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08-18 投稿


laudable 发音

英:['lɔːdəb(ə)l]  美:['lɔdəbl]

英:  美:

laudable 中文意思翻译



laudable 词性/词形变化,laudable变形

名词: laudability |副词: laudably |

laudable 短语词组

1、laudable pus ─── [医] 黄稠脓, 无毒脓(旧名)

laudable 相似词语短语

1、sandable ─── 可打磨的

2、applaudable ─── 值得鼓掌的;值得称赞的

3、wadable ─── adj.可涉水过的;可以涉水的(等于wadeable)

4、addable ─── adj.可增加的(等于addible)

5、lendable ─── adj.可借贷的,可贷放的

6、fadable ─── 可褪色的

7、laughable ─── adj.有趣的,可笑的

8、illaudable ─── adj.不值得赞美的

9、laudably ─── adv.值得赞赏地;可嘉地;可佩地

laudable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They have some environmental stances that are laudable which may help make you feel better about buying them. ─── 肯梦在环保问题上有些令人称道的姿态,能帮助人们买它的产品时感觉好些。

2、Spreading democracy around the world is no magic bullet, even if it is a laudable long-term goal. ─── 在全球散播民主并不是什么灵丹妙药,尽管从长远目标看它是值得称赞的。

3、a laudable aim/attempt ─── 值得称赞的志向/尝试

4、The quest for a perfect book is laudable in any case, but in view of the number of bug-ridden C++ books that have been rushed to market, I feel especially strongly compelled to follow Knuth's example. ─── 无论如何寻求一本完美的C++书是值得赞誉的,但是看到大量错误百出的C++充斥市场,我有一种强烈的愿望学习Knuth的做法。

5、Qianlong laughs: "Dear nimbleness of mind in dealing with emergencies is laudable, excuse me you are innocent! ─── 乾隆心里又好气又好笑,故意喝道:“放肆!谁在这里?

6、It is this, sometimes blurred, cleavage that makes Mr Obama's laudable multilateralism so hard to execute in the region. ─── 正是这种有时界限并不明确的分歧,使得奥巴马令人称道的多边主义难以在此地区施展。

7、We salute the noble and laudable aims of those who formulated the Universal Declaration. ─── 《世界人权宣言》的制定者高瞻远瞩,目标宏大,实在值得我们致以崇高的敬意。

8、But the ambitions are laudable. ─── 这一计划虽然有点夸张,但其志可嘉。

9、75. It's highly laudable and exemplary a thing as it is held to be. ─── 这正如所认为的那样是一件值得高度称赞和仿效的事情。

10、Though the official responses were predictable -- and even laudable -- they may have missed the larger point. ─── 尽管官方的反应是可以预测的,甚至是值得称赞的,但他们或许漏掉了更为重要的一点。

11、While a laudable use of money, such work is not possible within the six month timetable initially given by the donor. ─── 这是一个值得称赞的资金使用,但是在六个月里要捐赠者给出如此多的钱是不可能的。

12、laudable pus ─── [医] 黄稠脓, 无毒脓(旧名)

13、In all these Puranas the goddess Lakshmi is given a laudable place without any sectarian dispute. ─── 在所有这些宇宙古史中,女神拉克希米没有任何宗派主义者的争论而被赠予一块值得称赞的地方。

14、Laudable though this was, it meant Meyer's men had time to recover from the shock of the raid in time to meet the inevitable attack. ─── 虽然这值得称赞,但也意味着梅耶有时间从震惊中恢复,准备接下来的进攻。

15、Commitment to a life of scholarship or research is compatible with many other laudable goals. ─── 投入到做学问或研究的生活,是与许多其他值得称赞的目标相一致的。这一点是很有启发性的;

16、His book highlights many laudable examples of India-China collaboration at the level of entrepreneurs, not the government. ─── 中国、印度这两个民族和两国人民之间的友谊,几千年以来是很好的。

17、His goals were laudable and ambitious: establishing “strategic dialogue” with Beijing across the full range of economic and political issues. ─── 他的目标既值得称赞,又雄心勃勃:围绕经济和政治等一系列广泛问题,与中国政府建立“战略对话”机制。

18、Traditional " do not let brother of a class drop out " catchword, affection is laudable law paltrily, cannot regard flight post as do not enter those who go out only " safe " . ─── 传统的“不让一个阶级兄弟掉队”的口号,情可嘉法不足取,不能把飞行岗位当成只进不出的“保险箱”。

19、The team spirit of the Japeanese is laudable really. They all kept silence and burdened their luggage stepping upstairs without any murmur. ─── 真的很佩服日本人的团队精神。并无任何怨言,只是默不作声地背着行李上楼。

20、Today, the principle is also consistent with libertarian political views that place individual freedoms as the most laudable goal and right of people. ─── 今日,这个原则同样地符合自由意识主义支持者的(古典自由派的)政治观点以寄讬于个人自由中,如同最值得赞赏的目标和人们的权利。

21、Despite his laudable attempts to bring the two sides together, the dispute continued to drag on. ─── 尽管他为了促进双方和解做出了值得褒扬的努力,但是争端还是继续的延续下去。

22、Most people never truelly love or hate.The former is the most laudable thing, the second the latter.Indifference should be cursed,for it has neither love or hatred. ─── 大多数人既没有真正的爱,也没有真正的恨,爱最值称贺,其次是恨,最该诅咒的是冷漠,因为它既不是爱也不是恨

23、Yet, although the ends are laudable, her means are questionable. ─── 然而,尽管目的值得称道,她的方法却是令人置疑的。

24、Around the Ranch, there's a business-school buzz-phrase called "managing ambiguity," a laudable skill in this kind of work. ─── 在(天行者)牧场里有一句商业学校流行短语(?),叫做“不明确管理”,这是在处理类似工作中的一种值得称赞的技巧。

25、Nor should we fail to acknowledge the truly laudable achievement, over the last decade, of lifting more than 150 million people out of absolute poverty. ─── 我们也不应否认中国在过去10年取得的、令人称道的成就:即让逾1.5亿人摆脱了赤贫状况。

26、A laudable, noble sentiment. But impractical, unless the father will marry you and give the child a name. ─── 值得赞美而崇高的感情。但是,不实际呀,除非你父亲让你结婚而且给孩子取一个名字。

27、I see two main reasons for the growth of these attacks: the laudable increase in network/host security and poor coding practices. ─── 我看这类攻击的增多有两大原因:网络/主机安全性的健康提升和不良编程的习惯性做法。

28、But the truth is that among communities, states and regions, income and wealth will vary for many reasons, several of them unavoidable and laudable. ─── 但事实却是在各社区、各州与各地区,收入与财富的获得是随很多因素变化的,其中有些因素还是不可避免并值得赞许的。

29、I am employed by a company before the boss of my work is quite laudable ambition, so he is willing to help me to find another level. ─── 本人前任职的公司老板,对我的工作雄心颇为赞许,因此,愿协助我另谋他职。

30、It is laudable as well that Lee has decided to donate the prize money to help nurture Taiwan's budding filmmakers. ─── 另外值得称赞的是,李安决定将奖金捐出,来协助培养台湾新锐导演。

31、Subsequently, the author is opposite in article again " reject Xi Shi " praise wantonly, weigh its " receive reject not to do a second wife rather " spirit is very laudable. ─── 随后,作者又在文中对“废品西施”大肆赞扬,称其“宁收废品不做二奶”的精神非常可嘉。

32、emphasizing what is laudable or hopeful or to the good ─── 强调那些美好的、有希望的或有好处的方面

33、True,he would say,these are the uses of wealth,and very laudable uses while confined to domestic commodities,because in that case,by exactly the amount which you expend,you enrich others of your countrymen. ─── 确实,他会说,这些是财富的用途,并且当只限于购买本国商品时是非常值得称赞的用途。因为在这种情况下,以你所花去的款项,使你的同胞致 富了。

34、Her work for charity is highly laudable. ─── 她的慈善工作值得高度赞扬.

35、That is a laudable enough aim. ─── 这个目标完全值得称赞。

36、True, he would say, these are the uses of wealth, and very laudable uses while confined to domestic commodities,because in that case, by exactly the amount which you expend, you enrich others of your countrymen. ─── 确实,他会说,这些是财富的用途,并且当只限于购买本国商品时是非常值得称赞的用途。 因为在这种情况下,以你所花去的款项,使你的同胞致 富了。

37、His noble ideas and polite behavior are laudable . ─── 他崇高的思想和彬彬有礼的举止令人赞美。

38、Walking for walking's sake may be as highly laudable a thing as it is held to be by those who practise it. ─── 在那些常常散步的人看来,为散步而散步可能是值得称道的事。

39、in a laudable tolerant spirit ─── 气度不凡

40、Laudable that the Chinese team on a 40-win unbeaten record of the final cut, and the only tie with the Brazilian team is fighting as 1:1. ─── 值得称道的是,中国队是以四胜一平的不败战绩晋级决赛的,而唯一的平局便是与巴西队战成1:1。

41、South Korea's take a look at cars, mobile phones and so on, in addition to the look and entertainment features what laudable place? ─── 看看韩国的汽车、手机等等产品,除了外观和娱乐功能之外还有什么值得称道的地方?

42、As to me, it's laudable to grant more students higher education. ─── 提高全国教育水平;培养更多有专长的人才。

43、The initiatives to make school breakfasts and lunches healthy are truly laudable. ─── 为了保证早餐和午餐的健康,学校的这一新方案是值得称赞的。

44、a laudable ambition, endeavour, enterprise, etc ─── 值得夸赞的抱负、 事业、 进取心等

45、Of course, there are all kinds of strength to send developers, and even have a dispute, but they make up for mistakes, and solve problems the same laudable gesture. ─── 当然,实力派开发商也存在各种问题,甚至也曾引发纠纷,但是,他们弥补过失、解决问题的姿态同样令人称道。

46、Peter Senge and Goran Carstedt see this development as laudable but suggest that simply adopting ecoefficiency innovations could actually worsen environmental stresses in the future. ─── Peter Senge 和 Goran Carstedt 认为这种发展是值得称赞的,但他们认为,简单地采用生态效率创新实际上会加剧未来的环境压力。

47、Though so small, there is something laudable about bees. ─── 蜜蜂是渺小的; 蜜蜂却又多么高尚啊!

48、Helping the childs who live in poverty-stricken area to receive formal education is a laudable endeavour. ─── 中文:帮助贫困本地区儿童接受正规教育是值得称道的做法。

49、"Well, madame, it will be a laudable action on your part, and I will thank you for it!" ─── “嗯,夫人,这将对你一个值得赞美的行动,我向你表示感谢。”

50、But is saving a company a laudable enough goal to justify using unethical (or illegal) means? ─── 但挽救一家公司是一个足够值得赞扬的目的,证明使用不合乎伦理(或不合法)的手段是正当的吗?

51、Increasing the states' fiscal autonomy may be a laudable goal, but because Mexico has a federal system, it is not clear that it will help increase efficiency, as Mr Carstens claims. ─── 增强各州的财政自治权的目标可能值得称赞;但卡斯邓斯先生表示,由于墨西哥是一个联邦制国家,所以并不能确定此改革措施是否有助于提高政府效率。

52、Nonetheless, his attempt to reach out to Nigerians directly is laudable. ─── 尽管如此,他尝试直接接触民众是值得称道的。

53、Rawlsianism, though laudable in spirit, is too theoretical, and has distracted political philosophers from corrigible ills in the actual world. ─── 罗尔斯主义尽管在精神上值得赞扬,却太过理论化,使政治思想家在现实世界中患上了不治之症。

54、Some of it is laughable, some laudable, some of it irrelevant, and some of it really captures a time. ─── 有的作品滑稽可笑,有的值得称道;有的作品无足轻重,也有的确实紧扣时代脉搏。

55、S. government's boldness is laudable, but it is being bold in spending money. ─── 美国政府当前勇气可嘉,但它也很勇于花钱。

56、heroic and moving; laudable ─── 可歌可泣

57、That's a "laudable goal," says Gyourko, but it hasn't worked well, pointing to the current crisis. ─── 乔克认为这是一个“可笑的目标”,并指出这些政策在当前的危机中并没有很好的起到作用。

58、Swanson past one billion U.S. dollars to Yale University, has snowballed into a fund to invest 23 billion U.S. dollars, the investment perspective has long been laudable. ─── 史云生过去曾为耶鲁大学把十亿美元基金投资滚存到二百三十亿美元,投资眼光早已获得赞赏。

59、Spencer believed that individual freedom was the most laudable goal in society, and he sought to protect it from infringement by others. ─── 史宾赛相信个人的自由是社会上最值得称赞的目标,而他试图保护它免受其他人的侵犯。

60、But the ambitions are laudable. ─── 这一计划虽然有点夸张,但其志可嘉。

61、While it is a laudable act for the government to make it compulsory for the employers to give their maid one day off in a week, I am more worried about the implementation and the impact of it. ─── 政府表明将强制规定雇主须让女佣每周休息一天,我更关心的是如何落实以及新政策对各造的影响。

62、It is laudable as well that Lee has decided to donate the prize money to help nurture Taiwan's budding filmmakers. ─── 另外值得称赞的是,李安决定将奖金捐出,来协助培养台湾新锐导演。

63、laudaBle feats ─── 可称颂的功绩[杰出事迹]

64、I will continue with the laudable programs of my predecessor in office," Abubakar III told national television NTA in an interview. ─── 我将继续我的前辈们所走的这一光荣道路”艾布.拜克勒在接受国家电视NTA面访时说。

65、In a ratioal ethic it will be held laudable to give pleasure to anyone, even to oneself,provided there is no counterbalancing pain to oneself or to others. ─── 在一种合理的伦理学中,给任何人(连自己在内)以快感,都该受到称赞,只要这快感没有附带的痛苦给自己或旁人。

66、emphasizing what is laudable or hopeful or to the good. ─── 强调那些美好的、有希望的或有好处的方面。

67、Spirit is admittedly laudable, but besides passion and impulse, more important is train of thought, train of thought decides an outlet, train of thought is wrong, everything will be become theoretic. ─── 精神固然可嘉,但是除了激情和冲动之外,更重要的是思路,思路决定出路,思路错了,一切将成为空谈。

68、Especially Mr.Pan is in the study the actual atmosphere of a school of the theorise contact is laudable". ─── 特别是潘先生在学习中理论联系实际的学风,是值得赞赏的。”

69、their tradition and beliefs are inferior and ours are laudable. ─── 他们的传统和信仰是低下的 而我们的是高贵的

70、The main point of sport is participation and the laudable thing of excercising is insistance. ─── 这正是奥运的精神,也正是达盟人所承传的拼搏向上的精神,运动重在参与,健身贵在坚持。

71、One of Emma's less laudable characteristics was her jealousy. ─── 忌妒心强是埃玛的一个不那么值得褒扬的性格特点。

72、China's seizure of the moment is laudable. ─── 中国抓住这一时机的举动,值得赞赏。

73、You'd have to be some kind of cynic or misanthrope to object to such a laudable goal. ─── 你得有点愤世嫉俗或厌恶人类才会反对这个值得赞赏的目标。

74、Walking for walking's sake may be as highly laudable and exemplary a thing as it is held to be by those who practise it. ─── 正如惯常散步者所认为的那样,为散步而散步可能是一件值得高度称赞和效法的事情。

75、Now, as then, requiring banks to dump their shareholdings altogether?however laudable?would run the risk of turning a bear market into a rout. ─── 目前同那时一样,要求银行抛售他们手中的股权??虽值得赞誉??却存在着使本就颓废的市场垮掉的风险。

76、Man, as we are told, has aspirations. They are very laudable things to have, for aspirations are generally classified as noble. ─── 时间是很好的东西,陪你一直走下去。走下去你就赢了。

77、Analysts said that, while the programme was laudable, the key was implementation. ─── 分析师表示,虽然该项目值得赞许,但关键在于执行。

78、Indeed, it is likely that the laudable extension of insurance coverage now makes it more important to tackle the question of costs. ─── 的确,保险覆盖面扩大值得称赞,它可能会凸显解决开支问题的重要性。

79、That is a laudable goal. ─── 那是一个很值得称赞的目标。

80、Has laudable ambition ─── 其志可嘉

81、partly because they fear that they could be next, but also for the more laudable reason that the indictment might further destabilise an already shaky and blood-soaked country. ─── 部分原因是他们担心自己会成为下一个被控对象,但是更为称赞的原因是,这项指控可能会近一步动摇这个已经动荡不安且血流成河的国度。

82、Having supposed that there was sense where there is no sense, and a laudable ambition where there is not a laudable ambition, I am well out of my mistake, and no harm is done. ─── 我把一桩没有意义的事当作了有意义的事; 把不值得称赞的意图当作了值得称赞的意图,而我已经彻底悔悟,没有造成任何伤害。

83、This was his day off and with laudable initiative he had hurried out "to see." ─── 这天他休息,于是就积极主动地跑出城来“看看”。

84、In the emerging world China’s boldness is laudable, and fat reserve cushions have also given other emerging economies more room. ─── 在新兴国家中,中国的勇气值得赞赏,而丰厚的缓冲储备也为其他新兴经济体提供了更多空间。

85、it is laudable that the driver slows down when he making a turn at the corner. ─── 在拐弯处司机减慢了车速, 这种做法很正确。

86、Although pursuing productivity is laudable, more and more of what the world needs is not so much increased output, but ideas to solve complex problems . ─── 尽管追求生产力的突破是无可厚非的,但是当今世界愈发需要的并非蒸蒸日上的产量输出,而是解决难题的创意头脑。

87、The town’s stand is laudable but will have only a limited effect on what is, after all, a statewide problem.The Connecticut Legislature rebuffed a proposed statewide ban last year. ─── 小镇的立场值得赞扬,但其影响甚微,毕竟,塑料袋的使用是整个康涅狄格州的问题,康涅狄格州议会去年拒绝了全州禁用塑料袋的提议。

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