peripatetic 发音
英:[,perɪpə'tetɪk] 美:[,pɛrɪpə'tɛtɪk]
英: 美:
peripatetic 中文意思翻译
peripatetic 网络释义
adj. 漫游的;逍遥学派的n. 走来走去的人;逍遥学派的人
peripatetic 短语词组
1、peripatetic definition ─── 巡回定义
2、peripatetic teacher ─── 巡回讲学教师
3、peripatetic word pronunciation ─── 游走词发音
4、peripatetic industry ─── 周边产业
5、peripatetic work ─── 巡回工作
6、peripatetic philosophers ─── 游荡的哲学家
7、peripatetic defined ─── 周游定义
8、peripatetic school ─── 或称逍遥派学校
9、peripatetic antonym ─── 迂回反义词
10、peripatetic arbitration ─── 围产期仲裁
peripatetic 词性/词形变化,peripatetic变形
peripatetic 相似词语短语
1、peripetia ─── 剧情突变,情节或命运的突变
2、peripateticism ─── n.逍遥学派的哲学;逍遥;逍遥派
3、peripeteia ─── n.情节的突然转变;剧情突变
4、periostitic ─── 骨膜炎
5、peripatetical ─── 游走的
6、Peripatetic ─── adj.亚里士多德学派的,逍遥学派的;巡回工作的;流动的;n.亚里士多德学派的学生;到处奔波的人
7、peripatetics ─── adj.漫游的;逍遥学派的;n.走来走去的人;逍遥学派的人
8、peripatetically ─── 漫无目的地
9、peridotitic ─── 橄榄岩(peridotite的变形)
peripatetic 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、One hypothesis is that the behaviour associated with ADHD helps people, such as hunter-gatherers and pastoral nomads, who lead a peripatetic life. ─── 有人提出一个假设:与ADHD有关的行为会有助于诸如靠狩猎、采集、游牧、流浪为生这样一群人,他们过着居无定所、漂浮不定的生活。
2、Peripatetic Queen, reckless incursions by a Knight into the enemy's camp, and when the ─── 徘徊的皇后,一个骑士的卤莽侵入进入敌人的露营之内,和何时那
3、Some hope that Obama's mixed parentage and peripatetic childhood have made him more sympathetic to other cultures. ─── 在美军入侵阿富汗7年后,那里的局势变得急剧恶化。
4、peripatetic advisory officer ─── 巡回辅导主任
5、A Wolf, likes peripatetic wandering around lonely and prefers listening to the song. ─── 一只喜欢孤独游走,且喜欢听歌的炎狼。
6、peripatetic country preachers; a poor wayfaring stranger. ─── 四处游历的乡村传教士;可怜的徒步流浪的陌生人。
7、politician, crying his legislative panaceas; and here the peripatetic Cheap Jack, holding aloft his quack cures for human ills. ─── 既有圆滑的政客,叫喊着立法万能,又有徒步游历的江湖小贩,高举着他那骗人的狗皮膏药。
8、1. Peripatetic music teachers visit the school regularly. ─── 兼职音乐教师定期到校授课.
9、peripatetic teaching service ─── 巡回教学服务
10、Peripatetic music teachers visit the school regularly. ─── 兼职音乐教师定期到校授课。
11、New image: Since being deposed in a 2006 coup amid allegations of graft and human rights abuses, Thaksin has lived a peripatetic existence. ─── 新形象:2006年,陷身于贪污和滥用人权指控的他信,在政变中遭到废黜,自那以后,他就过着浪迹天涯的生活。
12、peripatetic country preachers ─── 四处游历的乡村传教士
13、the Peripatetic school ─── 逍遥学派
14、a peripatetic music teacher ─── 一位流动的音乐教师
15、The peripatetic Valentine likes to cruise around on his bicycle, so the young filmmakers bought a tandem bike to stay close to him. ─── 这位逍遥自在的大情人喜欢骑著单车趴趴走,所以这几个年轻制片者们也买了双座脚踏车与他片刻不离。
16、Kim Greene, now 54 and happily single, is keen on her peripatetic, creative life, but hopes to settle down in the future by the sea. ─── 作者现年五十四岁,过著快乐的单身日子,热衷于漫游,喜欢创作,但希望将来能在海边定居。
17、But now international interest in London property is no longer the preserve of a handful of peripatetic tycoons. ─── 但是,现在国际上对伦敦地产的兴趣,已不再局限于少数到处游走的大亨。
18、peripatetic a. ─── 走来走去的;
19、Anybody with such a "peripatetic existence" , as Mr Assange calls it, would wind up a restless soul. ─── 任何一个“到处游荡而存在”(阿桑奇这样称)的人都会激发出一个躁动不安的灵魂。
20、Her father was in the army and the family led a peripatetic existence for most of her childhood. ─── 她父亲是军人,全家人在她童年的大部分时间过着一种流动的生活。
21、special peripatetic service ─── 特殊巡回辅导教学服务
22、Susan understands that her 5)peripatetic lifestyle puts certain stresses on her son. ─── 他在饮食习惯上显得桀傲不群,可是我想,对不断改变的环境做出这样的反应是完全可以理解的。
23、Here the glib politician, crying his legislative panaceas; and here the peripatetic Cheap Jack, holding aloft his quack cures for human ills. ─── 既有圆滑的政客,叫喊着立法万能,又有徒步游历的江湖小贩,高举着他那骗人的狗皮膏药;
24、Kim Greene, now 54 and happily single, is keen on her peripatetic, creative life, but hopes to settle down in the future by the sea. ─── 作者现年54岁,过着快乐的单身日子,热衷旅游,喜欢创作,但希望将来能在海边定居。
25、peripatetic advisory service ─── 巡回辅导服务
26、They represent a tradition initiated by the Jesuit Peripatetic Mission in the 17th and 18th centuries, continued and enriched by the Franciscans during the 19th century and still prevailing today. ─── 它们所代表的建筑传统,肇始于17、18世纪的耶稣会布道团,在19世纪的圣芳济会的以继续并发扬,并流行到今天。
27、The peripatetic Frank Romano noted that as print expands and workers retire, 60,000 jobs open yearly. ─── 弗兰克的流动普罗迪指出,扩大和印刷工人退休, 60000人开放一次。
28、I don’t yet have ‘senior moments’, but my memory isn’t up to the challenges peripatetic teaching work places on it. ─── 我很少有时间在办公室里整理材料,于是我想出了一个办法,在一张桌子上把要带到不同学校去的材料按顺序放好。
29、peripatetic advisory service [for hearing impaired students] ─── 弱听学童巡回辅导服务
30、It will be an extraordinary victory for a novice senator born outside the continental United States who grew up with an absentee father and a peripatetic mother. ─── 对这位资历很浅的参议员来说,这将是一个非凡的胜利。他没有出生在美国本土,他在单亲家庭中长大,没有父亲在身边,陪伴他的母亲总是到处兼职教课。
31、However, it is unclear how long a book Mr Sinclair would have to write, were he to transplant his peripatetic procedure (and the same distance-to-volume ratio) from London to Houston. ─── 不过现在还不清楚如果辛克莱尔先生如果为休斯顿的外环路景色写一本书的话(相同的距离/内容比例),这本书得多少页。
32、peripatetic speech therapy service ─── 巡回言语治疗服务
33、The peripatetic Valentine likes to cruise around on his bicycle, so the young filmmakers bought a tandem bike to stay close to him. ─── 这位逍遥自在的大情人喜欢骑著单车趴趴走,所以这几个年轻制片者们也买了双座脚踏车与他片刻不离。
34、peripatetic teacher ─── 巡回讲学教师
35、Here the glib politician, crying his legislative panaceas; and here the peripatetic Cheap Jack, holding aloft his quackcures for human ills. ─── 既有圆滑的政客,叫喊着立法万能,又有徒步游历的江湖小贩,高举着他那骗人的狗皮膏药。
36、Her father was in the army and the family led a peripatetic existence. ─── 她父亲是军人,所以全家人随军过着一种流动的生活。
37、Accompanying the peripatetic Secretary of State on his shuttle diplomacy marathons, ─── 伴随四处奔走的国务卿于穿梭外交的马拉松旅途上,
38、peripatetic arbitration ─── 无定所仲裁
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