forebode 发音
英:[fɔːrˈboʊd] 美:[fɔːˈbəʊd]
英: 美:
forebode 中文意思翻译
forebode 网络释义
v. 预示;预感;预兆
forebode 词性/词形变化,forebode变形
forebode 短语词组
1、forebode usage ─── 预兆用法
2、forebode band ─── 预兆带
3、forebode means ─── 预兆意味着
4、forebode imi ─── 预兆imi
5、forebode joy ─── 预兆欢乐
6、forebode predict ─── 预兆
forebode 相似词语短语
1、forebody ─── n.弹体前部;船体前半部
2、foredone ─── adj.筋疲力竭的
3、foreboom ─── 前桅张帆杆
4、forebodes ─── v.预示;预感;预兆
5、foreboder ─── 预兆
6、forebodies ─── n.弹体前部;船体前半部
7、foregone ─── adj.过去的;先前的;预知的;预先决定的;v.发生在…之前(forego的过去分词)
8、foreboded ─── v.预示;预感;预兆
9、forbode ─── v.预示
forebode 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、forebode disaster ─── 预感不吉利的事
2、Such attacks are generally the aftermath of a class I attack, and forebode class 3 attacks. ─── 这类攻击通常在第一类攻击之后,也是第三类攻击的预兆。
3、It is very difficult to forebode all the time. ─── 人生总是很难预料。
4、Black clouds forebode rain. ─── 乌云是要下雨的前兆。
5、These develop ments forebode disaster. ─── 这些情况预示着要有灾祸.
6、Black clouds forebode a storm. ─── 乌云预示有暴风雨。
7、6.These black clouds forebode a violent storm. ─── 这些乌云预示着狂风暴雨即将到来。
8、forebode a big storm ─── 预示大风暴的来临
9、3.Those black clouds forebode rain. ─── 那些乌云是要下雨的前兆。
10、282. The Immortal Bathtub is famous for its changing water-color, which can forebode the weather and the earthquake. ─── (“仙人澡塘”以水色的变化能预兆晴雨和地震而闻名。)
11、When I alone wander in the field, those flowers, grasses, trees and rivers can solace me just because I vaguely forebode that I'm likely to meet another soul who loves them likewise. ─── 当我独自在田野里徘徊时,那些花朵、小草、树木、河流之所以能给我以慰藉,正是因为我隐约预感到,我可能会和另一颗同样爱它们的灵魂相遇。
12、In Ibsen's dramas, private symbols are widely used to express some mental experience, to imply the subtle inner world and forebode characters's peculiar destiny. ─── 摘要个性化的象征是易卜生戏剧中用来传达某种精神体验、暗示微妙的内心世界、预示人物特殊的命运而广泛采用的表现手法。
13、to forebode disaster ─── 预感灾难来临
14、These developments forebode disaster. ─── 这些情况预示著要有灾祸。
15、Those black clouds forebode rain. ─── 乌云预示着有暴风雨。
16、1.These developments forebode disaster. ─── 这些情况预示著要有灾祸.
17、"There can be, if I forebode aright, no power, short of the Divine mercy, to disclose, whether by uttered words, or by type or emblem, the secrets that may be buried with a human heart. ─── “如果我的预感不错的话,除去上天的仁慈,没有什么力量,无论是通过讲出来的语言或是任何形式的标志,能够揭示可能埋在一个人心里的秘密。
18、while one solemn old tree groaned dolefully to another, as if telling the sad story of the pair that sat beneath, or constrained to forebode evil to come. ─── 一棵肃穆的老树对另一棵树悲声低吟,仿佛在倾诉树下坐着的这一对人儿的伤心的故事,或是在不得不预告那行将到来的邪恶。
19、Those black clouds forebode rain. ─── 乌云是风雨欲来的前兆。
20、It would turn out that the children's bleak school reports did not forebode failure, but a refusal to march to the drumbeat of the ordinary, which should have made me proud. ─── 后来的发展证明了孩子学业成绩差并不表示他们长大后一定一事无成,而只是表示他们当时不愿按常人的步伐亦步亦趋,而这一点,理应令我引以为豪。
21、he saw a cloud rising in the horizon, which appeared to forebode a coming storm. ─── 他看见天上忽然上升起了一朵乌云,似乎预示一场暴风雨即将来临。
22、Smart people can forebode the tendency. They raise ducks rather than chicken before the flood. (Would it be better raise pigeons? ─── 38聪明的人能洞察事物未来的发展趋势。他们在发洪水之前养鸭,而不是养鸡。(养鸽子不是更好吗?)
23、presage predict forecast foresee foretell portend portent prophesy anticipate omen divine soothsay augur forebode presentiment ─── 预言,预知,预告——
24、The dark clouds forebode a rainstorm. ─── 乌云预示着暴风雨即将来临。
25、forebode The fall of Danang late in the month produced scenes of horror that appeared to foreshadow what might happen later in Saigon. ─── 本月底岘港陷落,一幕幕恐怖的场景随之出现,好似预示了此后在西贡可能上演的同样场面。
26、Black clouds forebode a storm. ─── 乌云预示着有暴风雨。
27、Omens that forebode disaster ─── 预示着灾难的兆头。
28、he saw a cloud rising in the horizon, which appeared to forebode a coming storm ─── 他看见天上忽然上升起了一朵乌云,似乎预示一场暴风雨即将来临。
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