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09-15 投稿



inequitable 发音

英:[ɪnˈekwɪtəbl]  美:[ɪnˈekwɪtəbl]

英:  美:

inequitable 中文意思翻译



inequitable 短语词组

1、inequitable distribution ─── 分配不公

2、inequitable access ─── 公平的可近性

3、inequitable allocation ─── 分配不公

4、inequitable conduct ─── 不公平行为

5、inequitable for ─── 不公平的

6、inequitable exchange ─── [经] 不等价交换

7、inequitable growth ─── 不公平增长

8、inequitable society ─── 不公平的社会

inequitable 同义词

unbalanced | unfair | undemocratic | biased |unjust | prejudiced | discriminatory | unequal

inequitable 词性/词形变化,inequitable变形

副词: inequitably |

inequitable 反义词


inequitable 相似词语短语

1、ineluctable ─── adj.不可避免的;无法逃避的

2、requitable ─── adj.可回报的;可报复的

3、inevitable ─── adj.必然的,不可避免的

4、inequable ─── adj.不一样的;不均匀的;不公平的;多变的

5、inequitably ─── 不公正地;偏私地

6、equitable ─── adj.公平的,公正的;平衡法的

7、intuitable ─── 直觉的

8、unequitable ─── adj.不公平的;不公正的

9、inexcitable ─── adj.冷静的;难以激动的

inequitable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Oppugn sand blames base on the theory of adult jurisdiction is inequitable, those will harm to the development of JJS as well. ─── 因此基于成人司法权理论的立场,而对少年司法制度产生的种种指责与质疑均是不公正的,也是有害于少年司法制度发展的。

2、The result: increasingly inequitable access to health care, within and between countries. ─── 结果是不断增长的国家内部和国家之间享受卫生保健服务的机会出现了不均等。

3、The method of least squares curve fitting is used proverbially for the test data processing,etc.It is inequitable to process physical parameters by some usual methods of curve fitting. ─── 在实际问题中测得的实验数据有时需寻求简单函数逼近来分析,曲线拟合的最小二乘法在解决这类问题的数据处理和误差分析中应用非常广泛。

4、Some rich countries have large populations without access to care because of inequitable arrangements for social protection. ─── 由于不公平的社会保护安排,一些富裕国家有大量人口不能获得保健。

5、Inequitable Judicial Procedure: Its Demonstrative Attributes and Etiology and the Relevant Countermeasures ─── 裁判程序不公的表现、原因及对策

6、In the course of trying a case, the western consular jurisdiction stipulated by the inequitable treaty was confined to hearing, thus greatly pounding at the consular jurisdiction system at that trme. ─── 理案过程中亦极力把不平等条约所规定的西方领事的观审权局限于旁听,从而有力地冲击了当时的领事裁判权制度。

7、The welfare system is grossly inequitable and inefficient. ─── 福利制度非常不公平,效率也极低。

8、The lower court's judgment in January 2007 was in favor of RJR's petition for inequitable conduct. ─── 2007年1月初级法院的判决偏向雷诺请求的不公正行为。

9、the inequitable division of wealth; inequitable taxation. ─── 财富的不公平分配;不公平的税收。

10、This is just like a thunder from the clear sky to me, I abhor this world is inequitable, I hate old day not to have an eye, but for this little to girl, what idea to have again? ─── 这对我来说好比晴天霹雳,我痛恨这个世界不公平,我恨老天无眼,但这对于一个小女孩来说,又有什么办法呢?

11、Under space of city limited, house resource in short situation, its distribution inevitably causes a variety of social conflict and inequitable problems. ─── 在城市空间有限、住房资源短缺的情况下,住房资源的分配必然会导致很多社会冲突与不公正问题。

12、Inequitable Agricultural Competition Prevents Free Trade ─── 扭曲的农业国际竞争力对自由贸易环境的影响

13、The rural worker has made great contributions to the socialist modernization building, but they are confronted with much inequitable treatment in the realistic society. ─── 农民工为社会主义现代化建设作出了诸多贡献,但在现实社会中,却面临着很多不公正的待遇。

14、destiny is really inequitable, why I am so handsome drop a hair, what you grow is so ugly do not drop a hair however. ─── 命运真是不公平,为什么我这么帅却要掉头发,你们长的那么丑却不掉头发。

15、Coordinator of electric power library can apply this research achievement to restrain the inequitable combination of negotiant of electric power library. ─── 电力库协调者可运用该项研究成果抑制电力库交易者的不公正的联合。

16、The income repartition circumstances of Latin America country presents exasperate trend all the time, had become the area with the most inequitable repartition of the income on the world. ─── 拉美国家的收入再分配形势一直呈现恶化的趋势,已经成为世界上收入再分配最不公平的地区。

17、But regardless of whether market or bureaucratic health care reforms are adopted, the chafing and inequitable nature of the medically uninsured problem must be addressed. ─── 不管医疗市场和官僚部门的改革能否适应,非保险者医疗问题的摩擦和不公平性必须得到解决。

18、Little brother strange elder brother is too inequitable, disapprobation. ─── 弟弟怪哥哥太不公平,不答应。

19、A sloppy control is inequitable, as large companies can find their way through the labyrinth of regulation fairly easily ─── 草率的管制是不公平的,因为大公司都能轻而易举地从错综复杂的规章条例中找到自己的出路。

20、Even if people believe that their outcome was inequitable and unfair, they are more likely to view justice as having been served if the process was fair. ─── 即使人们认为结果是不公平的,如果他们认为过程是公平的,他们也会认为已获得了公平。

21、She says inequitable phenomenon exists at any time, the key is seeing the way of the problem at you. ─── 她说不公平的现象随时存在,关键在于你看问题的方式。

22、Beneficiaries of state land allocations are mainly privileged people in society with resultant inequitable distribution of public land. ─── 国家土地分配的受益者主要是社会中特权者,从而导致公共土地分配不公。

23、The search that such n/med the process of preparing Chinese medicine come out searchs a rank especially as a result, it is truthless of course, not objective, inequitable. ─── 这样炮制出来的搜索结果尤其是搜索排名,当然是不真实的,不客观的,不公正的。

24、Dog year 8 Fujian earth, the ruler of heaven is opposite it seems that she is inequitable, big calamity typhoon followings sb's heels and come, the heavy history of calamity is infrequent. ─── 种子虽小,可它孕育着丰收的希望,饱含着种子工作者悠悠之情。狗年的八闽大地,天公似乎对她不公平,洪灾台风接踵而至,灾害之重历史罕见。

25、And above these " inequitable " , once tossed about in her heart how long, make her feel indignant, hold loneliness concurrently to not have according to. ─── 而以上这些“不公平”,曾经在她心中辗转反侧多久,令她感觉愤怒,兼孤独无依。

26、Fourthly, in the period of transformation, there are some weaknesses such as inequitable distributing structure, acting without credit, and inequitable treatment by some carders. ─── 四是转型时期不公正的分配结构,不诚信的所作所为,不少干部的以权谋私,等等。

27、Many people will experience poverty, unemployment, and disillusion with what they will see as an inequitable global world. ─── 许多人将体验到贫困、失业和幻想的破灭,对他们将看到的那个不公平的世界的幻灭。

28、Above all, bribery blacklist system may bring about inequitable result. ─── 首先,行贿黑名单制度可能导致不公平的结果。

29、Countries should step up their economic and technical exchanges and cooperation and gradually transform the inequitable and irrational international economic order so that all will win and coexist as a result of economic globalization. ─── 各国应加强经济技术的交流与合作,逐步改变不公正不合理的国际经济秩序,使经济全球化达到共赢和共存的目的。

30、"As well as being inequitable to Americans abroad, these tax changes are just bad policy. ─── 尼古拉斯布尔萨克最后警告说“像对待美国外籍人士的不公正一样,这些税费改革是有害无利的。

31、In absence of precedent for an equitable remedy in the unique circumstances, the district court looked to the law of inequitable conduct and ruled the patents “unenforceable against the world. ─── 由于如何对这种独特情况给出救济并没有先例可以参照,地区法院查阅了有关不公正行为的法律,判决涉案专利“统统不可实施”。

32、The business that the word of this appearance does a website to those sureness is too inequitable. ─── 这样子的话对于那些踏踏实实做网站的企业就太不公平了。

33、Economic Analysis on Inequitable Events in Enterprise HRM ─── 企业薪资管理中不公平事件的经济性分析

34、For those who did not purchase the building pressure and have great psychological pressure, resulting in a new social situation of inequitable distribution of wealth. ─── 4.对于未购房者产生了极大的购房压力和心理压力,造成了新的社会财富分配不公的状况。

35、9. Its fiscal cuts will be seen as arbitrary and inequitable, leading the indigenous peoples to descend from the highlands and call for the president's ouster . ─── 它的国库削减会被认作独断而有失公正的,进而使当地人民突然发难,呼唤总统下台。

36、we often complain how the life was inequitable to us,but less of people was awarded of the bright side, ─── 在我们生活中,我们经常会抱怨生活对自己有多不公平,很少有人会看见光亮的那面。

37、Mandeersen emphasizes, we won't return the quota period of textile again.Letting China pay price for quota again is unreasonable, inequitable. ─── 曼德尔森强调和重视,咱们不可能再返回针纺品的配额时期。

38、The asymmetry of each element in the system, the imparity that brings about economic globalization process, inequitable. ─── 系统中各元素的不对称,导致经济全球化进程的不平等、不公平。

39、In addition, in the fields of income distribution, the initial distribution is inequitable. ─── 另外,微观上收入分配政策中初次分配有失公平。

40、So while accountants may view Internet of Things as an enabler of more efficient pricing models, many consumers may think it's unfair and inequitable. ─── 因而,物联网可能会受到很多财务人员的欢迎,但是其他消费者可能会认为物联网还有待完善。

41、And staff of work of ab extra Wu because legal level consciousness of authority of inferior, dimension is poorer, often can get pay of a few inequitable. ─── 而外来务工人员因为法律水平较低、维权意识较差,不时会受到一些不公正的待遇。

42、and inequitable, because big subsidies would go to failed institutions and private buyers of bad assets. ─── 但吹毛求疵的人表示,这不是国有化。

43、The board that reduces national commissariat yield many jins 1000 is hit retreat return n cultivated land forest going up is inequitable. ─── 把国家粮食产量减少1000多亿斤的板子打到退耕还林上是不公正的。

44、The validity of this Agreement shall not be affected by the invalidity of a provision thereof unless the result would be manifestly inequitable or unconscionable. ─── 此协议的有效性不受某一条款无效的影响,除非其结果是特别不公平或极不公正的。

45、To consumer, it is a kind of inequitable market phenomenon more. ─── 对于消费者来说,这更是一种不公平的市场现象。

46、there are many things that do not belong to their own is not their own, how many desire, however, no persistent, they do not think is unfair and inequitable. ─── 有很多东西不是属于自己的就不是自己的,多少个渴望,然而没有执着,想到的是对自己不公平,不平等。

47、Long Yongtu of secretary-general of forum of Asia of rich a huge legendary turtle: The discussion of before a few months about own brand, it is an inequitable discussion originally. ─── 博鳌亚洲论坛秘书长龙永图:前几个月关于自主品牌的讨论,本来就是一场不公平的讨论。

48、In my view, the policy response to this point has been ad hoc, resulting in inequitable outcomes among firms, creditors, and investors. ─── 在我看来,迄今为止的政策反应一直是即兴性质的,在企业、贷款机构和投资者中造成了不公平的后果。

49、They had turned Brazil into one of the most inequitable places on earth, and now it looked like payback time. ─── 他们把巴西变为世界上最不公平的国家,现在看起来是他们偿还的时候了。

50、A. must accept an inequitable return” because “that's how repugnant he supposedly has become to the owner's senses. ─── 纽约小报周二爆料说:湖人即将接受一笔和科比不对称的交易。

51、land ownership, perhaps the bitterest of political issues, was fiercely inequitable. ─── 土地所有制则是最严重的政治问题,其不平等之程度令人发指。

52、From the point of fair social valuation, a society has fair part already in income gap, also have inequitable part. ─── 从一定的社会价值判断来看,一个社会收入差距中既有公平的成分,也有不公平的成分。

53、Administrative layer scarcely should forget, cancel employee material benefits to be able to let employee feel inequitable. ─── 治理层一定不要忘记,取消员工福利会让员工觉得不公平。”

54、More often, though, bubbles are inequitable. ─── 但更多情况下,泡沫是不公平的。

55、The contract has been entered into under undue influence or the influence of danger and its terms are obviously inequitable; ─── 合同在不正当的或者危险情况的影响下订立,合同条款显失公平的;

56、"To us it looks one-sided and inequitable and these things, in the end, can get into a mess, " Mr Nath said. ─── 纳特认为:“对于我们来,这是一边倒、不公平的。这些东西到头来会弄得一团糟。”

57、Till now, the offspring of these people still is suffering inequitable treatment. ─── 直到今日,这些人的后代还受着不公平的对待。

58、The result was a tax system that is both inequitable and unstable. ─── 结果是加州的税务系统即不能体现平等,也不能实现稳定。

59、I see the some on the net say, establish a threshold, do not let investor invest, this also is inequitable. ─── 我看网上有的说,设立门槛,不让投资者来投资,这也是不公平的。

60、inequitable relationship ─── 不公平关系

61、Backward methods of agriculture and an inequitable distribution of distribution are the main reasons why two-thirds of the country's poor can be found in the rural areas. ─── 落后的农业生产方式与分配的不平等是菲律宾2/3穷人在农村地区存在着的主要理由。

62、” On appeal, the Federal Circuit found that the remedies for inequitable conduct and patent misuse were instructive in devising an equitable remedy for waiver by a patentee. ─── 上诉时,联邦巡回法院发现,对不公正行为和专利滥用行为的救济对专利权人的弃权衡平救济具有指导意义。

63、Achieving economic fairness is process of an advance gradually, must overcome equalitarianism, solve the inequitable problem that accumulates before. ─── 实现经济公平是一个渐进过程,必须克服平均主义,解决以往积累的不公平问题。

64、This is inequitable to Keynesia. ─── 这对凯恩斯是不公正的。

65、inequitable taxation. ─── 不公平的税收。

66、For this, crown penannular jade ring thinks Baidu abuse market is controlled, undertake inequitable contest price is ranked, crossed a face with Baidu. ─── 为此,王冠珏认为百度滥用市场支配,进行不公正的竞价排名,与百度翻了脸。

67、inequitable society ─── 不恰当社会造成

68、Inequitable negative effect is serious. ─── 不公平的负效应是严重的。

69、The equity analysis show the distributing of MMR in different provinces is disproportion, and indicates the maternal and infant health situation in our country is inequitable. ─── 健康公平性研究表明,孕产妇与儿童死亡在各省分布不均衡,妇幼健康存在不公平现象,并逐年加重。

70、The international embargo policy at that time buys super computer to make slashing inequitable limitation to our country. ─── 当时的国际禁运政策对我国购买超级计算机作出苛刻的不公平限制。

71、It's inequitable because older homeowners often pay far less property tax than their younger neighbors. ─── 不平等在于老的购房者缴纳的税常常比他们年轻的邻居要低;

72、1) The contract has been entered into under undue influence or the influence of danger and its terms are obviously inequitable; ─── (一)合同在不正当的或者危险情况的影响下订立,合同条款显失公平的;

73、an inequitable divisionof the profits ─── 利润之不公平分配.

74、Public spending was vastly skewed towards whites; land ownership, perhaps the bitterest of political issues, was fiercely inequitable. ─── 公共开销大笔地花在白人身上;土地所有权也是极其地不公平,这也许是政治争端中最让人受痛的问题。

75、And is this not why the forces of the dark set up such an inequitable system in the first place, to assure non-ascension of mankind which insures their continued dominion over earth? ─── 而这难道不是黑暗力量最初建立这样一个不公正系统的原因吗?这不是为了来保证人类无提升并确保它们对地球的持续统治吗?

76、inequitable distribution of wealth ─── 财富的不公平分配

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