dysenteric 发音
英:[dɪsənˈterɪk] 美:[ˌdɪsənˈterɪk]
英: 美:
dysenteric 中文意思翻译
dysenteric 短语词组
1、dysenteric proctitis ─── [医] 痢疾性直肠炎
2、dysenteric meaning ─── 痢疾的含义
3、dysenteric disorder ─── 痢疾
4、dysenteric malaria ─── [医] 痢疾型疟
5、dysenteric amoeba ─── 痢疾阿米巴
6、dysenteric chemo ─── 痢疾化疗
7、dysenteric diarrhea ─── [医] 痢疾状腹泻
8、dysenteric illness ─── 痢疾
9、dysenteric stool ─── 痢疾
10、dysenteric arthritis ─── [医] 痢疾性关节炎
dysenteric 相似词语短语
1、hysteric ─── n.癔病患者;歇斯底里患者;adj.歇斯底里的;癔病的;亢奋的
2、dysarthric ─── adj.构音障碍的
3、dysentery ─── n.痢疾
4、dyspnoeic ─── adj.呼吸困难的;n.气喘
5、deuteric ─── adj.[地质]岩浆后期的(初生变质的)
6、enteric ─── adj.肠的;肠溶的(等于enteral)
7、lienteric ─── adj.滑肠的,不消化性腹泻的
8、dyspneic ─── adj.呼吸困难的
9、mesenteric ─── adj.[解剖]肠系膜的
dysenteric 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、dysenteric arthritis ─── 痢疾性关节炎
2、dysenteric knee swelling ─── 痢风
3、Dysenteric kind of what disease be? Where is tenderloin? ─── 痢疾是种什么病?里脊呢?
4、dysenteric malaria ─── [医] 痢疾型疟
5、Travel sex diarrhoea is food mostly feculent, affect the be caused by such as dysenteric bacilli, salmonella. ─── 旅游性腹泻大多是饮食不洁,感染痢疾杆菌、沙门氏菌等所致。
6、Bacterial sex is dysenteric abbreviation bacterium dysentery, it is the infection of acute bowel path that causes by all sorts of dysenteric bacili. Infecting a source is patient and carrier. ─── 细菌性痢疾简称菌痢,是由各种痢疾杆菌引起的急性肠道传染病。传染源是病人和带菌者。
7、dysenteric proctitis ─── 痢疾性直肠炎
8、dysenteric flaccidity ─── 痢后痿
9、Dysenteric it is the infection that causes by dysenteric bacili, happen in spring and summer more. ─── 痢疾是由痢疾杆菌引起的传染病,多发生在春季和夏天。
10、dysenteric conjunctiva ─── 痢疾性结膜炎
11、Dysenteric kind of what disease be? Where is tenderloin? ─── 痢疾是种什么病?里脊呢?
12、Dysenteric how is contagion treated? ─── 痢疾是不是传染病怎样治疗?
13、Travel sex diarrhoea is food mostly feculent, affect the be caused by such as dysenteric bacili, salmonella. ─── 旅游性腹泻大多是饮食不洁,感染痢疾杆菌、沙门氏菌等所致。
14、Bacterial sex is dysenteric abbreviation bacterium dysentery, it is the infection of acute bowel path that causes by all sorts of dysenteric bacili. ─── 细菌性痢疾简称菌痢,是由各种痢疾杆菌引起的急性肠道传染病。
15、(Sex of 1) chronic bacterium is dysenteric: Often have acute bacterium sex dysenteric medical history; ─── (1)慢性细菌性痢疾:常有急性细菌性痢疾病史;
16、Urgent chronic and dysenteric patient all is the person that the bacteria is carried. ─── 急慢性痢疾患者均是病菌携带者。
17、Dysenteric it is the infection that causes by dysenteric bacilli, happen in spring and summer more. ─── 痢疾是由痢疾杆菌引起的传染病,多发生在春季和夏天。
18、9.pay special attention to the bottom of the tail, and do not buy it if it has the yellow marking, because it must have diarrhoea or dysenteric recently. ─── 特别注意狗的尾部下方,若有“黄印的是最近患过腹泻或痢疾的迹象,不要买。
19、Urgent chronic and dysenteric patient all is the person that the bacteria is carried. ─── 急慢性痢疾患者均是病菌携带者。
20、dysenteric exogenous febrile disease ─── 漏底伤寒
21、Dysenteric how is contagion treated? ─── 痢疾是不是传染病怎样治疗?
22、Education of excrement and urine is dissociable give dysenteric bacili; ─── 粪便培养可分离出痢疾杆菌;
23、dysenteric diarrhea ─── 痢疾状腹泻
24、9. pay special attention to the underside of the tail. if it’s kind of yellow it means it had been suffered diarrhea or dysenteric recently. so don’t buy such dog. ─── 9.特别注意狗的尾部下方,若有“黄印的是最近患过腹泻或痢疾的迹象,不要买。
25、Pharmacodynamics action: Dysenteric bacili all has bacili of coccus, typhoid bacillus, green to golden yellow grape pus and blessing family name inhibition. ─── 药理作用: 对金黄色葡萄球菌.伤寒杆菌.绿脓杆菌及福氏痢疾杆菌均有抑制作用。
26、With what Chinese traditional medicine to treat dysenteric? ─── 用什么中药治疗痢疾?
27、The dysenteric diarrhea rate was also decreased. ─── 仔猪的腹泻率也降低了。
28、Garlic still has the effect that fight bacterium, can prevent dysenteric contagion of path waiting for bowel. ─── 大蒜还有抗菌作用,可防痢疾等肠道传染病。
29、If add the rice of some of anxious paste, can treat again dysenteric; ─── 如加些焦糊的大米又可治痢疾;
30、Garlic still has the effect that fight bacterium, can prevent dysenteric contagion of path waiting for bowel. ─── 大蒜还有抗菌作用,可防痢疾等肠道传染病。
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