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excommunication 发音

英:[ˌekskəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn]  美:[ˌekskəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn]

英:  美:

excommunication 中文意思翻译



excommunication 短语词组

1、major excommunication ─── 开除教籍,大革出

2、excommunication definition ─── 驱逐出境定义

3、excommunication for abortion ─── 因堕胎而被逐出教会

4、minor excommunication ─── 轻微逐出教会

5、excommunication from catholic church ─── 被逐出天主教堂

excommunication 词性/词形变化,excommunication变形


excommunication 反义词


excommunication 同义词

bar | remove | curse | unchurch | debar | anathematize | expel |exclude | throw out | eject | dispossess

excommunication 相似词语短语

1、telecommunication ─── n.电讯,远程通信,无线电通讯;电信学;电信信息

2、excommunications ─── n.逐出教会

3、communication ─── n.通讯,[通信]通信;交流;信函

4、excommunicating ─── vt.逐出教会;把…逐出教会;adj.被逐出教会的;n.被逐出教会的人

5、communications ─── n.[通信]通信;沟通;通讯系统;交通设施(communication的复数形式)

6、excommunicative ─── adj.逐出教会的;放除的

7、noncommunication ─── 不沟通

8、miscommunication ─── n.错误传达

9、excommunicator ─── n.逐出教会者;开除者

excommunication 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A conflict with Pope John XXII over the appointment of the imperial vicar in Italy led to his excommunication (1324). ─── 在任命帝国驻义大利代表人选上与教宗若望二十二世发生了冲突,导致他在1324年被判处绝罚。

2、5.Their only intention was to make unconscionable demands on them so that they could label the 23 saints as divisive and to make a case for their excommunication. ─── 他们唯一的目的是提出违法良心的要求,以便他们能够把23位圣徒打上分裂的标签以作为开革他们的理由。

3、The operation was said to have been a success but the man later had the implant removed under threat of excommunication from the church. ─── 据说手术是成功的,但那贵族后来却迫于被教会开除的威胁而将植入的狗骨取了出来。

4、Thus excommunication was a deadly thing. ─── 因此,绝罚是一个致命的事情。Mr.

5、Excommunication: to deprive of the right of church membership by ecclesiastical authority ─── 开除教籍,被教会方面取消做教友的权力

6、It says that under Canon Law, excommunication is automatic for ordinations without papal approval. The Roman Catholic Church is expected to complete a formal investigation before a final announcement. ─── 声明说,根据教廷法规,凡是未经教皇批准的祝圣主教都会被自动革除教籍.罗马天主教廷预计在完成正式调查之后将最后宣告革除决定。

7、If you make it an excommunication matter, I have nothing more to say, of course. ─── 如果你动不动就开除教籍什么的,我当然就不再说什么了。

8、priestly class, and they were guardians of the unwritten ancient customary law and had the power of executing judgment, of which excommunication from society was the most dreaded. ─── 德鲁伊教团员组成了有学问的祭司阶层,他们是古代传统口头律法的守护者,拥有执行判断的权力,被团体驱出教会是最可怕的。

9、minor [lesser] excommunication ─── 小革出(只停止领圣餐)

10、and in 1946 Rabbi Elmer Berger said, “The average Jew is no longer subject to the punishment of excommunication. ─── 而在1946年拉比埃尔默伯杰说, ”平均犹太人是不再受处罚绝罚“。

11、Excommunication from the church, therefore, was not the final penalty. ─── 故此,被开除出教会,并不是最后的惩罚。

12、The church had various levels or degrees of such discipline, ranging from the mild rebuke to the ultimate step of excommunication. ─── 教会的这些纪律也包含许多级别,从轻微的批评到终极程度的逐出教会不等。

13、It neither requires the power of the sword by the magistrate's coming to it, nor does it lose the right of instruction and excommunication by his going from it. ─── 法官的到来,教会既不需要他的剑的权力,他的离开,教会也不会失去规训和驱逐的权利。

14、If you make it an excommunication matter, I have nothing more to say, of course ─── 如果你动不动就开除教籍什么的,我当然就不再说什么了。

15、The Vatican announced two days after the September 2006 ordination that he had incurred excommunication latae sententiae or automatically by virtue of his actions. ─── 在经过了一段时间与天主教会的和解之后,他为他去年7月成立的新组织"天主教牧师结婚倡议"运动任命了4位牧师为主教。

16、A formal ecclesiastical ban, curse, or excommunication. ─── 逐出教门正式的宗教禁令、诅咒或逐出教门

17、Do you cater to his whims and avoid excommunication or plot his downfall and rig the papal elections to place your own Pope in power? ─── 你是选择为了不被逐出教会而去迎合他的那些怪念头呢,还是要密谋使他垮台?或者干脆逼迫他出让给你只有教皇才能拥有的至高无上的权柄?(教皇就是一刽子手!)

18、Swiss Protestant theologian and philosopher who opposed Calvinism and the use of excommunication as a punishment. ─── 伊拉特斯,托马斯1524-1583瑞士新教神学家、哲学家,他反对加尔文主义和采用开除教籍的办法来惩罚人

19、When the excommunication of Bishop Williamson was lifted, the Vatican did not know he had recently said there were no gas chambers, and that no more than 300,000 Jews had died; ─── 在逐出威廉姆森主教被取消时,梵蒂冈不知道他最近说什么,他说那里没有毒气室,并没有超过30万犹太人死亡;

20、In December 1520 Luther received his Papal Bull of excommunication and then later burned it. ─── 1520年,路德收到革出教会令,之后便烧毁了教谕。

21、Swiss Protestant theologian and philosopher who opposed Calvinism and the use of excommunication as a punishment ─── 瑞士新教神学家、哲学家,他反对加尔文主义和采用开除教籍的办法来惩罚人

22、an excommunication or condemnation by church officials. ─── 被教会逐出或宣布有罪。

23、The punishments of confiscation of property and excommunication would be inflicted upon those who failed to appear. ─── 若有人不出席的话,财产要充公,个人也将从会众中被除名。

24、That what you risk is nothing less than... excommunication. ─── 你们所冒的险可比被逐出教会大的多。

25、Returning to Lombardy, Frederick drove out the papal armies which had invaded his territories, and forced the pope to end his excommunication ─── 回到伦巴第后,腓特烈驱走了入侵其领土的教皇军队,迫使教皇终止对他的惩罚。

26、Or shun his requests and risk facing his fearsome Inquisitors or even excommunication? ─── 或者冒着被宗教法官审判或是开除出教会的危险对他阳奉阴违?

27、He said the excommunication would not apply to the child because of her age, but would affect all those who ensured the abortion was carried out. ─── 他还说,由于那个女孩年龄太小,因此驱逐令不会涉及到她,但对其余所有涉及堕胎的人都有效。

28、" It says that under Canon Law, excommunication is automatic for ordinations without papal approval. ─── 声明说,根据教廷法规,凡是未经教皇批准的祝圣主教都会被自动革除教籍。

29、Excommunication neither does, nor can, deprive the excommunicated person of any of those civil goods that he formerly possessed. ─── 驱逐教会没有,也不能剥夺被驱逐的人的任何以前拥有的世俗财产。

30、” This verse seems to follow on the excommunication of the blind man Christ had just healed. ─── 基督说这句话,是在祂治好一个瞎子之后,法赛人却把瞎子赶走。

31、In the court of Sicily, excommunication mattered little and Frederick could afford to regard it with humorous cynicism. ─── 在西西里法庭上,对腓特烈来说绝罚没什么大不了的,他以幽默的愤世嫉俗的态度面对它。

32、The British Bishop, Richard Williamson, came to world attention last month when Pope Benedict lifted his excommunication in an effort to mend a rift with ultra-traditionalist clerics. ─── 这位英国的主教,威廉姆森,在上个月引起了世界的注意,当罗马教皇本尼迪克特赞扬了他,在他试图修补和一个极端保守主义牧师之间的不和被逐出教会后。

33、Henry decided to purge his excommunication and get the interdict on his territories withdrawn by apologizing and doing penance. ─── 亨利决定通过道歉、忏悔以让教皇恢复他的教籍,重新获得领地上行使教权。

34、The Concordat with the German nation dealt with canonical election, appeals to Rome, annats, indulgences, dispensations, and the limitation of excommunication; ─── 德国提交给罗马的协议书涉及主教选举,年费,赦免权,教职分配,和对驱逐出教权力的限制。

35、Exile. Excommunication. Divorce. Termination. These have impacts beyond the financial and convenient, the primary being emotional pain. ─── 流放、开除教籍、离婚、剥夺生命等等手段,其威慑力不在于经济和实用方面,而主要在于精神痛苦。

36、major [greater] excommunication ─── 大革出(开除教籍)

37、Had he not issued several Declarations and a Decree to stop the pilgrimages even with the threat of automatic excommunication? ─── 他没有发出几个宣言和一项法令,以阻止朝圣,甚至与威胁的自动绝罚?

38、As a senior figure in the Church, Pobedonostsev helped to initiate Tolstoy's excommunication. ─── 作为教会的高级的人物,他协助策动驱逐托尔斯泰出教。

39、Henry decided to purge his excommunication and get the interdict on his territories withdrawn by apologising and doing penance. ─── 亨利四世决定向教皇请罪,表示诲意,以此希冀教皇解除将其逐出教门的惩罚,并撤回在其领土上的授权禁令。

40、If you make it an excommunication matter, I have nothing more to say, of course. ─── 如果你动不动就开除教籍什么的,我当然就不再说什么了。

41、church had various levels or degrees of such discipline, ranging from the mild rebuke to the ultimate step of excommunication. ─── 教会的这些纪律也包含许多级别,从轻微的批评到终极程度的逐出教会不等。

42、The operation was said to have been a success but the man later had the implant removed under threat of excommunication from the church. ─── 据说手术是成功的,但那贵族后来却迫于被教会开除的威胁而将植入的狗骨取了出来。

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