Georgia 发音
英:[ˈdʒɔːrdʒə] 美:[ˈdʒɔːdʒə]
英: 美:
Georgia 中文意思翻译
Georgia 网络释义
n. 乔治亚州;格鲁吉亚(前苏联加盟共和国);乔治娅(女子名)
Georgia 短语词组
1、Georgia pine ─── [网络] 乔治亚松
2、Georgia Nuclear Laboratory ─── 格鲁吉亚核实验室
3、georgia-pacific ─── 佐治亚太平洋公司总部所在地:美国主要业务:纸产品
4、georgia institute of technology ─── 乔治亚理工学院(美国大学)
5、Georgia home boy ─── [网络] 位于佐治亚州的家中的男孩
6、Strait of Georgia ─── [网络] 乔治亚海峡;乔治海峡;佐治亚海峡
7、florida georgia line ─── 佛罗里达-乔治亚线
8、Georgia national under 21 football ─── 格鲁吉亚国家21岁以下足球
9、Georgia national football team ─── 格鲁吉亚国家足球队
10、Georgia Okeeffe ─── [网络] 佐治亚Okeeffe
11、florida georgia ─── 佐治亚州佛罗里达州
12、Georgia national under 21 football team ─── 格鲁吉亚国家21岁以下足球队
13、ginny georgia ─── 金妮乔治亚州
14、atlanta georgia ─── 亚特兰大市乔治 ─── 亚州(地名)
15、Georgia bark ─── [网络] 乔治亚树皮
16、New Georgia n. ─── 新乔治亚
17、capital of Georgia ─── [网络] 格鲁吉亚首府
18、South Georgia ─── 南乔治亚岛( ─── 南大西洋一岛屿)
19、Salmonella georgia ─── [医] 佐治亚沙门氏菌
Georgia 常用词组
south georgia ─── 南乔治亚岛(南大西洋一岛屿)
university of georgia ─── 乔治亚大学
georgia institute of technology ─── 乔治亚理工学院(美国大学)
Georgia 相似词语短语
1、gorgias ─── n.高尔吉斯(古希腊哲学家)
2、georama ─── n.空心圆球;内壁绘有世界地图的空心大圆球
3、Georgiana ─── n.乔治亚娜(等于Georgia)
4、gorgia ─── 高尔吉亚
5、Georgian ─── adj.英国乔治王朝时期的;乔治王朝风格的;乔治五世至六世时代的;格鲁吉亚的;格鲁吉亚人的;格鲁吉亚语的;佐治亚州的;佐治亚州人的;n.乔治亚州人;佐治亚州人;格鲁吉亚人;格鲁吉亚语(外高加索语);n.(Georgian)(美、罗、俄、印)杰奥尔吉安(人名)
6、Borgia ─── n.博尔吉亚(意大利15、16世纪权门家族)
7、georgic ─── adj.农业的;田园的;n.田园诗;n.(Georgic)人名;(塞)格奥尔基茨;(英)乔治克
8、georgics ─── adj.农业的;田园的;n.田园诗;n.(Georgic)人名;(塞)格奥尔基茨;(英)乔治克
9、Georgia ─── n.乔治亚州;格鲁吉亚(前苏联加盟共和国);乔治娅(女子名)
Georgia 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Brudnell Archer performs with the Pirates of Nassau on Georgia Avenue. ─── 乔治亚大道,布鲁德尔·阿彻扮成拿骚海盗的样子进行表演。
2、While Anne Murray begged for the last dance, Georgia and I began to flow across the floor. ─── 安妮·莫莉依然在乞求跳最后一支舞,但乔治娅和我已经开始能够流畅地在舞池中起舞。
3、After Georgia, Bob Kerrey withdrew from the race. ─── 乔治亚州的初选之后,鲍勃.克里退出了竞选。
4、A man in Atlanta, Georgia, even sold a full-size replica of a 1931 Ford. ─── 一个乔治亚州的亚特亚大市的人甚至还卖掉了一整套的1931年产的福特牌汽车的复制品。
5、Russia says Georgia is now simply too dangerous for them. ─── 俄称格鲁吉亚现在对他们来说太危险了。
6、An ebony mountain peak rises from a glacier on South Georgia Island. ─── 一座乌黑的山峰高耸在南乔治亚岛的冰川之上。
7、Georgia: Everyone.s savable. That.s the rule. ─── 乔治亚:每一个人都不不可救药,这规矩.
8、Georgia Nicolson: Really?! Robbie: Yeah. It's called "Bitch in Uniform". ─── 乔治娅:“真的吗?!”罗比:“是的,歌名叫做‘穿着校服的婊子’。”
9、Georgia: Everyone's savable. That's the rule. ─── 乔治亚:每一个人都不是不可救药的,这是规矩。
10、He came up with the idea of creating a hiking trail from Maine to Georgia. ─── 他提出创建一条从缅因州到乔治亚州的徒步小径。
11、He was elected as a U.S. representative from Georgia in 1914,a post he held for a record 60 years. ─── 1914年他从佐治亚州被选为美国众议院议员,并保持该职位达60年之久。
12、Does he have a georgia accent? ─── 他有没有乔治亚州的口音?
13、The Georgia Ports Authority had a vision and long-term strategic plan to prepare for future growth. ─── Georgia Ports Authority富有远见,并对未来的发展作好了长期战略规划。
14、Georgia:I do not have a friend here. ─── 乔治娅:“我在这里一个朋友都没有。”
15、In October, 1986, two former political adversaries reunited for a very special occasion in Atlanta, Georgia. ─── 1986年10月,两位从前的政敌为了一个非常特别的原因在佐治亚州亚特兰大城又重在一起了。
16、Late last year he began to turn United's sleepy headquarters into a hotbed of dealmaking, at least by the standards of suburban Georgia. ─── 去年年底他开始将联合银行混混欲睡的总部变为并购交易的温床,至少在佐治亚的郊区是这样的。
17、Andy, why aren't you in Georgia, and what's with the busload of girls? ─── |Andy 你为何不在Georgia 和一车女人在一起做什么?
18、I received a large majority of the black vote, as I had in Georgia. ─── 与在乔治亚州一样,我赢得了南卡罗来纳州大多数的黑人选票。
19、He received his Ph.D. In Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2001. ─── 他于2001年获得佐治亚州理工学院的计算机科学博士学位。
20、Leila Maskhi from the Republic of Georgia. ─── 佐治亚共和国蕾娜·梅斯基。
21、When do you visit family in Georgia? ─── 你什么时候去乔治亚看你家人?
22、Marg : Georgia, you must know Mr. Kimbrough. He's the butcher. ─── 乔治亚,你认识金布罗先生的吧。他是咱这儿卖肉的师傅。
23、Georgia is heavily dependent on Russia for exports and imports. ─── 乔治亚的进出口都非常依赖俄罗斯。
24、Did the gentlemen think the Yankees would ever get through with reconstructing Georgia? ─── 他们问男人们,北方佬改造佐治亚,还有完没完?
25、Robyn was born in Atlanta and began climbing in the North Georgia mountains. ─── Robyn出生在亚特兰大,刚开始攀岩是在北乔亚山区。
26、Atlanta, Georgia? Georgia in the United States? ─── 乔治亚的亚特兰大吗?是美国的乔治亚吗?
27、The problem is not confined to Georgia. ─── 这个问题不只限于佐治亚州。
28、One involves a study by scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia. ─── 一则新闻涉及乔治亚州首府亚特兰大的疾病控制和预防中心的科学家们的研究。
29、Katina Smikle leads a group of performers down Georgia Avenue. ─── 卡提拉·史米克率领着一队表演者沿着乔治亚大道行进。
30、Of or relating to the U.S. state of Georgia or its inhabitants. ─── 佐治亚州的美国佐治亚州或其居民的,与美国佐治亚州或其居民有关的
31、Georgia is one of only 30 Mensa members under the age of ten. ─── 乔治娅成为仅有的30个十岁以下的会员。
32、Georgia: Um, Vin, this looks like a toilet. ─── 乔琪雅:呃,阿文,这看起来好象马桶呢。
33、Georgia: Compared to Van Gogh's, this just isn't that pretty. ─── 乔琪雅:跟梵谷的比起来,这没那么美。
34、A landlocked country with Turkey to the west and Georgia to the north. ─── 亚美尼亚是欧洲的一个内陆国,西接土耳其,北邻格鲁吉亚(并与阿塞拜疆和伊朗接壤)。
35、All Georgia wanted was to be let alone so the state could recuperate. ─── 佐治亚唯一的要求的是不受干扰,让它自己去休养生息。
36、Residents survey the damage following a tornado in 1936 Gainesville, Georgia. ─── 1936年,乔治亚州,盖恩斯维尔,飓风龙卷风过后,当地居民在检查损失情况。
37、In September we bused through south Georgia. ─── 9月,我们乘坐巴士穿过乔治亚州南部。
38、King was born in 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia, in the southeast of the US, the son of a minister in the church. ─── 1929年,金出生于美国东南部佐治亚州的亚特兰大市,是个基督教牧师的儿子。
39、Last season at Georgia Tech, Morrow never scored more than 31 points in a game. ─── 上赛季在乔治亚理工大学,莫罗在一场比赛中从未得到超过31分。
40、Mr. White teaches first grade in south Georgia. ─── 怀特先生在佐治亚州南部教一年级。
41、He was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 15, 1929. ─── 他于一九二九年一月十五日出生在乔治亚州的亚特兰大市。
42、Coca-Cola was born in Atlanta, Georgia, USA on May 8, 1886. ─── 可口可乐于1886年5月8日诞生于美国佐治亚州的亚特兰大城市。
43、Eatonton is a town in the state of Georgia ,USA . ─── 伊顿顿是美国乔治亚州的一个城市。
44、Georgia: Lead the way! (They walk to another exhibit. ─── 乔琪雅:请带路!(两人走到另一个展览场。)
45、He was found dead in his Georgia home. ─── 他在位于佐治亚州的家中被发现身亡(有点不顺)。
46、In 1788, Georgia became the fourth state to ratify the US Constitution. ─── 1788年,乔治亚州成为美国宪法认可的第四个洲。
47、Georgia had never in his life so much as handled a gun. ─── 乔治亚一生中甚至从未摸过枪。
48、This year's competition was held at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta in April. ─── 今年的比赛于4月份在亚特兰大的乔治亚圆顶体育场举行。
49、Russia's short war with Georgia last August has also sawed links. ─── 去年八月俄国和格鲁吉亚的短暂战争也锯断了联系。
50、For did not the Georgia contract holders include men from the very best families? ─── 因为佐治亚的合同商人中不是包括有最上等家庭的人吗?
51、Kia Motors of South Korea is building a plant in Georgia, its first U. S. factory, and said Monday it is on track to open a year from now. ─── 韩国的起亚汽车(KiaMotors)正在乔治亚州建自己的第一家美国工厂,该公司周一表示厂子有望在一年后投产。
52、As Rifkind rightly said, "The U. S. , Britain and France would not go to war with [Russia] to force South Ossetia back into Georgia. " ─── 里夫金德说得非常恰当:“美英法三国不会为了迫使南奥塞梯回到格鲁吉亚而与[俄罗斯]进行一场战争。”
53、The Bosporus provides sole access for ships to Georgia's Black Sea ports. ─── 博斯普鲁斯海峡也是船只抵达格鲁吉亚黑海各港口的唯一入口。
54、Two others, Turkey and Georgia, would host the pipelines carrying the gas. ─── 另外两个,土耳其和格鲁吉亚将会主持带有天然气的管道。
55、Where are you from in Georgia? ─── 你从乔治亚的什么地方来?
56、The University of Georgia uses large steam boilers to heat its buildings and produce hot water. ─── 佐治亚大学用大型的蒸气锅炉为房屋供热和生产热水。
57、Georgia: Pretty nearly. Even Donald and Dolly are here. ─── 乔治亚:差不多都来了。连唐纳尔德和多莉都在这里。
58、Georgia certainly didn't seem to be a fool. ─── 乔治娅当然不像是个傻瓜。
59、Geddy Lehman takes a dip at the Redneck Summer Games in Georgia, US, July 7. ─── 七月七日在美国乔治亚州的南方乡巴佬夏日竞赛,盖帝.雷曼扑向泥坑。
60、Rome, Georgia was named in 1834. ─── 乔治亚州的罗马于1834年定名。
61、Georgia Southern University Logistics and Intermod. ─── 佐治亚州南部大学。
62、He said the allegations of Russia still attacking Georgia are "a hoax. ─── 他说,指责俄罗斯仍然对格鲁吉亚袭击是“一个愚弄”。
63、Facundo Fernandez is a researcher at the Georgia Institute of Technology. ─── 他正研制的测试方法,可在数秒中内辨识出假冒的抗疟疾药物。
64、Oh, that's all right. I don't mind having time in georgia. ─── 哦,这没关系,在乔治亚玩一会儿我不在乎。
65、He had warned me that if he did not answer it would mean that he was sleeping with someone, probably his Georgia cunt. ─── 他曾预先告诉过我,如果不开门就是说他在同某人睡觉,也许是他那个格鲁吉亚女人。
66、And now computer scientists at Georgia Tech have invented something that sounds as if it came from the mind of Nikola Tesla. ─── 现在佐治亚理工学院的计算机科学家已经发明了一种小物件,听起来好像来自尼古拉·特斯拉(二十世纪著名科学家)的想法。
67、He played a big game for Ukraine against Georgia on Wednesday and then travels to London. ─── 他在周三为乌克兰对抗格鲁吉亚大战了一场后才飞回了伦敦。
68、Trees whiz by on the way to the Okefenokee swamp, Georgia, U.S. ─── 前往美国乔治亚州奥克弗诺基沼泽的路上,路旁的树飞逝而过。
69、Georgia:I do not have a friend here. ─── 乔治娅:“我在这里一个朋友都没有。”
70、Like Russia, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan will all hold presidential polls next year. ─── 和俄罗斯一样,格鲁吉亚,亚美尼亚和阿塞拜疆都将在明年举行总统竞选。
71、For some of these neoconservatives, Bush's cautious approach in the early days of the Georgia crisis was the final straw. ─── 对于有些新保守势力,布什在格鲁吉亚危机的头几天的审慎态度起了些作用。
72、Missing You Now,When A Men Loves A Woman,Georgia. ─── 你能不怀念?
73、I was in Georgia last week. I visited the Centers for Disease Control. ─── 上个星期。我去参观了那里的疾病控制中心。
74、North American bugbane found from Main and Ontario to Wisconsin and south to Georgia. ─── 北美升麻,分布于缅因州,安大略州,威斯康星州及乔治亚州南部。
75、The alliance said the international community strongly reaffirms its su ort for the territorial integrity of Georgia. ─── 北约表示,国际社会强烈重申支持格鲁吉亚领土完整。
76、Georgia: We're not talking just a ream of paper here. We'll also be printing letterhead and notepaper with logo. ─── 乔治雅:我们谈的不止是一令纸耶。我们也会印制有信头的信纸和有公司标章的便条纸。
77、Was the sovereign right of the state of Georgia to secede from the Union! ─── 乔治亚州也该说脱离政府独立了!
78、But his White House staff was drawn from a group of Georgia friends who got along with one another comparatively well. ─── 但由于他的白宫幕僚都是来自佐治亚州的一帮朋友,相处起来还比较融洽。
79、Republicans won governors' races in the traditionally Democratic States of Georgia and Maryland. ─── 共和党人则赢得了佐治亚州和马里兰州的州长职位,而这两个州长期以来都由民主党人控制。
80、But not only that; let freedom ring from stone Mountain of Georgia! ─── 不,不仅如此,让自由之声响佐治之亚洲的石山!
81、Although he was born in Northern California, Josh moved to the Blue Ridge Mountains of Georgia at the age of two. ─── 出生与加州北部,两年时全家搬到乔治亚洲的蓝岭山地区。
82、Saxby Chambliss of Georgia is a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee. ─── 另外,美国国会的共和党人对审讯备忘录的公布,也提出了强烈的批评意见。
83、Do you have mountains in Georgia? ─── 乔治亚有山吗?
84、Why was the place so different from the other Georgia towns? ─── 为什么这个地方跟旁的佐治亚市镇那么不一样呢?
85、But Georgia shows no sign of backing down. ─── 但是并不迹象表明格鲁吉亚退让。
86、University of Georgia Law Library. ─── 佐治亚大学法学院法律图书馆。
87、centennial Olympics was in Atlanta, Georgia. ─── 奥运会百年庆典在乔治亚州的亚特兰大举行。
88、He was an unused substitute against Georgia ten days ago. ─── 他10天前在对阵格鲁吉亚的比赛中一直坐在板凳上。
89、Yet he became a congressman, the American Ambassador to the United Nations and the mayor of Atlanta, Georgia. ─── 不过他后来成为国会议员、美国驻联合国大使和佐治亚州亚特兰大市的市长。
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