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08-18 投稿


brunt 发音

英:[brʌnt]  美:[brʌnt]

英:  美:

brunt 中文意思翻译




brunt 网络释义

n. 冲击;主要冲力n. (Brunt)人名;(英)布伦特

brunt 词性/词形变化,brunt变形


brunt 常用词组

bear the brunt ─── 首当其冲;承受打击

bear the brunt of ─── 首当其冲

brunt 短语词组

bear the brunt of

1. 首当其冲

He had to bear the brunt of the blame.


1、brunt cheese cake ─── 布伦特奶酪蛋糕

2、bear the brunt of ─── 首当其冲

3、brunt definition brunt ─── 定义

4、brunt of a joke ─── 笑话的首当其冲

5、brunt fca ─── 勃朗特fca

6、brunt boots ─── 短靴

7、brunt workwear brunt ─── 工作服

8、brunt insurance ─── 首创保险

brunt 相似词语短语

1、brant ─── n.黑雁;n.(Brant)人名;(英、葡、瑞典、捷)布兰特;(俄)勃兰特

2、bruit ─── v.传播,散播;n.谣传;(尤指听诊中听到的)杂音

3、brunts ─── n.冲击;主要冲力;n.(Brunt)人名;(英)布伦特

4、brut ─── adj.极干的(尤指香槟酒);粗糙的;(汽酒)未加糖的;n.低糖的酒;n.(Brut)(美、英、法)布吕特(人名)

5、brunet ─── n.浅黑肤色的男人;adj.深色的;深褐色的;n.(Brunet)(美、加、法)布吕内(人名)

6、blunt ─── adj.钝的,不锋利的;生硬的;直率的;vt.使迟钝;n.(Blunt)人名;(英)布伦特

7、grunt ─── v.作呼噜声;发哼声;咕哝着说;n.咕哝,呼噜声;工作乏味收入低的工人;步兵;(机动车辆的)动力;石鲈鱼;n.(Grunt)(俄、捷、波、美)格伦特(人名)

8、brent ─── n.黑雁;布伦特(英国英格兰东南部城市)

9、bunt ─── n.短打;推;顶撞;vt.短打;顶撞;n.(Bunt)人名;(英)邦特

brunt 习惯用语

1、at the instant brunt ─── 在开头时,起初 ─── 立刻

2、the brunt of a battle (=the brunt of an attack) ─── 【军】战斗的主要冲击

3、bear the brunt of ─── 首当其冲; 遭受敌人最猛烈的攻击

brunt 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This unit always bears the brunt of any danger. ─── 出现险情时,这支部队总是首当其冲。

2、Regarding Brunt - Bary who joins newly, the thunder appraisal is not very high. ─── 对于新加入的布伦特-巴里,莫雷评价甚高。

3、Your banks should bear the brunt of it. ─── 你们的银行应承受主要的负担。

4、bear the brunt of ─── vt. 首当其冲

5、The currency that bore the brunt was the yen. It jumped nearly 60% in a year, undermining Japanese growth. ─── 协议出来后,日圆便饱受冲击,一年之内,日圆升值近60%,削弱了日本的经济增长。

6、Indian troops bore the brunt of the Burma campaigns. ─── 在缅甸战役中,印军首当其冲。

7、In the short term, import tends to bear the brunt of the trade account's adjustment because exports respond only with a lag. ─── 在短期内,进口往往首当其冲地受到贸易帐户调整的影响,因为出口不会立竿见影地作出反应。

8、Benitez's tinkering with his squad again took the brunt of the criticism after the French side turned an impressive display into a well-deserved victory thanks to Mathieu Valbuena's late winner. ─── 在瓦尔布埃纳的进球带领着法国人获得一场赢得的胜利之后,贝尼特斯的排兵布阵再次成为了舆论的焦点。

9、I had to bear the brunt of his anger. ─── 他发脾气时, 我是首当其冲。

10、"No journalist is safe in covering this story, especially local Iraqi reporters who have suffered the brunt of media casualties. ─── 任何记者报道伊拉克的新闻都是很危险的,尤其是伊拉克本地的记者,他们遭受了更为严重的打击。

11、bore the brunt of ─── v. 首当其冲

12、If you have sloppy winters, cut a piece of carpeting to place over the car's carpeting to take the brunt of the abuse. ─── 如果冬天比较泥泞,可以在原来的地毯上在铺一块毯子。

13、"I made the mistake of confessing about the oats to Bianca," Roland continued."I fear she became somewhat sensitized on the subject, and you caught the brunt. ─── “我向比安卡承认了关于燕麦的错误,”罗兰接着说道,“我害怕她在这件事上变得敏感,而你承担了主要压力。

14、Employees on fixed-term contracts have borne the brunt. ─── 固定期限合同员工所受冲击最为严重。

15、2.China is keeping its currency pegged to the green-back. unless the U.S. drops its interest rates,europe will continue to bear the brunt of falling dollar. ─── 中国正在实行钉住汇率制,即人民币与美元紧密联系。除非欧盟降低其汇率,否则它将继续承受美元贬值所带来的压力。

16、There is one thing alone that stands the brunt of life throughout its course: a quiet conscience. ─── 世上只有一件东西,能始终经受住生活的冲击:一颗宁静的心.

17、In the developed nations, the welfare state needs to support workers who bear the brunt of the adjustment, using progressive taxation and retraining initiatives. ─── 在发达国家,福利国家需要采用累进税制,并提供再培训计划,为受到调整冲击的工人提供支持。

18、She was still figuring out where the bathrooms were when she had to bear the brunt of Herb's strong feelings about the company's policy for new managers. ─── 她正设法搞清楚问题出在哪里,她承受着赫伯对该公司新经理政策的强烈感受。

19、brunt vaisala frequency ─── 布伦特 韦伊塞拉频率

20、His secretary has to bear the brunt of his temper. ─── 他的秘书成了他的出气筒.

21、In Japan, rural areas have borne the brunt of population decline, which is so bad that one village wants to give up and turn itself into an industrial-waste dump. ─── 在日本,农村是首先受到人口下降冲击的,情况甚至坏到有个村子要放弃存在,将整个村子变成工业废物处理场。

22、Schools will bear the brunt of cuts in government spending. ─── 政府削减开支,学校将首当其冲受到影响。

23、Course Design for Brunt Technology and Mould Design ─── 冲压工艺及模具设计课程设计

24、In the short term, import tends to bear the brunt of the trade account's adjustment because exports respond only with a lag. ─── 在短期内,进口往往首当其冲地受到贸易帐户调整的影响,因为出口不会立竿见影地作出反应。

25、The Gbp felt the brunt of investor's fears, as the cable collapsed from 1.7257 to 1.6796. ─── 作为投资 者首选的英镑也让人忧虑,因为电缆已经从1.7257狂跌至1.6796。

26、I have tried to make this point clear today because you have to work in the front lines, bearing the brunt of all difficulties. ─── 你们是要在第一线顶着干工作的,所以我今天要讲这一点。

27、There is nothing alone that stands the brunt of life throughout its course:a quiet conscience. ─── 在人生的历程中始终顶住冲击的只有一件东西:一颗宁静的良心。

28、Milutinovic, 57, has borne the brunt of China's World cup anxieties. ─── 57岁的米卢承受了中国人能否进入世界杯的种种不安。

29、But other cities such as Beer Sheva and Ashdod have taken the brunt today. ─── 对其他城市来说,如比尔谢瓦和阿什多德,今天就已首当其冲了。

30、Maroni said said the European Union must step in and help members member states that bear the brunt of illeagal illegal immigration in the MediteranionMediterranean. ─── 他说,欧盟必须介入,帮助成员国抵御地中海地区非法移民的冲击。

31、Apartments have been squeezed because younger workers, who are more likely to rent, have experienced the brunt of job losses during the downturn. ─── 公寓房里挤满了人,因为不景气时期多数失业都发生在更有可能租房住的年轻劳动者身上。

32、The brunt of the fighting has been borne by just a few countries: principally the Americans, Canadians, British and Dutch (and non-NATO Australians). ─── 只有几个国家承受了战事的压力,主要是美国、加拿大、英国及荷兰(还有非北约国家的澳大利亚)。

33、There is nothing alone that stands the brunt of life throughout its course: a quiet conscience. ─── 在人生的历程中始终顶住冲击的只有一件东西:一颗宁静的良心。

34、'One firm firm,' he said as he passed the risk, knowing full well that my profit and loss would bear the brunt of the damage. ─── “这家公司你来做。”他把交易风险传递给我,心里非常清楚,产生的损失都由我给公司创造的利润来弥补。

35、Dear, please don't be so cruel to me, for my heart can't bear the brunt over and over again! ─── 亲爱的,请不要对我这么残忍,我的心,已经承受不了,再也承受不了一次又一次的打击!

36、G8 leaders agreed Wednesday to bear the brunt of steep global cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, calling on a broader bloc of developed countries to reduce pollution by 80 percent by 2050. ─── 八国集团领导人周三表示,愿与其他国家一起到2050年将全球温室气体排放量至少减半,并且发达国家排放总量届时应减少80%以上。请看本报周五的报道:

37、Maroni said said the European Union must step in and help member states that bear the brunt of illegal immigration in the Mediterranean. ─── 他说,意大利是打击非法移民的前沿国家,在保护其他欧洲国家方面投入了本国的财力。

38、His secretary has to bear the brunt of his temper ─── 他的秘书成了他的出气筒

39、He said the ground troops of the Army and Marines have especially borne the brunt of under-funding and the human and material costs of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. ─── 他还称,首当其冲受到资金不足影响的是陆军和海军,尤其是受到伊拉克和阿富汗冲突带来的人员和物资消耗。

40、at the instant brunt ─── 在开头时起初

41、His arm took the brunt of the blow. ─── 他的手臂承受了狠狠的一击。

42、Winifred, who had borne the brunt of him for exactly twenty-one years, had never really believed that he would do what he now DID. ─── 维妮佛梨德受了他整整二十一年的折磨,可是从来不相信他会做出他现在做的事来。

43、To ensure that your whole host may withstand the brunt of the enemy's attack and remain unshaken- this is affected by maneuvers direct and indirect. ─── 三军之众,可使必受敌而无败者,奇正是也;

44、International aid workers say they continue to face bureaucratic delays over access to the regions in the Irrawaddy Delta region that bore the brunt of Cyclone Nargis. ─── 国际救援人员表示,他们继续面对官僚机制的拖延,难以进入灾情最严重的伊洛瓦底江三角洲地区。

45、He absorbed the brunt of a Dwyane Wade drive, and got up hobbling. ─── 他被达伦韦德狠狠的撞了一下,之后有点一瘸一拐。

46、What is the tendercy of brunt? It is clear to explain please. ─── 什么是主力的动向?请解释清楚。

47、The brunt of her argument is direct at the trade union leader. ─── 她的言论的锋芒指向工会领袖。

48、He had to bear the brunt of the blame. ─── 他只好成为众矢之的。

49、The brunt of the costs falls on poor countries, because they are hotter and relatively dependent on agriculture. ─── 如此一来,气候变化的代价就落在了穷国头上,因为他们对农业相当依赖,他们对气候变化问题也更为热心。

50、"Feet bear the brunt of daily life, and for many workers prolonged standing, badly fitted footwear, and in particular high heels can be a hazard. ─── “足部天天承受着日常生活的重担,对于很多要长久站立的劳动者来说,分歧脚的鞋,特别是高跟鞋是危险之源。

51、If Brooks is unable in the regular season initial stage recovery to resurface, then Hyde and Brunt - Bary could not but be a guest performer the role which Alston substitutes. ─── 如果布鲁克斯无法在常规赛开始阶段伤愈复出,那么海德和布伦特-巴里将不得不客串阿尔斯通替补的角色。

52、He became more irritable than ever, and it was Princess Marya who as a rule bore the brunt of his outbursts of causeless fury. ─── 他已经变得比从前更易于激动,多半在公爵小姐玛丽亚身上发泄他那无缘无故的怒火。

53、To ensure that your whole host may withstand the Brunt of the enemy's attack and remain unshaken--this is effected by maneuvers direct and indirect. ─── 三军之众,可使必受敌而无败,奇正是也;

54、“when Arran works as the ball control guard, we sends Luther or Brunt's combination, to a great extent will be decided by opposite party matching. ─── “当阿伦当控球后卫,我们派上卢瑟或布伦特的组合,很大程度上会取决于对方的搭配。”

55、Is standing at the crossing and bearing the brunt of ─── 在路口首当其冲

56、This time around, online companies are widely expected to benefit, with traditional media bearing the brunt of any downturns in advertising. ─── 这一次,人们普遍预期,在线公司将受益,而传统媒体将受到广告行业步入低迷的冲击。

57、Corradi joins Italian teammate Stefano Fiore in criticising Valencia chiefs as they bear the brunt of criticism for a disappointing campaign. ─── 估计上轮意大利球员的出色表现,为他说话增加不少底气。他对自己缺乏支持发泄了不满。

58、The dollar is feeling the full brunt of the steady unravelling of the critical news on Lehmans and Merrill during the morning. ─── 今晨,雷曼兄弟和美林证券的重要新闻令美元饱受冲击。

59、His secretary have to bear the brunt of his temper. ─── 他的秘书成了他的出气筒。

60、Energy-guzzling heavy industries, such as steel and cement, bore the brunt of China's downturn late last year. ─── 工业部门的能耗是十分吃重的,而如钢铁和水泥,在中国去年年末的衰退中首当其冲。

61、She had to bear the brunt of the criticisms. ─── 她不得不承受批评的压力。

62、The favorite holdings of hedge funds will keep bearing the brunt of the pain from the shakeout. ─── 对冲基金青睐的企业仍将是股市动荡中的最大受害者。

63、He said the ground troops of the Army and Marines have especially__5 borne the brunt of__ under-funding and the human and material costs of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. ─── 他说陆军和海军的地面部队是军费短缺的主要对象,也是伊拉克和阿富汗战争中人力与物资的主要消耗者.

64、experts say the continent will bear the brunt of a disproportional amount of disasters resulting from climate change. ─── 专家们说,非洲大陆将比其他地方蒙受更多由于气候变化而导致的灾难。

65、The brunt of the attack fell on the divisional pioneer battalion, which was now holding the line south of Norrey-en-Bessin. ─── 他们冲进了正在诺里昂贝辛南部的师属突击大队的阵地。

66、While consumers have borne the brunt of higher energy prices in the US, Europe and Japan, many Asian governments have sought to shoulder more of the strain through subsidies or force energy companies to pay by putting a cap on prices. ─── 在美国、洲和日本,消费者承担了能源价格上涨的负担,但许多亚洲政府设法通过补贴承担更多压力,或通过设定价格上限,迫使能源企业买单。

67、The good news for Tony Mowbray is that Chris Brunt is back frominjury but Felipe Teixeira is not ready following a hamstringinjury. ─── 主教练莫不里得到的好消息是布伦特能够伤愈回归但是泰谢拉因为腿踺问题不能上场。

68、She had to bear the brunt from both sides. ─── 她不得不承受双方面的压力。

69、"The Bosnian Serbs saw the western press as an enemy, and cameramen bore the brunt of that", recalls Kelliher, ─── “波黑塞族视西方新闻界为敌,而摄影师们在这方面则首当其冲,”凯利赫回忆说。

70、He was Real Madrid's best player last season and then all of a sudden he took the brunt of the criticism for England's poor World Cup. ─── 他上赛季是皇家马德里最出色的球员,然后英格兰在世界杯上悲惨的表现让他突然间陷入巨大的冲击当中。

71、many claim that the world's highly developed countries bear sole responsibility for the plight of less-developed nations . i seriously doubt their contentions will bear the brunt of close scrutiny . ─── 人声称世界上最发达的国家应该对欠发达国家的困境承担全权责任。我非常怀疑他们的观点能经受住仔细审查的冲击。

72、The result was that African farmers bore the risk of farming and absorbed the brunt of wild fluctuations in prices. ─── 其结果就是非洲农民承担了种植粮食的风险,并承受着农产品价格大幅波动所带来的冲击。

73、You had the brunt of my being a new mom, trying to be perfect and learning with you along the way. ─── 你让我第一次成为妈妈,使我不断努力以求完善,并与你一块学习进步。

74、You will perhaps see Hyde and Brunt will appear together in the wings, I very much will also like such wings matching. ─── 你也许会看到海德和布伦特一起出现在后场,我也很喜欢这样的后场搭配。”

75、She's willing to take the brunt on her shoulders, no matter how our relatives sneer, because she loves me. ─── 妈爱我,所以肯把责任担在自己的肩上,不顾一般亲戚的闲言闲语。

76、The dollar continued to take the brunt of investors' ire over the situation in the U. ─── 投资者对美国现状的愤怒继续冲击美元。

77、Later period is OKer, attack goes up still is very powerful, PK, carbon, upgrade, it is brunt artillerist, also be main punching bag of course. ─── 后期就比较可以了,攻击一上去还是非常强大的,PK、副本、升级,都是主力炮手,当然也是主要攻击目标。

78、He bore the brunt of the blame. ─── 他成了众矢之的,人们纷纷归咎于他。

79、The brunt of her argument is directed at the trade union leader ─── 她的言论的锋芒指向工会领袖

80、Young people are bearing the brunt of unemployment. ─── 失业对年轻人的冲击最大。

81、So to ensure our ability to withstand the brunt of the enemy's attack and remain unshaken ---- flexible use of normal and special strategies is necessary in operations. ─── 因此,只有将分合、奇正、虚实三种方法综合运用,相互配合,才能在智力对抗中驾驭敌人,实现战役谋略目的。

82、Therefore the initial brunt of the coming fighting would fall on the Leibstandarte's Panzer Regiment under the command of Joachim Peiper, with 59 Panzer IVs and 46 Panthers. ─── 因此战斗的重任全部落在了约阿希姆佩普指挥的“警卫旗队”师装甲团的头上,他们拥有59辆IV型坦克和46辆豹式坦克。

83、Brunt: the main impact or force, as of an attack ─── 主要冲力、冲击

84、He said the ground troops of the Army and Marines ha vee specially borne the brunt of under-funding and the human and material cost s of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. ─── 他说,地面部队和海军前线尤为不足,因为受到了伊拉克和阿富汗冲突所带来的人员和物质消耗。

85、Advocate hit " commerce " notional Alibaba is very sensitive to this one trend, because get,the medium and small businesses of the influence is brunt client of Alibaba. ─── 主打“贸易”概念的阿里巴巴对这一趋势极为敏感,因为受到影响的中小企业正是阿里巴巴的主力客户。

86、The fjords and islands of Chilean Patagonia take the brunt of the prevailing westerlies that wail across the southern seas. ─── 智利巴塔哥尼亚的峡湾和岛屿处于盛行西风带的冲击之下,西风哀号着吹过南部洋面。

87、Faith, not wanting to be the brunt of Ean's tease, stood upright and bolted after him without even a second's hesitation. ─── 匪思不想被伊安逗弄欺辱,直起身,毫不犹豫地猛扑过去撵着伊安。

88、If we do something wrong, we have to bear the brunt and accept the punishment. ─── 如果我们做错了事,便必须要接受指责,并要接受惩罚。

89、Though frequently, especially when Megatron is the brunt of the joke, it is far from positive attention. ─── 尽管往往得到的是更差的印象,尤其是在他开威震天玩笑的时候。

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