conclusive 发音
英:[kən'kluːsɪv] 美:[kən'klusɪv]
英: 美:
conclusive 中文意思翻译
conclusive 词性/词形变化,conclusive变形
名词: conclusiveness |副词: conclusively |
conclusive 反义词
conclusive 短语词组
1、conclusive agreement ─── 结论性协议
2、conclusive evidence synonym ─── 确凿证据
3、conclusive proof ─── [法] 确证
4、conclusive meaning ─── 结论性意义
5、conclusive synonym ─── 结论性同义词
6、conclusive concluding ─── 结论性 ─── 结论
7、conclusive judgment ─── [法] 最后判决
8、conclusive table ─── 总结表
9、conclusive evidence crossword clue ─── 确凿证据纵横字谜线索
10、conclusive evidence ─── [法] 决定性证据
11、corroborative conclusive ─── 确凿的
12、conclusive link ─── 决定性的联系
13、conclusive of evidence ─── 确证
14、conclusive proof provider ─── 确凿证据提供者
15、conclusive definition ─── 结论性定义
16、conclusive evidence clause ─── 决定性证据条款
17、conclusive presumption ─── [法] 决定性推定, 绝对推定
conclusive 同义词
valid | complete | decided | absolute | certain | convincing | ultimate | irrefutable | determining | verifiable | corroborative | established | terminative | beyond question | sure | extreme | cogent | strong | closing | definite | clinching | incontestable | last | concluding | categorical | confirmed | authoritative | powerful | definitive |final | authenticated | determinative | decisive | terminal
conclusive 相似词语短语
1、conclusion ─── n.结论;结局;推论
2、inclusive ─── adj.包含的,包括的;包含全部费用的;包括提到的所有……在内的;范围广泛的;一切服务包含在内的;包括明示界限在内的;不排斥任何一方的;有意避免性别歧视的;兼收并蓄的;adv.包括一切费用在内地
3、inconclusive ─── adj.不确定的;非决定性的;无结果的
4、concussive ─── adj.震荡性的;给与冲击的
5、collusive ─── adj.共谋的
6、unconclusive ─── 无结论的
7、conclusively ─── adv.最后地;决定性地
8、concessive ─── adj.有妥协性的,让步的
9、contusive ─── 挫伤的
conclusive 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Whenever any such error is discovered within that period. the account shall forthwith be corrected, and thenceforth shall be conclusive. ─── 在此期间,若发现任何不正之处,应立即改正,并最终通过。
2、When confronted with conclusive evidence, he had to admit his guilt. ─── 在确证面前他不得不承认自己的罪行。
3、In China's new economic landscape characterized by conclusive changes for the period, we must make strategic readjustment to our economic structure. ─── 在我国经济发展出现阶段性变化的新情况下,必须坚决进行经济结构战略性调整。
4、FDA advisers said last month the risk appeared real but that the evidence wasn't conclusive enough to merit pulling Avandia from the market. ─── FDA顾问上个月说,这个危险确实出现,但是将文迪雅撤出市场,证据还不充足。
5、Logic An argument that presents an antagonist with a choice of two or more alternatives, each of which contradicts the original contention and is conclusive. ─── 二难推理,两刀论法:在两个或两个以上可供选择的对象中提供一种选择,但不管选择那一个对象,它同样又是反对这一选择的决定性论证
6、An experiment closely analogous to this one but using light waves, provided the conclusive evidence of the wave nature of light. ─── 一个与此极其类似但应用光波的实验提供了证实光的波动性的确切证据。
7、As for the boat itself,no conclusive remains having been uncovered. ─── 关于船只,没有发现任何有说服力的沉船的遗骸。
8、Many explanations have been offered for why night bruxism occurs and who is at risk, without conclusive proof. ─── 关于夜磨牙症发生的原因及哪些是高危人群曾有过很多说法,但没有明确的证据。
9、The repetitiveness and the fact that none of these things are conclusive means that voters aren't moved by this stuff anymore. ─── 他们不断重复的老一套说法,而事实上又没有哪一件事能有定论,这就使得选民的感情不再受这些说法的影响。
10、In front of the conclusive evidence, Zhang acknowledged this batch of illegal fish artillery class firecracker is truly his in May produces. ─── 在确凿的证据面前,张某承认了这批非法鱼炮类爆竹确实是他今年5月份生产的。
11、Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful. ─── 不要因为狗的崇拜眼光,就自认为你很优秀。
12、The best they can do is to argue (despite a lack of conclusive evidence) that the prophecy was not written by Daniel, but by an unknown forger writing in the days of the Greeks. ─── 他们能够做的事情就是否认但以理书是但以理书写的(尽管他们没有令人信服的证据),而是由希腊帝国时期的一位假冒但以理的人写成的。
13、They produced some fairly conclusive evidence. ─── 他们提供了一些相当确凿的证据。
14、This epidemiological study shows an association but we need further study to be conclusive, " he said. " ─── 这一流行病学调查提供了相关性,但我们需要进一步研究以做出结论。
15、The court of appeals must consider the matter solely on the record before the Secretary, and his findings are conclusive if supported by substantial evidence. ─── 上诉法院必须在部长批准之前根据记录对该案进行完全独立的思考,如果确有证据,即确定其判决。
16、Palmitic acid seemed to decrease the elongation percentage, although no conclusive results were found on tensile strength. ─── 实验结果尚无法确实认定添加软脂酸对薄膜拉伸抗张强度之影响,但可显示会减少薄膜延展率。
17、With plants we have conclusive evidence that the sterility of crossed species must be due to some principle. ─── 在植物方面,我们已有确实的证据,表明杂交物种的不育性一定是由于某种原理而起。
18、To put(business affairs, for example) into correct, definitive, or conclusive form. ─── 处理,处置使(如事务)成正确的、确定的或有结果的形式
19、Exertions to ensure security were aimed at a conclusive settlement with the Soviet Union. ─── 为保证安全所作的努力,都是为了达到与苏联求得最后解决的目的。
20、Basically, books are more conclusive than newsletters and tips however, they are for free and mostly updated. ─── 基本来说,书籍比时事通讯和小贴士信息更具有概括性,然而,后两者是免费的,并且大部分都会进行时事更新。
21、An argument that presents an antagonist with a choice of two or more alternatives,each of which contradicts the original contention and is conclusive. ─── 二难推理,两刀论法在两个或两个以上可供选择的对象中提供一种选择,但不管选择那一个对象,它同样又是反对这一选择的决定性论证。
22、An argument that presents an antagonist with a choice of two or more alternatives, each of which contradicts the original contention and is conclusive. ─── 二难推理,两刀论法在两个或两个以上可供选择的对象中提供一种选择,但不管选择那一个对象,它同样又是反对这一选择的决定性论证
23、While there is no conclusive evidence of Xu Fu's landing in Japan, the local Japanese people of the two places seem to be convinced of it. ─── 对徐福去日本一事,当地的日本人确信无疑。
24、The boys follow the Waterfront Man once more determined to get the conclusive bit of evidence against him. ─── 男孩跟随海滨的男子时更加确定得到决定性的证据针对海滨的男子。
25、The evidences of perjury are conclusive; therefore we find you guilty. ─── 你制造伪证是证据确凿的,因此我们认为你有罪。
26、But he never won the command of the sea from the British and his fleets sustained a conclusive defeat inflicted by the British Admiral Nelson at Trafalgar (1805). ─── 但是,他从来没有 从英国人手中赢得海上霸权,英国海军上将纳尔逊使拿破仑的舰队在特拉法尔加 角遭受了决定性失败(1805)。
27、Her fingerprints on the gun were r=# cc0066>conclusive proof of her guilt. ─── 她在枪上留下的指纹就是她犯罪的确凿证据.
28、But comparisons based on skull shape are not considered conclusive by anthropologists, so a team of Mexican and British scientists, backed by the Natural Environment Research Council, has also attempted to extract DNA from the bones. ─── 但是人类学家认为头骨形状的比较并不能成为确凿证据,所以一个由墨西哥和英国科学家组成的小组在自然环境研究委员会的支持下,试图从这些骨骼中提取DNA。
29、Esther Lopez-Garcia in Spain, is conclusive in its findings, unseating conflicting evidence in previous scientific literature. ─── EstherLopez-Garcia博士主导,结果是具有结论性的并排除了先前科学记录中的互相矛盾的证据。
30、The Employer Payroll Autopay Service Authorization Letter shall be conclusive. ─── 以雇主支薪自动转账服务授权书为准。
31、So too have the general - though by no means conclusive - signals that the world economy is also in better shape. ─── 尽管目前尚未能断言全球经济是否已走出谷底,但普遍迹象显示全球经济正有所改善,亦有利本港经济。
32、If you get a positive IgM, please disregard it, as it is not enough by itself for a conclusive diagnosis. ─── 如果抗原检查为阳性,请别理会,因为这不足以确诊。
33、They have said that "supportive but not conclusive" evidence shows that "eating 1.5 ounces of walnuts a day ... may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. ─── 他们说“赞同但没有确凿”的证据表明,每天吃1.5盎司的胡桃油可以减少患冠心病的风险。
34、Don't accept your dogs admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful. ─── 别将狗对你的崇拜当作证明你是优秀的证据。
35、They had conclusive evidence of her guilt. ─── 他们对她的罪行有确凿的证据。
36、In the event of the findings being sufficiently conclusive, we should take serious corrective action to curtail our own emissions and also to participate in international treaties regarding abatement of emissions. ─── 在这项研究的发现具有确切的结论性的情况下,我们就应该采取恰当的行动来减少我们的排放量,同时参加关于减排的国际条约。
37、The evidence, by definition, is not likely to be conclusive. ─── 从下定义的角度来看,证据不见得是确凿可靠的。
38、The not-so-good news: Reports and prevalence are not the same, and it's not conclusive that they move in concert. ─── 不太好的消息是,告发和案发的情况并不一致,而且也不能得出结论说,他们的发展趋势一致。
39、The accessory criminal could not but empty the bag in face of conclusive evidence. ─── 从犯在确凿证据面前不得不把作案过程一一作了交代。
40、Having the power to decide; conclusive. ─── 决定性的有权决定的; 结论性的
41、At present, the WSDL does not provide enough information to be a conclusive source for a System Interface specification. ─── 目前,WSDL没有提供足够的信息作为系统接口规范的确凿来源。
42、There is no conclusive proof in the canon of which year Hermione was born, although she and Harry are referred to by Dumbledore as being" two thirteen-year-old wizards" in PA, which would indicate a1980 birth year. ─── 对于赫敏究竟出生在哪年,谁也没有确凿的证据,不过在《囚徒》里,她和哈利被邓不利多称为“两个十三岁的巫师”,由此可以推算出她出生于1980年。
43、While the need for a development agenda had been debated at length, the time had now come for a conclusive discussion. ─── 尽管已经长久地争辩了是否需要一个发展议程的问题,但现在是进行决定性讨论的时候了。
44、It is thus too early to state anything conclusive about the fundamental limitation of earthquake prediction. ─── 因此,对地震预测的基础性限制做出任何结论,目前实在太早。
45、Must punish legally to the evidence conclusive artificial increase melamine's illegal criminal offender, must hold responsible seriously to dereliction of duty's staff. ─── 对证据确凿的人为添加三聚氰胺的违法犯罪分子要依法严惩,对失职的工作人员要严肃追究责任。
46、India's Bharti Airtel and South Africa's MTN called off their merger talks shortly before a conclusive deadline. ─── 印度BhartiAirtel与南非MTN的合并在即却不幸被叫停。
47、Counsel for the SFC mentioned interactions between Francis Yuen and Inneo Lam.However, it is true that they failed to adduce conclusive evidence that they had arranged vote-rigging. ─── 就电盈私有化,代表证监会的大律师提到袁天凡与林孝华的互动,确实未能提出信而有徵的证据,证明两人在安排种票。
48、Astronomers say they have found the first conclusive evidence of water outside our own solar system. ─── 天文学家说,他们首次掌握了确凿证据,证明太阳系之外有水的存在。
49、If Erlitou culture and type unifies with Dongxiafeng type, then Erlitou culture is Xia culture is conclusive wi... ─── 如果把二里头文化二里头类型与东下冯类型结合起来考虑,则二里头文化就是夏文化确凿无疑。
50、But the evidence is not conclusive, and there is no consensus on how much of the vitamin would be needed for disease prevention. ─── 但证据并不确定,产且对具体多少维生素才能防止疾病并无达成共识。
51、Her attorneys claim there is no conclusive evidence that any murders took place. ─── 她的律师们声称没有任何发生过谋杀的确凿证据。
52、Such a conclusive evidence is hard to be explained away. ─── 如此确凿的证据是很难巧辩的。
53、After being shown conclusive evidence, the other side had to back down. ─── 出示确凿的证据之后,对方不得不作出让步。
54、Her fingerprints on the gun were conclusive proof of her guilt. ─── 她在枪上留下的指纹就是她犯罪的确凿证据。
55、These a few companies have conclusive effect in the market.HP - 29. 6 % , IBM - 27. 54b.Sun - 17 % .SGI - 15. 9 % .Point out finally. ─── 列出了上述市场总情况的数据.这几家公司在市场上起决定性作用.HP-29.6%,IBM-27.54b.Sun-17%.SGI-15.9%。
56、The conclusive evidence on their nature came from spectra. ─── 关于其性质的决定性证明是从光谱得到的。
57、The point she made was never the relevant point, her arguments conclusive but barren. ─── 她的意见永远是不中肯的,她的论据武断而又缺乏分析。
58、Moreover, conditions vary in different units, and it is therefore essential to have conclusive evidence, adopt an objective approach and avoid excesses, for excesses are a mistake. ─── 在各个单位内情况又互相区别,必须确有证据,实事求是,不可过分,过分就是错误。
59、In an editorial in the Journal, Dr. Denis Evans and Dr. Julia Bienias of the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, cautioned that the findings are not conclusive. ─── 在该期刊的一篇评论中,芝加哥拉什大学医学中心的丹尼斯·埃文斯医生和朱利亚·比尼亚斯医生警告说,这些发现并不是很确凿。
60、If the data is not conclusive or the characteristic is not important to the design or its acceptance , we prefer to err on the side of gender, ethnic, age, and geographic diversity. ─── 如果数据不是结论性的,或者特征对于设计或者可接受性来说不重要,我们宁愿选择不同于性别、人种、年龄和地理分布的另外数据。
61、Though the company data all point in one direction, in so far as the nature of the enemy buildup is concerned, they are not conclusive, and many questions remain unanswered. ─── 尽管连队的资料都具有相同的指示性,但关于敌军如何集结的真实情况,它们还不是最终结论,还有很多问题没有得到解答。
62、Only by diagnosing the accounting management system, can we guarantee that accounting information is conclusive and reliable. ─── 使小企业的会计体系和会计制度不尽合理、只有先对会计管理系统进行诊断,才能保证小企业会计信息的真实、可靠。
63、While not conclusive, these spectra may also provide clues to the origins of the color in these diamonds, which would help guide future studies. ─── 尽管不是结论的特征,这些光谱也许还可提供这些钻石颜色来源的线索,这将有助于指导进一步的研究。
64、In a unique manner it has been sung in many ways by various sages, by the Vedic hymns, by various aphorisms of Vedanta with its sound logic and reasoning and by conclusive evidence. ─── 以其独特的风格,在《呋陀》圣歌里,在以音律形式的逻辑推理,而得出结论性根据的各种《呋檀多》的格言里,它被各种各样的圣贤们以各种方式所歌唱。
65、Historians speculate that he may have also fought at Platea in 479 BCE, but there is no conclusive evidence of this. ─── 历史学家还疑心他或许也在西元前479年的普拉提战役中掺和了一把,只是没有确切的证据罢了。
66、Senior conclusive proficiency in graphic of teacher training university. ─── 在师范大学就读期间熟练掌握高级绘画技巧。
67、Two hundred years would lapse before conclusive experimental evidence established the "particulate" nature of matter. ─── 又过了两百年,才有肯定的实验证据确认物质的“粒子性”本质。
68、Having the power to decide;conclusive. ─── 决定性的有权决定的;结论性的
69、Franklin did not believe that the French tests were conclusive. ─── 富兰克林不相信这个法国人的实验是结论性的。
70、A more elaborate painting may yield more conclusive information. ─── 一个更精致的绘画可以产生更多的结论性信息。
71、This physical evidence was conclusive. ─── 这些物证是决定性的。
72、Until last week, however, the data were anything but conclusive. ─── 但直到上星期,人们才从实验数据中得出结论。
73、Testing for a variety of respiratory diseases of the initial cases did not reveal any conclusive results. ─── 对各种呼吸系统疾病初始病例的检测没有得出任何结论性意见。
74、To me, what was conclusive was that the conditioning in Brave New World was neither entirely painless nor completely successful. Small children were given shocks to induce a distaste for flowers and books. ─── 在我看来,可以确定的是《勇敢的新世界》中的训练既非完全没有痛苦也不是彻底成功的,小孩子们被电击以使他们对鲜花和书本产生一种憎恶感。
75、YUE JI, a conclusive classical literature of the Chinese ancient early aesthetic thought system, plays an important role in the Chinese aesthetical history, and also has an important effect on many aspects of the later literary theory. ─── 乐记》是中国古代早期美学思想系统总结性的经典文献,在中国美学史上占有重要地位,对后世文学理论有重要的多方面的影响。
76、But in the case of AAV, many people may be naturally infected with this harmless virus, so the test would not be conclusive for doping. ─── 但以AAV的例子来看,许多人在自然状况下就曾感染过这种无害的病毒,因此即使检验,也无法确认违禁使用基因疗法的事实。
77、As for the boat itself, no conclusive remains have been uncovered. ─── 关于船只,没有发现任何有说服力的沉船的遗
78、In some contexts, as Buckley illustrates, that type of argument can be nearly conclusive. ─── 在有些情况下,如“巴克利”案所表明的那一类争辩理由,可以说几乎就是结论性的。
79、An experiment closely analogous to this one but using light waves, provided the conclusive evidence of the wave nature of light. ─── 一个与此极其类似但应用光波的实验提供了证实光的波动性的确切证据。
80、"It is, nevertheless, conclusive to my mind. ─── “我对于这件事还没有断定。
81、The only other time NASA searched for chemical signs of life was during the Viking missions.Neither lander found conclusive evidence of life. ─── 太空总署唯一另外一次去寻找是否有化学生命迹象,是在出维京任务时,但当时登陆器并未发现有生命的确证。
82、Again, my results should not be considered conclusive; the best test is always to try your particular application under each filesystem to see how it performs. ─── 再次声明,不应该将我的结果视为结论性的;最好的测试总是:在每个文件系统上运行您的特定应用程序,以观察它是如何执行的。
83、There is no conclusive evidence of palaces or temples衞r, indeed, of kings, armies, or priests. ─── 事实上,没有国王、军队或者祭司的宫殿或庙宇的确定证据。
84、There is no conclusive proof. ─── 没有确凿的证据。
85、A conclusive statement or decision that may be taken as a guide or precedent. ─── 判例可作为指导或先例的结论性陈述或决定
86、Two hundred years would lapse before conclusive experimental evidence established the 'particulate'nature of matter. ─── 又过了两百年,才有肯定的实验证据确认物质的“粒子性”本质。
87、FDA evaluated the data and determined that, although there is scientific evidence supporting the claim, the evidence is not conclusive. ─── FDA的评估数据和确定,虽然有科学证据支持索赔,证据不是决定性的。
88、After such period, the statement will in the absence of manifest error be deemed to be correct and conclusive evidence of the balances upon relevant accounts. ─── 在上述期间过后,该月结单,在没有表明错误之情况下,将被视为有关账户之结馀确证。
89、The dumping entity shall present conclusive evidence to the Competent Authority, which, having affirmed the evidence, shall order the third party to be liable for damages. ─── 倾倒单位应向主管部门提出确凿证据,经主管部门确认后责令第三者承担赔偿责任。
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