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09-15 投稿


encystment 发音

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encystment 中文意思翻译



encystment 短语词组

1、encystment bandcamp ─── 集训班

2、encystment o ─── 百科全书

3、encystment biology ─── 百科全书生物学

4、encystment def ─── 百科全书定义

5、encystment micro ─── 微百科全书

6、encystment band ─── 包埋带

encystment 相似词语短语

1、enlistment ─── n.征募,应征入伍;服兵役期限

2、incrustment ─── 水垢

3、encasement ─── n.[交]装箱;套;包装

4、entrustment ─── n.委托,托付;信托

5、encasements ─── n.[交]装箱;套;包装

6、encrustments ─── n.结壳;装饰外层;皮层

7、encrustment ─── n.结壳;装饰外层;皮层

8、encashment ─── n.兑现

9、enchantment ─── n.魅力;魔法;着迷;妖术

encystment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Encyst on vegetation and eaten by host ─── 囊蚴附着植物上被宿主吃掉

2、Methods: the coiled shapes of Trichinella isolated ML were observed under microscopes, then the lengths and widths of ML encystment (encysted index) were measured at random by micrometer. ─── 方法:镜下观察旋毛虫幼虫卷曲状态,用测微尺随机测量囊包长、宽。

3、Methods:The coiled shapes of Trichinella isolated ML were observed under microscopes,then the lengths and widths of ML encystment(encysted index)were measured at random by micrometer. ─── 方法:镜下观察旋毛虫幼虫卷曲状态,用测微尺随机测量囊包长、宽。

4、changes of IF-NM system and protein composition after encystment reveal that gene expression of resting cell is different from that of vegetative cell. ─── 而纤毛虫形成休眠细胞后中间纤维-核骨架体系及蛋白组成上的变化提示,细胞在休眠状态下,基因的表达水平与营养细胞是不同的。

5、Six months for the projectile to encyst before the knees can be opened safely. ─── 有六个月时间让弹片结成胞囊,在膝头上动手术才能安全。

6、These motile spores may encyst in adverse conditions or may be the means by which a fungus or parasitic protoctist penetrates a new host. ─── 在不利环境中,游动孢子被包在囊内,当真菌或寄生的原核细胞穿透新寄主时游动孢子被释放出来。

7、Keywords Trichinella larvae;encystment;morphometrics; ─── 旋毛虫幼虫;囊包;形态;

8、treponemal encystment ─── 密螺旋体包囊形成

9、Effect of 8 fungal fermented filtrates on mycelial growth, encystment and germination of zoospores, appressorium formation, and penetration hyphae formation of Phytophthora infestans was investigated. ─── 测定了8种真菌发酵液在5种不同浓度下对致病疫霉菌丝生长、游动孢子静止、静止胞萌发、附着胞形成和侵入丝形成等不同阶段的影响。

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