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roseate 发音

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roseate 中文意思翻译



roseate 网络释义

adj. 玫瑰色的;容光焕发的;乐观的

roseate 短语词组

1、roseate spoonbill pictures ─── 玫瑰琵鹭图片

2、roseate pigment wow ─── 玫瑰色颜料哇

3、roseate spoonbill ─── 玫瑰琵嘴鹭

4、roseate skimmer ─── 玫瑰形撇渣器

5、roseate spoonbill in arizona ─── 亚利桑那州的玫瑰琵鹭

6、roseate spoonbill range map ─── 玫瑰琵鹭分布图

7、roseate spoonbill florida ─── 佛罗里达玫瑰琵鹭

roseate 词性/词形变化,roseate变形

副词: roseately |

roseate 相似词语短语

1、rosette ─── n.莲座丛;玫瑰形饰物;[建]圆花饰;n.(Rosette)人名;(法)罗塞特

2、croceate ─── 番红花

3、rostrate ─── adj.有喙的;有喙状突起的

4、rosewater ─── adj.有玫瑰水味的;故作精致的,装作漂亮的;n.玫瑰香料;n.(Rosewater)(美、加、英)罗斯沃特(人名)

5、rosulate ─── adj.成蔷薇花形排列的

6、reseated ─── vt.使再坐;换…的底座;使复位

7、roseately ─── 玫瑰色

8、rosettes ─── n.(玫瑰)花结(rosette的复数形式);[建]圆花饰;莲花丛

9、rosinate ─── 松脂酸盐

roseate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On one small island covered with orange snake flowers, I count 15 roseate spoonbills, as pink as flamingos. ─── 在一个小岛上满是桔黄色的蛇花,我数到有15只玫瑰色的篦鹭,象火烈鸟那样粉红。

2、Function description: Deep supplement water and nutrition to skin, provide deficient nutrient due to excessive weariness of hands, quickly leave skin lustrous and roseate. ─── 功能说明:深层补充皮肤营养和水分,提供手部因过度疲劳而需要补充的养分,迅速使肌肤恢复光泽。

3、Greate in our breasts, hearts of steel, Shine in a roseate hue and form a vast temple. ─── 溪谷、山岳、海洋与你相映生辉,犹如以色彩斑斓的岩石建成的神殿。

4、the Star glowed in the roseate air, the Star that shall surely be extinguished and pass away while the soul still lives on; ─── 他回到自己的家,躺到自己的床上,振作了一下。“呸!”从他自己的嘴里,从他的心底发出了这样的声音。

5、Female-female pairings have been observed in other birds, such as California gulls and roseate terns, but never at quite such a high rate. ─── 雌鸟与雌鸟配对在其他鸟类中并不是没有,如加利福尼亚海鸥和粉红燕鸥,但从来没有达到这么高比例。

6、Create in a roseate hue and form a vast temple ─── 请用玫瑰色斑斓的岩石创造巨大的神殿

7、Roseate Tern ─── n. 红燕鸥(燕鸥科)

8、the roseate glow of dawn ─── 黎明时的玫瑰色晨晖

9、The Sun has already set and there's a roseate glow at the horizon, a reminder of where the Sun is hiding. ─── 太阳已经落山,地平线上那玫瑰般的红色提醒着我们太阳躲去哪了。

10、the roseate glow of dawn. ─── 黎明时暗淡的玫瑰色光

11、Shine in a roseate hue and form a vast temple. ─── 你用光荣与梦想锻造我们的意志,使我们强健如钢!

12、Function description: Penetrate deep into cells, supplement nutrition and water, quickly improve flaw and slough, moisturize lips, restore damaged skin in the daytime, leave lips roseate and moist. ─── 功能说明:深层渗入细胞补充营养和水分,迅速改善干裂、脱皮现象,润泽唇部,修复日间受损肌肤,令唇部红润娇嫩。

13、One of the Roseate Tern is ringed! ─── 有一只被环志了的粉红燕鸥!

14、a roseate outlook. ─── 乐观的态度

15、Black-napped and Roseate Terns will chase boats towards the end of the breeding season, plunging into the wake to fish. ─── 每当燕鸥繁殖接近尾声,黑枕和粉红燕鸥都会跟在各种船的后面,捕捉尾流中的小鱼。

16、A strange, roseate light shone through the spaces among their trunks and the wind made in their branches the music of aeolian harps. ─── 在它们的树干间闪耀着一种奇妙的蔷薇色光芒,而风在树枝间呜呜作声的响音好像风鸣竖琴的乐音般。

17、The salesman jumped out of his boat, lowered his tripod and, using a digital camera and a 600mm lens, photographed this roseate spoonbill just as it came in for a landing. ─── 看到这个场景的时候,这个销售员跳出他的小船,放下三脚架,用600毫米镜头的数码相机,拍下了琵鹭着陆时的照片。

18、While a roseate future and secure job could have seized him, his natural talent didn't allow him to become an ordinary doctor. ─── 当前途无量的事业抓住他的心后,他天赋的才能不允许他再继续成为一名普通的医生。

19、roseate moon cake ─── 玫瑰月饼

20、Dear, it's me, your roseate bellflower. Rooting. ─── 亲爱的,是我,你的淡桃色风铃草。

21、Psittacula roseat' ─── 花头鹦鹉

22、She also has a secret supporter who sends her roseate roses. ─── 只是小紫并不知道,那个默默支持她的人就是甯子达。

23、1.white Australian cockatoo with roseate tinged plumage. ─── 夹杂着玫瑰色羽毛的澳大利亚白色凤头鹦鹉。

24、There are times when life is full of roseate light, and we choose the Cross; ─── 我们常常在生活充满了玫瑰色光彩的时候,乐意选择十字架;

25、Roseate terns have red feet and red bills. Their heads are black. These gentlemanly birds are ready to feed. ─── 14红燕鸥脚红、嘴红,头部全黑,一副绅仕模样,叼著鱼准备喂食。

26、Is exactly a setting sun to descend mountain at the moment, the roseate clouds cover with reflect red Ah Bian's face. ─── 此刻,正是夕阳下山,漫天的彩霞映红了阿扁的脸庞。

27、45AM White-winged Tern in Non-Breeding plumage stand with the Roseate terns. ─── 一只白翅浮鸥(非繁殖羽)站在一群粉红燕鸥中,不过一会儿就不见了!

28、Do not always say that I have a star-face! Though we are both handsome,my color is much roseate than him, isn't it? ─── 别总说我有张明星脸,虽然我们都很帅,但我的脸色不比他红润多了吗!

29、but the sun sank ,and the roseate hue faded on the sea and in the clouds . ─── 一片玫瑰色的晚霞,慢慢地在海面和云块之间消逝了。

30、Roseate terns are an endangered species. They are very rare. ─── 16小燕鸥体态娇小,常于铺满白珊瑚礁碎屑砂砾滩繁殖。

31、Today at least 11 Roseate Tern and 3 Black-naped Tern at Tap Mun! ─── 今日有最少11只粉红燕鸥及3只黑枕燕鸥在塔门码头!

32、Roseate: a. ─── 玫瑰色的;

33、Female roseate terns sometimes mate with each other for life, allowing themselves to be fertilised by males, but making nests and bringing up their young together. ─── 雌性粉红燕鸥有时会与同性伴侣共度一生,她们会让雄鸟为自己授精,但却与同性伴侣共同筑巢,养育幼鸟。

34、" (There was also "roseate" and "bluish. ─── 从牛奶色,到深褐色,再到煤炭般的黑色。

35、Roseate Spoonbill ─── n. 粉红琵鹭(朱鹭科)

36、One of the Roseate Tern is ringed! ─── 有一只被环志了的粉红燕鸥!

37、Do not always say that I have a star-face! Though we are both handsome, my color is much roseate than him, isn't it? ─── 别总说我有张明星脸,虽然我们都很帅,但我的脸色不比他红润多了吗!

38、The Sun has already set and there's a roseate glow at the horizon, a reminder of where the Sun is hiding. ─── 太阳已经落山,地平线上那玫瑰般的红色提醒着我们太阳躲去哪了。

39、I like roseate roses. ─── 我喜欢粉色的玫瑰。

40、13Oil-smeared pelican eggs in a nest on Cat Island, home to hundreds of the species, as well as gulls and roseate spoonbills. ─── 卡特岛上鸟巢中沾有油渍的鹈鹕蛋。该岛不仅栖息着海鸥和玫瑰色的黑面琵鹭,还聚集上百种的其它鸟类。

41、Living like of roseate clouds is beautiful ─── 生活美如霞

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