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08-18 投稿


alcalde 发音

英:[[æl'kɔ:ldə]]  美:[[æl'kɔ:ldə]]

英:  美:

alcalde 中文意思翻译




alcalde 词性/词形变化,alcalde变形


alcalde 短语词组

1、alcalde de orlando ─── 奥兰多阿尔德

2、alcalde de miami ─── 迈阿密阿尔卡德

3、alcalde jadue ─── 杰德市长

4、alcalde de zaragoza ─── 萨拉戈 ─── 萨阿尔卡德

5、alcalde street alcalde ─── 街

6、alcalde de toa alta ─── 阿尔卡德 ─── 阿尔塔

7、alcalde de oaxaca ─── 瓦哈卡市长

8、alcalde definition ─── 阿尔卡德定义

9、alcalde guanica ─── 瓜尼察市长

10、alcalde santa isabel ─── 圣伊莎贝尔阿尔卡德

alcalde 相似词语短语

1、alcayde ─── n.(西班牙的)狱吏;要塞司令

2、alcaide ─── n.要塞司令(西班牙,葡萄牙等国);狱吏(西班牙,葡萄牙等国)

3、alcade ─── 范围

4、alcaides ─── n.要塞司令(西班牙,葡萄牙等国);狱吏(西班牙,葡萄牙等国)

5、alcades ─── 宽度

6、falcades ─── 猎鹰

7、alcaldes ─── n.镇长;市长(等于alcade);n.(Alcalde)人名;(英)阿尔卡德;(西)阿尔卡尔德

8、falcade ─── n.法尔卡代(意大利地名)

9、alcaydes ─── n.(西班牙的)狱吏;要塞司令

alcalde 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Talked about deputy alcalde to introduce them to us " rely on chicken to lay an egg " experience. ─── 谈副镇长向我们介绍了他们“靠鸡生蛋”的经验。

2、But once it is the same as complete appoint conference bill definitely connection of alcalde of secretary of Party committee of villages and towns, countryside rises, the meaning is different common. ─── 但是它一旦同全委会票决乡镇党委书记、乡镇长联系起来,意义就不同寻常了。

3、This is carried out namely " alcalde of secretary of Party committee of villages and towns, countryside hangs out this shingle the project that help deficient up " origin. ─── 这就是实施“乡镇党委书记、乡镇长挂牌扶贫工程”的由来。

4、I am experienced from inside practice, should accomplish when alcalde of good native place " 9 want 9 avoid " . ─── 我从实践中体会到,当好乡镇长应做到“九要九忌”。

5、" in the ear that this word passed an alcalde unexpectedly. ─── 此话居然传到了镇长的耳朵里。

6、Leibman plays the alcalde (mayor) of a small Mexican town, and he's ruthless beyond belief. ─── 雷卜曼扮演一个墨西哥小镇的镇长,此人无情得令人难以置信。

7、I now call upon The alcalde of Changzheng Zhen People's Government: Mr. Jiang Zhimin to address the meeting. ─── 接下来,有请长征镇人民政府镇长蒋志民先生致辞!

8、This year, promoted a city to begin countryside alcalde to plant " demonstrative cropland " activity, scheduling earthnut laminating mixes Na Dashan countryside to cultivate each 1 nakedly.. ─── 这一年,兴城开展了乡镇长种“示范田”活动,南大山乡计划安排花生覆膜和裸地种植各1.

9、A day, the alcalde says to writ, this word cannot be taken seriously, I become an alcalde is to rely on his one situation contends to come oh! ─── 一日,镇长对文书说,此话不能当真,我当镇长是靠自己一步一步奋斗得来的哟!

10、Dear alcalde,It is my pleasure to send mail to you. ─── 镇长你好!常平已获教育重镇,本人觉得很自豪。

11、According to carrying, inner Mongolia Wu Chuan county shares secretary of Party committee of 60 villages and towns and countryside alcalde, among them 59 " attend a day school " . ─── 据载,内蒙古武川县共有60名乡镇党委书记和乡镇长,其中59名“走读”。

12、I this friend holds the post of an alcalde in some town, saying normally already was more insufficient than going up more superabundant than falling. ─── 我这位朋友在某镇任镇长,按理说已是比上不足比下有余。

13、The river pressed down a town to congratulate comes before Party committee secretary, alcalde parts and speak after. ─── 后河镇镇党委书记、镇长分别前来道贺并讲了话。

14、Alcalde why concoctive fact, secretary of calumniatory Party committee?Enemy of affection of what kind of kind and enmity is there again between them? ─── 镇长为何捏造事实,诽谤党委书记?他们之间又有怎样的恩怨情仇呢?

15、I think, countryside alcalde should seek the seat that grants his above all. ─── 我认为,乡镇长首先应找准自己的位置。

16、The experience that publishs Dongguan tiger door to press down the comrade such as governmental alcalde Lu Shaoxiong to introduce professional town to expand characteristic economy is chosen below. ─── 下面选登东莞虎门镇政府镇长卢少雄等同志介绍专业镇发展特色经济的经验。

17、" the alcalde does not no hurry unbearably conversation is cordial. ─── 60多岁的老人然竟为难地“呜呜”哭。

18、The alcalde's son listens to this to praise a sentence, convert instantly two feet simultaneously hold up water, the result is to fall at a draught in sewage. ─── 镇长的儿子一听这赞扬话,立即改用俩脚一齐撩水,结果是一下子摔在污水之中。

19、Face these result, wang Diankun's secretary and Ji Pingfu's alcalde are very sober. ─── 面对这些成绩,王殿坤书记和计平富镇长很冷静。

20、Exceed phoenix to pile complement of seat alcalde Morestel quickly to say " victory that this is green peace organization, the disaster that is France however " . ─── 超凤凰快堆所在地镇长 Morestel补充说“这是绿色和平组织的一次胜利 ,却是法国的灾难”。

21、Liu Mou says to others: "The son of our alcalde is likely, do not think over he can use water of right leg hold up solely, actually their foot simultaneously hold up, more in high spirits. ─── 刘某向别人说:“咱镇长的儿子可能了,你别寻思他光会用右脚撩水,其实他俩脚一齐撩,更来劲。”

22、" an address woman fold Qian Fang to be on the table, mayor is pointing to alcalde introduction: "For this thing our alcalde sees you especially. ─── 刘庄只要说起粪旦大家都知道是哪个老实吧唧的农民,只因为老实,30多岁才娶上媳妇,这不,刘全是他的独生儿子。

23、Alcalde firm leaves a heart, announce who looks for a tiger, this bridge puts in him 's charge, in the future receives fund to pedestrian traffic in either end of a bridge along with him. ─── 镇长狠下心 ,公布谁找回虎头 ,这桥就归他 ,往后随他在桥头向过往行人收钱。

24、After once clerical give the final decision or Party committee study,deciding, countryside alcalde is due general demeanour, main organization is carried out, hard.. ─── 一旦书记拍板或党委研究决定后,乡镇长应有大将风度,全力组织实施,努力...

25、Ought not to countryside alcalde is n/COL the head of a family anything but optional clappers makes known his position. ─── 不该乡镇长当家的决不随意拍板表态。

26、Secretary, alcalde takes an executive system, by bicycle, meet acquaintance to stop jockey, grasp handclasp, understanding understands a situation. ─── 书记、镇长带头执行制度,骑自行车,遇上熟人停停车,握握手,了解了解情况。

27、Be in a country, he has become Party branch of young team leader, accountant, group book secretary, held the position of Xinchengzi again later stage of area clear water presses down an alcalde. ─── 在农村,他做过小队长、会计、大队党支部书书记,后来又担任了新城子区清水台镇镇长。

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