gonys 发音
英:[['gəʊnɪs]] 美:[['goʊnɪs]]
英: 美:
gonys 中文意思翻译
gonys 相似词语短语
1、gongs ─── 锣
2、gonks ─── n.(英)蛋形洋娃娃
3、gonads ─── n.[解剖]生殖腺;内性器(gonad的复数)
4、gonifs ─── 性腺
5、gongyo ─── n.仪式
6、Tonys ─── n.托尼(男名)(Tony的变形)
7、goners ─── n.已死者;无望的人,无法挽救的人;落魄的人
8、gonofs ─── 角
9、goys ─── n.异教徒;异邦人;非犹太人;n.(Goy)人名;(德、西、捷、匈、意)戈伊;(法)古瓦
gonys 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Subsidence associated with MORAKOT made convection hardly possible, and the HKO downgraded GONI back to a tropical depression at 10 HKT that day. ─── 与莫拉克相关连的下沉气流抑制南海北部的对流活动,天文台亦于上午10时把天鹅降格为热带低气压。
2、GONI has started to travel west. At 02 HKT, GONI was centred about 140 km (80 NM) WSW of Hong Kong. ─── 天鹅开始向偏西移动。在02HKT,天鹅集结在香港西南偏西约140公里(80海里)。
3、At 20 HKT, GONI was centred about 320 km (170 NM) SSW of Hong Kong. ─── 在20HKT,天鹅集结在香港西南偏南约320公里(170海里)。
4、"Goni then went on to describe what kind of player Piatti is, likening him to the great Lionel Messi. ─── 当然,意甲联赛是其中之一。”
5、To avoid leaks, they worked at home. Every few days, Goni reported to the president. ─── 为防止出现纰漏,他们都在家中工作。每隔几天,孔塞洛就要向总统汇报一次。
6、NARRATOR: Goni's party did win the election, and he became minister of planning. He told the president that Bolivia was running out of time. ─── 旁白:孔塞洛的政党的确在选举中获得了胜利,他出任计划部部长,他告诉总统,###的时间是很有限的。
7、GONI has intensified slightly. At 08 HKT, GONI was centred about 230 km (120 NM) WSW of Haikou. ─── 天鹅稍为增强。在08HKT,天鹅集结在海口西南偏西约230公里(120海里)。
8、After looping near Hainan Island, interaction between the storms is expected to weaken and GONI will travel north to make landfall in Guangdong. ─── 经过海南东南部后,它和莫拉克的影响将逐渐减弱,并将逐渐向北移动,再度趋向广东。
9、GONI gradually picked up strength during the day, but the JMA still kept it as a 35-knot system (i.e. a minimal tropical storm). ─── 天鹅于当天逐步增强,但日本气象厅一直把其强度维持于35节(热带风暴下限强度)。
10、Southeasterly winds, changing gradually to southerly, are expected to remain strong in the next few hours, and occasional squalls may be observed as Hong Kong is hit by GONI's rain bands. ─── 本港东南强风将于未来数小时维持,并逐渐转为偏南风;当天鹅的雨带扫过香港时,阵风可能仍然猛烈。
11、Moreno B., Goni F., Fernandez O., Martinez J.A. and Astigarraga M. (1997).The disinfection of wastewater by ultraviolet light, Water Science and Technology, 35, 11-12, 233-235. ─── 李文圣(2004),都市污水厂放流水再生利用之潜势分析,国立台北科技大学环境规划与管理研究所,硕士论文。
12、Because of Goni's connection to Dae-ho, he ends up in prison where he learns the tricks and trade of gambling.Goni is forever changed. ─── 但阿鬼获知高尼是大浩的继子后,巧设圈套将高尼送进了监狱,在监狱里练就赌术广交朋友,并拜在一代高手平警长门下,卧薪尝胆刻苦修炼后他重出江湖。
13、The JMA's initial track also put GONI very close to Hong Kong, and similar tracks were subsequently followed by the CWB of Taiwan and the JTWC. ─── 日本气象厅预计天鹅将非常接近香港,其后台湾的中央气象局和JTWC亦作出类似预测。
14、We thought the society that was built on flaming pyres of tyres had ended.We hoped that the era of the goni billa (informer) had gone forever. ─── 我们以为建立在轮胎火焰堆之上的社会已经瓦解,我们希望告密者的时代已经终结。
15、Goni's party did win the election, and he became minister of planning. He told the president that Bolivia was running out of time. ─── 孔塞洛的政党的确在选举中获得了胜利,他出任计划部部长,他告诉总统,玻利维亚的时间是很有限的。
16、 双语使用场景
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