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08-18 投稿


decamp 发音

英:[dɪˈkæmp]  美:[dɪˈkæmp]

英:  美:

decamp 中文意思翻译




decamp 网络释义

vi. 撤营;逃走;逃亡n. (Decamp)人名;(法)德康;(英)德坎普

decamp 词性/词形变化,decamp变形


decamp 短语词组

1、decamp to ─── 潜入

decamp 相似词语短语

1、decade ─── n.十年,十年期;十

2、decad ─── n.十;十数;由十个构成的一组

3、became ─── v.变得(become的过去式)

4、decads ─── n.十;十数;由十个构成的一组

5、deca- ─── n.十(词头);n.(Deca)人名;(罗)德卡

6、decaff ─── 脱蜡

7、decamps ─── n.(Decamps)人名;(法)德康

8、decaf ─── n.无咖啡因咖啡;脱因咖啡(等于decaffeinatedcoffee)

9、decamped ─── vi.撤营;逃走;逃亡;n.(Decamp)人名;(法)德康;(英)德坎普

decamp 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、decamp:To depart secretly or suddenly. ─── 逃亡:秘密地或突然地离去.

2、Some, however, are being offered double that to decamp to rivals. ─── 不过还是有人被竞争对手以高出一倍的奖金挖走。

3、Of course, none of these projects are likely to stimulate much in the way of new, long-term economic activity, a goal of the federal stimulus plan, once the construction crews decamp. ─── 当然,这些项目中不会有什么项目在建筑队撤离之后,会刺激新的和长远的经济活动,而这又是联邦刺激计划的目标。

4、designs by decamp, as vividly colored as those of Salvator Rosa, but more poetic ─── 有德冈的图案画,色彩象萨尔瓦多·罗联萨的画一样生动,但却富于诗意

5、 decamp v. ─── 撒营;逃走;

6、designs by Decamp, as vividly colored as those of Salvator Rosa, but more poetic; ─── 有德冈的图案画,色彩象萨尔瓦多·罗联萨的画一样生动,但却富于诗意;

7、"She persuaded him to decamp"; ─── 注释列句:leave suddenly;

8、For UBS, the Swiss would also doubtless want a foreign buyer to decamp to Switzerland, a big barrier to a deal. ─── 对此瑞士银行受限更大,瑞士毫无疑问想要一位外国买家帮助他们撤回瑞士本土。

9、As hedge funds threaten to decamp from London to less taxed climes, the City need not panic. The Brazilians are coming instead. ─── 虽然对冲基金扬言要从伦敦迁至税收较低的地区,但金融城却无须恐慌,因为巴西人正向这里走来。

10、They emerge thence,and decamp from their families. ─── 从那地方出来的人也就不愿再回家了。

11、The first is from school, and then from the city, now, in her dream also decamp. ─── 先是从学校,再是从城市,现在,在她的梦里也逃之夭夭了。

12、Nevertheless, a few discovery buying the home that bought same goods selling the home, when commodity and description do not accord with a requirement and returning money, sell the home often decamp. ─── 不过,一些买了同一卖家商品的买家发现,商品与描述不符合要求而退货时,卖家往往逃之夭夭。

13、"You can be honest and say you're not sure you're in the market but would like to discuss the opening to see if it would be a good fit," DeCamp said. ─── “你可以诚实的说你不清楚你是否是合适的人选,但你希望通过开诚布公的面试来看看你是否适合这个职位。”

14、TV shops be duped as be cheated to feel on street, cheater decamp, the person that is fooled is very helpless. ─── 电视购物上当跟在街头上被骗感觉一样,骗子逃之夭夭,被骗的人很无助。

15、Soon general trends already went, decamp of factory director Liu Guangming. ─── 眼看大势已去,厂长刘光明逃之夭夭。

16、decamp v. To leave suddenly or unexpectedly. ─── 动词:秘密而匆忙地移居,撤营,逃走,逃亡

17、If a few financiers choose to decamp for some small island-state in search of the smallest possible tax bill, we should wish them good luck. ─── 如果有些金融家为了寻找更低的税务账单而选择到一些小小的岛国安营扎寨的话,那么我们就祝他好运吧!

18、The president plans to decamp on Sunday to Nevada for a less distracting couple of days of practice. ─── 奥巴马计划周日前往内华达州,抽出几天时间进行练习,尽量避免干扰。

19、till finally the poor innocent was led to doubt her own senses, and, overwhelmed with confusion at her supposed mistake, persuaded her mamma to decamp. ─── 直到最后这可怜的天真的孩子不得不怀疑她自己的感觉,她自以为猜错了,感到非常惶惑,便说服她母亲撤营而去。

20、"I would ask for six months' in advance, under pretence of being able to purchase a farm, then with my six months I would decamp." ─── “我会以买农场为借口,要求预支六个月的钱,有了六个月的收入,我就可以溜之大吉了。”

21、"You dance all night with the soldiers and give them roses and ribbons and tell them how you'd die for the Cause, and when it comes to bandaging a few wounds and picking off a few lice, you decamp hastily." ─── "你整夜跟大兵跳舞,给他们送鲜花,送丝带,说你愿意为主义牺牲,可是一旦要你替几个伤兵包扎和捉虱子时就赶快跑开了。"

22、Just as bananas are best grown in warmer places, imposing a higher carbon price does not compel German manufacturers of capital goods to decamp to China. ─── 正如香蕉在较为温暖的地方生长的比较好,强加一个较高的碳排放价格不会迫使德国制造商的生产资料逃离去中国。

23、i would ask for six months in advance , under pretence of being able to purchase a farm , then with my six months i would decamp . ─── 我会以买农场为借口,要求预支六个月的钱,有了六个月的收入,我就可以溜之大吉了。

24、6.Almost every year, the number of people to populate a town, decamp to what seems like another country, to live like some ancient civilisation for one weekend of the year. ─── 几乎每年,都会有大量人群离开自己住的地方拥入一个小镇,仿佛建立了自己的国家一般,以原始人的方式度过一个周末。

25、In many quarters in Washington, government officials decamp for the private sector as a matter of course. ─── 在华盛顿的很多政府机构,公职人员跳槽到私营公司司空见惯。

26、Let's leave the bacon in the mousetrap and decamp!" ─── 让这块肥肉留在老鼠洞里,我们赶快逃!”

27、Thenardier resumed in his decided tone:-- "Decamp, my girl, and leave men to their own affairs!" ─── 德纳第以他特有的那种坚决口吻接着说:“滚开,小妖精,让我们男人干自己的活。”

28、51.No one expects to visit a place in Italy or Mexico or Kenya or Thailand and be told that "Locals can stay, yes, but you foreigners have to decamp for the night"! ─── 谁也不会认为在意大利、墨西哥、肯尼亚或泰国的旅游胜地会被告知“当地人可以在这儿住,你们外国人必须到别处过夜。”

29、I am small G, "Learn economy easily " the first time meet with you, must not see caption has " economy " 2 words " decamp " ah! ─── 我是小G,“轻松学经济”初次与你们见面,千万不要看到标题有“经济”二字就“逃之夭夭”啊!

30、If this clean workingwoman collects the decamp after gem, owner of lost property should do how, do not catch her at all probably. ─── 如果这名清洁女工捡到珠宝后逃之夭夭,失主该咋办,或许根本抓不到她。

31、If banks are forbidden to indulge in proprietary trading, their employees may decide to decamp to the hedge-fund industry. ─── 如果银行自营业务受限,他们的雇员可能会跳槽到对冲基金业。

32、She persuaded him to decamp. ─── 她说服他移居。

33、The government wants them to decamp to their factories in the Pearl river delta and spend the festive break in their not-so-festive worker dormitories. ─── 虽然中国政府动员群众的能力无以伦比,但仍面临着严峻考验和巨大的后勤挑战。

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