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08-18 投稿


magnate 发音

英:[ˈmæɡneɪt]  美:[ˈmæɡneɪt]

英:  美:

magnate 中文意思翻译



magnate 网络释义

n. 巨头;大资本家;要人;富豪;……大王

magnate 词性/词形变化,magnate变形


magnate 短语词组

1、magnate router ─── 大路由器

2、magnate definition ─── 巨头定义

3、magnate dl ─── 大亨dl

4、magnate router bits ─── 大型路由器位

5、magnate pronunciation ─── 贵族发音

6、magnate define ─── 巨头定义

7、financial magnate ─── [经] 财政巨头, 金融巨头

magnate 相似词语短语

1、saginate ─── 矢状的

2、magnates ─── n.巨头;大资本家;要人;富豪;……大王

3、cognate ─── adj.[地质]同源的;同类的;n.同族;同根词

4、adnate ─── adj.贴生的,联生的,并生的

5、stagnate ─── vi.停滞;淤塞;变萧条;vt.使淤塞;使沉滞;使萧条

6、agnates ─── adj.[遗]父系的;同族的;n.父系亲属;同族亲属

7、agnate ─── adj.[遗]父系的;同族的;n.父系亲属;同族亲属

8、vaginate ─── adj.似鞘的;[生物]有鞘的

9、emanate ─── v.产生;(抽象可感的东西)散发;表现出(品质)

magnate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In this season, Papen County's Pie Maker with a witching finger for waking the dead, and his alive-again love Chuck, have more on the menu than a Terrifying Bee-Man and a Deep Fried Chicken Magnate. ─── 在“生死一点灵”第二季中,除了派朋郡烤派师傅拥有唤醒死者的灵指并让挚爱巧可起死回生外,还有让人毛骨悚然的蜜蜂人和南方风味炸鸡大亨的加入。

2、a wealthy and powerful businessperson or industrialist; a magnate ─── 富有的、强有力的商人或工业家;大亨

3、The pretty young girl at last won the favor of a billionaire Arab oil magnate. ─── 年青漂亮的女孩终于取得一个阿拉伯身价亿万的石油大享的青睐。

4、Authorities have also arrested Huang Guangyu buy kal online geons, a once high-flying home-electronics magnate who hailed from the same southern Chinese province, for alleged economic crimes. ─── 有关部门还以涉嫌经济犯罪为由逮捕了曾经风光无限的家电大亨黄光裕。

5、rare earth magnate synchronous motor with outer-rotor ─── 外转子稀土永磁同步电机

6、* Dr.Baltar was formerly a lead defense systems developer working for the Colonial Ministry of Defense and came to prominence as a computer technology designer, having won three Magnate Prizes. ─── * 巴尔塔博士曾经是[[殖民地国防部]]的防卫系统开发主管以及作为杰出的电脑技术设计家,获得三次[[要人大奖]]。

7、What does your local lender turned property magnate do next? ─── 成为地产大亨的地方银行下一步怎么办呢?

8、commercial magnate ─── 商业巨擘

9、Zhang Yue, air-conditioning magnate and one of the country's best-known businesspeople, wants to put the planet before profits. ─── 空调大鳄张跃是中国最著名的企业家之一。他崇尚地球的利益先于企业利润的价值观。

10、a leading magnate in industrial circles ─── 工业界的泰斗

11、From1604-1606, the Calvinist magnate of Bihar county Stephen Bocskai led a successful rebellion against Austrian rule. ─── 曛

12、A multimillionaire media magnate has shocked his employees with his candor by telling them all that ─── 一位身份数百万的媒体大亨,坦诚地告诉他全体员工他将暂时搁置他的事业以便参加戒酒班,令员工大为惊愕。

13、However, the software magnate has almost an entire department working to filter out unwanted mails. ─── 然而,这位软件业巨富拥有一个基本完备的部门,专门负责为他过滤那些无用或有害的邮件。

14、But she has also been trying to reassure and pull to her side people like Mr Akhmetov and Viktor Pinchuk, another magnate. ─── 但她也会试图安抚和拉拢她的盟友,如阿克梅托夫和另一个巨富Pinchuk。

15、Help SpongeBob stop Plankton's army and free the underwater metropolis from the grip of the maniacal fast-food magnate before he conquers the world! ─── 帮助海绵停止浮游生物的军队和自由水下大都市,从抓地力的狂快餐业巨头面前,他徵服了世界!

16、U.S. oil magnate Rockefeller said that "money is money. ─── 美国的石油大王洛克菲勒说“省钱就是挣钱”。

17、the aspectant struggle with the foreign capital magnate, lots of shortage in the local retail trade exposed. ─── 本土零售企业在与外资巨头面对面的交锋中暴露出了许多不足。

18、He is magnate in architecture. ─── 他是建筑业巨头。

19、A wealthy and powerful businessperson or industrialist; a magnate. ─── 巨头富有的、强有力的商人或工业家;大亨

20、Nevertheless, without doubt is, yahoo still is magnate of a media. ─── 不过,毫无疑问的是,雅虎依然是一个媒体巨头。

21、a literary magnate ─── 大文豪

22、After the war, the Republican administration of President Warren Harding attempted to privatize the facilities, proposing that they be turned over to automobile magnate, Henry Ford. ─── 战后共和党总统沃伦哈丁试图使这些设施私有化,计划将它们移交给汽车巨头亨利福特。

23、Admire luck thinks, develop a domain to spread out investment to game as media magnate, this syncretic buys case general to be performed continuously. ─── 佩瑞认为,随着媒体巨头对游戏开发领域展开投资,此类并购案将持续上演。

24、1892 Paul Getty, American oil magnate, was born at Minneapolis in Minnesota. ─── 美国石油大王保罗·格蒂生于明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯。

25、Sun City was developed by the hotel magnate Sol Kerzner as part of his Sun International group of properties. ─── 太阳城由酒店大亨梭尔·柯兹纳开发,作为他太阳国际集团资产的一部分。

26、Lawyers for the brothers explain that the share-buying was designed to see off the late Robert Maxwell, a crooked British media magnate, who was raiding the stockmarket for shares in Bouygues SA. ─── 布伊格兄弟们的律师们解释说这次股份购进是为了赶走已故的RobertMaxwell(狡诈的媒体巨头),他当时会扰乱布伊格股份有限公司的股票。

27、Of course I know him. He's Henry Ford, AKA, the oil magnate. ─── 我当然知道这个人。他是亨利?福特,人称石油大王。

28、Reports suggested Taci had already pumped cash into the club with the acquisition of a number of shares, but the magnate has denied those claims. ─── 有报道说塔齐已经对米兰进行了注资并且收购了一定的股份,但塔齐本人对此进行了辟谣。

29、Malaysian aviation magnate AirAsia is trying to build "small, fun and affordable sports cars" which cater to Asian consumers. ─── 马来西亚航空业巨头亚洲航空正在尝试着研发符合亚洲消费者口味的“小巧、有趣和价格适中”的跑车。好的,今天我们学习的词是

30、there is a writer in the Tang Dynasty, Wang, Wen Tingyun, industrialist magnate Joe Shanxi Merchants have caused Yong, drainage of the Alice, the founder of Vote No.Lei Li Thai. ─── 文学家有唐代王维、温庭筠,实业家有晋商巨子乔致庸、渠本翘,票号创始人雷履泰。

31、Rhodia -one of the global chemical magnate also find the amplitude foreground in Engineering Plastics market, so they set Rhodia Longma Engineering Plastics Co. ─── 作为全球的化工巨头之一的罗地亚集团也看到了中国工程塑料市场的广阔前景,在中国建厂设立了罗地亚龙马工程塑料有限公司。

32、The under bidder is believed to have been Stavros Niarchos, the Greek shipping magnate, who owns one of the world's greatest collections of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings. ─── 其喊价对手据信是希腊船王斯塔夫罗斯·尼阿尔乔斯,后者是全世界最大的印象派及印象派后期油画作品收藏家之一。

33、Paul Getty, American oil magnate, was born at Minneapolis in Minnesota. ─── 美国石油大王保罗·蒂生于明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯。

34、a media/property/shipping magnate ─── 媒体/房地产/航运业大亨

35、The list of whales includes billionaires like the sultan of Brunei, Larry Flynt, Adnan Khashoggi, and Australian media magnate Kerry Packer. ─── 巨户的名单内有很多亿万富翁,如文莱苏丹王,赖瑞佛林,艾南卡修基,还有澳洲媒体大亨科瑞佩克。

36、business magnate ─── 商界巨头

37、Mogul: a very rich or powerful person; magnate ─── 巨头,一个富有而有权势的人

38、The world credit checking magnate entered China ─── 国际征信巨头登陆中国

39、Flashy philanthropists have emerged, like the recycling magnate Chen Guangbiao. ─── 出手阔绰的慈善家们随之出现了,比如回收业巨头陈光标。

40、That did not make him the top-paid auto magnate by any means ─── 不过这绝不是说,他就可以算得上收入最高的汽车大亨。

41、ROBERT HEFNER, a natural-gas magnate, feels vindicated. ─── 天然气巨头,扬眉吐气了。

42、The heirs and heiresses were sitting in the living room, waiting for the oil magnate to snuff out. ─── 男女继承人坐在客厅时,等待这位煤油大王咽气。

43、She is a financial magnate. ─── 她是位金融巨头。

44、Despite rumors, he wasn? t related to steel magnate Andrew Carnegie. ─── 尽管有传闻,他和钢铁巨头安德鲁卡耐基并无亲缘关系。

45、Kaohsiung harbor is the world's fourth largest containership harbor. 2,3: With a plum flower trademark, Chinese Maritime Transport Ltd. was founded by the late shipping magnate C. ─── 图2、3:以梅花为标帜的中国航运,是已故航业钜子董浩云的企业之一。

46、Puluohuoluofu is a mining industry magnate. ─── 普罗霍罗夫是个矿业大亨。

47、Grandson of a margarine magnate, whose company was sold to Unilever in 1927. ─── 祖父为黄油大亨,其公司1927年售与联合利华。

48、medium magnate ─── 媒介巨头

49、1863 Henry Ford, American motorcar engineer and magnat was born at Dearborn in Michigan, the son of a farmer. ─── 美国汽车工程师和汽车大王亨利·福特生于密执安州迪尔本一个农民家庭。

50、Magnate n. A powerful or influential person, especially in business or industry ─── 巨头:有权威的或有影响力的人,尤指工商界或工业界

51、3.Remember good good will to arouse while meeting magnate, because he is the turn of your life to order. ─── 3. 遇到贵人时,记得好好感激,因为他是你人生的转折点.

52、Fortune life of Azem plim, lndian IT magnate ─── 印度IT巨头阿齐姆·普莱姆吉的财富人生

53、Zyvex, a company started by a software magnate enticed by Drexierian nanotechnology, has recognized how difficult it will be to create robots at the nanometer scale; ─── 为德莱克斯勒的纳米技术所吸引,由软件巨头所创办的Zyvex公司已认识到制造纳米级的机器人将是多么困难。

54、Mr Martinelli, a supermarket magnate, is not helping. ─── 超市大亨马蒂内利先生对此不帮忙还反添乱。

55、In the late 1990s he became governor of Donetsk and befriended Rinat Akhmetov, now Ukraine's richest steel magnate. ─── 90年代末成为顿涅茨克的地方官员以及阿克梅托夫Akhmetov的好友,阿氏现在是乌克兰最富有的钢铁巨头。

56、For example, in 2005, London-based steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal set up the Mittal Champions Trust with a $10 million endowment to find and train promising Indian athletes. ─── 举个例子,2005年,总部位于伦敦的钢铁业巨头米塔尔成立了米塔尔冠军信托基金,注资1000万美元帮助印度寻找和培养希望之星。

57、An oil magnate. ─── 石油巨头

58、an industrial magnate ─── 工业巨头.

59、Ted Turner, the communications magnate, also has bought land in Argentine Patagonia with an eye to conservation ─── 媒体巨子泰德·透纳着眼于环境保育,也买下阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚土地。

60、a press magnate ─── 报业巨子

61、Fillip Bobkov, the head of the Fifth Directorate (which dealt with dissidents), worked for a media magnate, Vladimir Gusinsky. ─── 曾经负责克格勃第五分部(该部主要处理不同政见者)的FillipBobkov后来为传媒大亨古辛斯基。

62、A very rich or powerful person; a magnate. ─── 巨头一个非常富有而有权势的人;巨头

63、Mogul - a very wealthy or powerful businessman; A very rich or powerful person; a magnate. ─── 巨头一个非常富有而有权势的人;大资本家。

64、China's national economic strategy is disrupting that consensus, and a look at the ascent of solar-energy magnate Zhu Gongshan explains why. ─── 中国的国家经济战略扰乱了这种共识,看看太阳能大亨朱共山的崛起历程,就可以知道为什么这么说。

65、Lindsay Fox, Australian transport magnate, owner of the only Enzo with a yellow roof. ─── 赛福克斯,澳大利亚运输巨头,拥有的唯一的Enzo,有黄色的屋顶。

66、Keywords aight characters; enterpriser; magnate; destiny; coffers; code of destiny ─── 关键词八字;企业家;富豪;命运;财库;命运密码

67、In a long period after the Glory Revolution, the land aristocrat and the financial magnate grasp the state power through the control of parliament; ─── 摘要光荣革命后的很长时期里,土地贵族和金融寡头通过控制议会而掌握国家政权;

68、The indoor arrangement of this residence was stately and elegant, which displayed Shi Liangcai's inimitable taste as a magnate of the press circles. ─── 室内布置庄重典雅,显示了史量才这位报界巨头的独特口味。

69、I remember a certain beauty magnate who once said that water is the most important. ─── 曾经记得某位美容大王曾经说过水是最为重要的。

70、Their family is famous magnate in the coastal provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong during the remaining years of the Qing dynasty. ─── 他们家是清代末年南洋一带有名的富豪。

71、I have observed mostly from afar his evolution from music magnate to fashion force. ─── 他从音乐界钜子跨足时尚要角,我多半只在远处观察他。

72、Argentinian oil magnate to let them work on his rig. ─── 当油井老板神秘失踪后,他的一名工人吉拉多就接手了公司的管理。

73、Months ago Mr Selebi admitted to being a friend of Glen Agliotti, a drug trafficker who was implicated in the murder in 2005 of a shady mining magnate. ─── 几个月前塞莱比承认自己是大毒枭埃格鲁提的朋友,而埃格鲁提涉嫌05年谋杀了一个神秘的矿业大亨。

74、Carrier of "Death Consciousness"--On the Tragedy of Industry Magnate Fitzgerald ─── "死亡意识"的载体--论工业巨头杰拉尔德的悲剧性

75、She rang up a press magnate and the Home Secretary, both personal friends of hers ─── 她给一位报界巨头和内政部长打过电话,两位都是他的私人朋友。

76、Her family was a famous petroleum magnate in Texas. ─── 她的家族是德州有名的石油大亨,拥有庞大的牧场。

77、Business leaders on the list included steel company magnate Lakshmi Mittal and Sir Gulam Noon, whose firm produces 1. ─── 很多上榜者在刚到英国时手头一个子儿也没有,可现在他们却已经建立起了很多个价值达数百万英镑的商业帝国。

78、Magnate is a whiz of course, the answer of his without thinking: "Be Tartarean! ─── 大亨当然是个精明的人,他不加思考的回答:“地狱!

79、Kriger had dozens of investors, including an American business magnate, a former US ambassador to Morocco, diplomats and prominent Moroccans. ─── 克拉格得到了许多投资者的支持,包括一位美国商业巨头,一位前美国驻摩洛哥大使,还有一些外交官和摩洛哥的显赫人物。

80、Now, falls into one unprecedentedly along with Wall Street “the financial Tsunami”, Japan financial magnate once more ambitiously to the US market expansion. ─── 如今,随着华尔街陷入一场前所未有的“金融海啸”,日本金融巨头再次雄心勃勃地向美国市场扩张。

81、Before two months, had its blocked Lowes to Mexican telecommunication magnate?Si Limu seeks capital to help. ─── 两个月之前,其已经向墨西哥电信大亨卡洛斯?斯利姆寻求资金帮助。

82、oil magnate ─── 石油大王

83、U. S. steel magnate Carnegie said: "The smile is an amazing radio waves, it will make people unknowingly agree with you. " ─── 美国钢铁大王卡耐基说:“微笑是一种神奇的电波,它会使别人在不知不觉中同意你。”

84、Car rental magnate get a smack in the eye in China ─── 汽车租赁巨擘受挫中国

85、Tobacco magnate ─── 烟草大王

86、"Business leaders on the list included steel company magnate Lakshmi Mittal and Sir Gulam Noon, whose firm produces 1.2 million ready meals every week. ─── 卓越的经商能力,加上令人惊奇的工作精神,再辅之以强烈的进取心,这一切便构成了促使英国亚裔商人群体勇往直前的强大推动力。”

87、In the second drawing, a magnate is imprisoned by diamonds. ─── 图二中,一个富豪被困禁在钻石之中。

88、media magnate ─── 媒体巨头

89、I went north to Waco, where I met the liberal insurance magnate, and a future supporter of mine, Bernard Rapoport; ─── 我向北走,去了韦科,在那里我见到了自由派的保险业巨头,我未来的支持者伯纳德.拉波波特。

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