goutiness 中文意思翻译
goutiness 相似词语短语
1、gluiness ─── 胶状
2、gauziness ─── 华而不实
3、mouthiness ─── n.说大话;多嘴
4、grottiness ─── 畸形
5、gourdiness ─── 美味
6、gaudiness ─── n.华美,俗丽的美
7、dortiness ─── 多丁内斯
8、couthiness ─── couthiness公司
9、dottiness ─── n.疯狂;神志不清
goutiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、My toe is pricking with the gout. ─── 我的脚趾因为痛风而感到疼痛。
2、A 62-year-old male patient, with no history of gout and renal stone, was admitted because of acute uric acid nephropathy after several days of diarrheal dehydration. ─── 我们报告一个62岁的男性病人,没有痛风及肾结石的病史。因为数天的腹泻性脱水导致高尿酸血症、寡尿性急性肾衰竭而住院。
3、He is bad with gout . ─── 他患有痛风玻
4、The best medicine I know for rheumatism is to thank the lord it is not the gout. ─── 我所知道最佳的风湿特效药是: 感谢上帝,好在那不是痛风。
5、Plastic industrial sex, make it can cater to the person's gout more, can be out of shape arbitrarily, screwy, develop the individual's imagination indefinitely. ─── 塑胶的工业性,使它更能迎合人的趣味,可以任意变形、扭曲,无限发挥个人的想象力。
6、However, this isn't always the best method for diagnosing gout, as high uric acid in the blood does not always mean you have gout. ─── 但是,这并不总是最好的方法诊断痛风、高尿酸血不一定意味你有痛风。
7、Researchers will try to find out if they can raise urate levels safely.Extremely high levels of urate can lead to painful kidney stones or a form of arthritis called gout. ─── 其中一半病人服用肌苷添加物,另一半服用安慰剂,来观察肌苷是否可以安全地增加尿酸水平。
8、Hence, Sir Leicester yields up his family legs to the family gout. ─── 因此,累斯特爵士就听任他那双祖传的腿,忍受这种祖传的痛风
9、Two daughters Fang Yi plans with concise gimmick, of indirect lighting apply, add a space trifling change gout. ─── 两间女儿房亦以简洁的手法规划,间接照明的运用,增添空间些许变化趣味。
10、Be temperate im wine, in eating, girls, and sloth; or the gout will seize you and plague you both. ─── 姑娘,别纵酒,别贪吃懒做,否则痛风会让?
11、Additionally there is the Gout de Glue which arises from the use of glue in sparkling wine and champagne corks. ─── 在位于维多利亚州的澳大利亚酩悦香槟出口商多美因单顿为他们生产的发泡单顿酒使用了不锈钢瓶盖。
12、In severe cases, joints become deformed, resulting in chronic tophaceous gout. ─── 严重的会引至关节变形,成为慢性痛风。
13、Seek medical adice when sudden intense pain occurs, een if it goes away in1 or2 days or if you hae had gout diagnosed and hae another attack. ─── 出现剧烈疼痛,即使疼痛在1-2天内即消失,或者曾经诊断为痛风并且再次发作的患者都应寻求医疗指导。
14、So she asked me something with difficult words first, like illness history, like diabetes, like gout, of course I never have it. ─── 于是她就开始选一些需要翻译在的问题来询问,比如生病史啊,比如什么糖尿病痛风啊,当然都没有了。
15、Other complementary and alternative medicine treatments may help the cope until the gout pain subsides or the medication take effect. ─── 其它的一些补充和替代疗法可以帮助处理痛风引起的疼痛,直到疼痛减轻和药物起效。
16、All elements design the aim that taking soft hard couple, make can be offerred for the child at recreational gout space. ─── 所有的元素设计秉承着软硬结合的宗旨,为孩子打造一个可供于娱乐的趣味空间。
17、With the use of a cork as a closure for a wine or champagne the main concern is the usual cork taint Gout de Bouchon (trichloroanisile,TCA) and Gout de Bois (a woody aroma that comes from the cork). ─── 在西澳,华斯菲里克斯和莫斯伍德是率先改用新式封口的头两家葡萄酒厂,先是把旋转式瓶盖用于白葡萄酒,后来又用于红葡萄酒,进行市场尝试。
18、Also if a person is currently undergoing a gout attack uric acid levels in the blood can be in the normal range. ─── 如果一个人也正在发生痛风攻击血尿酸水平可在正常范围。
19、What kinds of foods can protect you from the ravages of gout? ─── 什么食物可以保护身体免受痛风之害呢?
20、Drink wine, and have the gout; drink no wine, and have the gout too . ─── 喝酒患痛风,不喝也如此。
21、We present therefore a rare case of lumbosacral extradural spinal gout.The patient had a long history of peripheral polyarticular gout without regular medical control. ─── 我们报告一例已知有长期不规则药物控制之周边多发性痛风之病患所并发之腰荐椎脊柱痛风,以亚急性左下肢神经痛表现,而临床上表现类似感染性发炎。
22、No soup, Mama said emphatically, It's minestrone! She then launched into a long, animated explanation of the power of minestrone: how it cured headaches, colds, heartaches, indigestion, gout and liver ailments. ─── “不是一般的汤,”妈妈强调说,“这是蔬菜通心粉汤!”然后她就开始生动地介绍很多关于这汤的功效:它能治愈头痛、感冒、心绞痛、消化不良、痛风以及肝病等。
23、"This enzyme was originally known in association with the catabolism of purines into uric acid, the production of reactie oxygen species, and its inolement in gout. ─── “这种酶最初是在将嘌呤分解成尿酸的代谢中了解的,是氧化反应的产物,并且被牵涉进痛风中。
24、Possible Uses: Bronchitis, colds, coughs, exhaustion, flatulence, flu, gout, insect bites, insect repellent, muscle aches, rheumatism, sinusitis. ─── 功效:支气管炎,感冒,咳嗽,疲劳,消滞,流感,痛风,杀虫,肌肉疼痛,风湿,鼻窦炎.
25、She was lame in her knees with the gout, and, therefore, seldom stirred out of her room, so sometimes wanted company. ─── 她因患痛风,膝盖留下残疾,行动不便,很少出屋,有时便希望有人陪伴。
26、He has been confined two months by gout. ─── 他因痛风病已臣庆两个月了。
27、Next, should make furniture kneads gout as far as possible gender and practical at an organic whole, with sparking the child is opposite the perceptive ability of the thing. ─── 其次,要尽量使家具揉趣味性与实用性于一体,以触发孩子对事物的感知能力。
28、Unless, of course, you're English and you enjoy the flavour the French call le gout anglais: the slightly maderized, nutty flavour of old champagne. ─── 当然,如果你是英国人,而你又欣赏法国人称之为“英国风味”的、有轻微的马德拉酒味以及坚果味的老香槟味道又另当别论了。
29、Once you have a firm diagnosis of gout, you can take steps to keeping the condition under control. ─── 只要你有坚定的诊断痛风,你可以饲养条件下采取措施控制。
30、Imhotep treated tuberculosis, gallstones, appendicitis, gout and arthritis. ─── 印和阗治疗了肺结核、胆结石、阑尾炎、痛风和关节炎。
31、The nature of gout, an ailment most commonly associated with gentlemanly excess, has fallen off the list since 2007. ─── 。自从2007年以来,痛风这一和男士无节制行为密切相关的普遍疾病,就再也没有荣登过此排行榜。
32、I have gout,asthma,and seven other maladies,but am otherwise very well. ─── 我有痛风、气喘、以及其他七种疾病,惟其余则极之健康。
33、Drug of on the decoct that add water two gout makes an appointment with 30 minutes, egg issueing sparrow boils 10 minutes again. ─── 加水煎上两味药约30分钟,下雀蛋再煮10分钟。
34、Medical Conditions: Certain diseases and conditions make it more likely that people will develp gout. ─── 医疗状况:一些疾病和身体情况可能会使人们更容易得痛风。
35、But no matter which kind of, can create go out to read cozily office space, reflect the aesthetic gout of study host and actual demand. ─── 但无论哪一种,都可以创造出舒适的读书办公空间,体现书房主人的审美趣味和现实需求。
36、In acute attack of gout, drugs can reduce joint pain effectively. ─── 如患急性痛风,药物能有效地减低关节的痛楚。
37、Chronic gout leads to deposion of urates into a chalky mass known as a "tophus". ─── 慢性痛风导致尿酸盐沉积为似白垩的物质,即痛风石。
38、Possible Uses: Dull skin, exhaustion, gout, psoriasis, toxin build-up, water retention. ─── 功用:皮肤黯淡,消除疲劳,痛风,牛皮癣,抵抗毒素,保湿.
39、Such gargling in angina brings fast recovery, and in pains of gout and arteriosclerosis, surprising successes are reached even in serious cases.... ─── 咽痛漱口迅速恢复,和痛风的疼痛和动脉硬化,惊奇的成功,甚至在严重病例都达到。
40、As a result, the drug is being approved for acute gout flares with the lower recommended dosing regimen. ─── 因此,该药被批准用于治疗急性痛风发作时,采用的是较低的推荐剂量方案。
42、Many foods can be very good to eat when you have gout. ─── 当你患有痛风时,许多食物是对你有好处的。
43、A drug, C5H4N4O, used to treat gout because it promotes the excretion of uric acid. ─── 别嘌呤醇一种药物,C5H4N4O,因其可促进尿酸的排泄而被用于治疗痛风
44、When gout associates with diuretic therapy, stop the diuretic if possible. ─── 当痛风与使用利尿剂有关时,如有可能停用利尿剂。
45、We have all yielded to gout. ─── 我们都害过痛风
46、Chronic tophaceous gout? ─── 4.慢性痛风石 ?
47、Be temperate in wine, in eating, girls, and sloth; or the gout will seize you and plague you both. ─── 姑娘,别纵酒,别贪吃懒做,否则痛风会让你备受折磨。
48、Venezuela has exported oil since the 16th century, when the mother of the Hapsburg emperor, Charles V, had some shipped to Spain to treat his crippling gout. ─── 委内瑞拉从16世纪就开始出口石油,当时哈布斯堡王朝的国王查尔斯五世从委内瑞拉运了一些石油来治疗他的关节痛。
49、The bullet caught Sollozzo squarely between his eye and his ear and when it exited on the other side blasted out a huge gout of blood and skull fragments onto the petrified waiter's jacket. ─── 子弹刚好打中索洛佐的眼睛和耳朵之间的地方,子弹从另一边迸了出来,炸出了一大团血,血和头骨碎片四处飞溅,也溅满了给吓得呆若木鸡的堂倌的衣服。
50、Colchicine has been used by healthcare practitioners for many years to treat gout but had not been approved by the FDA. ─── 尽管专业从医人员使用秋水仙碱治疗痛风已有多年,但该药一直未被FDA批准。
51、It's pretty rare if symptoms of gout develop in two or three joints at the same time. ─── 它的症状比较罕见,如果在两三个关节痛风发展的同时。
52、If patient experience sudden, intense pain in a joint, he/she should call doctor. Gout that goes untreated can lead to worsening pain and joint damage. ─── 如果病人感到突然剧烈的关节疼痛,他或她就应该马上联系医生。如果痛风得不到及时的治疗就会导致更严重的疼痛和关节损害。
53、I have, indeed, sometimes moderate fits of the gout; but I think it is not settled among the physicians whether that is a disease or a remedy. ─── 我有时候的确犯有轻微的痛风;但我想医学界至今还无法确定这究竟是一种疾病,还是一种疗法。
54、He was a martyr to gout . ─── 他受尽痛风之折磨。
55、American biochemist.He shared a1988Nobel Prize for developing drugs to treat leukemia and gout. ─── 希钦斯,乔治 赫伯特生于1905美国生化学家,因研制出治疗白血病及痛风的药而获1988年诺贝尔奖
56、"It is interesting to note that people with gout neer seem to deelop multiple sclerosis," Firestein said. ─── “很有趣的现象为痛风的患者不发生多发性硬化症,”Firestein说道。
57、Advocate the bedroom introduces downy maize series, increase many gout results. Indoor whole furniture all introduces cany product, those who accord with consistency is harmonious. ─── 主卧室采用柔和的黄色系列,增加不少趣味效果。室内整体家具皆采用藤制品,符合一致性的协调。
58、Physicians historically have given colchicine hourly for acute gout flares until the flare subsided or they had to stop treatment because the patient began experiencing gastrointestinal problems. ─── 传统上,医生会每小时使用秋水仙碱治疗急性痛风发作,直到病情减轻或患者因开始出现胃肠道问题而不得不停止治疗。
59、I have gout, asthma, and seven other maladies, but am otherwise very well . ─── 我有痛风、气喘、以及其它七种疾病,惟其余则极之健康。
60、Diagnosis and management experience of gout arthritis and gouty nephropathy patient with uremia are reported in the article. ─── 报道了痛风性关节炎并痛风肾病(肾功能不全尿毒症期)诊断与治疗经验。
61、Seek medical adice when sudden intense pain occurs, een if it goes away in 1 or 2 days or if you hae had gout diagnosed and hae another attack. ─── 当突然而强烈的疼痛发作时,即使疼痛只持续一两天,或是已经确诊痛风而再次发作,也需要就医。
62、Introduce the Experiences of therapy rheumatism disease by professor ZHANG Qi,therapy the rigid spine inflammation,gout,sciatica ischialgia,rheumatoid arthitis and also provide the cases. ─── 介绍张琪教授治疗风湿病经验,治疗强直性脊柱炎、痛风、坐骨神经痛、类风湿性关节炎经验,并附验案举证。
63、He is sorely afflicted with the gout. ─── 他苦于痛风病。
64、But if symptoms are left untreated and it is gout than it is very serious, as gout can permanently damage joints and even cause disability. ─── 但是如果未经治疗,它的症状是左不是很严重的痛风,痛风关节可作为永久损坏,甚至造成残疾。
65、The best medicine I know for rheumatism is to thank the lord it ai not the gout. ─── 我所知道最佳的风湿特效药是:感谢上帝,好在那不是痛风。
66、"There hasn't been a new drug for gout in the U.S. for over 40 years," Dr.John Sundy, a rheumatologist at Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina, who led the study, said in a statement. ─── 主导这一试验的北卡罗来纳州的杜克大学医学中心的风湿病学家JohnSundy博士在一份声明中称,“美国40多年来一直没有出现一个新的痛风药物。”
67、Do not take this product if you are taking a prescription drug for anticoagulation (thinning the blood), diabetes, gout or arthritis unless directed by a doctor. ─── 勿与抗血凝药物,糖尿病药物,痛风或关节炎药物共同使用除非是在医生指导之下。
68、If you feel you are displaying any gout symptoms your best course of action would be to make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. ─── 如果你认为有痛风症状你展现最佳行动将与您预约医生尽快。
69、Metope, end face, window make gout change. ─── 墙面、顶面、窗户等做趣味变化。
70、Extremely high levels of urate can lead to painful kidney stones or a form of arthritis called gout. ─── 但是过高水平的尿酸可能会导致肾结石和一种称为痛风的关节炎。
71、Here one encountered some lady of the Bayonnaise bourgeoisie walking back up to her Villa des Arenes, a little package of Bon Gout in her hand. ─── 偶遇某位巴约纳中产阶级女子,反向走回她的宅邸,手上小袋飘出她的好品味。
72、When widespread symptoms occur like this it is more than likely not gout. ─── 当普遍出现症状多是这样不容易痛风。
73、Febuxostat lowers the concentration of uric acid in the blood of hyperuricemic patients with gout. ─── Febuxostat可降低痛风患者高尿酸血中的尿酸浓度。
74、Ask a doctor or pharmacist before use if you are taking a prescription drug for anticoagulation (thinning the blood), diabetes, gout, arthritis. ─── 如果正在使用抗凝血药(薄血药),糖尿病,痛风,关节炎之医生处方药,使用本产品前请先谘询专业医生
75、"While most gout patients do well with the drug allopurinol, there is a subset of about 50,000 patients in the U.S. who don't respond to it or who can't tolerate it and who have no real alternatives. ─── “虽然大多数痛风患者都可以相对安全地使用别嘌呤醇,但在美国有约50000例患者要么使用该药无效、要么有耐药性却别无选择。
76、American biochemist. He shared a1988 Nobel Prize for developing drugs to treat leukemia and gout. ─── 希钦斯,乔治·赫伯特生于1905美国生化学家,因研制出治疗白血病及痛风的药而获1988年诺贝尔奖
77、"Wait for gout through short message collect carefully and relation radar and serve practically, the home on accessibly and authentic net can be built between the user. ─── “通过短信珍藏和关系雷达等趣味而实用的服务,用户之间可以建立起可亲可信的网上家园。”
78、 双语使用场景
79、Gout (also called metabolic arthritis) is a disease due to an inborn disorder of the uric acid metabolism. ─── 什麽是'痛风-类型的关节炎由于尿酸结晶沉积'?
80、The present invention is mainly used for the treatment and prevention of gout, hyperuricemia and other diseases, the efficacy is fast and the treatment effect is significant. ─── 主要用于治疗和预防痛风病,高尿酸血症等疾病,见效快,治疗效果显著。
81、Meanwhile, relevant Chinese literatures between January 2002 and December 2005 were searched in Vip database with the key words of "gout, arthritis". ─── 同时应用计算机检索维普中文期刊数据库2002-01/2005-12与痛风病相关的文章,限定文章语言种类为中文,检索词“痛风,关节炎”。
82、Drinking four or more cups of coffee a day may cut the risk of having a painful attack of gout, say Canadian scientists. ─── 加拿大科学研究者指出,每日饮用四杯以上的咖啡可能可以降低得到痛风的机会。
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