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09-15 投稿



vaccine 发音

英:[ˈvæksiːn]  美:[væk'sin]

英:  美:

vaccine 中文意思翻译



vaccine 词性/词形变化,vaccine变形


vaccine 短语词组

1、antismallpox vaccine ─── [化] 抗天花血清

2、bacterial vaccine ─── [医] 菌苗

3、autopenous vaccine ─── [医] 自体菌苗

4、aqueous vaccine ─── [医] 液体菌苗, 液体疫苗

5、Calmette's vaccine ─── [医] 卡介苗

6、autosensitized vaccine ─── [医] 自体致敏菌苗

7、Danysz vaccine ─── [医] 丹尼什氏菌苗(用肠内多种细菌制成的菌苗)

8、aluminum hydroxide absorbed pertussis vaccine ─── [医] 氢氧化铝吸附百日咳菌苗

9、Besredka's vaccine ─── [医] 别兹列德卡氏菌苗, 敏感菌苗

10、attenuated poliomyelitis vaccine ─── [医] 减毒脊髓灰质炎病毒疫苗

11、alum precipitated pertussis vaccine ─── [医] 明矾沉淀百日咳菌苗

12、antismallpex vaccine ─── [机] 抗天花血清

13、BCG vaccine ─── [医] 卡介苗

14、computer vaccine ─── [计] 计算机疫苗

15、bovine vaccine ─── [医] 牛痘苗

16、brucella vaccine ─── [医] 波状热菌苗

17、Castaneda's vaccine ─── [医] 卡斯塔涅达氏疫苗, 鼠肺立克次氏体疫苗

18、bili-vaccine ─── [医] 胆汁菌苗

19、Cox vaccine ─── [医] 柯克斯氏疫苗(卵黄囊斑疹伤寒立克次氏体疫苗)

vaccine 相似词语短语

1、vaccinee ─── 已接种牛痘者,受(疫苗)接种者

2、vaccinia ─── n.[兽医]牛痘

3、accite ─── vt.引用;召集;鼓起

4、vaccinal ─── adj.疫苗的,接种的

5、Racine ─── n.拉辛(姓氏)

6、vaccines ─── n.[药][计]疫苗

7、vaccinate ─── vi.接种疫苗;vt.给…注射疫苗;n.被接种牛痘者

8、accinge ─── 会计

9、vaccinees ─── 受(疫苗)接种者,已接种牛痘者

vaccine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Gastropathy vaccine industry in the issue of cold retreat. ─── 公司在胃病疫苗产业化问题上临阵退缩。”

2、Young Norwegian woman dies after getting the "swine flu" vaccine. ─── 年青挪威女人在注射猪流感疫苗后死亡。

3、For meningococcal vaccine, the revaccination interval is 5 years. ─── * 对于脑膜炎球菌疫苗,施打间隔是5年。


5、Now there's a vaccine for measles. ─── 如今已经有麻疹疫苗。

6、People will take vaccine as a drug that contains the powder. ─── 人们将通过服用含有这种粉末的药物的形式来接种疫苗。

7、At present, no widely approved vaccine exists for malaria. ─── 目前没有被广泛认可的疟疾疫苗。

8、Half received the vaccine. The other half received a placebo, an inactive substance. The volunteers did not know which they were getting. ─── 有一半人接种了疫苗,另一半则只注射了无用的安慰剂。但志愿者们并不知道他们接种的是何种物质。

9、Dr Nochi's genetic engineering involved growing the vaccine in rice. ─── 博士的基因工程旨研究在大米中培养疫苗。

10、Will the vaccine be useless if the virus mutates? ─── 如果病毒突变,疫苗会失效吗?

11、Researchers around the world are collaborating to develop a new vaccine. ─── 世界各地的研究人员正在合作培育一种新的疫苗。

12、The smallpox vaccine has saved many lives. ─── 天花疫苗挽救了许多人的生命。

13、Last week, the United States Department of Agriculture announced that it had approved the first vaccine for it. ─── 上周,美国农业部宣布通过了首批疫苗。

14、BTW, I Am so envious!I took MMR vaccine 2 weeks ago. ─── 我身体很好,术后28天和原先月经一样很准时来了。

15、A monovalent vaccine;a monovalent serum. ─── 单抗原疫苗;单抗原血清

16、Are there any precautions when administering this new vaccine for my child? ─── 为儿童接种新疫苗前需注意哪些事项?

17、Did vaccine cause SIDS in those child ? ─── (该疫苗是否导致了这些孩子的新生儿悴死症?

18、Can a lyophilized vaccine be preserved below freezing point? ─── 冷冻乾燥疫苗可以冷冻保存吗?

19、Those cases, however, were caused by the polio vaccine itself. ─── 但是,这些病例是由小儿麻痹疫苗本身引起的。

20、Finding a vaccine for Plasmodium has been an elusive goal. ─── 寻找防治疟原虫的疫苗,一直是个难于达到的目标。

21、Researchers around the world are collaborating to develop a new vaccine. ─── 世界各地的研究人员正在合作培育一种新的疫苗。

22、An oral thermometer;an oral vaccine. ─── 口用体温计;口服菌苗

23、Chinese scientists began their research on bird flu vaccine in 2005. ─── 2005年中国科学家们开始研制禽流感疫苗。

24、This vaccine will give you immunity for two years. ─── 接种这种疫苗可有两年免疫力。

25、new vaccine will take priority over all other medical research. ─── 新的疫苗将排在其他一切医学研究之前。

26、They will not have enough time to identify it and produce a vaccine. ─── 他们将没有足够的时间来鉴定新型流感和生产疫苗。

27、The quantity of a vaccine, serum, drug, or other agent necessary to produce a specific effect. ─── 剂量需要产生特定效应的疫苗、浆液、药物或其他剂的量

28、Taking a vaccine as a precaution against contracting a disease. ─── 接种疫苗以避免感染疾

29、Why we need to use the new vaccine? ─── 为甚么要选用新疫苗呢?

30、A But Doctor Fauci said the search for an AIDS vaccine will not stop. ─── 但是法齐博士说艾滋病疫苗的研究将不会停止。

31、We hope then to use the antibody as a vaccine against this blocking action . ─── 我们希望以后能将这种抗体作为对抗这种阻滞作用的疫苗。

32、Both cases however were caused by polio vaccine itself. ─── 但是,这些病例都是由疫苗本身引起的。

33、In 1983 the first rotavirus vaccine was ready for testing. ─── 到了1983年,第一个轮状病毒疫苗已准备就绪,可进行试验。

34、He fell ill of measles so that all his colleagues need to take a vaccine. ─── 他得了麻疹,因此他的同事都需要接种疫苗。

35、Is there a human vaccine to protect from swine influenza? ─── 是否有人用疫苗来保护免于感染猪流感病毒?

36、Antigenic concentration and vaccine dose are also important, as side effect. ─── 抗原含量以及疫苗剂量和副作用都是同等重要的。

37、But there is till no vaccine or cure for the disease. ─── 但该疾病仍没有疫苗和无法治疗。

38、New Way to Grow Virus May Speed Vaccine. ─── 新方法培养病毒,疫苗生产加速。

39、The new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months. ─── 新疫苗三个月内根除疾病的所有症状。

40、The search for a new vaccine take priority over all other medical research. ─── 在各种医药研究中,应首先解决寻找新疫苗的问题。

41、Others hits what vaccine wants is this result. ─── 别人打疫苗要的就是这个结果。

42、But doctor S Fauci said the search for an AIDS vaccine would will not stop. ─── 不过佛西医生说,AIDS疫苗的研究不会停止。

43、His vaccine for polio eradicated one of the world's worst plagues. ─── 他根除小儿麻痹症疫苗是世界上最坏的瘟疫。

44、In the world has the prevention AIDS virus the vaccine? ─── 世上有预防艾滋病毒的疫苗吗?

45、Is an Effective HIV Vaccine Feasible? ─── 好使的艾滋病疫苗,能搞出来不?

46、The World Health Organization will provide technical aid with the new vaccine. ─── 世界卫生和健康组织将向新疫苗计划提供技术支持。

47、These authorities carefully examine the known and suspected risks and benefits of any vaccine prior to its licensing. ─── 为授予疫苗许可,这些机构会严格审核已知或可能的风险与益处。

48、To prevent polio, the Sabin vaccine uses a weakened form of the virus. ─── 为了预防脑灰质炎,沙宾疫苗使用的是虚弱的病毒。

49、There is a acellular pertussis vaccine. ─── 无细胞百日咳疫苗。

50、As a result, the quest for an AIDS vaccine has been a bit scattershot. ─── 因此,对于爱滋疫苗的追寻,就变成有点像散弹打鸟、漫无头绪。

51、An adjuvant is a substance that helps a vaccine work better in the body. ─── 佐剂是一种帮助体内疫苗提高功效的物质。

52、Only One Person Has Recovered From Rabies Without a Vaccine. ─── 世界上只有一人,没有注射疫苗,从狂犬病的死亡边缘恢复过来。

53、She takes a vaccine against influenza every fall. ─── 她每年秋季接种流感疫苗。

54、He failed many times but he finally broke through to find a successful polio vaccine. ─── 他失败了许多次,但终于发现了有效的预防小儿麻痹症的疫苗。

55、The BCG vaccine prevents severe forms of TB in children, such as TB meningitis. ─── 卡介苗可在儿童中预防严重类型的结核,例如结核脑膜炎。

56、Hepatitis C: Progress Toward Vaccine? ─── 型肝炎:朝疫苗发展?

57、The new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within 3 months. ─── 3 个月内新疫苗根除了疾病的所有传播途径.

58、A (But) D octor Fauci said the search for an AIDS vaccine will not stop. ─── 但是福奇博士说,寻找艾滋疫苗的努力不会停止。

59、"This will give us safer and more effective vaccine delivery," he says. ─── 他说,“这样我们接受的疫苗注射就会更安全有效。”

60、For yellow fever vaccine, it is valid for10 years from the day of inoculation. ─── 一)黄热病疫苗自接种后第10日起,10年内有效。

61、CpG may be the optimal adjuvant of human esophageal cancer vaccine. ─── CpG基序可能是人食管癌疫苗研究中的有效佐剂。

62、Health experts say a new vaccine to prevent TB is very important. ─── 专家说研制出一种预防结核病的新疫苗非常重要。

63、So , the vaccine will not be tested fartherfurther. ─── 所以个个疫苗将不会进行进一步的试验。

64、An oral thermometer; an oral vaccine. ─── 口用体温计; 口服菌苗

65、What are the side effects of the new vaccine? ─── 新的疫苗有甚么副作用?

66、The vaccine has been licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration. ─── 一种被美国食品和药物管理局颁发执照的疫苗。

67、So, CAV-2 has potentiality to develop into live vaccine vector. ─── 因此,CAV-2具有发展成为活疫苗载体的潜力。

68、The NIH unitage is based upon the ability of a vaccine to protect mice against a standard intracerebral infection. ─── NIH单位值是根据保护小白鼠大脑内免受一次标准感染的能力而制定的。

69、One was the ability of the vaccine to prevent H.I.V. infections. ─── 一个是防止艾滋病病毒感染的疫苗性能测试。

70、Yesterday I went to qualify for the Johns Hopkins Vaccine. ─── 昨天我参加了约翰霍普金斯疫苗疗法的筛选。

71、A Vaccine Is Still a Long Way Off, but Other Methods May Slow Spread. ─── 开发艾滋病疫苗仍然雄关漫道,但其它一些治疗方法可以减缓艾滋病的发展。

72、The rate of children vaccine? ─── 儿童疫苗的收费标准?

73、I thought TB was prevented by a vaccine? ─── 我认为结核病是采用一种疫苗来预防的?

74、Suggested that ILT vaccine can induce transit decrease of RBC immune function. ─── 免疫后 9天 ,RBC_CR1花环率和RBC_IC花环率升高到正常水平 ;

75、Moreover, the vaccine had no troubling side effects. ─── 再者,也没有出现恼人的副作用。

76、WHO will now work to ensure that this vaccine gets to groups who otherwise would have no access to pandemic vaccines. ─── 现在世卫组织将努力确保向除此以外将不能获得大流行疫苗的人群提供这些疫苗。

77、They hope that a vaccine will be available soon. ─── 他们希望很快能有疫苗。

78、But Doctor Fauci said the search for an AIDS vaccine will not stopped. ─── 但是医生说艾滋病疫苗的寻找不会停止。

79、Another cancer vaccine researcher also had qualms.Pramod K. ─── 另有一位癌症疫苗的研究人员对此也有疑虑。

80、But, he concludes, most researchers say that in the absence of a vaccine, a combination of these methods could slow the onward march of HIV. ─── 但是,Cohen得出结论说,在缺乏疫苗的情况下,对这些方法的联合应用确实能够减缓艾滋病毒扩张的脚步。

81、Specific ASCs of Payer's patch in vaccine group were significantly increased. ─── ( 2 )疫苗组小鼠派伊尔结特异性抗体分泌细胞显著升高 (P =0 ) ;

82、Kremer advocates constructing a kind of artificial market for a vaccine. ─── 克利梅则提倡为疫苗建立一种人造市场。

83、Developing a vaccine able to evoke a better cellular response than the body could mount on its own is a tall order. ─── 想要发展某个疫苗,引起比身体自然反应还要好的细胞免疫反应,可是艰钜的任务。

84、But there is still no AIDS vaccine and no cure. ─── 但是仍然没有防治艾滋病的疫苗和方法。

85、The father was unexpectedly furloughed and evidently his wife and son touched the vaccine site and became infected, the CDC said. ─── CDC声称由于他的孩子和妻子接触了防疫站而被感染,这名士兵意外的接到了休假通知。

86、Legitimate and needy vaccine inoculation is permitted. ─── 允许使用合法且需要的疫苗接种。

87、But Doctor Fauci said the search for an AIDS vaccine will not stop. ─── 但是医生佛斯说对艾滋病疫苗的研究仍然不会停止。

88、What is the recommended influenza vaccine composition? ─── 建议接种的流感疫苗类型是甚么?

89、People would take the vaccine as a drug that contains the powder. ─── 人们将采取疫苗作为一种药品,含有粉末。


To prevent influenza, the first step is to cut off the transmission of influenza virus, such as timely detection and isolation of influenza patients, less crowded places; Secondly, we should strengthen physical exercise, pay attention to rest and supplement vitamin C in our daily life. Third, conditional should vaccinate flu vaccine in advance; Fourth, usually can take some effective flu prevention drugs.







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