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08-18 投稿


convoked 发音

英:[kənˈvəʊkt]  美:[kənˈvoʊkt]

英:  美:

convoked 中文意思翻译



convoked 同义词

convene |congress

convoked 反义词


convoked 词性/词形变化,convoked变形

动词过去分词: convoked |名词: convoker |动词第三人称单数: convokes |动词现在分词: convoking |动词过去式: convoked |

convoked 短语词组

1、convoked def ─── 护送def

2、convoked definition ─── 卷积定义

3、convoked meaning ─── 护航意义

convoked 相似词语短语

1、convoke ─── vt.召集;召集……开会

2、convolved ─── v.使卷曲,使缠绕;卷积

3、convoyed ─── n.护送;护卫;护航队;vt.护航;护送

4、convened ─── v.召集;集合;召唤(convene的过去分词形式)

5、convoker ─── 护卫舰

6、convexed ─── 凸的

7、convokes ─── vt.召集;召集……开会

8、convived ─── 愉快的

9、conveyed ─── vt.传达

convoked 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Congress was convoked at the outbreak of the emergency. ─── 危机出现的时候,议会立刻召集开会。

2、The mayor convoked a committee to discuss the beautification of the city. ─── 市长召集了一次委员会, 讨论城市的美化问题。

3、The mayor convoked a committee to discuss the beautification of the city. ─── 市长召集了一次委员会,讨论城市的美化问题。

4、National Public Security "Golden Shield"Office Director Meeting Convoked In Beijing ─── 全国公安"金盾工程"办公室主任会议在京召开

5、Special sessions shall be convoked by the Secretary-General at the request of the Security Council or of a majority of the Members of the United Nations. ─── 特别会议应由秘书长经安全理事会或联合国会员国过半数之请求召集之。

6、Congress was convoked at the outbreak of the emergency. ─── 危机出现的时候,议会立刻召集开会。

7、The president of the board of directors convoked a conference to discuss the future of the company. ─── 董事长召开了一次董事会讨论公司的前途。

8、The Seminar "Strengthening Public Ethical construction and Reforming Ideological and Ethical Education"Convoked by Social and Political Department of Ministry of Education ─── 教育部社政司召开"加强公民道德建设与'思想道德修养'课教学改革研讨会"

9、The president of the board of directors convoked a conference to discuss the future of the company. ─── 董事长召开了一次董事会讨论公司的前途。

10、Chinese Ant- Fake Technique Association Council (Extended) Meeting Convoked In Wenzhou ─── 中国防伪技术协会理事(扩大)会在温州召开

11、Europe Skeptical Conference convoked in Belgium ─── 欧洲怀疑论者会议在比利时召开

12、A group of people convoked, especially the members of a college or university community who are assembled for a ceremony. ─── 使…组织起来组成或参加一个积极分子群体,尤指劳工协会。

13、A group of people convoked, especially the members of a college or university community who are assembled for a ceremony. ─── 集会召集起来开会的一群人,尤指为某种庆祝仪式而集合起来的大学或大学社团成员

14、2001 Annual Industry Working Plan Layout Meeting Convoked By Public Security Dept. ─── 公安部召开2001年度行抽工作布置会。

15、Convoked and organized many times consultant activities of Chinese Nasdaq, he has offered the listing company the direct and effective advisory. ─── 召集并组织了多次创业板上市的咨询活动,为欲上市企业提供最直接、有效的咨询服务。

16、but I imagine the estate of the nobility, apart from the expression of its sympathy and enthusiasm, has been convoked also to deliberate upon the measures by which we can assist our country. ─── 但是我认为,贵族被请来,除了表一表他们的同情和喜悦,还应当商讨拯救我们祖国的大计。

17、State Department Convoked the Countryside Spring Agricultural Production Work Meeting ─── 发展农村经济增加农民收入保障粮食安全国务院召开全国春季农业生产工作会议

18、The First Empire of France convoked the Assembly of Jewish Notables to weaken national consciousness of Jews of France in 1806. ─── 为削弱法国境内犹太人的民族性,拿破仑帝国政府召开了犹太名人会议。

19、To quiet the dissensions which disturbed the empire, Charles V, in the year following the Protest of Spires, convoked a diet at Augsburg, over which he announced his intention to preside in person. ─── 基督教改革信徒的领袖们也被召出席。

20、a group of people convoked,especially the members of a college or university community who are assembled for a ceremony ─── 召集起来开会的一群人,尤指为某种庆祝仪式而集合起来的大学或大学社团成员

21、In last year july the pulp and paper times of Japan had convoked the 12th seminar meeting. ─── 日本纸技术协会于2006年7月19、20日召开了第12届制纸技术学术讲座。

22、I have convoked you to this Consistory, not only for the three canonizations, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the life of the Church. ─── 我在此召集你们来到这个红衣主教会议,不只为圣父,圣子与圣徒之名,也为了向你们传达一个对教会之生命至关重要的一个决定。

23、The compromise between the preparatory constitutionalists and the immediate constitutionalists cast into the consensus that convoked Parliament in advance. ─── 预备立宪派与速即立宪派的妥协,达成了国会提前召开之共识;

24、Special sessions shall be convoked by the Security Council or of a majority of the Members of the United Nations. ─── 特别会议应经安全理事会或半数以上的联合国成员国的请求,由秘书长召集。

25、Section 3.An Extraordinary Meeting may be convoked by a petition signed by one-fifth of the membership, and shall be held within three months of the date of the Secretary’s receipt of such a petition. ─── 执行委员会有权在其认为合适的时候组建临时委员会,并邀请学会会员承担各种职务,如本学会出版物的编辑,或学术会议的召集人。

26、At 7 of Oct26, 2008, the seventh scheme minister teaching convention is convoked on time on the north campus of Hua Gong, which is hold by the Human Resource department of the Microsoft club. ─── 10月26日晚七点,由微软俱乐部人力资源部主办的华工北校区微软第七届策划组长培训大会在310302准时召开。

27、“The king soon convoked all the talents in the country, asking them to obtain the moon for his daughter. ─── 国王立刻召集全国的聪明智士,要他们想办法拿月亮。

28、On Augest 23th, vice premier Wu Yi convoked a videophone meeting of whole nation products quality and food security renovation. ─── 今年8月23日,吴仪副总理召开全国产品质量和食品安全专项整治工作电视电话会议。

29、The Fist General Meeting Convoked By Shenzhen Fire-Fighting Association ─── 深圳市消防协会第一次会员大会召开

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