repository 发音
英:[rɪ'pɒzɪt(ə)rɪ] 美:[rɪ'pɑzə'tɔri]
英: 美:
repository 中文意思翻译
repository 词性/词形变化,repository变形
名词复数: repositories |
repository 短语词组
1、date repository ─── 日期存储库
2、luggage repository ─── 行李存储库
3、file sharing repository ─── 文件共享存储库
4、open existing repository ─── 打开现有存储库
5、radioactive waste repository ─── [化] 放射性废物处置库
6、no repository ─── 无存储库
7、digital repository ─── 数字知识库
8、repository schema ─── 存储库模式
9、full-scale repository ─── 全面的存储库
10、chinese repository ─── 中国丛报
11、repository engine ─── 存储库引擎
12、no repository found ─── 未找到存储库
13、repository object ─── 存储库对象
14、forking a repository ─── 分叉存储库
15、document repository ─── 文档存储库
16、institutional repository ─── 机构库 ─── 机构知识库
17、central repository ─── 中央资料库; ─── 中央储存器; ─── 中央储存库
18、pom repository pom ─── 存储库
19、forking the repository ─── 分叉存储库
repository 相似词语短语
1、depositor ─── n.存款人,存放者;寄托者
2、repositor ─── n.复位器
3、depositary ─── n.受托人;受托公司;储藏所;adj.存款的;用作储藏所的
4、expository ─── adj.说明的;解释的;评注的(等于expositive)
5、prepositor ─── n.学生自治会主席
6、depositors ─── [金融]存款人,寄托人(depositor的复数)
7、repositors ─── 存储库
8、prepositors ─── n.学生自治会主席
9、depository ─── n.贮藏所;受托者;存储处;仓库(同depositary)
repository 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Regardless of the update method, though, a comprehensive, responsive global file signature repository is a step in the right direction. ─── 但不管是哪一种更新方法,综合性的、应迅即的全球文件签名库都是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。
2、Creating a source control repository is kind of a special event. ─── 创建一个源码库是有点特殊的情况。
3、The Event catalog is a repository of event meta-data and provides the user with the ability to specify event definitions. ─── 事件目录是事件元数据的存储库,它为用户提供指定事件定义的能力。
4、We were able to create a fake implementation of the repository and inject it into the controller to create a very specific scenario. ─── 我们可以生成存储库的模仿实现并把它注入到控制器中,以生成一个特殊的场景。
5、Before 1956, the temple had a repository for a relic of Monk Xuan Zhuang of Tang. ─── 1956 年前,寺院内还供奉唐代高僧玄奘法师的舍利。
6、An SCM repository contains every version of your source code that has ever existed. ─── 一个配置库包含了你的源代码已经存在的每个版本。
7、A library is a repository of medicine for the mind. ─── 图书馆是治疗精神之病院。
8、As carefully as he could, he redressed the little girl and then pulled out a small vial out of a repository of his cloak. ─── 他尽力小心地给小女孩重新穿好衣服,然后从自己斗篷的口袋里取出一个小瓶。
9、In this case, suppliers send their item data to a central repository, which the supply chain company controls and maintains. ─── 在本例中,供应商们将其项数据发送到了一个中心资料库中,这家供应链公司将对该资料库进行控制和维护。
10、Here is where the actual wrapping code for the OmniFind repository begins to take shape. ─── 在这里,OmniFind存储库的实际映射代码开始发挥作用。
11、A place where something is deposited, as for storage or safekeeping; a repository. ─── 储藏室,存放处,仓库(为存储或保管)存放物品的地方;仓库,储藏室
12、Allows packages to be saved to Meta Data Services (the Repository). ─── 允许将包保存到元数据服务(存储库)。
13、In a small ISV, it may be quite logical to have only one repository which contains every project. ─── 在一个小的独立软件开发商那里,一个包含了所有项目的库是相当合理的。
14、A file with this name exists already in the shared file repository; please go back and upload this file under a new name. ─── 在共享文件库中已存在此名称的文件;请返回并用一个新的名称来上传此文件。
15、A place where something is deposited,as for storage or safekeeping;a repository. ─── 储藏室,存放处,仓库(为存储或保管)存放物品的地方;仓库,储藏室
16、The lost manuscript was found in a repository in France. ─── 丢失的手稿在法国的一个存放处被找到了。
17、In the model integration level, the models are integrated by using the neutral model repository and the CAPE?OPEN. ─── 在模型集成层,引入了中性模型库和cape OPEN技术,克服不同运行系统之间模型不能共享的缺点;
18、In the Add repository window, type the URL of the repository location or browse to it and set a file path. ─── 在添加存储库窗口中,输入存储库位置的URL,或者浏览至该位置并设置文件路径。
19、My father is a repository of family history. ─── 我的父亲对家族史无所不知。
20、Note also that Packaging Utility can be used to combine multiple product packages into a single repository location. ─── 另请注意,可以使用Packaging Utility将多个产品软件包组合到单个存储库位置中。
21、This enables common bundles to be factored out of individual enterprise application archives and managed centrally in a bundle repository. ─── 这允许将公共bundle从单独的企业应用程序存档中分离出来,并在一个bundle知识库中集中管理。
22、An SCM repository is a busy hub of activity. ─── 一个配置管理库就是一个繁忙的活动枢纽。
23、CVS and Perforce use this approach for repository storage. ─── CVS和Perforce使用这种方式来存储库。
24、CVS repository is distinct, completely separate from the working directory, but it still uses ",v" files just like RCS. ─── 一个CVS库是明显的、彻底的同工作目录分离的,但是它仍然像RCS那样使用“,V”文件。
25、CVS will not overwrite the current repository file but replaces it with another one. ─── CVS不会覆盖当前仓库中的文件,而是用另一个文件替换它。
26、Therefore, the first thing you need to do is create this SDO repository. ─── 因此,您需要做的第一件事就是创建SDO存储库。
27、The NT Server acting as a database server is the central data repository for the production line. ─── 作为数据库服务器,nt服务器是生产线的数据仓库
28、SIU-C Infant Cry Archive - repository of cry information concerning children at educational or health risk. ─── 介绍儿童在接受教育时或有健康问题时通过哭声所表达的信息。
29、Instead of one repository, there can be several, or even many. ─── 一个库可以有好几个,甚至更多。
30、Most donors are gratified that their collections are of sufficient historical value that a repository wants to acquire it in the first place. ─── 大多数捐赠者感到欣慰的是,其收藏品有足够的历史价值,存放想要获取资讯首位。
31、PLF REPOSITORY (Unsupported. May contain illegal packages. Use at own risk. ─── PLF软件仓库(不被支持的.可能包括非法软件包.使用它具有一定风险.
32、In the past, packages were built by root, the superuser, because root was the only user able to access the system source code repository. ─── 在过去,包只能由根用户和超级用户构建,因为只有根用户才能访问系统源代码库。
33、As a result of our analysis, the team decided that the model of a document repository was the wrong model to enforce. ─── 根据我们的分析,团队认为文档存储库采用了错误的模型。
34、Externalization is capturing knowledge in an external repository and organizing it according to classification framework or taxonomy. ─── 外部化是从外部的仓库里获取知识,并按照分类的基本框架或分类学将知识组织起来。
35、You will add the projects which store the resources created in the previous labs to the CVS repository. ─── 你可以往CVS库中添加在先前的实验中保存了源代码的工程。
36、Uses a distributed repository architecture, so I won't be talking about this one much. ─── 使用一个分布式数据库结构,所以我不会更多的谈及。
37、Maven is a set of standards, a repository format, and a piece of software used to manage and describe projects. ─── Maven是一个标准,一个知识库格式,是一个管理和描述项目的软件。
38、The CVS repository and the web pages should always be mirrored completely. ─── CVS仓库与网页应当一直同步镜象。
39、Part of that is building a knowledge repository. ─── 其中一部分就是建立知识仓库。
40、The "folder" model of branching usually requires you to have one extra level of hierarchy in your repository tree. ─── 分支的“目录”模式通常需要你在你的库树中有一个额外的层级。
41、Blogging As Knowledge Repository... ─── 博客作为知识库...
42、This led to limited information sharing, as there was no centralized information repository. ─── 同时也导致了信息共享限制,因为没有集中的信息仓库。
43、The MOF Compiler processes a MOF file and adds the required object definitions to the CIM repository. ─── MOF编译器处理MOF文件,并向CIM储存库添加必需的对象定义。
44、Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository:/var/cache/yum/fedora/mirrorlist. ─── txt到处查,都搞不懂为什么。
45、Once rules are defined,they're stored in a central repository. ─── 一旦规则定下来,它们将存放于排雷文献中心。
46、In that case, it would be better to not support combined queries and to document that in the repository profile accordingly. ─── 在这种情况下,最好不支持组合查询并在存储库配置文件中记录这一点。
47、In 1984, DOE announced that it had selected three sites to be considered for the first permanent repository. ─── 1984年,能源部宣布,已经选定了3处场地,可以考虑用做第一批永久性贮存地。
48、One planned product, Nexus, will be a repository manager for Maven. ─── 一计划的产品,联系,将是一个存放经理行家。
49、The Exchange store is a storage platform that provides a single repository for managing multiple types of information in one infrastructure. ─── Exchange存储是一个存储平台,为在一个基础结构中管理多种信息提供单一存储库。
50、Bacon was a repository of the leaning of his time. ─── 培根是他那时代的学问宝库。
51、An excellent Python code tool repository resides at The Vaults of Parnassus XML page. ─── 上有一个出色的Python代码和工具库。
52、To compare a file to a different version from the CVS repository, select the desired file and right-click on it. ─── 从CVS仓库中比较不同的版本,选择文件,右键。
53、A repository must store every version of every file. ─── 一个库必须存储任何文件的任何版本。
54、What is a content repository? ─── 什么是内容库?
55、The repository can also be placed on a UNC drive. ─── 也可以将该存储库放在UNC驱动器上。
56、Your repository may have similar longevity, or even longer. ─── 你的库可能有类似的寿命,甚至更长。
57、He is the owner and creator of the User Interface Graphics Repository Web application tool. ─── 他还是User Interface Graphics Repository Web应用程序工具的所有者和创造者。
58、CMS uses a content repository as an underlying component for presentation, business logic, and other features. ─── CMS是将内容库用于底层组件,以用来表现、商业逻辑和其他功能。
59、"Wudaokou station, the reporter also saw the bicycle by hand management repository. ─── 在五道口车站,记者也看到了由专人管理的自行车存放处。
60、And the applications of the repository in apparel design for mass customization (DFMC) were introduced. ─── 介绍了设计资源库在服装面向大批量定制的开发设计过程中的具体应用。
61、The Oracle9iAS Wireless runtime uses the Oracle9i Database as the repository for storing persistent application objects. ─── Oracle9iAS Wireless 运行时功能将Oracle9i 数据库作为存储固定应用程序对象的信息库。
62、ClearCase has what they call a VOB - Versioned Object Base - which is a source tree in the repository. ─── 在ClearCase中,被称作VOB-VersionedObjectBase,实际上是库中的资源树。
63、Downloads include EBI FTP Server, Help Files, Database Repository and Software Repository. ─── 下载的内容有EBI的FTP服务器上的文件、帮助文件、数据库仓库和软件仓库。
64、Run svn update to bring your working copy “up-to-date” with the repository. ─── 参考第6章服务配置,了解不同服务器软件的使用以及配置方法。
65、Can be deleted but your additions to the repository will lost. ─── 可以被删除,但是你加入知识库的细节会丢失。
66、For this reason the hydrogeological study is one of the main contents in repository siting. ─── 因此,水文地质工作是处置库选址中的主要内容之一。
67、By manhunt engine, we can make use of the dynamic repository to expand more search object. ─── 可以利用动态知识库来扩展更复多的查询对象。
68、In addition to being a repository for textbooks covering a wide range of subjects and educational levels, its ethic is taken from the digital music world. ─── 除了作为涵盖广泛学科和教育水平的教科书库之外,其道德标准来自数字音乐世界
69、A traditional editor would save source code in flat files, in a binary repository, or to a source code control system. ─── 传统的编辑器将在平面文件、二进制资源库中保存源代码,或者将源代码保存到源代码控制系统中。
70、Defined as "a repository of RDF graphs managed by a single service" it serves as the endpoint to which any SPARQL statement will be posted. ─── 图库就是“在单个服务管理下的一个RDF图仓库(repository)”,其作用是作为发布SPARQL表达式的端点(endpoint)。
71、Append the relative path for the file or folder (i. E. The value of 'Repository' shown in the CVS Properties dialog). ─── 增加关联的文件或者文件夹路径名称(也就是说CVS属性对话框中的仓库值)
72、Set the URL of the repository containing the package of Rational Software Modeler as a repository preference in Installation Manager. ─── 在Installation Manager中,将存储库首选项设置为Rational Software Modeler软件包所在存储库的URL。
73、Logoport stores translation memories (TMs) and glossaries in a secure, central repository and supports many thousands of concurrent users. ─── Logoport在一个安全的中央存储库中存储翻译记忆库(TM)和词汇表,可同时支持数千用户。
74、Another option is to create a new workbench project by importing code from the selected branch of the CVS repository. ─── 另一个选项是通过从选定的CVS资源库分支导入代码来创建新的工作台项目。
75、A repository for demountable recorded media,such as magnetic disk packs and magnetic tapes. ─── 可装卸记录媒体(如磁盘组和磁带)的存储仓库。
76、The Internet is the largest repository of information which can provide very very large network resources. ─── Internet是最大的信息宝库,它可以提供非常巨大的网络资源。
77、A repository for demountable recorded media, such as magnetic disk packs and magnetic tapes. ─── 可装卸记录媒体(磁盘组和磁带)存储仓库。
78、Operations on the CVS repository require a fast disk subsystem (RAID is highly advised). ─── CVS仓库操作需要快速磁盘子系统(RAID是好的选择)。
79、In order to streamline the distribution they were moved to a separate applications repository. ─── 为了简化发布包,它们被移至了单独的应用程序仓库。
80、With internalization, you extract knowledge from the external repository and filter it to identify what is relevant to the knowledge seeker. ─── 利用内部化,你就能从外部的仓库里提取知识,经过滤后找到与知识寻找者有关的知识。
81、Park set up the ashes repository. ─── 园内设立骨灰存放处。
82、A template repository can potentially hold tens of thousands of templates. ─── 一个模板库可能有成千上万个模板。
83、Once the data and associated materials appear in a repository, answering questions and handling complaints can take many hours. ─── 一旦数据和相关的材料出现在一个存储库,回答问题和处理投诉可能需要几个小时。
84、You may also check out the grammars' repository. ─── 你也可以检查一下语法仓库。
85、Keep in touch with the repository. ─── 同配置库保持联系。
86、To facilitate orchestration and aggregation of services into processes and composite applications, a registry-repository is often used. ─── 为方便新工艺和复合应用程序,注册表,仓库业务流程和服务聚集经常被使用。
87、Contains information to set up a load test results repository on a SQL database. ─── 包含有关在SQL数据库中设置负载测试结果储存库的信息。
88、However, this particular repository is just not very large. ─── 但是,这个特别的库并不是很大。
89、Once rules are defined, they're stored in a central repository. ─── 一旦规则定下来,它们要集中存放在一处。
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