plover 发音
英:[ˈplʌvərˌˈploʊvər] 美:[ˈplʌvə(r)]
英: 美:
plover 中文意思翻译
plover 网络释义
n. 珩;千鸟;珩科鸟(如凤头麦鸡)
plover 短语词组
1、plover bird ─── 鸟
2、plover toyota ─── 丰田汽车
3、plover tutorial plover ─── 教程
4、plover steno ─── 浮石
5、upland plover ─── [医]山地矶鹬
6、golden plover 【 ─── 鸟类】欧金(斑)鸻(Pluvialis apricaria)
7、Egyptian Plover ─── 埃及船
8、killdeer plover ─── [网络] 双领鸻
9、Long billed Plover ─── 长收费的船
10、plover robes ─── 雨衣
11、copps plover ─── 铜锣
12、piping plover ─── [网络] 笛鸻;笛鴴;鸣笛雎鸠
13、green plover ─── [网络] 绿色的p鸟
14、stilt plover ─── [网络] 高跷撬
15、plover eggs ─── 河豚卵
16、Australian Spur-winged Plover ─── 澳大利亚长翅膀的船
17、piping plover bird ─── 吹笛鸟
18、plover napa ─── 犁网
19、plover zillow ─── 塞洛弗·齐洛
plover 词性/词形变化,plover变形
plover 相似词语短语
1、clover ─── n.[植]三叶草;苜蓿;红花草;n.(Clover)人名;(英)克洛弗
2、popover ─── n.空心(酥脆)松饼,膨松饼
3、flyover ─── n.天桥;立交桥;立交马路;(Flyover)俯瞰
4、allover ─── adj.花纹遍及表面的;布满全面之花样的;n.印花布
5、pullover ─── n.套衫;adj.套领的
6、prover ─── n.证人;校准仪
7、plovers ─── n.珩;千鸟;珩科鸟(如凤头麦鸡)
8、plovery ─── 爆竹
9、Glover ─── n.制造手套商;手套贩卖商;n.(Glover)人名;(西、法)格洛韦尔;(英)格洛弗
plover 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Hooded Plover ─── n. 黑头鸻
2、Black-banded Sand Plover ─── n. 黑斑沙鸻
3、Plover Cove Road ─── 宝湖道
4、Australian Spur-winged Plover ─── n. 澳洲距翅麦鸡
5、8. Distribution: Tai Po, Lam Tsuen Valley, Fung Yuen, Plover Cove, etc. Guangdong (Shenzhen). ─── 地理分布:大埔、林村谷、凤园、船湾等地。除香港外,仅广东深圳有分布。收藏指正
6、Masked Plover ─── n. 装脸麦鸡
7、10.rare plover of upland areas of Eurasia. ─── 欧亚大陆丘陵地区珍稀的鸻。
8、In 1951, he was out shooting in Ireland and got into an argument about whether the golden plover ranked as Europe's fastest game bird. ─── 1951年,比弗在爱尔兰打猎时与同行者争论哪种鸟是欧洲飞得最快的鸟,3年后他们还在争论这个问题。
9、White-fronted Sand Plover ─── n. 白额沙鸻
10、Situated in the New Territories, close to Tai Po, the hostel offers easy access to the Pat Sin Leng Ranges, Pat Sin Leng Nature Trail and Plover Cove Country Park. ─── 房间备有空调,而旅舍设有多用途活动室、露天雅座、无线上网服务、冷热水浴室及自助厨房等。
11、Blacksmith Plover ─── n. 黑铁匠鸻(鸻科)
12、Along Bride's Pool Road, near Chung Mei Plover Cove Reservoir, Tai Po. The location of the Project is shown in Figure 1 of this Permit. ─── 大埔涌尾近船湾淡水湖的新娘潭路路旁。工程项目的位置见载于本许可证夹附的图1。
13、Um. . . I just read about a short bird, the plover. ─── 我刚刚读了一些关于一种叫珩科鸟的鸟。
14、Mountain Plover ─── n. 岩鸻
15、Three-banded Plover ─── n. 三斑鸻
16、Kittlitz's Plover ─── n. 基特氏沙鸻
17、Senegal Plover ─── n. 塞内麦鸡
18、Plover Cove Garden Car Park Shroff Office ─── 大埔宝湖花园停车场收费处
19、Upland plover ─── 山地矶鹬
20、Plover Cove Reservoir as well as the reservoir area without permission. ─── 大会不会向各参赛者提供车位,无许可证车辆不得驶进大尾笃闸口及水库范围。
21、Grey Plover ─── n. 灰斑鸻(鸻科)
22、Western Snowy Plover, Acorn Woodpecker, and Peregrine Falcon. ─── 西部雪鸻鸟、橡实啄木鸟和游隼。
23、2.large crested Old World plover having wattles and spurs. ─── 东半球长肉垂和刺壮物的大型有羽冠的鸻。
24、St. Helena Sand Plover ─── n. 圣岛沙鸻
25、7.To investigate what causes who to leave whom, and when, a group of animal behaviourists and mathematicians has been studying a shore dwelling bird called the Kentish plover. ─── 为了调查何时、何因导致哪方离开哪方,一群生物行为学家和数学家对一种住在海边的肯特郡鸟进行了研究。
26、Crab Plover ─── n. 蟹鸻(蟹鸻科)
27、07 A small, single-engine plane made an emergency landing on the Plover Cove Reservoir dam, after the aircraft suffered engine problems. ─── 一架小型单引擎飞机因机件故障,紧急降落在船湾淡水湖大坝。
28、variety of seabirds and shorebirds inhabit the islands, including the endangered brown pelican, least tern, and piping plover. ─── 岛上栖息着各种各样的海鸟和滨鸟,包括濒危的褐鹈鹕、最小燕鸥和笛鸻。
29、Towards the end of the plover breeding season, the rate of female divorce declines. ─── 在千鸟的繁殖期快要结束的时候,雌鸟离婚的比率就下降了。
30、Long-billed Ringed Plover ─── n. 长嘴剑鸻
31、Towards the end of the plover breeding season,the rate of female divorce declines. ─── 在鸟的繁殖期快要结束的时候,雌鸟离婚的比率就下降了。
32、Egyptian Plover ─── n. 尼罗鸻(燕鸻科)
33、Black-fronted Plover ─── n. 黑额鸻
34、Collared Plover ─── n. 领鸻
35、Brown-chested Plover ─── n. 褐胸麦鸡
36、Javan Plover ─── n. 爪哇鸻
37、American Golden Plover ─── n. 金斑鸻(鸻科)
38、Eastern Golden Plover ─── n. 金鸻
39、Tai Po Veterinary Clinic, Shop 1, G/F, Lagoon Court, 18 Plover Cove Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong. ─── 大埔兽医诊所,香港新界大埔宝湖道18号丽湖阁地下1号铺。
40、A footbridge at level 2 connecting Plover Cove Garden and Tai Po Centre (Phase 3). ─── 位於第二層的行人天橋,连接寶湖花園及大埔中心(第三期)。
41、Mongolian Plover ─── n. 蒙古沙鸻
42、Along Bride's Pool Road, near Chung Mei Plover Cove Reservoir, Tai Po. The location of the Project is shown in Figure 1 of this Permit. ─── 大埔涌尾近船湾淡水湖的新娘潭路路旁。工程项目的位置见载于本许可证夹附的图1。
43、A plump species of plover (Charadrius hiaticula) that breeds in northern regions of the world. ─── 剑鸻:一种体态丰满的鸻鸟科鸟(剑鸻属剑鸻),在地球的北部地区繁衍
44、Wu Kau Tang is enveloped by but excised from the Plover Cove Country Park. ─── 乌蛟腾给船湾郊野公园环抱,但不属于郊野公园范围。
45、Magellanic Plover ─── n. 麦哲伦鸻
46、Wilson's Plover ─── n. 厚嘴鸻
47、Spur-winged Plover ─── n. 黑胸距翅麦鸡
48、Semipalmated Plover ─── n. 半蹼鸻
49、Pied Plover ─── n. 鹊斑鸻
50、Vehicles shall not enter the entrance of Plover Cove Reservoir as well as the reservoir area without permission. ─── 大会不会向各参赛者提供车位,无许可证车辆不得驶进入大尾笃闸口及水库范围。
51、Wu Kau Tang, located in the northeastern New Territories and excluded from the Plover Cove Country Park, is one of the most species rich lowland forest sites in Hong Kong. ─── 乌蛟腾位于新界东北部,不属于船湾郊野公园范围,是本港物种最丰盛的低地丛林之一。
52、1. A New World plover (Charadrius vociferus) that has a distinctive noisy cry and two black bands across its breast. ─── 双领鸻:一种西半球的鸻(双领鸻)有独特的吵闹的叫声,在它的胸部有两道黑纹
53、large crested Old World plover having wattles and spurs ─── 东半球长肉垂和刺壮物的大型有羽冠的鸻
54、Black-headed Plover ─── n. 黑头麦鸡
55、Banded Plover ─── n. 三色麦鸡
56、A small plover (Charadrius semipalmatus) that breeds in the arctic New World and has a web between the middle and inner toes. ─── 半蹼鸻:在新世界北极地繁殖,中趾与内趾之间有蹼的小型的鸻(半蹼鸻)
57、4.Distribution: Tai Po, Lam Tsuen Valley, Fung Yuen, Plover Cove, etc. Guangdong (Shenzhen). ─── 地理分布:大埔、林村谷、凤园、船湾等地。除香港外,仅广东深圳有分布。
58、Spot-breasted Plover ─── n. 点胸麦鸡
59、Caspian Plover ─── n. 红胸鸻
60、A variety of seabirds and shorebirds inhabit the islands, including the endangered brown pelican, least tern, and piping plover. ─── 在岛屿上有多样的海鸟及岸鸟栖息,包括濒危的褐鹈鹕、燕鸥、还有笛珩。
61、Forbes's Banded Plover ─── n. 褐顶斑鸻
62、A black and white African bird (Pluvianus aegyptius) that is related to the plover and feeds on insects that parasitize crocodiles. ─── 报讯鸟:一种产于非洲的黑白相间的鸟(报讯鸟报讯鸟属),它与鸻鸟有亲缘关系并以寄生在鳄鱼身上的昆虫为食
63、He wondered if the plover was the fastest bird. ─── 他想知道千鸟是不是最快的鸟。
64、although the storage capacity of the plover cove reservoir was huge , it still could not meet the ever - increasing water demand. ─── 万宜水库船湾淡水湖的容量虽然庞大,但仍不足以应付不断增长的食水需求。
65、Oriental Plover ─── n. 东方鸻
66、Malay Plover ─── n. 马来鸻
67、Large Sand Plover ─── n. 铁嘴沙鸻
68、Little Ringed Plover ─── n. 金眶鸻
69、Vehicles shall not enter the entrance of Plover Cove Reservoir as well as the reservoir area without permission. ─── 大会不会向各参赛者提供车位,无许可证车辆不得驶进入大尾笃闸口及水库范围。
70、Chestnut-banded Sand Plover ─── n. 栗斑沙鸻
71、Black-winged Plover ─── n. 黑翅麦鸡
72、Snowy Plover ─── n. 雪鸻
73、crocodile bird:a black and white african bird (Pluvianus aegyptius) that is related to the plover and feeds on insects that parasitize crocodiles. ─── "报讯鸟:一种产于非洲的黑白相间的鸟(报讯鸟 报讯鸟属),它与鸻鸟有亲缘关系并以寄生在鳄鱼身上的昆虫为食."
74、New Zealand Shore Plover ─── n. 滨鸻
75、European Golden Plover does usually winter in ploughed fields with Northern Lapwings (but so too does Pacific). ─── 欧亚金斑行鸟的确常在耕过的田地和小辫行鸟一起度冬(但是太平洋金斑行鸟也是)。
76、Piping Plover ─── n. 笛鸻
77、A New World plover(Charadrius vociferus) that has a distinctive noisy cry and two black bands across its breast. ─── 双领鸻一种西半球的鸻(双领鸻)有独特的吵闹的叫声,在它的胸部有两道黑纹
78、A certain kind of plover, for instance, nests in Canada. At the end of the summer these birds migrate from Canada to South America; they fly 2,500 miles, non-stop, over the ocean. ─── 例如,有一种鸻鸟,定巢在加拿大,夏末时,这些鸟从加拿大迁移到南美,它们一刻不停地飞行2,500英里,越过海洋。
79、lives by the ocean and feeds on small shellfish, insects and plants. ─── 生活在海边,以小贝类海鲜、昆虫和植物为食。
80、Puna Plover ─── n. 山鸻
81、Plover Cove Road Market ─── 宝湖道街市
82、The two ambulance attendants quickly put Plover on a stretcher and got him into the ambulance. ─── 这两名救护车的救护员迅速把普洛弗放在担架上并抬进了那辆救护车。
83、Two-banded Plover ─── n. 二斑鸻
84、Ringed Plover ─── n. 环颈鸻(鸻科)
85、Eayptian Plover ─── n. 报讯鸟
86、White-headed Plover ─── n. 白头麦鸡
87、Eurasian Golden Plover ─── n. 欧金鸻
88、Tai Po District is one of the 18 districts of Hong Kong.It covers the areas of Tai Po, Tai Po Kau, Ting Kok, Plover Cove and the northern part of Sai Kung Peninsula on both shores of Tolo Channel. ─── 大埔区是香港十八区的其中一区,位于新界的东部,范围包括大埔、大埔滘、汀角、船湾、以及部份的西贡半岛北部地方,总面积约为14,800公顷,是香港的第二大行政区域。
89、Distribution: Tai Po, Lam Tsuen Valley, Fung Yuen, Plover Cove, etc. Guangdong( Shenzhen). ─── 地理分布:大埔、村谷、园、湾等地。除香港外,仅广东深圳有分布。
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