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hypochondriacal 发音

英:[ˌhaɪpəˌkɑːnˈdraɪəkl]  美:[ˌhaɪpə(ʊ)kɒnˈdraɪək(ə)l]

英:  美:

hypochondriacal 中文意思翻译



hypochondriacal 词性/词形变化,hypochondriacal变形

副词: hypochondriacally |形容词: hypochondriacal |

hypochondriacal 短语词组

1、hypochondriacal syndrome ─── 疑病综合征

2、hypochondriacal pain ─── 疑病性疼痛

3、hypochondriacal delusion ─── 疑病妄想

4、hypochondriacal concerns ─── 疑病

5、hypochondriacal def ─── 疑病症

6、hypochondriacal neurosis ─── 疑病性神经症

hypochondriacal 相似词语短语

1、hypochondriasis ─── n.[医]疑病症

2、hypochondriasm ─── 疑病

3、hypochondrium ─── n.季肋部;忧郁症;疑病症

4、hypochondriacs ─── n.疑病症

5、hypochondriast ─── 下丘脑

6、hypochondriasts ─── 疑病症

7、hypochondriac ─── n.疑病症

8、hypochondriacally ─── 疑病的

9、hypochondria ─── n.疑病症(过度担忧个人健康问题,通常集中于某些特定的症状,比如心脏或者胃部不适)

hypochondriacal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The hypochondriac can usually turn to a physician to get a definitive clarification of the situation--either you have the suspected disease or you don't . ─── 疑病症患者通常可以求助于医生,以便澄清疑虑--要么你得了你所怀疑的疾病,要么你没得。

2、hypochondriac idea ─── 疑病观念

3、hypochondriac region ─── 季肋区

4、People no longer view you as a hypochondriac. ─── 人们不再把你看成是抑郁症患者了。

5、The Therapeutic Effects of Morita Therapy on Hypochondriac Neurosis ─── 森田疗法对疑病症治疗康复作用的研究

6、Main Manifestations Vomiting, acid regurgitation, frequent belching, distending pain in the chest and hypochondriac regions, irritability with an oppressed feeling, thin, sticky tongue coating, string-taut pulse. ─── 呕吐吞酸,嗳气频繁,胸胁胀痛,烦闷不舒,舌苔白腻,脉弦。

7、Keywords hypochondriac pain;biliary infection;pathogenic mechanism;differentiation and analysis; ─── 胁痛;胆系感染;发病规律;证治分析;

8、The most portion of the liver is situated at the right hypochondriac region, while the tithe of it at the left hypochondriac. ─── 摘要肝大部分位于右季肋区,小部分位于左季肋区,左右肋弓间的部分与腹前壁相贴。

9、They are notoriously hypochondriac. ─── 他们是众所周知的忧郁症患者。

10、1.The hypochondriac continually complains about imaginary ills. ─── 1、忧郁症患者,这种病人不停地抱怨,臆想他患有一种疾

11、hypochondriac lump ─── 癖积

12、hypochondriacal neurosis ─── 疑病神经官能症

13、She liked Mother, who was better than most of the other family members at listening to her hypochondriacal tales of woe and at giving sensible, sympathetic advice. ─── 每当克林顿祖母开始讲她那些疑神疑鬼的不幸故事时,母亲总是比家里所有其他成员听得更专注,她也能提出更实际、更有同情心的建议来。

14、Hypochondriac neurosis ─── 疑病神经症

15、The hypochondriac continually complains about imaginary ills ─── 1、忧郁症患者,这种病人不停地抱怨,臆想他患有一种疾病。

16、Keywords Food poisoning Hysterical Hypochondriacal syndrome Mass attack; ─── 关键词食物中毒;癔症性;疑病综合征;群体发作;

17、right hypochondriac region ─── 右季肋区

18、In TCM, Cirrhosis belongs to hypochondriac pain, accumulation, distension of abdomen and jaundice. ─── 摘要肝硬化在中医属于胁痛、积聚、臌胀、黄疸等范畴。

19、The answer might be found in his medical records.Hitler was a hypochondriac who employed a quack doctor to supply him with amphetamines;had chronic bowel disorders; ─── 有传希特勒后期身体欠佳,肠胃出现毛病,甚至可能患上柏金逊症和梅毒。

20、I've been a hypochondriac ever since I was a kid. ─── 我从小就是忧郁症患者。

21、Don't be such a hypochondriac!,there's nothing wrong with you. ─── 别这么忧心忡忡的了!,你根本没病。

22、hypochondriac pain due to blood stasis ─── 死血胁痛

23、The effect of clozapine and a antidepressant in the treatment of hypochondriacal neurosis. ─── 氯氮平联用抗抑郁剂治疗疑病症的近期疗效观察。

24、Keywords LI Yu-qi;diseases of liver;tympanites;simple abdominal distension;jaundice;hypochondriac pain;abdominal mass;clinical experience; ─── 李玉奇;肝病;鼓胀;单腹胀;黄疸;胁痛;积聚;学术经验;

25、Symptoms like headache, red eyes, hypochondriac pain, bitter mouth, deafness, swollen ear, reddish tongue with yellowish fur and wiry, rapid and forceful pulse. 2. ─── 症见头痛目赤,胁痛,口苦,耳聋,耳肿等,舌红苔黄,脉弦数有力。

26、Objective To study effect of psychotherapy of hypochondriacal neurosis on psychology and physical rehabilitation. ─── 目的探讨疑病性神经症的心理治疗对心理和躯体康复的效果。

27、clozapine and a antidepressant in the treatment of hypochondriacal neurosis. ─── 氯氮平联用抗抑郁剂治疗疑病症的近期疗效观察。

28、hypochondriac pain due to consumption of blood vital energy, liver and kidney ─── 干胁痛

29、hypochondriac pain due to fright ─── 惊伤胁痛

30、At some time or other, all of us have played the part of a hypochondriac, imagining that we have some terrible disease on the strength of very minor symptoms . ─── 在说不定的某个时候,我们大家都曾充当过疑病症患者的角色,只凭一些轻微的症状便怀疑自己得了某种可怕的疾病。

31、When Jackson was asked if he was concerned Gasol wasbeing gun-shy, he jumped in and said, “That he's a hypochondriac andmight be a baby and won't come out and play? ─── 当菲尔被问到他是否担心枷锁是“临阵退缩”时,菲尔马上还击,“难道枷锁得了忧郁症,或许变成了个小孩不敢出来打球了?

32、hypochondriacal disorder ─── 疑病障碍(F45.2)

33、At any rate, it can be concluded that when such glasses are worn, it is because the wearer has a tendency to be depressed or hypochondriacal. ─── 不管怎么说,人们可以得出结论,如果人们戴上这样的墨镜,这是因为戴墨镜者有消沉或患有忧郁症的倾向。

34、hypochondriac delusion ─── 疑病妄想

35、Treating 64 cases of hypochondriac pain with daihuang fuzi decoction ─── 大黄附子汤加味治疗胁痛64例

36、Skin of hypochondriac region ─── 季肋区皮肤

37、Keywords hypochondriacal neurosis;psychotherapy;mental rehabilitation; ─── 疑病性神经症;心理治疗;心理康复;

38、In one scene, a hypochondriac inadvertently dirties his hand while helping an old man to the toilet. ─── 有这样一场戏:一名忧郁症患者在帮一名瘫痪的老人上厕所的时候不小心把手弄脏了。

39、Objective To evaluate the effect of clozapine and a antidepressant in the treatment of hypochondriacal neurosis. ─── 目的评价氯氮平联用抗抑郁剂治疗疑病症的疗效。

40、The liver is at the right hypochondriac region below the diaphragm in the upper abdomen. ─── 肝位于腹上膈下,右胁之中。

41、Hepatic fibrosis is the common pathological feature of chronic liver diseases, which belongs to "mass in the abdomen", "hypochondriac pain" in TCM. ─── 肝纤维化是慢性肝病的共同病理特征,属于中医"症积"、"胁痛"等范畴。

42、The bleaching of his skin seemed intended not so much to make him look like a white person as to ensure that he vanished altogether, a classic hypochondriac fantasy. ─── 他漂白皮肤的目的似乎也不是想让自己看上去像个白人,而更像是确保他能够彻底消失不见,这是一个典型的强迫症幻觉。

43、Morita is a congenital nervous quality that is a focus on self-introspection, it is easy hypochondriacal temperament. ─── 森田认为神经质是一种先天性素质,是一种侧重于自我内省、很容易疑病的气质。

44、Female, 45years old. Mastitis, over 1year. The Symptoms, thoracic oppression and pain by touch; thoracic oppression; hypochondriac pain with red color. ─── 有肿块疼痛,伴恶寒发热,烦渴,便秘,食欲不振,舌苔薄白。在1个月内痊愈。

45、Some examples about the syndrome differentiation standardization of chronic hepatitis C,subclinical hepatic encephalopathy and hepatic hypochondriac pain were presented. ─── 并以慢性丙型肝炎中医证型规范化研究,亚临床肝性脑病中医药诊治的研究,慢性肝病胁痛外治法的研究等实例说明之。

46、Clinical analysis of hysterical hypochondriacal syndrome with mass attack in 76 cases ─── 癔症性疑病综合征群体发作76例临床调查分析

47、Clinical analysis of hysterical hypochondriacal syndrome with mass attack in 76 cases ─── 癔症性疑病综合征群体发作76例临床调查分析

48、Today we appear to have excelled the hypochondriac cultures of the past by elevating the morbidly self-involved to the level of paragon. ─── 如今,我们似乎已经超越了过去那种把病态地自我关注说成是完美典范的强迫症文化。

49、hypochondriac n. ─── 疑病症患者;

50、Do not laugh at poor Robert because he grew hypochondriacal, after hearing the horrible story of his friend's death. ─── 别因为可怜的罗伯特听到他朋友猝死的可怕故事后便犯了疑心病而嘲笑他。

51、A hypochondriac car thief, a hypnotic and ambiguous surgeon, and a young, mean and incompetent telephone operator make up this noir story, set in Italy and Switzerland. ─── 一个患有忧郁症的盗车贼,一个神秘的外科医生,还有一个年轻稚嫩的接线员,三个角色一台戏。

52、hypochondriac pain due to wind-cold evil ─── 风寒胁痛

53、The effect of clozapine and a antidepressant in the treatment of hypochondriacal neurosis. ─── 氯氮平联用抗抑郁剂治疗疑病症的近期疗效观察。

54、Hypochondriac syndrome ─── 疑病综合征

55、She is supposed to be a hypochondriac as she has too much on her mind all the day that she may be ill. ─── 人们认为她是一个疑病症患者,因为她总是忧心忡忡,认为自己有病。

56、hypochondriac pain ─── 季肋痛

57、foulaging hypochondriac region ─── 搓胁肋

58、I am a self-diagnosed hypochondriac. ─── 我是一个自我诊断的忧郁症患者。

59、Objective To study effect of psychotherapy of hypochondriacal neurosis on psychology and physical rehabilitation. ─── 目的探讨疑病性神经症的心理治疗对心理和躯体康复的效果。

60、That's all we need, I'd say.Sixty francs a month.The whole place furnished in a manner that would take a hypochondriac's mind off his ailments. ─── 我想,这样就什么都不缺了,六十法郎一个月,房间里的陈设即使一个生忧郁病的人看了也会高兴起来的。

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