest, especially American Gothic(1930). ─── 伍德,格兰特1892-1942美国艺术家,其以中西部生活为基础的画而著名,尤指美国哥德人(1930年)

34、The Cathedral From 1562, imperial coronations took place within this gothic cathedral. ─── 从1562年开始皇帝的加冕仪式就在这座哥特式教堂里举行。

35、Perpendicular style: Phase of late Gothic architecture in England roughly parallel in time to the French Flamboyant style. ─── 垂直式风格:英格兰晚期哥德式建筑的一个阶段,在时间上约略与法国的火焰式风格相平行。

36、It can pull all gothic and industrial crowds together into a surreal unification on dance floors world wide. ─── 它能够将全世界的哥特和工业乐迷都吸引到同一个超现实的舞池中。

37、Thus Gothic Paris was complete only for a moment. ─── 因此,峨特艺术风格的巴黎,完整无缺的时间只是一刹那而已。

38、Black letter A type style based upon a style of handwriting popular in the fifteenth century. Also called Gothic. ─── 一种仿十五世纪时浒的手写字体而设计的印刷字体。亦称哥德体。

39、It combines the Renaissance conception of a centrally planned church with older forms deriving from Gothic groin vaults. ─── 它把文艺复兴时期的中央教堂风格与源于哥特式建筑的穹形天花板特色和谐地结合在了一起。

40、The original Gothic style window pockets and the sculpted wooden staircase. ─── 保留了原建筑中的具哥特建筑特征的窗套和雕饰精美的木楼梯。

41、Gothic metal with female lead vocals. ─── 女性主唱的哥特金属。

42、St George's Chapel is one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in England. ─── 在英格兰,圣乔治礼拜堂是哥特式建筑最杰出的范例之一。

43、Under the obvious influence of Walpole and other writers, Poe assimilates the conventions of Gothic horror. ─── 在沃波尔及其他作家的明显影响下,坡吸收了哥特式小说的传统手法。

44、In the Lower Town, Gothic architecture coexists with mosques, public baths and other buildings dating from the Ottoman period. ─── 下城不但有哥特式建筑,也有清真寺,公共浴池及其它奥托曼时期的建筑。

45、Stare in amazement at the Gothic buildings from Europe's past. ─── 以惊奇的眼光欣赏欧洲古老的哥德式建筑。

46、Perpendicular style: Phase of late Gothic architecture in England roughly parallel in time to the French Flamboyant style. ─── 垂直式风格:英格兰晚期哥德式建筑的一个阶段,在时间上约略与法国的火焰式风格相平行。

47、The Middle Age is a period in which Classical,Hebrew and Gothic heritages merged. ─── 中世纪是古典文化、希伯莱文化和哥特文化的相互融合时期。

48、Decoration of an opening with cusps and foils, as in Gothic tracery. ─── 叶状饰开口处装饰以尖叶或叶箔,象哥特建式筑中的花饰窗格子

49、Of or relating to a style of English Gothic architecture of the14th and15th centuries, characterized by emphasis of the vertical element. ─── 哥特式的与14和15世纪英国哥特式建筑风格的,或与之有关的,以强调垂直部分为特点

50、Other late Gothic styles include the British Perpendicular style and the French and Spanish Flamboyant style . ─── 其它哥德式晚期风格包括英国的垂直式风格和法国、西班牙的火焰式风格。

51、She was enthusiastically praising the beauties of Gothic architecture. ─── 她正热情地赞颂着哥特式建筑的美。

52、A diagonal rib of a Gothic vault. ─── 哥特式穹顶的对角拱柱

53、The use or imitation of Gothic style, as in architecture. ─── 哥特式建筑上使用哥特式风格或仿哥特式风格

54、A curvilinear, often lobelike figure or space formed between the cusps of intersecting arcs, found especially in Gothic tracery and Moorish ornament. ─── 叶形饰在尖顶的交叉拱门之间的一块曲线的、常为裂片状的空间,在哥特式的窗花格交织线条和马蹄型拱的装饰上尤为多见

55、Situated on the banks of the Vltava river, the town was built around a13 th-century castle with Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque elements. ─── 克鲁姆洛夫历史中心位于瓦尔塔瓦河畔,整个城镇围绕着一个13世纪建造的带有哥特式、艺复兴式以及巴洛克式风格的城堡展开。

56、The novel also utilizes two literary traditions, the Bildungsroman and the Gothic novel, to great effect. ─── 书中善用两种传统小说体:成长体和歌德体。

57、It is no longer a Romanesque church; nor is it a Gothic church. ─── 它已不属于罗曼风格,也还不是峨特风格。

58、Stranger: Which band was a support for you in Bratislava ? Likely Last Days of Jesus ? They are pretty famous gothic band from Slovakia... ─── 哪支乐队在博拉蒂斯拉瓦给你们暖场?可能是耶稣的最后日子吗?他们是斯洛伐克非常有名的哥特乐队。。。

59、Situated on the banks of the Vltava river, the town was built around a 13th-century castle with Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque elements. ─── 克鲁姆洛夫历史中心位于瓦尔塔瓦河畔,整个城镇围绕着一个13世纪建造的带有哥特式、文艺复兴式以及巴洛克式风格的城堡展开。

60、A millennium later, when the great gothic cathedrals were rising across Europe, grave robbers plundered the underground tombs for relics. ─── 千年后,当伟大的哥特式教堂的上升横跨欧洲,严重强盗搜刮地下墓葬遗址。

61、The short list of forms he encountered included: "fairy shrimps, Aztec temples, Gothic church windows, and aboriginal drawings of kangaroos. ─── 他所碰到的少数几种形态包括:“仙女虾,阿兹特克神庙,哥特式教堂窗户,土著人的袋鼠壁画。”

62、And at the exit, Angela Carter's words, “We live in gothic times”, are emblazoned on the wall. ─── 卡特的名言“我们生活在哥特式时代”也赫然在目。

63、I'm exceptionally inclined towards the use of sans serif such as “Century Gothic”, “eurofurence”, “trebuchet ms” etc. ─── 对我而言,字体的择选、排版便是一幅作品的美感所在。

64、Towers were an important feature of churches and cathedrals Built in the Romanesque and Gothic periods. ─── 塔是罗马式和哥德式时期建造的教堂和大教堂的重要特征。

65、Its walls are built of coral, and the long, gothic windows are of. ─── 城堡的墙是用珊瑚砌成的,它那些哥特式的长窗是琥珀做成的。

66、Notre Dame is France's tallest cathedral and is a classic model of the French Gothic style of architecture. ─── 它是法国最高的教堂,也是法国哥特式建筑样板。

67、The former cathedral in Utrecht is one of the first Gothic churches in the Netherlands, construction of it having started in 1254. ─── 前大教堂在乌得勒支是其中一个第一个哥特式教会在荷兰,1254年建筑它开始。

68、Oh, I'm quite particular about book size and price, and I'd like to avoid that dreadful Gothic typeface your children's books usually have. ─── 噢,我相当挑剔书的尺寸和价格,我想避免那种可怕的哥德式字体,你们的童书通常都采用那种。

69、Varma, Devendra p., The Gothic Flame, Metuchen. N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1987,p174, p19. ─── 姚乃强.福克纳研究的新趋向.外国文学评论,1993年第1期,第23页.

71、And Wuthering Heights shows a Gothic writing style,which stems from the Bible. ─── 《呼啸山庄》表现的是一种来源于圣经的哥特式创作风格。

72、The white border for use with the black waffenfarbe was instituted 21 August 1937. Gothic letters indicate a unit that existed prior to mobilization. ─── 使用的白色边和黑色兵种色在1937年8月21日设立。哥特字母表示动员以前存在的单位。

73、The use or imitation of Gothic style,as in architecture. ─── 哥特式建筑上使用哥特式风格或仿哥特式风格。

74、The word “Gothic” originates from Goths, a Germanic tribe that invaded the Roman Empire in the third and the fourth century. ─── 到18世纪中后期,“哥特”一词又成为一种新的小说体裁的名称。

75、However, these edifices of the transition from the Romanesque to the Gothic, are no less precious for study than the pure types. ─── 再说,从罗曼风格到峨特风格的这类过渡建筑物也值得好好研究,绝不亚于那种纯一的建筑类型。

76、Late Gothic (15th-century) architecture reached its height in Germany's vaulted hall churches. ─── 哥德式晚期(15世纪)建筑在德国的拱形厅堂式教堂中达到高峰。

77、What have they given us in exchange for all this,for this great page of Gallic history,for all this Gothic art? ─── 为了代替这一切,代替这整个高卢历史,代替这全部峨特艺术,人家塞给了我们什么名堂呢?

78、"She was enthusiastically praising the beauties of Gothic architecture" (Francis Marion Crawford). ─── “她正热情地赞颂着哥特式建筑的美” (弗朗西斯·马里恩·克劳福德)。

79、Viewers are overloaded with mawkish pictures that the curators call "Gothic gloomth", borrowing a phrase from Horace Walpole. ─── 众多索然无味的绘画充斥着观众的视野,美术馆长们引用贺瑞斯·沃波尔的一条成语,把这些画称作“哥特式晦暗”。

80、If Jackson's problem was a sort of hypochondria, it was on an ambitious and Gothic scale. ─── 如果说杰克逊的问题是因为某种强迫症所致,那么其程度无疑是极其严重、骇人听闻的。

81、Unfortunately,hardly anything remains of these monuments, where Gothic art combined with so just a balance, richness and economy. ─── 峨特艺术恰好不偏不倚地在华丽与简朴之间保持了平衡,不幸的是这些文物几乎已荡然无存了。

82、A darker, gothic, cryptic and creepier environment. ─── 一个更黑暗、哥特式的、隐秘的、更阴森的环境。

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